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Take him!

Page 14

by Parejo, Sandra

―”his is wrong, you mustn’t throw the pHone.”

  As I see she’s busy with her brother, I say a quick goodbye. When I hung up, I’m at Álvaro’s home, it’s so close to the school!, I say to myself. It’s a big difference to my place which is one hour away in public transport.

  When I get in his attic he’s working in his office.

  I go there to greet him:


  “Hi, baby!”

  He says while he comes close to kiss me passionately and I fell he’s very aroused, which is confirmed by the following comment.

  “Baby, I think you woke the beast… you don’t know how much I wanted you to get home to be able to touch you like this.” He caresses my breast and I’m feeling dizzy.

  Suddenly, Magda shows up with an envelope that has just arrived and of course, she interrupts:

  “Oh, sorry! I thought you were alone, I didn’t hear you arrive, Miss Martina.”

  “Magda, please, just Martina.”

  But she doesn’t do it, she doesn’t listen to me.

  Álvaro looks at her with an annoyed face for the interruption, but it changes even more when the telephone goes off.

  I go away with Magda and she says:

  “Miss Martina, you have to tell me what you want me to prepare to leave you some meals in the freezer for next week.”

  “Magda, Álvaro will tell you that.”

  Álvaro, who has just hung up the phone, adds:

  “She has enough with an apple and a low-fat yogurt.”

  “You’re so exaggerated.” I tell him off for the comment.

  “Oh lord! That’s not a meal.” Magda says outraged. “I’m going to make some delicious dishes that are going to change that eating habit you have.” And with that comment she disappears.

  When Magda is gone, Álvaro tells me.

  “Tomorrow you’ll have your new car delivered.”

  “What car?” I ask because I don’t know what he’s talking about.

  “I bought a BMW for you, you’re going to love it.”

  I’m shocked, It upsets me that he tells me that in that way and he doesn’t ask for my opinion as his partner.

  With Rubén, although comparing is horrible, we used to talk these kind of things and we decided together. We had to find the financing, great discounts, etc.

  But with Álvaro is everything so different… I don’t know if it’s better or worse, in the economic sense.

  He notices that and says:

  “Martina, I don’t have a car since the accident, it was a salvaged vehicle, you know that.”

  “I know Álvaro.”

  “So why do you have that face?” He says a bit desperate.

  I know he’s going to laugh at me, but I finally say:

  “Because you told me nothing about this.”

  “I’m telling you now, baby.”

  “Yes, but you already bought it.”

  “Don’t you like BMWs?”

  “Hey, Álvaro, it’s not that.” I complain.

  “So spit it out once for all.” He says almost upset.

  “If we’re a couple, we should talk these things.”

  Álvaro make a funny face as if he were laughing at me.

  I imagined he would mock me and that makes me be more upset.

  “What are you laughing at?” I say with a murderous look.

  “You’re right, we should have told you about this like the good boyfriend I am.”

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  I’m getting very angry, I think.

  With a mega-seductive smile, he hugs me:

  “No, you silly, you’re right. I’m used to not counting on anyone and look… tomorrow I’ll take you to see cars and you help me to pick one, okay?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  I laugh to myself. He’s so cute, he says what I wanted him to say…

  I laugh with satisfaction to myself and he doesn’t notice.

  On Tuesday, when I leave work I go to Álvaro’s home. We’re going to pick a car and I’m excited because it’s going to be one of the first things we do as a couple.

  When I arrive at the landing where Álvaro’s attic is, I lose my good mood as I run into Silvia at the door, his lovely colleague, who came to pick up and deliver things to MY BOYFRIEND, and at that moment she’s waiting for the elevator.

  I get upset to see her shirt is unbuttoned, her skirt is badly placed, her hair is messy and she has the typical face after a good orgasm.

  We greet briefly and I try not to rip her eyes out.

  When I get inside, Álvaro is on the phone and I don’t care.

  I throw my folder full of papers at him, my purse is after that, he dodges everything and when I’m about to throw a Bohemian vase I know he loves, he grabs my hands.

  “What the hell is going on with you?” He yells at me.

  “Did you fuck that bitch Silvia?”

  “Noooo.” He confess in shock.

  “And can you tell me why she was at the landing with her clothes badly placed, messy hair and that ace as if she had just had a good laid?”

  “I don’t know. She has just left, she came to pick up some documents but she hasn’t even come in, I was on the phone. Fuck, the phone call!” He screams.

  He lowers himself and looks for his phone desperately.

  Apparently, as he had to defend himself from my attack, he threw it somewhere, but the call is still on:

  “Mister Ros? Excuse me, something came up, I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll solve it.” Pause. “Thank you.”

  And he hangs up.

  With an upset face he turns around and looks at me.

  “What?” I tell him hysterically.

  “I don’t know you made that scene.”

  “I already told you, I have just seen her, she was at the door just like I told you.”

  Álvaro tries to come near me, but I don’t let him. I know and notices that I was fooled again and that happens because I trusted a guy.

  “Martina, I would never do that to you, never.”

  “Like fuck, you’re a liar, like the rest.” I’m very angry.

  I lower myself to grab my things, which are scattered around the living-room, and leave. But Álvaro holds me back.

  “Oh no, missy, you’re not going to run away.”

  “Move away!” I say pointing at him with a finger.

  “No… we talk first.”

  “I already saw what I had to see.”

  “I did fucking nothing with Silvia.”

  “Then you explain what happened.”

  “No, she’ll explain…”

  Then she grabs his phone and with his sensual voice he says:

  “Silvia? I forgot to give you some other important documents that must be sent urgently, come back to my place.” Pause. “Alright.”

  As I listen to his tone my blood boils, a lot.

  He hangs up and I look at him in awe.

  I don’t know what he wants to do, but I’m not going to stay here.

  But before I have time to finish gathering my things which are scattered around the living-room, he bell goes off.

  Álvaro goes to the door.

  “Hello, Álvaro!” The bitch says with smooth voice.

  “Come in.” He requests.

  When he comes in, she sees me with a long face.

  “Can you tell me why you were at my home’s door half naked?”

  She smiles.

  “Answer!” Álvaro insists.

  “You already know, Álvaro.”

  “What the fuck are you suggesting?”Álvaro says in a quite harsh tone.

  Álvaro’s facial expression hardens in a way that, at that moment, I know he’s not lying to me.

  She also realizes he’s very angry and backs off.

  “I’m sorry, I…”

  “You what?”Álvaro tells her off.

  “I… wanted to make Martina jealous.”

  Álvaro looks at me and I nod with my hea
d. I don’t want this to go any further.

  “Leave.” He tells her.

  Then she turns around and disappears.

  We are left alone and Álvaro comes closer to me.

  He’s still upset and says:

  “I hope this is the last time you mistrust me.”

  He takes his phone and calls Pablo, his colleague, and I hear him say:

  “Get everything ready for Silvia’s dismissal.” Pause. “Give her what the law says and no more. I’ll tell you later.”

  He hangs up and leaves me alone in the dining-room.

  I go after him and I apologize, I fell into that bitch’s trap and I showed I don’t trust him.

  “Álvaro, I took the bait, but it makes sense, I’m still working on that.” I look at him with a sad face.

  Then, and as he can’t be angry at me, he looks at me with his beautiful face and kisses me:

  “I forgive you, but don’t do it again.”

  I nod.

  “Shall we have make up sex?”

  “Álvaro!” I hit him in his arm and tell him off, but we end up in the bed.

  At the end of the week the new car we chose is delivered.

  I was in charge of choosing the model and color. He was in charge of the engine, wheels, tires and all those things that I know nothing about. Furthermore, I think they could deliver an totally empty car or with a papier mâché engine and I’d be as happy as now.

  In my opinion, for a car, it’s too expensive, but he thinks the opposite.

  Finally, we’ve spent a relaxing week. We sleep most of days in his attic because we’re really comfortable there.

  At the weekend we go for a walk as Álvaro’s leg isn’t one hundred per cent healed and we can’t go running. We go to see Carlos, who looks in shock how clingy we are, but I’m also shocked by how good things are going with Mónica, who was his ex-wife and now they’re two crazy in love giving their relationship another chance.

  It seems their relationship is going really good and they don’t stay apart from each other for even one second. They live the four together again and Mónica is working with him again, helping him in the café’s kitchen.

  We, Álvaro and I, are great together, we barely fight, although sometimes we have some arguments, but I think Álvaro provokes them to makes us end up in the bed.

  We don’t stay apart from each other much, only to go to work. Álvaro hasn’t travelled yet, I know he’s delaying work trips and I’m afraid he’ll have to make trips all at once later.

  Week 15

  It’s mid February and we have the anniversary party of Álvaro’s parents. I have already bought a beautiful red dress as my love requested.

  That weekend we went to la Vall d’Aran and we stayed in the bedroom we did the first time, well, it was actually my bedroom, but Álvaro didn’t leave me for a moment.

  Unfortunately, in the next bedroom, and sharing the bathroom with them, are dearest cousin Noelia and her best friend Irene, who are very pleased to see Álvaro, although not very happy to see me.

  On Saturday, the house is full of relatives and friends from all over the world. I’m very happy to see they have so many friends. That speaks volumes about the family, as they must be very good people and that reflect on the wonderful ambience.

  All the guests want to greet me and seem very pleased to meet me. Some of them tell me really funny anecdotes about the rascal Álvaro, I imagine him as a child and I want to cover him with kisses.

  Among the guests, and to my surprise, are Paula’s parents, who was the previous girlfriend of Álvaro, and also her sister Beatriz, who is six months pregnant.

  Álvaro introduces me to them and I feel deeply sad and uncomfortable, but her parents are very kind with me, although I notice Beatriz isn’t. I imagine she must see me as her sister’s substitute and that must hurt. I’d rather not to keep that look she throws at me in mind.

  She thanks the gifs to her baby Álvaro sent some days ago, according to what I hear.

  I don’t like that, not because he sent some presents to her baby, but because Álvaro hasn’t told me anything.

  Álvaro realizes that I heard the comment and looks at me. At that moment I don’t say a thing, but we’ll take about this, of course we will!

  Who is really happy to see me is Georgina, Álvaro’s niece, who spends most of the day hooked to my leg and her uncle’s leg, afraid of seeing so many people at her grandparent’s home. I think I give her calmness and she doesn’t move away from us until it’s late and we take her to bed.

  On Sunday, the house is more emptier, there are only some relatives and people from the cleaning company left and they’re tidying up.

  Álvaro went out to say goodbye to some friends when the cousin and the friend see me alone in the kitchen and come directly to me. I get ready, because I know that that they want nothing good, but I don’t expect at all what they say:

  “It seems my cousin is still entertaining himself with you.” Noelia states.

  “Of course, as he’s injured he need a housekeeper.” Irene attacks.

  “Look, girls, I think your jokes about me are very funny.” I defend myself and laugh, although I’m about to spit at them and say: I hate you, sluts.

  “Yes, laugh, we will also laughed when Álvaro told us you wanted to marry him.” Irene says.

  “Forget it girl, he’s only killing time with you and I know it, because he told us and because I’m his cousin and I know him very well.”

  I turn white, <<Álvaro said what?>>

  I’m shocked. I remember the conversation when had that day at his terrace when I brought up my most prude side and I told him I’d like to marry him before living together.

  But, why does he tell this idiot anything to these two garrulous? I’m getting very angry and this, added to the present to his former sister-in-law, is killing me.

  The two evil witches realize that I’m broken and with scared face, move away from me. They know they hit and sunk at the same time.

  I go upstairs to the bedroom so mad I could spit fire, I’d break half house on my way, but I know Álvaro’s family isn’t to blame for having an asshole child, although I’m more of an asshole for trusting him.

  I gather my things and when nobody sees me, I walk to the center of the village where I know there is a taxi stop.

  Three hours later I’m at my home again where I start crying and crying until my eyes hurt and I fall asleep on my couch.

  When I get up and open my eyes, my head hurts a lot and I see Álvaro is sitting before me, with an angry face.

  I can’t believe it, now he’s offended. Look, it’s better, I think, maybe he leaves forever once for all.

  I sit up to ask him to leave, but my head is about to explode.

  In a much weaker tone that I’d like to, I say:

  “Get out of my home!”

  He half-closes his eyes but he doesn’t say anything.

  “Álvaro, I won’t say it again, I want you to leave and don’t come back ever again.”

  “Then don’t say it again because I won’t leave until you don’t explain why the hell you left my parents’ home without saying a word. Do you know how you made me feel? You scared me, I thought something had happened to you.”

  “Yes, a bear could have eaten me.” I make fun of him.

  And as I see he doesn’t think it’s funny, I add:

  “I don’t owe you any explanation, get out nooow!” I finally can scream, but he doesn’t perturb.

  “It’s obvious something happened and you’re going to tell me, noooow!” He commands.

  I don’t open my mouth and I look daggers at him.

  “I know you heard I sent some presents to Paula’s sister and you got upset.”

  He reminds me that little detail, which I had forgotten, and my anger increases.

  “I didn’t tell you because I knew you would get upset and I didn’t want…” He doesn’t know how to end the sentence.

  “Then you lie
to me and it’s better that way, isn’t it?”

  Look at that, I caught you. Now what, smartass? I think.

  “I was wrong. I’m sorry, I should have told you.” He keeps silence for a few seconds, never-ending seconds, and adds, “but I know you’re not so angry about this, I know there’s something else, but I’m also sure that I have nothing to do with that and I want you to explain noooow.” He orders again.

  Ah, he’s following the wrong path. He’s ordering me, not much likely, handsome.

  I sigh and say:

  “Not now, leave and I’ll call you later.”

  “You aren’t going to do it, you only want me to leave and get away with it.”

  He knows me already… and to my surprise, he tells me with a cold gaze:

  “If I leave without any explanation, I don’t want you to call ever again. I’m fed up with your flees and mistrusts.”

  I turn mute when I notice his flatness, but I don’t care right now. I only want him to leave, because he’s a bigmouth.

  He waits for two minutes.

  He keeps looking at me with his gaze which freezes me, but I’m so angry that I do the same: I look at him with my worst gaze.

  Finally, with anger and offended, he gets up, takes his jacket and leaves.

  This is the last straw, he’s playing the idiot and offended.

  “Fuck you!” I shout, although I don’t think he’s listening.

  Week 16

  On Monday I start the week with a horrible headache, I tell the girls they mustn’t ask and that they must leave me alone.

  I achieve to arrive home in the afternoon and call my niece, who is a bit annoyed.

  “Hi, auntie!”

  “Hi, honey! What’s new?”

  “Aunt Maria is at home.”

  “Okay.” I don’t give a damn what she does.

  “And she’ll be living with us for a few days.”

  “Oh!” Ring the alarm, a crisis with Rubén, I’m glad to hear it.

  “Well, don’t worry, honey, those are adult issues and they’ll know how to solve them.”

  Carla isn’t willing to change the topic and adds:

  “Aunt Maria says you were right, that Rubén is a bastard and she’s not getting back with him.”


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