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Page 8

by Riley, Alexa

  Reaching down between us, I hold her hips with both hands, tilting them up a little so I can get a deep angle. I make sure I’m hitting her sweet spot when I bottom out, and I feel her pussy clench around my dick with every thrust.

  When I feel her cervix kiss the tip of my cock, I hold it there and pulse in and out of her slightly. “I want you to cum like this so your body opens up to take my seed, Duchess. I’m gonna keep my dick right here, so when you cum, I can empty into you. Make sure I bred you good.”

  She clenches at my words, and after just a few rocks against her, she cums. She has to pull a pillow over her face to muffle the shouts of ecstasy. Her hot cunt pulsing around my dick has me going off with her. I concentrate on shooting in her sweet spot, knowing I want my baby growing inside her.

  After my balls are completely drained, and she’s come down from her peak, I roll us over so my cock is still inside her, and I hold her to me.

  “I don’t want you to ever leave my side again.”

  Penelope sits up and looks into my eyes, nodding her head. “Never again.”

  I thrust lazily into her as she falls asleep on top of me. I rub her back with the tips of my fingers, finally calm now that we are back together.



  Paine holds me to him, his arms wrapped tightly around me as I sob uncontrollably. I have no Idea what I would’ve done without him today. He’s been my rock through everything. Helping me move through the motions.

  When I went to check on my grandma this morning, I found her unresponsive. The rest was a blur of red lights and the doctors telling me there was nothing they could do. She was gone. She had passed easily in her sleep sometime in the night.

  It’s so eerie to be standing in a hospital, being told someone you love is gone. Then being told to go home. You just leave without your loved one. I don’t know why I thought this was so strange, but it hit me hard. I didn’t want to leave the hospital, it felt too soon and all too final. There was still so much more I needed to say as the nurses and doctors moved around me tending to other patients. But they were right. There was no reason to be there. But I didn’t want to go home.

  “Let it all out, Duchess.” Paine strokes my hair as he slowly rocks me in his lap. We’re now back at his house, in his bed. I have no idea how long I’ve been in his lap now, but there’s nowhere else I want to be in this moment.

  When the sobbing finally stops and I don’t think I can shed another tear, Paine lays me down in his bed, slipping me under the covers. “Baby, you need to eat.” The mention of food makes my stomach turn over, and I shake my head.

  He drops down beside me. He gently pushes some of my hair out of my face, and I think how I could have ever believed that he’d hurt me. This man who’s been holding me together all day would never hurt a hair on my head. I want to kick myself for doubting him, which makes me cry even harder.

  “The last conversation I had with her was filled with lies,” I tell him, confessing my mistakes. “I talked about that stupid wedding. I wish I’d told her about you. Should would have loved that so much. You should’ve heard the way she talked about my grandpa.”

  “I did, Duchess,” he whispers as he places a red velvet box between us. I realize it looks familiar because I’d been holding it the day before. “How did you…” I reach out to grab it, but he snatches it back, giving me a sweet smirk. I didn’t know a man like Paine could have a sweet smirk, but it’s there on his face now, all soft and warm.

  “She let me in last night.” He opens the box, pulling out the beautiful ring, a contrast to his rough, hard hands. “She knew she wanted you to be happy, and I told her I’d spend my life making sure you were. She knew a lot more than you think she did, and I think she saw in me what you do. Then she gave me the ring.”

  I sit up, not knowing what to say. He talked to my grandma last night, and she’d given him the ring? He stays on his knees next to the bed, me looking down at him.

  “I wanted to do this differently, give you flowers and say words filled with poetry. Something a woman like you deserves.”

  “A woman like me?” I question, not knowing what he means.

  “A duchess.”

  “Your duchess,” I correct, making his eyes grow possessive.

  “I may not have a castle to put you in, but I’ll build you one if that’s what you want.”

  “I’d be happy being your duchess anywhere you put me, Paine. If you asked.”

  “I’m trying, baby,” he teases, making me smile for the first time all day. This is what my grandma was talking about. She didn’t care about all the things my grandpa gave her. It was just being with him. I realize what she was getting at, and I don’t care about it either. The idea of going back to the giant family estate isn’t appealing. I want to stay right here in Paine’s house for the rest of my life.

  Paine grabs my hand, his rough fingers running along my knuckles before he slides the ring on me. He leans up to kiss me, his mouth taking mine possessively like never before. This one is claiming, like he is trying to leave a mark on me for the world to see. Desire shoots through my body, and I try to pull him closer to me, wanting his body against mine. Just as I have this thought, he breaks the kiss and rubs his cheek against mine, both of us breathing heavily. His beard is rough against my soft skin, and I lean into it, loving the feeling.

  “None of that tonight, baby. You need to sleep.”

  “You said you’d give me whatever I want.” I try to pout, but he turns me over, facing away from him as he comes crawling in behind me, wrapping his arms around me. He pulls my back to his front as he spoons me, and I close my eyes at the feeling of safety. This is something we’ll get to do for the rest of our lives, and I feel another smile pull at my lips.

  “Sleep,” he whispers in my ear before placing a kiss on my neck.

  “You didn’t even ask me to marry you.”

  “Nope,” he says, and wraps his arms around me even tighter. I have a feeling a lot of things with Paine are going to go like this. He wants something and he takes it. It should make me mad, but all I do is smile and drift off to sleep.



  Once I know she’s asleep, I slip from the bed, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. Fuck, I’m going to love having her in our bed every morning before I go to work. I’ll leave her warm in our bed, knowing she’ll be here when I get home. I may not be able to give her a castle like I told her, but she’ll never go without. The life we’re going to have together, I’ll do anything to have, and no one is going to fuck with my girl. These little games are so beyond over. Done. They keep trying to take her from me, and now I’m going to be the one doing the taking.

  Her grandma left her to me, and I’m going to make sure she’s cared for like she should be. I know the next few days are going to be rough, and I don’t want anything making them any harder than they have to be. I’m going to make sure a few people stay out of our way. They’ve done enough damage. She’s spent the last two nights crying—last night because of some lies someone told her, and tonight because of her grandmother. The first night was all their fault, and that shit wasn’t okay.

  I change my clothes and grab the keys to my bike, rolling it down the driveway so it doesn’t wake Penelope when I start it. She finally passed out, and she needs her rest to make it through all the details of the funeral. When I get far enough away, I flip my phone open, calling Butch.

  “Yo,” he says over the heavy beat of dance music. He’s probably at some bar, chasing tail.

  “I need you to watch my house for an hour.”

  “On my way.” The line goes dead, and I know he’ll be here quick with no questions asked.

  I hop on and start the engine, the chopper roaring to life. I head across town, one location in mind, knowing Butch will make sure no one bugs my girl while I’m gone.

  It didn’t take much for me to figure something wasn’t right. It started at the hospital when the doct
ors were directing all their questions at Penelope and Law while their father stood off silently to the side. I was a little surprised he’d shown up to the hospital at all, but how would it look if the Mayor hadn’t? Everything to him was about looking good in the public eye. He was good at hiding the shit he was covered in.

  I hadn’t paid much attention to the Mayor before now because I hadn’t had a reason to. As long as he stayed out of my way I didn’t give two fucks. I’d often wondered how he got elected, but the simple answer was money, and now I’m starting to question if he has any. I know he married into Penelope’s family, but I didn’t know how much control he had over it. I’m really starting to suspect it’s none.

  Things like making Penelope marry Scott, his right-hand man were really starting to make sense now. I didn’t understand why he was so hell-bent on it, going so far as to threaten his own daughter if she didn’t. Yeah, I can see a guy like him not wanting her slumming it with the local mechanic, but pushing her into marrying a certain man was outdated, unless he needed to control her. Seems he’s been doing that with Penelope’s grandma to a certain extent. I had a feeling some things were going to be coming to light every soon.

  When I make it to Tammy’s, I pound on the door, not giving a shit how loud I’m being. I know Scott’s inside; his car’s parked in her driveway. I also know it was Tammy who made that call to my girl last night. I don’t give a fuck if she’s a woman. I’ll bury her right along with the Mayor and Scott. I called the number back on the phone, and when she picked up, I recognized her voice. I just hung up, and another thing clicked into place. I wasn’t going to have it out with her on the phone. No, I wanted to do it in person so she and Scott could see how much I wasn’t fucking around. That I’m not playing games.

  When she answers the door, her face is surprised, but it quickly turns to what I think is supposed to be seductive. She pouts her lips and lets her robe fall open, revealing she only has on underwear. I glance past her to see Scott sitting on the sofa, not even looking this way, his eyes on the TV.

  Who the fuck would let their woman answer the door after midnight dressed like that? “Close your fucking robe. You’ve got nothing I want to see.”

  Scott jumps off the sofa after hearing my voice. I can tell he’s about to say something, but I cut him off.

  “I don’t know what you’re fucking playing at, but either of you do another thing to hurt my woman and I’ll fucking kill you. I got a lot of land, and bodies aren’t that hard to hide.”

  Tammy takes a step back, wrapping her robe around her tighter after hearing my warning. Scott still stands there and isn’t getting the fucking message.

  “You can’t—” I shoot him a look, taking a step into the house, and he retreats, shutting his mouth. It’s the smartest thing he’s done yet.

  “My lawyer will be in contact with you tomorrow, Scott. Penelope and I want to see all the paperwork on her family’s estate and the will. I don’t trust you, and if he finds even one thing out of place, anything that indicates that you and that fuckhead Mayor were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing, then you’d better hope Law gets his hands on you before I do.”

  With that, I leave. No point arguing with him. I don’t want to hear what he has to say because it doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting back to my girl, making her something to eat, and climbing back into bed with her before she wakes.



  She grinds her pussy down on my face as I grip her ass with both hands. I hold her tight so I don’t grab my cock and stroke myself as she takes her pleasure from my face—something I’m more than willing to give her.

  “You like your throne, Duchess?” I rub my beard against her pussy, which makes her moan and push back into my face. Fuck, I love how much more open she’s become over the last two weeks. My cock isn’t so sure, because she always has him in a constant state of need. I’ll dump one load inside her only to have her start trying to get another one out of him. And right now he’s begging to release one, but I won’t let him. I want him deep inside her cunt before he gets his. I’ve been filling her with every drop I can, trying to get my baby inside her as soon as possible.

  I look up as she rides my face, her hair falling all around her as she leans forward to grip the headboard. Her big tits bounce with each slide back and forth across my face. It makes cum leak down the head of my cock and drip down to my balls.

  Waste of good seed if you ask me, but I’ll hold back the rest. Gripping her hips, I halt her movements, sucking her clit into my mouth. I’m going to fucking cum all over myself if I don’t get into her soon. She jerks against my face as I suck her orgasm from her body and drink it down my throat.

  When the pulsing in her cunt stops, I flip her over and have her facedown on the bed. Using my knees to spread her legs, I thrust my thick cock home.

  “Paine.” She moans my name, making a spurt of cum spill inside her. Fuck. Not yet.

  “You like this? When I take over? Do whatever I want to this body now that it belongs to me?” I slide in, harder this time, my cock touching her womb. She grabs the headboard tighter to help her little body brace for my thrusts. She begs me for more and for me to fuck her harder. My dirty girl.

  I drop down further onto her, giving her some of my weight as I use my knees to spread her even wider. I want in her as deep as I can get. My chest fully covers her back, and I grab a handful of her hair, turning her head so I can put my teeth on her neck. I bite and kiss her there, then work my way to her shoulder. I’ve learned her favorite spots and what to say. My little Duchess loves when I talk filthy to her. One night I was playing with her nipples, telling her all the things I was going to do to her, and she came without me so much as touching her pussy.

  I spanked her ass for wasting an orgasm that my mouth or cock didn’t get to taste. Then I tied her to the bed while I cleaned it up with my mouth, and then made her give me two more to lick off her pretty pussy. I didn’t know a pussy could be so fucking pretty, but she proved me wrong.

  “Say it,” I grunt, as I thrust over and over into her tight cunt, making the headboard knock the wall, the smell of our sex filling the room. I’ll have to fix that shit when we have kids. Maybe just nail the thing to the wall because there’s no way I’ll ever stop fucking her pussy like this. It’s begging me for it, gripping onto my dick with each thrust like it’s worried I’ll leave it. It should know by now I won’t leave it until it’s overflowing with me, my cum dripping out of her, spilling onto the bed.

  “Please, Paine, cum inside me. I need it.” My fingers tighten in her hair. I can feel her try to lift her ass to meet my thrusts, but I have her pinned beneath me as I press harder and deeper into her.

  “You’re going to take every drop of me.” It’s a command, not a question, and it’s enough to set her off. She cries out with a wild moan as she climaxes around my cock, gripping me in a vice-like hold. I keep thrusting, rocking her body against the mattress as her pussy pulls my own orgasm from me. It makes my cock swell even more, and a loud groan sounds from deep in my chest as I ejaculate inside her. Long jets of semen fill her as she continues to milk my cock.

  Dropping to the side so I don’t crush her, I pull her into my arms so we’re both on our sides, my chest to her back. I wrap one leg around hers and spread her open, my cock still inside her. Reaching down, I spread her pussy lips and strum her clit, unable to stop touching her.

  “I need you to cum again, baby. I want this pussy to clench up and pull all my cum deep inside you. You want that baby, don’t you? Your pussy has to suck all my cum deep so it can plant there.”

  Just like always, her body jerks, cumming again, doing as I tell her. A little more cum spills from my cock, and her pussy takes it greedily.

  She lies quietly against me, and I pepper kisses down her neck. Pulling out of her, I move and take her mouth in a soft kiss.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

p; She runs her finger down my cheek and into my beard. She gives me a sexy, satisfied smile that makes my chest warm, knowing I did that shit to my woman. It makes me proud to know I put that look on her face

  “We’ve never said that before today.” She whispers the words, as if speaking loudly will make them go away.

  “I just wanted you to know that, before we go to the lawyer today. But I do love you. I have from the first day I laid eyes on you. Knew you were different. Knew I’d make you mine.”

  Her eyes water, and she blinks a few times to keep the tears from escaping. “I don’t know what would’ve happened if my car hadn’t needed fixing. What if I hadn’t found you? I don’t think I could’ve made it without you these past weeks.”

  “I would’ve found you.” I say the words with all the confidence in the world, not wanting her to think that way. I may not have known it, but being alone all those years, I thought it was because I was busy and had no interest in women. Now I know I was just waiting for her and no one else would do. A part of me knew she was out there, and I just had to wait and I’d find her. “No way would I have missed you walking around this town. Hell, if you hadn’t come into the shop, I would’ve found you at the bar that night.”

  “I know. That’s what was I thinking. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t find me at birth with your ability to track me,” she giggles, and the sound makes my cock grow hard again. Not that it ever went down. Her being naked against me makes that impossible.

  “Don’t even think about it.” She jumps from the bed, running towards the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on, and I pull myself from the bed, too. We need to get a move on. We have an appointment with the lawyers in an hour, but maybe I can milk one more orgasm from her.


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