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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 35

by Praks, Alexia

  Alec was impressed.

  “What’s the name of the castle?”

  “Hasting Manor.”

  “And your full name please?”

  “Alec James Hasting.”

  She smiled; her eyes becoming brighter. “So you’re the son of the Earl of Hayward?”

  “No,” he said. “I am the Earl of Hayward.”

  Ruby gasped. “Oh God, I’m sorry. What happened to your father?”

  Alec picked another sandwich. “My parents both died in an accident in Greece.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago.”

  She nodded her understanding.

  Ruby enjoyed the rest of the lunch. Once the food was nearly finished, and a chilly wind started to blow from the south, Alec carried her back into the house.

  He was leading her up the stairs when Ruby said, “Please, Alec, I’m sick of staying in the bedroom.”

  Alec reluctantly nodded. “So am I.”

  Ruby smiled as he carried her into the drawing room. She looked about her new surroundings with candid interest. This was the first time she saw the place properly. It was very big and elegantly furnished with thick, velvet drapes and heavy upholstery. The walls held beautiful paintings of nature and animals, except for the one that hung above the huge fireplace. It was a portrait of four people. There was an elderly man standing, a woman sitting on an armchair, a boy standing in front of the man, and a girl standing beside the woman. The elderly man looked handsome and very much like Alec right now. The woman was beautiful with her dark brown hair and elegant dress. Then there was the boy. Ruby assumed it was Alec. Even at that age, he must have broken many hearts with his good looks, although oddly enough, he looked awfully familiar to her. It was as if she knew that boy, as if they were close friends at that innocent, tender age. And the pretty blond-haired girl must have been Alec’s sister. The more she gazed at the portrait, the more she was certain she had also seen the girl somewhere before.

  Alec lay her on the antique chaise, and Ruby made herself comfortable. When she glanced up to thank him, she spotted the antique telephone sitting on the round mahogany table near the wall.

  “I trust you won’t run away?” he asked.

  Ruby focused her gaze back on him, and narrowed her eyes as she said, “Supposing that I did, what would you do?”

  “Chase after you, of course.”

  She cocked her head to one side. “Assuming that you found me, what if I refused to come back with you?”

  “Then I would have to kidnap you again, wouldn’t I?” he replied playfully.

  “I refuse to be kidnapped twice. Once, let me tell you, is quite enough.”

  Alec changed the subject. “I’m going to the village. Do you want anything?”

  Ruby raised her eyebrows. “Am I allowed to have anything?”

  Alec caught the drift in her meaning. “Not exactly anything. You are allowed to have something.”

  “I would like to go to Brian, is that something allowed?” she asked, watching him carefully.

  The muscle on the side of his left cheek twitched, but he kept his face passive when he replied, “That something, I’m afraid, is not allowed.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because I said so,” Alec said as he turned to go.

  Ruby realized that every time she brought Brian’s name up, Alec reacted as though he were pissed. “Is Brian your arch enemy?”

  Alec halted mid-stride, and turned to look at her. “Nay,” he said before walking out the door.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 11

  Ruby watched from the window as Alec drove his car around the water feature and then to the distant gate. Odd that her heart seemed to be pumping louder and faster the further the car moved away.

  Am I excited at the prospect of using the phone? Of course, she was. Finally, she could contact Brian and tell him what happened.

  Lizzie came into the drawing room, carrying a tea set.

  “What ya lookin’ at, Miss Ruby?” the maid asked as she walked toward the table near the chaise lounge.

  “Alec driving away,” Ruby replied.

  The maid smiled knowingly. Ah, Miss Ruby, you miss Master Alec already, and he hasn’t yet left the premises. The lovebirds must have been in that blissful state when they can’t bear to be apart from each other.

  Ruby was rather curious, so she asked, “Why is Alec going into the village?”

  The maid lay down the tea tray. “To talk ta the builder, I imagine. That window needs fixin’.”

  Ruby widened her eyes. Of course, you ninny, the window. The one you broke during your escape. She suddenly felt guilty for breaking it.

  Talking to the builder, is he? Negotiation, Ruby thought from past experience, usually took at least an hour or two.

  “How long will he be away?” She turned to stare out the window again even though the car had already disappeared from view.

  “A few hours, I imagine,” the maid said. “Miss ‘im already, do ya?”

  Ruby wasn’t listening. Yes, it should be long enough for her to make a telephone call, or maybe two.

  “Lizzie, can you close the door when you leave? I have a headache. I want to rest in here,” she lied.

  “Of course, Miss Ruby,” the maid replied and turned to the door. “Joost ring if ya need me.”

  Ruby nodded and Lizzie left, closing the door behind her. She stood there for a few more moments, to assure herself that no one would barge in and interrupt her.


  Rushing to the telephone, her hand shook as she picked up the receiver. She punched in the numbers she memorized by heart that morning. A second later, it started ringing. The sound echoed in her ear as she impatiently waited.

  Suddenly, she heard the beep telling her that the other side was picking up. She held her breath as she waited for the familiar voice to come through.

  “’Allo, Brian here,” the male voice on the other end said.

  Ruby’s throat went tight. She swallowed, feeling so odd that she couldn’t find her voice to speak. Speak! She shouted at herself silently. Speak, you ninny! It’s Brian!

  With a deep breath, she forced herself to reply. She said, her voice barely a whisper, “Hello, Brian.”

  A momentary pause. Then Ruby heard a loud sucking in of breath. “Ruby?”

  She could tell he was shocked by the tremor in his voice. She, too, was shocked to hear his voice.

  “My God, where have you been?”

  “Brian, how are you?’ she said, her voice shaking, her hand gripping the phone tightly.

  “Ruby, what’s going on? The reception phoned me three days before I was to pick you up. She said you left. My God, Ruby, what are you doing?”

  She could tell he was very upset, and she didn’t want him to be upset with her. She bit her lip. It was ridiculous, of course, to tell him that she was kidnapped by a stranger, for a stupid reason she still didn’t know.

  She took a shaky breath and said, “I, er, I—” She didn’t know what to say. She closed her eyes and wanted to cry. What could she tell him?

  Tell him, you ninny, tell him what happened. Tell him about Alec.

  “I’m sorry, Brian. I’m sorry this happened. I’m very, very sorry.”

  Now, why am I sorry that this happened when it isn’t my fault?

  She heard him sigh. “Ruby, please don’t do this to me. Look, where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

  Ruby closed her eyes. “Brian?” she began, then she paused. She simply couldn’t go on.

  Tell him, Ruby, tell him! The voice in her head shouted.

  “Ruby, are you all right? You don’t sound all right.”

  “Brian, I’m fine. Please don’t come and get me. I’m leaving soon.”

  “Ruby, I’m sorry I didn’t come down to Scotland with you. That stupid business meeting. If I had come down with you, this wouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry, Ruby. Were you upset with me? Was that why
you left before I got there?”

  “No, no, Brian. It’s nothing like that at all. I enjoyed Edinburgh every much. But something happened.”

  “What happened?” he asked, his voice sounding more urgent.

  Ruby tried to think of a reply. Her grey cells, however, seemed to be dead. What happened? The question kept screaming in her head.

  “Please, Brian, I just phoned to tell you that I’m all right.”

  “No, Ruby. You’re obviously not all right. I’m in Scotland so I’m coming to get you. Tell me where you are.”

  “I can’t,” she said, her voice quivering.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t know where I am.”

  No, Ruby, you’re in Hasting Manor. Tell him! He’d come and get you. He’d take Alec to the police. You’d be free. You’d never have to see Alec again—ever!

  Her heart skipped a beat. Alec! She’d never see Alec again. Or Westies, or Lizzie, or Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie.

  “My God, Ruby. What happened? I can’t believe this. Are you lost or something? Honey, just tell me where you are. Wait, you don’t know where you are. Is there anyone there that you can ask?”

  Ruby looked around the room. She bit her lip and said, “No.”

  “My God, Ruby, you must be very afraid. Look, just describe what the place looks like. I’ll try and figure out where you are.”

  “Brian, I’m in a castle. But I’m fine.” She emphasized the word fine so he’d understand.

  “A castle? Okay. Do you know the name of the castle? Is it old and neglected?”

  “Brian?” she asked nervously. “I need to ask you a question.”

  “Just describe the castle, Ruby. I will figure out where you are. Do you know that I haven’t been able to sleep since that receptionist phoned? I was so worried.”

  “Brian, I need to ask you a question.”

  “Okay, fire away.”

  “Hypothetically speaking, if I were to say, um, get taken against my will, what would you do?”

  “What’s this? Has some maniac taken you against your will, Ruby? My God, this is—who is he?”

  “Brian, please just answer my question,” she begged, her whole body shaking with worry.

  “I’ll come and rescue you, of course, and take that menace to the police. Ruby, you must be very afraid. Are you all right? Has someone taken you against your will?”

  “No, no, nobody has taken me against my will, Brian,” she said, biting her lip. “I was invited here as a guest. I thought I had better come now before the chance slipped by.”

  “And what about me?” He sounded very upset now. “I asked you first to come to Westwick Castle. Ruby, I just don’t know what’s going on.”

  Ruby sighed, looking heavenward, and prayed to God for help. What must I do?

  “Brian, I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I’m all right and that I will be going home soon. I will miss you.”

  “Then just tell me where you are so I can come and get you.”

  “No, no, Brian, if I have time, I’ll come to you.”

  “And do you know where Westwick Castle is?” he asked, though he knew very well that she didn’t.

  “No, but I’m sure, er, the taxi driver will know. Brian, I have to go now. Please look after yourself.”

  “Ruby, honey, don’t go. I want to come and get you.”

  “No, no, Brian. I have to go now. Bye,” she said quickly.

  “Ruby, wait!”

  Ruby hung up the receiver. She felt like crying. How could she have been so cruel to Brian?

  She should have told him that she was at Hasting Manor. But what if he came, and found Alec and took him to the police? She was sure Brian would have no mercy for Alec.

  Ruby sighed. Brian, I’m so sorry.

  She picked up the receiver again, and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. I’m very sorry, Brian.

  She dialed the numbers she remembered so well. She didn’t have to listen to the continuous ringing sound at all before the receiver was snatched up.

  “Hello?” a female voice said.

  Ruby calmed herself down and said, “Hello, sis.”

  “Ruby?” the voice from the other side screamed. “Oh, Ruby! You phoned. Mum is so freakin’ worried you haven’t phoned for nearly two weeks. What happened? Why didn’t you call?”

  “Emm, please calm down. I’m phoning now, aren’t I?” Ruby said.

  Then she heard another voice saying, “Who’s that, Emm?”

  “It’s Ruby.”

  Ruby could hear Amethyst saying, “Give that to me!” and then, “Hey, sis, what’s going on? Why didn’t you phone? Mum is very worried. You know how she is. We don’t like it when you don’t phone. So the same date, right? The date that you’re back? Oh look, Mum’s here. Mum! It’s your daughter.”

  Ruby heard the receiver changing hands before her mum’s voice came to her ear. “Ruby, darling. How are you? Are you all right? Are you eating well? You’re not sick?”

  Ruby really wanted to cry now. My God, how she missed her family; all their noises and over protectiveness. On cue, tears began to brew in her eyes.

  “I’m fine, Mum. Yes, I’m eating well. How are you? Are you well?”

  “Of course, love, we are fine. It’s you we are worried about.”

  Ruby could hear her mum sniffing as though she were holding back tears. “Mum?”

  “Yes, love?”

  “I love you. I will be home soon. So I’ll see you then.”

  “Yes, I love you, too. Don’t forget to look after yourself. You know how you are; always worrying about other people and not caring for yourself. I won’t be in peace until you are home.”

  “Yes, Mum, I am looking after myself as best I can.”

  Then Ruby heard, “Mum, Mum, I want to talk to Ruby.” That was Emerald, the youngest daughter.

  “Hold on, Emm. Ruby? I love you. Bye,” her mother said.

  “Yes, Mum, I love you, too. Bye for now.”

  Then she heard Emm on the line. “Hold on for a sec. I’m going into the study.”

  “How are things, Emm?”

  “Good. Guess what?”


  “Mum’s not very happy. She dreamt about you like a week ago.”

  “She dreamt about me?”

  “She is very upset. I heard her crying the night she had the dream. She whimpered something like ‘don’t take my Ruby’ in her sleep’.”

  “What does she mean?”

  “Well, I didn’t know back then. But you know how she could never hold onto that type of burden by herself for long. I forced it out of her, of course. She told us that she dreamt of this—I don’t know—this really big, white serpent kidnapping you. She told us that it bit you and you bled like hell.”

  Ruby heard another voice from the other side. “Emm, give me the phone.”

  Emm said, “But I’m talking to Ruby.”

  “Just give me the phone,” Amee, the oldest sister said. Then Ruby heard Amethyst’s voice on the line. “Gee, it takes you that long to ring again, eh? What happened? You know very well that Mum doesn’t like not being in contact.”

  “I am phoning now, aren’t I?” Ruby said defensively.

  “Of course, love. You are. Family first. Very important. Now, about that dream. I think it was pretty bad. Mum said you bled like hell when that serpent bit you.”

  “Amee, I’m in Scotland. I don’t think there’re any snakes around here.”

  “Gee, Ruby, it’s not that literal. It’s a dream. It has another meaning. In our Khmer mythology, the serpent usually means a change in circumstance or,” she paused for effect.

  There she goes again; Amethyst and her Khmer history and mythology.

  “Or?” Ruby prompted.

  “A male admirer,” Amee said.


  “Well, usually the appearance of the serpent itself kind of represents the admirer. And the bleeding? Blood usually symbolizes your health.
I think it’s not so bad. It bit you. Mum told me that when Dad proposed, she dreamt of a white serpent biting her, too.”

  “Yeah, she told me that, too. But Dad didn’t believe in that type of stuff,” Ruby said, thinking about their father.

  “Oh well.”

  “How is business?” Ruby asked.

  “Good, just finished painting the house. Putting it up for rent soon.”

  Ruby pricked up her ears as she heard faint footsteps near the door. Her heart did another somersault.

  “Hey, Amee, kiss Mum for me, won’t you? I have to go now,” she whispered, looking at the door.

  “Why are you whispering? Sure, see you back here soon,” Amee said.

  “Bye,” Ruby replied quickly before hanging up.

  The door opened suddenly and Mrs. McKenzie came in with Westies at her heels. “Well, now, Miss Ruby, Lizzie told me ya are not feelin’ too well. I brought ya some aspirin.”

  Ruby moved guiltily away from the phone.

  Mrs. McKenzie eyed her with interest. She also noted Ruby’s eyes were red.

  “Thank you, Mrs. McKenzie,” Ruby muttered under her breath before taking the two tablets in the housekeeper’s hand. “I’ll be upstairs in the bedroom,” she said as she walked out the door.

  * * * * *


  Brian McArthur knew something wasn’t right. He sensed Ruby was hiding something.

  He looked at the number of the last call on his cell phone. The number that appeared on the screen looked oddly familiar. He narrowed his eyes.

  The door opened.

  Brian put the phone down, his hands shaking just a little.

  He glanced up and saw Susan at the door. She was dressed in a lovely, yellow day dress. She looked beautiful in it, and Brian had the sudden urge to see Ruby in the Fendi dress he bought for her.

  “Brian, there you are,” Susan said, her voice soft and sweet. “I have been looking for you.”

  “Have you?” he asked, still thinking about Ruby.

  “I was thinking,” Susan said as she walked toward him, “I was thinking that maybe we could go riding today.”

  “I’d rather not. Why don’t you ask Jane to go with you?”


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