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Irreparably Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

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by Heather D'Agostino

"You're my girlfriend Madison. Nobody else gets time alone with you…do you understand me?" he growled as he leaned in close to my ear.

  I nodded as I felt his hot breath on my neck. He paused a few moments before pressing a kiss to my temple. “That’s what I thought,” he released his grip on my arm and moved to stand in front of me. “Give me your phone,” he held his hand out as an annoyed look spread across his face.

  "Why?" I shifted my backpack around and reached in as I searched for my Iphone.

  "I saw you with him," his voice was ominous. "Give me the phone."

  Knowing that I hadn't done anything wrong, I placed the phone in his hand and rolled my eyes. "Go ahead," I shrugged and began to walk away. "I'm not cheating on you." I knew I shouldn't have mouthed off, but he was being ridiculous, and at the moment I'd never seen his violent side. He'd raised his voice and grabbed me before, but I was too naive to think that he'd actually hit me.

  "I saw him give you his number. I'm taking care of that shit. You're mine, not his," he growled as his flicked his finger across the screen and pressed a few buttons. "Here," he handed it back to me.

  When I brought the phone back to life, I noticed that Richard had cleared out its memory. "How am I supposed to study? I don't have any of those numbers memorized," I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him.

  “You can study with me,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t want any other guys spending time with you. They want you Madison. They’re not in it to study. They’re in it to get into your pants. I’m the only one that’s getting in,” he leaned closer and kissed me. At first I was so worked up that I didn't respond, but as his tongue swiped across my lower lip, I softened for him. "I love you Madison," he murmured. "Why do you always try to push me so hard?"

  "I don't know…I'm sorry. I love you too Richard," I leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and began walking me back to the dorms.


  “I was such an idiot,” I muttered as I was finishing up putting the final touches on my makeup. I tossed my compact back in the bathroom drawer and breezed back into the bedroom. After digging my shoes out of the closet, I slipped my ID badge over my head, grabbed my keys, and headed out the door. I knew just by the exhausted state that I was in that it was going to be a long day.

  As I drove through town, I breathed a sigh of relief that I had such an understanding boss. Hannah Montgomery was a godsend. She was younger than me but wise beyond her years. She'd interned at New England Animal Hospital when she was in college, and once Dr. Henderson had retired, Hannah had taken over the practice. When I had searched for a job five years ago, Hannah had just been getting the practice going again. It was like the two of us were meant for each other. We worked well together, and while Hannah enjoyed taking care of the larger animals, I concentrated on the smaller ones. The only real secret we had between us was Richard. Hannah had been happily married to her husband Matt for eight years now, and had tried numerous times to set me up with friends. I had been successful so far in avoiding them, and I think Hannah had finally given up. She hadn’t approached me in over six months, and I was hoping to keep it that way. Erin had been right the night before when she had said that normal people didn’t understand us.

  Most girls say that if I guy ever hurt them, they would go running in the other direction. I’m telling you, EVERYONE says that. I mean everyone. It’s not as easy as it seems. Guys like Richard…they have a way of making you think that you’re the one with the problem…that you’re the one that’s wrong. It took me being hospitalized to see that I needed to leave, and he’s messed me up so bad on the inside that I don’t think I’ll ever trust anyone again. I want to fall in love, but I’m afraid. Afraid that I won’t see the signs until it’s too late. Afraid that men like Richard 'll only want me. Afraid that I'll be tricked again, and this time I might not be able to get away. What happens if I do find someone and they turnout to be dangerous?

  “Knock, knock,” a voice calls from outside my window causing me to jump.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as my hand came up to press against my chest. “You scared the shit outta me.”

  "Sorry," Hannah grimaced. "Just wondering if you plan to come inside today. I've been watching you through that window for the last twenty minutes."

  I sighed as I reached across the seat to grab my purse before climbing out of my car. I hadn't even realized that I had made it to work. I had been so lost in my head that I'd managed to park and turn the car off without even noticing. "I'm coming…I'm just tired," I mumbled as I stood.

  “Well, I’ve got to head out to the Harris farm for the day. They’re expecting a foal today. Think you can handle the office alone?" she smiled at me. "I can call Jenny in if you think you might need help."

  “I’ll be fine,” I forced a smile back. I knew that once I got inside and started with my appointments that the craziness that was my past would subside and make way for the present. When I was in the zone, things seemed to run smoothly. As long as I stayed busy I didn't have to worry. "Go," I pointed to the truck was parked a few spaces down. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "All right…if you're sure," she studied me.

  "I'm sure. I'll call in a vet tech if it gets too busy. Maybe I'll take lunch at the dog park today, that way I can do exercise time while I eat."

  “Sounds like a plan,” she called over her shoulder as she jogged off to the New England Animal Hospital work truck. "Maybe you can meet somebody while you're there."

  I stiffened as her words hit me. Meet somebody? I was not hoping to meet somebody. Maybe I should call Jenny in, that way it could be her at the dog park, and not me. Yeah…I was definitely going to call Jenny.

  Chapter 3


  As the hours ticked by, the office began to get more and more crowded. Clients that I hadn't seen in months all seemed to come in at once. The idea of handling all the appointments alone quickly flew out the window when the waiting area got to standing room only. After my third patient left I called Jo, our receptionist, in a room with me.

  "Can you call Jenny, and maybe Ben in to help? It's crazy out there today, and I need to take lunch soon," I sighed as I shuffled some files around in front of me.

  “Sure,” Jo came over and began trying to help me with my burden. “You should take Zeb with you when you go out. I feel bad. He’s been crated all day and needs to get out and exercise," she smiled at me as she headed back out to the waiting area to direct the next patient into the room.

  Zeb was a rescue dog that lived at our office. Hannah had found him one day when she was returning from a client’s farm. He was barely alive in a ditch alongside the road. I had taken an instant liking to him. He was a lot like me. You could tell by the way he whimpered and tried to cower in the corner of his crate that he’d been abused. Someone had mistreated this dog enough that it was terrified of humans. Over the last three months, I’ve spent every day working with Zeb, and trying to rehabilitate him. One day we’re hoping he can be adopted out, but if that day ever comes I don’t think I’ll be able to let him go.

  I’d take him home with me if I could, but my tiny apartment doesn’t allow pets. If my landlord found out I had a dog, no telling what he’d do. Zeb wouldn’t be easy to hide either. It’s not like he’s a little lap dog. No, Zeb is a one hundred pound German Shepard. He’s a gentle giant I guess.


  By the time Ben arrived at the office, it was already past my lunchtime but I was taking my break. I’d decided that after Mrs. Simmons had come in with her Chihuahua saying it had swallowed a coin, at least that’s what she thought, that I needed to get out of there or I was going to go nuts. My day had gone from busy to downright crazy. The only positive in being this busy was I didn’t have time to dwell on anything but work.

  "Hey Ben?" I called as I stuck my head out the door of the exam room. "Can you come in here a minute?"

  "What's up Doc?" he grinned at me as he round the
corner. Ben was a tall lanky kid. I say kid because he was only twenty-two. Ben had just graduated last May, and had decided to stay on with us. Hannah had hired him as an intern, and he was a great addition to our full-time staff.

  "I really need to go to lunch. I haven't eaten anything yet today, and Zeb needs a walk. Do you think you could finish up with Mrs. Simmons? Sammy needs an x-ray to check for loose change," I rolled my eyes as Ben chuckled.

  "Sure…anything for you Doc," he laughed as he reached for the chart in my hands and pushed the door open letting me pass in front of him.

  “Thanks Ben, you're a life saver," I smiled at him and headed back to the kennel area to Zeb. "I'll be back in an hour. Call my cell if you guys need me for anything," I grabbed the leash, shoved my phone in my pocket, and grabbed the bag containing my lunch out of the fridge in our office before releasing the lock on Zeb's crate. He raced out and began bouncing on his hind legs as he tried to reach my face to lick me.

  “Hey boy,” I smiled at him and scratched behind his ears. “You wanna go for a walk? I thought we could go to the park, and let you run a little.” Zeb bounced around as his tail beat wildly against the wall we were standing beside. "Come here," I cooed as a reached to clip the leash to his collar. Zeb ducked his head, and lowered himself to the ground by my feet. I don't know why he was always so gentle with me, but it was like he knew I was fragile, and we just understood one another. "All right," I grinned at him as the leash clicked in place. "Let's go!"

  Once we stepped out of the office and into the bright sunlight, I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. As much as I loved my job, being outside was a passion I’d had. If I could live outside, I would. Back in college I spent most of days on the quad studying that was the one thing that I fought Richard on the most. He'd started out requesting that I study at home. He claimed it was better that I be in the quiet of my dorm room. I didn't argue with him at first. He was older, and I figured he was just trying to help, but the more I stayed on the quad, the more he'd insist that I go inside. Now that I look back on it, I see he just wanted to control everything I did, and that was a way for him to hide me away from people. I never realized how isolated I truly was until I started going out again after I left him.

  As the late spring breeze blew through the trees, I let Zeb lead me down the sidewalk. The dog park was only a mile away from the Animal Hospital, and Zeb knew the way without me leading him. We’d turned this trip into a routine a long time ago, and as long as I had help at work I was always able to make the trip.

  “Are you in a hurry today?” I called to Zeb as he tugged on the leash. Normally I didn’t have to worry about him dragging me down the street, but today seemed different. I guess maybe the fact that he’d been crated longer than usual was getting to him today. “Calm down buddy,” I laughed as we made the final steps to the gate that housed his paradise.

  Zeb began jumping when I stepped up beside him and released the latch. The dog park was fenced since it was in the center of several city blocks. It was like a small version of Central Park, only for dogs. Being off a leash was a treat for most city living dogs. The city had made this area special. Trees and benches were placed randomly, and a small pond was in the center. As long as your dog played well with others, it was a nice escape. Normally, I would come here at the end of the day, or first thing in the morning, but it had been so busy the last few days that my schedule was off. The few friends that I'd made here had regular routines, so I'd been sitting the last few days alone. "All right, sit!" I commanded as I closed the gate behind us as reached to unclasp the leash. Zeb lowered his hindquarters as I freed him. "Have fun," I scratched behind his ears before patting his side to let him know his was free to go. As he bounded away to join some of the other dogs, I looped the leash in my hand and made my way over to a bench in the shade. It was a rather warm day, and at the moment I wanted to relax and enjoy my lunch.



  I don’t know how I got myself into this. Dog sitting? Who dog sits? When my sister had asked me for a favor, I had thought she's meant something easy like checking on Mom or something else equally responsible, but this? Not what I wanted to be doing on a Friday afternoon.

  When I’d brought Banjo here on Monday, we’d had a nice time, He’d spent the day running around sniffing the other dogs, and I mean…I wish it were as easy for us men to search out women. Dogs had it easy. They walk up to each other, sniff each other's butts, and then either become best buds or enemies. I chuckled to myself as I thought about actually doing that to a woman. It would probably result in a slap to the face. I'd been slapped before, but I don't really remember why. When it comes to hitting on a woman, I'm usually at a bar or club, and I'm so drunk when it happens that I don't really remember what I've said. I just know they either slap me or come home with me. I've never worried about the ones that slap me. There's fewer of them, than there are of the ones that come home with me. I never thought of meeting someone here at the dog park, but after seeing her on Monday afternoon I've decided that I have to get her name.

  This beautiful brunette came here on Monday, and I’ve been coming by here every day hoping to see her again. I don’t know what it was about her, but I was drawn in. Her long brown hair was cascading down her back as she sat on a bench staring out into nothing in particular. I’d thought about approaching her, but she seemed lost in her thoughts. When I’d finally worked up the nerve on Tuesday, she hadn’t shown.

  I know…I know…I sound like a stalker, but I can’t help it. I’m drawn her, and if she's here today…I'm going to get to know her.


  After freeing Banjo, I sauntered over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. I let my eyes scan the area looking for her, and when I found her, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. She was sitting on a bench about twenty feet away, munching on a sandwich and sipping a bottled water. Her hair was twisted upon her head, and the blue scrubs she was wearing were covered in what looked like cats of all different colors. Deciding that this was a sign, and I was going to talk to her today, I began heading in her direction.



  I could feel it. A burning sensation crawling all over my skin. It started at the back of my neck and slowly spread to every part of my body. My nerves jumped to attention as my eyes began frantically scanning my surroundings. This was a feeling I got when someone was watching me. The first thought that popped into my head was Richard had found me. He had come into my neighborhood and was plotting away to get me alone. I'd never felt threatened in here before. There were always lots of people around which was comforting. In the past, Richard had liked to inflict his punishments in private. He always made sure that he caught me when he knew if I screamed no one would hear me. This feeling I was getting right now was causing that long suppressed fear slowly to consume me.

  “Hi,” came a male voice from behind me.

  I jerked around to see the most beautiful chocolate eyes staring back at me. His hair was in that ‘just got out of bed' style, and a small amount of scruff covered his jaw. "Hello?" it came out as more of a question than anything. I had no idea who this man was or what he wanted from me.

  “Can I sit down?” he motioned at the spot beside me and rounded the bench.

  As the words he'd just uttered rattled around in my brain, the fear I'd been feeling went into a full on panic attack. Those words…they were the same words Richard had used on the day we met. "No!" I forced it out as I stood and backed away from him. I scanned the park looking for Zeb. I wanted to get away from here as fast as I could. My fight or flight instinct was kicking in, and it was telling me to run.

  This guy hadn't done anything, but the way he had snuck up on me, and the smug expression that he wore on his face told me he wasn't used to hearing the word ‘no.' "I have to go," I mumbled as I watched confusion spread across his features.

  "Can you at least tell me your name?" he lifted his arms as if he was
trying to approach a wild animal.

  “No,” I shook my head before stepping back away from him. I crooked my fingers and brought them to my lips as I whistled for Zeb. When he came running, I quickly clipped the leash back in place and scurried for the gate. The dark stranger stood baffled in my wake as I ran, finally listening to my instincts, away from him. I had no intention of ever ignoring that feeling again no matter how attractive someone was.

  Chapter 4


  What just happened? I looked around to make sure I hadn't missed something. The way this woman jumped, and raced away from me would have made anyone question what I had done wrong. I've never in my life caused someone to run from me like that. I've seen anger that I've seen plenty of.

  I settled down onto the bench she'd just vacated as I played what had just happened over and over in my head. Banjo seemed occupied in what he was doing, so I turned to try and catch a glimpse of her as she left. Who was she? Where was she rushing off to? And most importantly…what was her name?



  Breathe! Deep breaths! I pressed my palm to my chest and tried to slow my pounding heart. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never fled a situation that fast before, and nothing about what had happened had been out of the ordinary. Whoever he was, he just seemed dangerous.

  Ever had that feeling when you meet someone? That kinda feeling like they’re hiding something? Whoever he was…he had that dark warning flashing over him. I’d missed it when I met Richard. I’d always told myself that I was worrying over nothing. All those times Richard would say or do something that didn't sit right with me. Every time, I would brush it away and tell myself I was overreacting. This time, I was going to listen. This time, there would be no chance of repeating past mistakes.


  By the time I got back to the office, things had finally begun to slow down. Ben was filling out charts, and Jo was making reminder calls to the patients that had appointments for the next day.


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