Take him!
Page 13
“It’s all that I wish for.”
Then, we kiss and finish the dinner.
Finally, we lie down and fall asleep right away on the uncomfortable bed of the hospital, which I think is the best one.
At six in the morning, before Magda arrives, I wake up and tell Álvaro that I’ll see him later. As his lip is better, he gives me a longer kiss. When Magda enters the room I’m off like a shot.
In the afternoon, when I arrive, the doctors call me.
“Álvaro is ready to be discharged, the tests we ran are perfect. But in his condition, it’s important he’s with someone, at least the first days.”
“That won’t be a problem, I’ll be with him and some other person will help me.” I think on Magda.
“Good, this is the medication he must take and these are the next scheduled visits at his home he’ll receive. He must be on sick leave until the injure is healed.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
I thank the doctors all their work and I go to Álvaro, who is ready to go.
We leave the hospital, call a taxi and go to his home. When we get there Álvaro proclaims:
“Finally home!”
“You should go to bed and rest.” I order.
“Already? Let me be on my couch for a while, I promise to stay still.” He says with a good boy face.
I accept, I’m not as sharp as he is.
He sits down to watch TV as I look for something to cook in the freezer. I’m surprised by the amazing frozen dishes he has, made by the wonderful Magda.
We eat dinner on the couch and I give him his medication. I notice he’s tired and say:
―Now, you should really go to bed.
He accepts without complaints and he only asks me to sleep with him. I accept gladly.
The weeks passes with Álvaro’s pain, doctor’s visits at home and some other visits from friends and colleagues that come to the apartment. He introduces me to them and I love to see how his friends love him and worry about him.
He especially introduces me to Raúl, an Argentinian friend he met in Madrid during his stay there. He’s a very attractive boy and I love the way he speaks, with that special accent.
When I’m alone with Raúl he tells me:
“I’m amazed about how well Álvaro is.”
“Yes, he’s getting a lot better and very quickly.”
Raúl looks at me laughing and adds:
“Yes, his heart is strong and it beats for you.”
I smile stupidly and listen to him.
“I know what I’m talking about, I had to endure his first months of grief and I can tell you for sure that I never imagined he would get over this way.”
And coming closer to me, he kisses me, hugs me and adds a thank you. Suddenly Álvaro shows up, looks at us in shock and with an ironic face he says:
“What is going on here?”
Raúl is the first one to answer because my mind is blank.
“I fell in love with this beautiful girl as much as you did.”
“Obviously.” Álvaro says and coming closer to me, he gives me a sweet kiss.
Week 13
Next week I go from the school to his home every day.
Every night we sleep in each other’s arms and as Álvaro’s leg hurts, we have never had intimacy, that is, we haven’t had our first sexual encounter yet. We’ve made out and felt each other, but we haven’t had sex.
I must say it’s something I’m worried about because a part of myself is dying to do it, as I want to touch him and feel him inside me. But, on the other hand, I’m very afraid of feeling things again, or not feeling maybe. I’m mixed up.
One afternoon, when I come back from the school, I find Álvaro and his cousin Noelia and her friend Irene on the couch very comfortable. As soon as they see me, they’re suddenly in a hurry and want to leave. They tell Álvaro they’ll come again soon, but they barely look at me.
I know Álvaro has noticed the altercation between us, but we don’t make a single comment about it.
The next afternoon I find another visit on his couch, it’s Silvia, his colleague. She’s seated next to him looking at some papers. Álvaro introduces each other and as he notices my reaction, he gives me a long kiss to inspire confidence, as if that were enough for me.
When she leaves, Álvaro tells me a problem came up at work and she preferred to come and tell him, Besides, as he’s feeling better and he has a lot of unfinished business, he’ll work from home from today and as consequence I’ll have to see his friend Silvia more often. But, anyway, it’s his home and he can do whatever he pleases, because if it were my choice, she wouldn’t put a step in this home ever again.
Days go by and it seems the injury and the bone are scarring over, everything is better and it seems it goes quite fast, that’s why I decide to go back to my place.
When I get home after work, I prepare some tea and I sit next to him on the couch while he finishes reading some contracts he must sign, according to what he tells me. Once he finishes, I give him his cup and I take the opportunity to tell him.
“Álvaro, I’ll go back home tonight.”
He looks at me happily.
“Alright. Do you want me to call a taxi and wait for you while you take whatever you need?”
“No, I think you didn’t understand. I’ll go there to sleep. You’re much better and you can be alone.”
“But I thought we were okay now.”
“Yes, well, I wanted to look after you and now you’re better. This is what we agreed.”
“But I still need you.”
“Stop.” I say.
“Fuck, Martina, you can’t do this to me. You can’t play hard to get. You’re driving me insane.” He shouts at me very angrily.
I know he’s right, but I need to go to my home, to know I have my own place and to think on these last weeks.
“Don’t shout at me.”
“I’m sorry…” He apologizes quickly.
“I’ll spend the night there, I need to think.”
He doesn’t answer.
I decide to go home a while after, I say goodbye and he doesn’t answer. That breaks my heart because I know he’s very angry. Still, I decide to leave.
When I get to my apartment, I feel a strange there and I already miss Álvaro.
I get into my bed and sleep until Saturday noon, I realize I was exhausted.
I spend the afternoon on my couch and I don’t hear a word from Álvaro.
On Sunday I go running and I stop by Carlo’s café.
“Hey, hello! What are you doing here on a Sunday? Why aren’t you in one of the rich districts you’re lately?” He says mockingly.
I tell him my last argument with Álvaro and Carlos tells me off.
That afternoon I can’t wait anymore and I decide to see him.
I find him seated at his terrace in his pijamas.
He’s surprised to see me, I can see it in his cold gaze.
“Hi .” he tells me with a sad tone.
“Hi!” I say sitting next to him. “Álvaro, I… Forgive me, I know I need you and I’m going to try and leave my fears outside this home, if you want me to.”
“If I want you to? It’s what I’ve wanted most for months, but you, a stubborn, don’t let me.”
He looks at me with that sweet face that I know he only uses with me and tells me:
“Are you going to finally stay here?”
“No, I don’t want to live with you, yet.”
I notice he gets tense and changes to a more serious gaze.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to stay with me.”
I look at him so he can understand my insecurities.
“Don’t you like living in this apartment? Do you want to start looking for another?”
“No, it’s not this apartment.”
“And what is it?”
“I prefer to continue having my place for some more time..”
“But this can be y
our place, although if you prefer that way, I can go to yours with you. Although we would be much more comfortable and nearer our workplaces here.”
He’s right, my home is a hole and this is a luxury apartment, besides, it’s so near our workplaces… Five minutes walk to his office and to my school.
“It’s not that.”
“What is it? Tell me already, Martina.” He says a bit desperated.
“I want to be married when I go to live with my partner.” There! I already said it and brought up the puritan education my mother taught me.
Álvaro turns white and his facial expression changes.
“I don’t mean now, please don’t make that face.”
“And why didn’t you marry the bastard of your ex before living with him?”
“Because my parents had just died and it wasn’t a time to celebrate. Then I understood that he didn’t propose because by then, it had been a long time since he stopped loving me.”
“Why do you need to get married?”
“For the same reason you wanted to marry Paula .” This time I attack.
It’s done, I already said it and I already regret it.
“You shouldn’t mention Paula.” He hurts me when he talks to me like that, but I think I overstepped a line.
I thought I might could get over my fears and insecurities, but I don’t know if I’ll be capable of getting over he wanted to marry another woman and he doesn’t have the same intentions with me.
“Martina, I don’t think it’s necessary and it’s not fair you berate me the past.”
“Am I different from Paula?” I think I made another mistake, my subconscious is speaking.
“Her again?” He asks incredulous.
We stay in silence for a few seconds until he says:
“Yes Martina, you’re totally different.”
I don’t know if that is good or bad, but I know I don’t like it.
I make a funny face.
I feel sad because he treats me differently to Paula and doesn’t want the same things with me.
“Paula was amazing. I loved her a lot, but she’s not here anymore. And you… you’re very different…”
Well, he doesn’t describe me, but who does he think he is? I’m getting very angry, but before I can open my mouth to berate this attitude, he tells me:
“You were unintended, you came into my life when I didn’t have any hope of finding anyone ever again, driving me totally crazy and messing me up. I feel I lose my mind and I’m deeply in love with you. I know it, because I feel awful whenever you’re not with me, such us this dammed weekend. You’re my joy, you’re more than wonderful, funny and you fulfilled and gave sense to my life with your presence. And one more thing… you’re very hot.”
I love what he tells me and I’m speechless.
We kiss and end up in his bed.
“Be careful with my leg, okay baby? Other than that, do whatever you want…”
Hearing that turns me on a lot.
I help him to get rid of his clothes. It’s easy because he’s only wearing his pijamas, and he’s not wearing boxers, which makes me see his member ready for me right away.
Afterwards, I take off my clothes in three seconds and I jump on him.
We kiss as some other nights, but the difference is that, this time our sexes touch and are impatient to join together.
We made out a bit until he, finally, is inside me. As I know he’s injured, I take the control and when I see he loves what I do to him, I get totally loose.
We don’t take long in reaching the climax, he’s the first one, who warns me, and thanks to his sensual whispering, I come after him.
Exhausted and breathless, I move away from him a few minutes later and I realize we haven’t used any protection, I know he’s a healthy man and he knows I am too. But what worries me is getting pregnant, as having a baby now would be a difficult situation.
I haven’t thought about having a baby since I broke up with Rubén but, when I was with him, every time he mentioned it, I wanted to imagine that the night I got pregnant would be special as we were thinking on conceiving a baby. I’m a dull, I can’t help it.
Álvaro, when he sees me thoughtful asks:
“What is it, baby?”
I smile and say nothing.
“What are you thinking about?” He insists.
“We haven’t thought on using any kind of protection.”
He stays in silence for a few seconds and he finally says:
“Don’t worry, we’ll do it better next time.”
And in order to defuse the issue, I add:
“Even better?”
He, who know what I mean, attacks me with tickling and says:
“Yes… much better!”
While we hug each other in the bed, we resume our earlier conversation because we must make things clear now.
Finally, we reach an agreement. We both will keep our own homes, although we’ll always sleep together, as many times as we can, some times at my home and some others at his. We’ll see how it goes.
Before falling asleep, Álvaro tells me:
“Martina, are you awake?”
I get worried because of how seriously he asks, after everything we have lived today.
“Yes, tell me.”
“It’s nothing, only that I love you, baby.”
I’m flying… and finally, I can answer.
“I love you more.”
A few minutes later, I hear his calm breathing because has fallen asleep.
However, I keep thinking on what we’ve just done. It’s been an amazing sexual encounter, I feel I’m on cloud number nine and that after sharing this intimacy, I feel very close to him.
I think he’s very good in bed, but of course, maybe I’m not being very objective, as I’d been in sexual abstinence for two years and I have scarce experience, that is, my ex-boyfriend Rubén.
After chewing on the good sex I have just had with this man that drives me crazy for a few more… I fall asleep.
Week 14
On Monday, after a few weeks at home, Álvaro goes back to the office with the intention of only going for a while every day and the rest of the time continuing working from home.
I get up earlier than him and get in the shower. To my surprise, I see he gets in the shower with me when I’m rinsing my hair.
He’s wearing a plastic to cover his bandage, it’s not very erotic, but it works for me, a lot.
Seeing him there, before me, totally naked, turns me on and stretch my arms to be able to touch him every part of his body.
Finally, we have the best morning sex I’ve ever had.
After the shower and eating breakfast among kisses, we leave home together and call a taxi, as Álvaro mustn’t force his leg although the office is just five minutes away from his attic.
The taxi leaves me first at the school and after a risqué goodbye, taking into account I’m at the entrance of the school and the taxi driver is before us, Álvaro leaves to his office.
At noon, I go out to have lunch with the girls to celebrate Emma’s birthday.
We go to the restaurant La Casita where we celebrated Angélica’s birthday a few months ago and where I saw Álvaro for the first time.
When we get there, there’s a long queue to get inside and to my surprise, the last one in the line are Álvaro who is with two men, who turn around when they hear our laughter.
Álvaro looks at me with a surprised face and rolls his eyes because we are so chatterbox.
He takes my hand and pulls. He gives me a kiss on my temple and introduces me to the two men who are with him:
“Martín and Noel, she’s Martina, my partner.”
“Nice to meet you. “They both say at the same time shaking my hand.”
And I think the pleasure is mine because this handsome man introduces me as his partner.
He also turns around and introduces Emma, Lucía and Angélica.
Speaking lowly he asks me
“How was your morning?”
“Fine, and yours?”
“Fine, when the meal is over I’ll go home, okay? I’ll wait for you there.”
I say goodbye and I go back to the girls when the waiter makes us go to a table which isn’t very far from Álvaro’s.
So they have to interrogate me very lowly.
“Well, Martina, anything new to tell, finally?” Angélica asks, who have been laughing at me because Álvaro and I only kissed.
“Yes.” I say, and I don’t turn a hair.
They have eyes like saucers, I tell them that we finally made love, and twice.
The crazy girls start screaming.
Everyone at the tables turn around to look at us. Even Álvaro, who is shocked.
“And how was it?” Emma asks in a romantic tone.
“How does he do it?” Angélica asks in a spicy tone.
“And how long did it last?” Lucía asks with some jealous tone.
I tell them how the first and the second were, but I don’t get into details, although they beg.
When it’s about to be three o’clock, we run off to the school and I say goodbye to Álvaro blowing him a kiss from my table. He has a half-faced smile, which drives me crazy, and with that image, I pass the afternoon until I go back to his place.
On my way, I decide to phone Carla.
“Hi, auntie!”
“Hi, honey!”
“I’m locked in my room with the rugrat because aunt Maria came and she’s crying like a baby in the dining-room with mom.”
I’m surprised Maria is crying, she the coldest person I’ve ever met.
“You’re with Gerard then?”
“Yes, hang on he’s going to speak with you.”
“Say hello to auntie Martina.”
The little boy says:
I’m moved when I hear him, I haven’t met him yet and we have never talked before.
“Hello, gorgeous!”
“Auntie?” My niece is on the line again. “The idiot threw the phone and I thought he had hang up on you.”
I hear how she tells him off.