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Page 7

by Riley, Alexa

  “I know. I just don’t fucking like it.” Paine’s whole body looks like it’s filled with rage.

  I walk over to him and reach up to grab his face. I pull it to mine so we’re only a breath apart. “I want what we talked about,” I tell him, letting him know I’ll come back to him.

  He kisses me hard before reluctantly pulling away. “Don’t clean up. If you’re leaving this house without me, the cum on your thighs and pussy stays put.” I should be appalled, but I’m not. I like that I still smell of him. That when I leave, a part of him is coming with me. I nod, making my retreat into the bathroom.

  I make quick work of putting my dress and shoes back on. I toss Paine’s shirt onto the bed. When I enter the bedroom, I see Paine is also dressed and is just pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

  “Paine.” My voice makes him stop and turn to look at me.

  I can’t read the look on his face, but I reach out, wanting him to come to me. He walks over, his big hand engulfing mine. I lead him down the hallway and to the front door. I open it and see my father still standing there.

  Turning back to Paine, I squeeze his hand. “I’ll call you when I have news.”

  “You’ll call me every hour,” Paine corrects, but he’s not looking at me. He’s in a staring match with my father.

  “Okay, I’ll call you every hour.” Which I will if it will cool him down a little and put him at ease.

  “I don’t know what the fuck your game is, Mayor, but I’ll figure it out. And when I do, I’ll burn you.”

  “Stick to things you know, Paine. Like fixing cars. You don’t want to get tangled with me.” My dad looks down his nose at Paine. Something he does to a lot to people, and it makes me want to lash out. Now is not the time to get on his bad side when he’s standing between me and my grandma.

  “We’re already tangled. You show up on my property, take my girl, and don’t think that’s all there is to it? Maybe you’re the one who’s not too bright.”

  “Enough.” I break into the middle of their pissing match, which I know will just escalate. “Let’s go, I want to get there before the doctor leaves. I want to hear what he has to say.” I start to walk off the porch, but Paine pulls me back to him, kissing me hard and possessively.

  “Take this.” He hands me his phone.

  “I have mine.” I indicate to my purse under my arm.

  “I want you to take this one.” I can tell by his tone that there is no arguing. He grabs my purse, taking my phone out of it, and hands the purse back. “I’m keeping yours. You can reach me on it.”

  I don’t know what he’s doing, but I just go along with it. I take one last look at Paine as I get into my father’s car.

  As the car pulls away, I expect him to lay into me about Paine and Scott, making threats and demanding I get back with Scott, but he doesn’t. He takes a different tactic.

  “Paine will get you nowhere in life, Penny. I just want what’s best for you. I thought if I pushed you into marrying Scott, you’d see he was right for you. He’d be good for you. He’s going places.”

  “He’s not.” My response is flat and without emotion. It’s right there in his words. Scott is going places, and I’m guessing my dad wants his hand in those places. I have no idea what he’s playing at with this soft, caring approach. This is nothing like how he was days ago when he was telling me what I would and wouldn’t be doing.

  He sighs deeply, making me look over at him. I see him glancing at the cell phone Paine gave me, making me grip it tighter before I put it into my purse.

  “We’ll discuss this later. Let’s just get back home and see how your grandmother is doing.”

  It’s silent the rest of the twenty minute drive home. I’m out of the car before it even comes to a full stop, rushing into the front door as fast as my heels will let me. I dash up the stairs and head for the east wing, and I’m out of breath when I reach her hallway.

  When I get to the door, I see my brother sitting outside, still in uniform, his eyes coming to mine.

  “The doctor just left. Grandma’s sleeping.”

  I’m relieved and sad. I wanted to see her, but if the doctor left and isn’t having her transferred to the hospital then she must be okay.

  “What happened?” I turn to see if my father followed me, but he didn’t. He hasn’t seemed too concerned about Grandma, but he doesn’t care about any of us unless he has a use for us. It’s clear from his not coming to check on her that she doesn’t have something he needs at the moment. Except maybe for her money.

  “She had a dizzy spell, had a little fall, and hit her head. Thankfully, she didn’t break anything, and she’s just got a little bruise on her forehead.”

  “Oh, thank God.’

  Law pulls me into his arms, giving me a hug. “She’s fine. Why don’t you go lie down, and you can see her first thing in the morning.” I nod into his chest, but for some reason I feel like he’s trying to get rid of me. It’s not something I want to contemplate right now, so I let it go. This day has been long and filled with more emotions than I can handle. I need to crash, and my bed is calling me. I wish I could be in Paine’s bed, but this one is close to Grandma.

  Letting go of Law, I say goodnight and head to the other side of the house. When I get to my room, I fall into my bed, flipping my shoes off and dumping my purse beside me, not caring that I’m still in my dress. I let my eyes fall closed until I hear a phone ringing. Absently, I reach for my purse, pulling Paine’s phone from it and put it to my ear.

  “I’ve been so worried! You missed our sonogram appointment. Why haven’t you texted me back all day? Was the shop that busy?” The woman on the other end of the line explodes with questions as soon as I pick up.

  “You must have the wrong number,” I tell her, thinking she’s way too wound up for nearly one in the morning.

  She pauses for a second—checking the number she dialed, I’m guessing. “No, this is my boyfriend Paine’s number. The man whose baby I’m carrying. The baby appointment he missed today,” she screams each word louder than the last, and the urge to vomit makes me drop the phone. I run towards to bathroom, losing everything Paine made me eat earlier.

  I lie on the cold tile floor and let the tears flow. I can hear the phone ringing over and over in my bedroom.

  How could I have been so freaking stupid? All the things Paine said tonight rush through my head. Suddenly, I’m thinking of all the times I remember girls at my dorm crying about men they had dated who had filled them with lies to get into their pants.

  Peeling myself off the floor, I turn on the shower, wanting the smell of him off me. It’s too much to bear. I scrub my body clean, washing away his scent, but the little love bites he left still show. Seeing them makes a sob escape from deep inside me. Turning off the shower, I grab my robe, making my way back into the bedroom. I see six missed calls all from my number, meaning it’s Paine. I pull up his contacts, but the only number programed is mine.

  Paine calls again, but I just clear it and click into his text messages. I see a bunch from the number that called, claiming to be Paine’s girlfriend. I scroll a few and read them. One is a picture of a sonogram pic. The others talk about missing him, and another is about all the dirty things she’s going to do to him. I drop the phone, not able to look at it any more.

  What if I’m pregnant? Paine didn’t use anything with me. Maybe it’s, like, his weird kink or something. He liked going bareback, and maybe that’s why he has a baby on the way.

  The phone rings again. It’s Paine calling. I should just shut it off, but my anger gets the better of me. He couldn’t have faked everything with me tonight, and maybe he does feel something for me, but it’s clear he has someone else, too. What can he say? “No, Duchess, I want to be with you, not her.” Oh, sweet, just ditch your ex for the newest fling. What happens when someone else comes along that catches your attention? Thanks, but no thanks.

  I pick up the phone, wanting to hurt him back. I don’t give
him a chance to speak before I start in. “Paine, it’s over. Go back to your pregnant girlfriend and leave me alone. I’m marrying Scott.” I hang up before he can respond. I turn the phone on silent and put it back into my purse. I can’t bear to look at it because it’s something that will just remind me of him.

  Tossing my purse on my nightstand, I knock over the ring box Scott gave me when he asked me to marry him. Well, I guess saying he asked isn’t correct. It was him and my father telling me how this was a great idea and how Scott and I were a great fit. I flip open the box and stare at the giant diamond. It’s nothing like the ring I thought I’d wear one day. The one my grandma gave me flashes through my mind, but I push the image away. If I’m not going to be with Paine, I might as well make things easier around here. I slide Scott’s ring onto my finger with no intention of marrying him, but maybe it will give me some time to figure things out. Get them off my back. I’m guessing Paine isn’t going to want to solve my problems now.

  The tears start to flow again until exhaustion claims me.



  “Let me in, Law.”

  “I’ve told you five times already. The answer is no. It’s three in the morning. Anything you need to say to Penelope can wait until morning.”

  He’s standing in front of the house, in just jeans and a shirt. I’m sure he could get official and take me to jail, but he must sense the desperation in me enough to give me a pass.

  I know it’s late and her grandmother is sick. I just need to wait until daylight and make this right, but I’m going crazy that for even a second she thinks that I’ve been with someone else. I haven’t touched a woman in years. Not so much as even had a kiss. It’s scientifically impossible for me to be having a baby with someone. I want to be able to talk to Penelope and explain this to her, but she won’t answer the damn phone.

  Sighing, I turn and walk towards my car. I clench my hands into fists, frustrated beyond belief. All I can hear is her broken voice in my head. I’m shocked she would think I could ever do something like that to her, deceive her in that way. A pregnant girlfriend? She’s marrying Scott? I won’t stand for it.

  I walk away from the house and get into my truck. I didn’t want to bring the motorcycle because it’s loud, and I know her grandmother isn’t doing well. I get in and drive away from the house, watching in the rearview as Law goes inside and shuts off the porch light.

  I circle around the block and park along the fence at the back of the property. Silently, I jump the estate walls and creep along the trees through the woods. When I reach the back of the house, I climb up the railing along the porch. I’m able to lift myself onto the second-story balcony, and I hide in the shadows, not knowing whose room I’m outside.

  It’s not too cool tonight, and lucky for me, the doors are open. I wait for a sound, and when I don’t hear one, I tiptoe inside. I don’t make it five steps before a bedside lamp clicks on. I stop mid-step, caught in the act.

  “You must be the man my granddaughter is all twisted up about.”

  I turn and face the bed, seeing what looks like a much-older Penelope. She and her grandmother are nearly identical, her grandmother just having a few soft lines. She’s in the bed, but wearing a robe, her long hair braided and falling down one elegant shoulder. She folds her hands across her lap, patiently waiting for me to speak.

  “She told you about me?” I don’t know why these are the first words out of my mouth.

  “No, but she and I share a close bond. I know when something is troubling her, and you, my dear, are trouble.”

  I hold my hands up and start to plead my case, but she cocks her head to the side and smiles at me. She reaches out and pats the chair next to her bed, and I walk over, taking a seat.

  “Do you love her?” My mouth falls open at her candid questions. “Listen, when you get to be my age, things become simpler. If you want to know something, you ask. So I’m asking you. What is it that’s got you sneaking in here in the middle of the night?”

  I feel a half-smile dance across my face. This is my kind of lady.

  “She’s something special to me, and some things got twisted up tonight. I’m here because she won’t answer the phone and let me explain myself. She’s upset, and it’s because of a lie. I’m here to tell her the truth. And if you don’t mind, I’d like to reserve the confession of my feelings so that I can give them directly to Penelope. I think it’s only fair that she hears it first.”

  “Are you going to let her marry that idiot Scott?”

  “No, ma’am.” My answer is fast and fierce. “She’s mine, and I swear to you that I’ll protect her and cherish her for the rest of our lives. I don’t know what happened tonight, but I will fix it, and then I’ll never let her leave my side. I may not be able to give her all this,” I wave my hand around to indicate the estate, “but I’ll treat her better than anyone ever could. There’s not a man alive who will take care of her better than I will.”

  She gives me a soft smile and leans her head back against her pillow. After a second, she closes her eyes and then opens them again. She looks a little teary eyed as she reaches over to her bedside table and opens a drawer. She pulls out a small ring box and passes it to me.

  “You remind me of my late husband, James. We started out with nothing but love, but damn if he didn’t love me enough that I never needed anything else.” She lets go of the box and wraps my hand around it. “She’s down the hall, fourth door on the right.”

  I clutch the box and then slide it into my pocket. I know what it is, and I know what it means. As close as Penelope is to her grandmother, I’m relieved to have her blessing.

  Standing up beside the bed, I look down at her, seeing how tired she looks. Leaning down, I lay a small kiss on her cheek, and her hand comes up to touch my beard. When I pull back, she’s smiling and then holds her cheek where I kissed her.

  “I forgot how much I missed my James’s beard. Go get your girl.”

  With that, I turn and leave the room, making my way quietly down the hall. I count off and when I get to the fourth one, I put my ear to it and listen. I hear slight snoring, and smile. That’s my Duchess.

  Opening the door, I see her silhouette on the bed. I can make her out from the moonlight streaming in. I walk over to the bed, stripping down as I go. When I’m completely naked, I strip back the covers and climb in behind Penelope.

  She’s wrapped up in a robe that’s wriggled its way up her hips, and I can see she’s naked underneath. I move on top of her, and she comes awake, her gray eyes growing big. I put my hand over her mouth as she starts to shout, and I hold my finger over my lips.

  “Shh, Duchess. You’re going to listen to me. Don’t panic.”

  She’s shouting at me from under my hand, but I lean in, kissing her neck to help calm myself. I can still feel her struggling against me and calling me a few names.

  Leaning up, I look into her eyes, and I can see she’s mad as hell at me. “You can call me every name you want to, Duchess. I’m not going anywhere until you hear me out.”

  She tries to move her legs and kick at me, but all it does is open them further. The action also pushes my cock against her naked core.

  I hold her tightly and wait her out, kissing her neck and collarbone. “You’ve got yourself all worked up, and you haven’t even asked me if anything is true. You heard something from someone, and you assumed the worst. Why, baby? What have I done to you to make you think all my words aren’t true?”

  Looking into her eyes, I can see she’s starting to hesitate, some of her anger falling away.

  “Penelope, you said I had a pregnant girlfriend, which is impossible. I haven’t been with anyone but my hand in years. An embarrassing number of years, as a matter of fact. So I don’t know who told you what, but it’s all lies.”

  I feel her deflate completely under me, and I slowly take my hand away. I don’t move my body off hers. Instead, I press against hers harder, letting her feel the ridge of
my cock against her warm, open pussy.

  “You think I’d lie to you about something like that?” She looks me in the eyes, and after a second, shakes her head. “That’s right, Duchess. I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you. I’ll always tell you the truth, and I would never keep something like that from you.”

  I move my hips, dragging the thick vein on the underside of my cock across her sensitive clit. She moans at the movement, and I grab her wrists, holding her hands above her head. When I go to entwine my fingers with hers, I feel a ring on her finger. One that I sure as fuck didn’t put there.

  Sitting up a little, I grab her hand and hold it up, seeing the diamond on her finger. “I wanna say a few choice words about this, but I’m thinking about how you jumped to conclusions with me, so I’m going to give you three seconds to explain this.”

  She reaches up, taking the ring off her finger and putting it on the table beside the bed. “I was mad. And though I don’t have any intentions of marrying him, I thought it would make life easier if it appeared that way.”

  I reach down between us, grabbing my cock and putting it at her entrance. I thrust hard inside her warm, willing cunt and fuck in and out of her. I grit my teeth and hold her legs open, letting her feel my need.

  We lock eyes, and I reach up to grab her chin. “Nobody but me puts a ring on that finger. You got me, Duchess?”

  She nods her head, and I keep thrusting hard, little moans escaping her. Her pussy is dripping wet and takes my fat cock easily. Her hips rise up a little, welcoming my dick deep.

  “You feel me bare inside you, Duchess?” When she nods again, I hold her wrists down and lean in so her hard nipples rub against my chest. “I’ve never been raw with anyone until you. There’s never going to be anything between us. So don’t let people try to come between us, either. You got me? “

  “I got you,” she whispers, and I take her mouth. I kiss her roughly, then break away to suck on her tit. She moans when I bite down on one, then lick it better. I can’t wait to breed her and have them dripping with milk.


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