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Irreparably Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  "We've been talking about going out for drinks tonight at Vibe," he smiled over at me. "You wanna come?"

  I stumbled slightly as I jerked myself to a stop, "You wanna go out with the boss?"

  “Sure,” Ben shrugged and then closed the folder he was writing in. He rounded the desk and began making his way over to me. He had a glint in his eye, and I could see all the signs plain as day on his face. "I think we could have a nice time."

  “Ben,” I sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out, I didn’t want to make things weird or uncomfortable here at work, but Ben was too young for me. I was past that point in my life, and the fact that I was ten years his senior was glaringly obvious. "I don't think that's such a great idea. You're a nice guy, but…"

  "I'm too young," he grumbled. "Age is just a number ya know?" he shrugged.

  "Yeah, I know, but its a big number here," I grimaced as I watched his shoulders slump. "I'm sorry Ben. I'm just not looking for something right now."

  “That’s fine,” he turned and slowly made his way back to our break room as he called over his shoulder, "I'll meet you there Jo. I wanna go home and shower first."

  "Sounds good," she called before turning her eyes on me. "You know…I agree with you. He's too young, but you do need to come out with us sometime. You need to meet people."

  "I'm perfectly happy with the way things are," the line had come out of my mouth so many times that I didn't even need to think about it anymore. "I've got a lot to do tonight."

  "With who?" Jo's forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Everything around here is taken care of."

  “Just some personal stuff,” I glanced out the window of the office before heading to the front door to lock it. I really didn’t want to give her any more information. I was planning to head to a meeting as soon as I escaped work. I knew that after my run in at the dog park with the dark stranger that I needed one. If I didn't get this off my chest, I was going to have a rough night sleeping.

  "Well," she rolled her eyes as she braced herself against the counter "you have to promise me that the next time we go out after work you're going to come too. You docs have to cut loose too. Dr. Mills always go home to her family, and you go home to an empty apartment," she pointed her finger at me accusingly. "I know you do, so don't deny it."

  "Fine," I grumbled "the next time you guys go out, I'm in."

  “Don’t make any plans for Friday night then,” she grinned at me. “You’re mine.” She stood there for a minute smirking at me. She knew she’d gotten me, and she was waiting to see how I'd react.

  “Whatever,” I groaned. “Don’t complain when I'm boring company," I warned as I turned to gather my things and head home.


  "So what's going on with you tonight?" Erin's shoulder bumped me as we left St. Matthew's and made our way to the parking lot.

  “Nothing,” I sighed as I clicked my key fob to unlock my doors. "It's just been a weird day."

  "Like what?" she pressed as we came to a stop beside my little Honda Civic.

  "I ran into someone today…sort of, and it's just put me on edge," I bit my lower lip nervously as I scanned my surroundings.

  "Hey," she placed a hand on my forearm "whatever's got you so worried…you need to find a way to let it go."

  "I don't know how," I dropped my eyes to the ground in front of me. "I thought I was past this," I rubbed my palm over my face. "It's just…this guy…it was something about him."

  "Did you know him?" she moved around to the passenger side of my car and opened the door to climb in.

  "No, and what are you doing?" I climbed in the driver's side and stared at her.

  "You need to talk," she shrugged. "I'll get a cab from your place. It'll take the same amount of time for me to get home."

  "Ooookay," I turned the key to crank the engine and began driving us the five blocks to my tiny apartment.

  "About this guy," she smiled softly. "Did he say anything to you? Why do you think you need to be afraid of him? Do you know him?"

  "Whoa!" I shook my head as I pulled the car into a parking spot. "No, I don't know him. I don't know why I was scared. You know how some people just give you that feeling about them? Well, I missed that with Richard. I don't ever trust people now…ever."

  "So…how do ever plan to meet someone?" she wrinkled her forehead as she turned in the seat to stare at me.

  “I don’t,” I turned off the engine and climbed out of the car. “I’m happy with the way things are."

  “Liar! You are not,” she shook her head and slammed the car door shut as she rounded the front of the car to face me. “You’re scared every time I see you. You need to let that out. You're going to explode if you don't." She kicked at the ground before making eye contact with me once again. "What do you do to blow off steam?"

  "What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side.

  “I mean…what do you do to let it all out? You obviously aren’t with anybody right now. So it's not like you can vent at home."

  I stood there for a few moments just letting what she said sink in. The therapist I’d gone to see years ago had said I should have a way to let it all out. She’d suggested running or going to the gym. I'd always been too busy to do any of that, but now…maybe I needed to reevaluate the situation.

  “Earth to Maddie,” Erin giggled as she nudged me. “Wanna come with me Saturday morning to work out?”

  "Um, I guess," I blew out a breath. "I'm supposed to go out Friday night. I don't know if I'm going to be in any kind of shape to workout the next day."

  "We can go later in the morning, and then have lunch," she smiled as she began digging in her purse. "Here," she handed me a business card. "My number's on the back. I workout at McKay's. It's about ten minutes that way," she pointed to the right. "Text me so I have your number, and then I’ll send you directions on Saturday."

  "Ok," I grumbled as I grabbed my cell and sent a quick ‘hi' message to her. "I have to warn you…I'm not much of a gym rat. You might be shoveling me off the floor."

  "I don't go all the time," she shrugged "but the punching bags will work wonders on your stress levels."

  “Sure,” I rolled my eyes at her. “I better be heading up,” I swung my head in the direction of my apartment building just as a cab pulled up to the curb.

  "All right…see you Saturday, and Maddie?" she called.

  "Yeah?" I turned back in her direction.

  "Not everyone's bad or dangerous. Not every man you meet is going to be like Richard," her smile was sad but held understanding.

  “I know,” I nodded before stepping through the door into my building. When I turned back around all I saw was the cab pulling away from the curb. I shifted my purse on my shoulder as I began climbing the stairs to my floor. I was tired today, but not tired enough. I knew as soon as I climbed into bed, I'd be transported back to Harvard, back to Richard, and back to the nightmare that plagued me.

  Chapter 5


  After what felt like the longest work week of my life, it was finally the weekend. Friday was always my favorite day of the week. The animal hospital closed at lunch on Friday's and Zeb, and I would always take a long walk before I headed home for the weekend. Since Hannah had a large house, she took him home with her but our time was always special to me.

  "So…you ready for tonight?" Jo leaned in my office where I was currently finishing up some paperwork for the day.

  "What?" my head snapped up as tried to figure out what she was talking about.

  "Duh," she rolled her eyes. "We're going out tonight, and you promised you'd come."

  "Oh, uh…I guess," I shrugged as I rubbed my palm across my face. "I've got to finish this, so I might not be able to. I don't know if I'll have time."

  "Whatever that is," she pointed to the paper in front of me "can wait until Monday. You're going, and that's final," she crossed her arms over her chest and began pouting.

  “You’re such a child,” I grumble
d as I shoved back from my desk.

  "Only when I have to be," she laughed and then narrowed her eyes at me.

  "Fine!" I snapped exasperatedly. "I'm coming. Are you happy now?"

  “Very much so,” she grinned. “Wear something nice to show off those legs of yours. We're going find you someone tonight if it's the last thing we do," she turned and began walking away as her laughter drifted down the hall.

  “Wait! What?” I called after her, but she didn’t respond. “Great,” I thought as I turned back towards my desk and began packing up my things for the day. If I was really going to do this, I knew I needed to get home and prepare myself mentally for it. I hadn’t been out with friends very often over the past several years, and whenever I did go out, I always had a hard time relaxing.


  After taking a long, hot shower, I now stood scrutinizing myself in front of the full length mirror on the back of my bedroom door. Even though it was spring, the evenings in Boston were still rather cool. After changing multiple times, I’d finally decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a loose top that hung off one shoulder. I’d always been told that I had nice legs, but I guess after all the times Richard had made me change my attire to something he liked, I now questioned everything. Tonight though, I was hoping to take back some control. The jeans fit me like a glove, accentuating every curve and dip of my body. They were a dark wash, and matched perfectly with the pale purple top I’d picked. My fair skin was just beginning to get that summer glow from all the days I’d spent my lunch break outdoors. My left shoulder peeked out of the neckline just enough to show a bit of skin. The cotton material draped on me in a ‘Greek goddess’ sort of way. I’d paired it with a deep purple bra since the strap would be on display.

  I had no intention of attracting anyone tonight, but I felt good for the first time in a long time and wanted to show that off. I could always talk to someone tonight, right? Have a drink or two? I didn’t look like I was trying too hard, did I? If a man did find my attractive, would he try to overstep his bounds? Was I asking for trouble? The questions kept coming the longer I stood there looking at myself. I’d gone from confidence to doubt faster than I thought possible. “Snap out of it Maddie,” I scolded myself. Not wanting to talk myself out of this night of fun, I called for a cab and made my way down to the lobby of my apartment building. I knew I'd probably have a drink or two tonight, and I didn't want to worry about how I was getting home.


  When the cab pulled up to Vibe, I paid the cabbie and got out. I stood there for a minute on the sidewalk staring up at the sign. The bright blue neon shone in the dark like a beacon. The way patrons were walking up to the bouncer and forking over the $15 cover charge amazed me. I thought the place was pricey, but everyone else said it was worth it, so I came. Watching everyone amble toward the lights made me snicker. It looked like bugs flying into a bug zapper, blue light, and all. As I moved to get in line, the crowd seemed to grow and before long I was at the front. I showed the doorman my ID, like I didn't look twenty-one. I mean really…I'm thirty-one, but I guess I should feel good that I still look young, and pushed through the heavy door to enter the club.

  Once inside I was surrounded by thumping music, and flashing lights of every color. It's funny, and I used to go to places like this all the time, but when Richard and I started dating he claimed that they were not his scene. I think the fact that I got hit on a lot whenever we would go to one is why he didn’t like them. It was more of a need for control. Now that I was back in one, I couldn't help the feeling that swelled inside of me. It was as if I was throwing it in his face that I could do something he didn't approve of. "Take that Richard," I shouted as a broad grin spread across my face.

  Before long I'd made my way to a corner booth where I found Jo and Ben along with Jo's boyfriend. Ben wasn't dating anyone regularly, but at the moment he had two girls sitting with him.

  "Hey, you made it," Jo called as I approached.

  “Yeah,” I shouted back. It was a little quieter back near the booth they had chosen, but still loud enough that we had to yell to talk to one another.

  “We need to get you a drink,” she grinned as she pushed against her boyfriend so he'd let her out of the booth. "This is Ian, by the way," she motioned to the guy. "He doesn't bite, but he doesn't really talk much either," she grinned before leaning in next to him and placing a quick kiss to his cheek.

  "Ha ha," he grumbled as he shifted to let her out. "Don't mind her," he glanced up at me. "She's had a few of these already," he lifted the glass of ice sitting on the table in front of him and waved it towards Jo.

  "I see," I cocked my head to the side and sucked my lip into my mouth.

  "Come on," she grabbed my hand and began dragging me behind her towards the bar.

  After pushing through the growing crowd, we finally made our way across the room and to the long bar that ran the length of the opposite wall. There must have been a crowd three deep around the thing.

  “What’s with the crowd tonight?” I yelled over my shoulder as the group beside me jostled me.

  "Friday is Ladies Night!" Jo shouted into my ear. "Drinks are half-price if you've got the goods."

  "The goods?" I scrunched my nose up in confusion.

  "Yeah, the goods," she grabbed her breasts and squeezed them.

  "Jo!" I gasped as I shook my head.

  "What? Sometimes being a girl is a good thing," she laughed and tossed her head back just as a group in front of us parted and allowed us to move up to the bar. "What do you want?"

  "I don't know," I scanned the rows of liquor bottles that were lit up on the shelves behind the bar. "I'm not much of a drinker."

  "That's a shame," came a deep voice from beside me.

  I stiffened as every nerve ending inside me sprung to attention. This was it. A guy, no make that a hot guy, was hitting on me. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, and as he shifted to face me, I knew what was coming next.

  "There's no way that a woman like you is here alone," his deep sexy voice poured over me coating me in a balm.

  It was like he hypnotized me. I couldn't move or respond as I stared unabashedly at him. "Wh…what?" I stammered. Smooth, real smooth Maddie.

  "I'm Cole," he smiled at me and cocked his head to the side.

  Before I could answer, I stumbled forward from being pushed from behind. I reached out to grab the side of the bar just as Cole chuckled. "What the hell?" I glared over my shoulder at Jo.

  "Tell him your name," she ground out as she leaned next to my ear. "He's hot," she winked, grabbed a drink that was placed in front of her, and then turned and walked away.

  “Looks like your friend left you,” he smiled at me again before shifting on his feet.

  "What are you having?" the bartender broke the moment as she stood in front of me waiting for my order.

  "Uh?" I nibbled on my lip as I scanned the liquor bottles once again.

  “I’ll take a Jack and Coke,” Cole called out beside me. “Sorry,” he grimaced when I looked up and him scowling. "It sounded like you needed more time."

  When the bartender returned, I had finally decided on a vodka cran. When she handed me my drink, Cole tossed some bills on the bar shouting, "keep the change" before he turned back to stare at me.

  "Where'd your friend go?" he scanned the area around us. "She's not a very good friend if she just walked off and left you with some strange guy hitting on you."

  “We have a table,” I swallowed as I looked away. I hadn’t missed where he had mentioned that he was hitting on me. It had been so long since I’d actually flirted that I hadn't even been sure that it was actually happening, but he'd just confirmed it.

  "What's your name?" he smiled again.

  "I need to get back to my friends," I began to step away from him, but he reached out and wrapped his fingers around my arm.

  "Please tell me your name," he leaned into my ear from behind me. "Don't runoff again."

nbsp; I tried to swallow the tightness in my throat, "Again?"

  “I saw you with your dog the other day,” his grip tightened, and that was all it took.

  I spun on him, fire in my eyes as the memories of Richard assailed me, "Don't touch me!" I recoiled away from, and began backing up. As I took a few steps backwards, I tripped over someone behind me. Cole reached out and grabbed my hand just as my feet began to tangle with the girl behind me.

  "Careful," he soothed as he wrapped his arms around me and placed me to the side of him. I stiffened, and he noticed. "I'm not a bad guy, really I'm not," he lifted his hands in front of himself in defense. "I just want to know your name."

  I sighed before squeezing my eyes shut, and then turning to look into his, “It’s Maddie. My name…it’s Maddie.” Before he could say anything else, I turned and scurried towards our booth as fast as I could through the crowd surrounding me. I only looked back once, and was shocked to see Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome staring at me. His dark eyes were burning holes in me as if he was entranced.



  It was her. I don't know how my luck changed from the shit day I'd been having, but as I made my way over to the bar…there, she was the girl from the dog park. When Wes had invited me to come with him tonight, I really hadn't wanted to. I was tired, and after my long day at the gym, all I wanted to do was have a couple of beers in the privacy of my home. He nagged me though until I'd finally agreed. Vibe was always jumping on Friday nights, and it was Ladies Night after all. I hadn't gotten laid in several weeks, and was hoping to find a warm body for the night.

  As I pushed my way through the crowd, I watched her from behind. She was talking to the girl beside her, but I couldn't makeout what they were saying. She leaned into the bar, and I couldn't help but admire the view. Legs that went on for days were wrapped in dark denim that hugged her perfect ass. A light purple top draped loosely around her shoulders hiding what had to be perfect breast underneath. Her shoulder was peeking out of the neckline, and as she moved her chocolate hair swayed revealing her slim neck. God she was beautiful, and I felt like stalker as I watched her. Thinking that this would be the perfect girl to take home tonight, I sidled up beside her just as her friend asked her what she wanted.


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