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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 36

by Praks, Alexia

  “If you’re not coming, why should I bother?” She leaned toward him across the large study desk.

  “Look, Sue, I have a few things to organize. I’ll see you at dinner. How about that?” he said, picking up pieces of paper on the desk and staking them properly.

  Susan sighed in disappointment. “Sure,” she replied as she walked back to the door. “Your work, I suppose?”

  “Yeah,” Brian replied. As Susan was about to close the door, he said, “Susan?”

  She turned and smiled sweetly at him, thinking that he changed his mind. “Yes?” she replied eagerly.

  “I thought we should visit your brother.”

  Her smile vanished immediately. “Why?” she asked with a hint of panic in her voice.

  “Why don’t we all go to Hasting Manor tomorrow? Tell Jane, won’t you? We’ll stay there for a few days.”

  “But Alec might not be there.”

  “It doesn’t matter. And if he is there, we could surprise him,” Brian said, smiling at her.

  Susan nibbled her lip.

  “Sue? Are you all right?” he asked, eyeing her with keen interest.

  “Er, yes,” she responded.

  He nodded and Susan closed the door.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12

  Mrs. McKenzie waited anxiously as she watched Alec drive the Maybach ‘62 toward the manor. She kept clasping and unclasping her hands nervously. When Alec finally walked through the door, she rushed toward him.

  “Master Alec,” she began, “it’s Miss Ruby. I dunno what ta do.”

  Alec frowned, wondering what Ruby could have done now. Had she escaped again?

  “Where is she?” he asked abruptly.

  Mrs. McKenzie clamped her lips together and frowned darkly, glancing up the grand stairs.

  “Where is she?” he asked again, a hint of worry in his voice.

  “In the bedroom,” replied Mrs. McKenzie, still frowning anxiously.

  Alec sighed with relief.

  “It’s just that I’m a bit worried. She won’t stop cryin’. I know she doesn’t seem as unstable as before, but—”

  “Why is she crying?”

  “I dunno.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. McKenzie,” Alec said, heading toward the stairs, wondering why Ruby was crying. Was it because of him? Had he been treating her unfairly? Had he hurt her in some way?

  You must be joking? Alec cursed himself. Of course, he had treated her unfairly and was hurting her. No one calls kidnapping and imprisoning a young woman fair—so there was nothing more to say.

  He hesitated at the door to their bedroom. What must he do? She only had two weeks left, and he promised to let her go at the end of that time. He was not going to imprison her here forever. Surely, there was nothing for her to worry about.

  When he opened the door and walked in, he saw her lying on the bed with Captain Snow beside her. She was stroking the dog’s head. The blasted dog seemed very fond of her gentle petting as he just sat there, looking too damn content for Alec’s liking.

  Alec wished she could stroke him instead—gently, just like that. Not on the head, of course, but somewhere else—somewhere more private.


  He swore under his breath as he walked toward the bed.

  “You’re back?” she asked in a soft voice.

  Alec came closer to sit beside her. He didn’t beat around the bush. “Why are you crying?”

  Ruby sat up because she found him too close for comfort. As she did so, she moved back slightly. Then she grabbed Captain Snow and put him on her lap, almost as a barrier between Alec and her.

  “I’m allowed to cry, aren’t I?” she asked, her eyes downcast.

  “Yes, I suppose.”

  He touched her chin with his fingers and thumb, and lifted her face up so that she could look at him.

  Ruby glanced at him briefly, but looked down again at Captain Snow, whose tongue lapped out at her in pleasure as she petted his head.

  “I think you should stop. Your eyes are very red,” he said, smiling at her.

  “You can’t tell me to stop crying.”

  He moved his face toward hers. “Perhaps a kiss might cheer you up.”

  Ruby widened her eyes and moved back so fast that Captain Snow fell from her lap. Alec laughed.

  “For your information, Alec, I don’t want to be kissed by you. I don’t even like you.” She knew in her heart she was lying, of course. Otherwise, why in the hell didn’t she tell Brian to come and take her away when she had the chance?

  Alec’s heart missed a beat. And Brian? You want Brian to kiss you? How many times has he kissed you already? God, he hoped it was a big, fat zero the size of a goose egg! How he wanted to prove her wrong. How he hoped she would want to kiss him; and, yes, how he longed for her to want much more from him.

  He moved forward and roughly grabbed her arm.

  “What?” she asked, frowning.

  He pulled her closer. “Time for dinner,” he said, as he lifted her up in his arms.

  “You don’t have to carry me, Alec, I can walk. My foot is better now, if you must know.”

  “I know,” he said as he strode toward the door.

  Captain Snow jumped down from the bed and followed them.

  As they came into the dining room, Mrs. McKenzie and Lizzie were just finishing up setting out the table.

  Ruby couldn’t help but admire the beautiful, elegant dining room. In the center of the table was a big flower arrangement, and on each side were candleholders with lit candles.

  Alec placed her carefully on the side seat.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Alec nodded, taking the seat at the head of the table beside her. Then he proceeded to pour red wine into two glasses.

  “Drink this,” he said, handing her the glass. “It’ll help.”

  She looked at him, knowing people usually drank when they felt uncomfortable. She felt like one of those people right now. She wondered if drinking really did help. After all, she was filled with dread for not telling Brian where she was. She felt like she betrayed him, and sorely missed her family.

  She snatched the glass from his hand and took a big gulp.

  Alec watched in unmasked surprise.

  She looked up at him and said, “It doesn’t help.”

  “With what?”

  “You said it’d help. It doesn’t,” she moaned in an accusational tone.

  “You have to drink more. One sip is hardly enough,” he stated, wondering what was troubling her. Perhaps he’d get it out of her after she got very drunk.

  Ruby started drinking more until the glass was empty. “When is it going to start?” she asked, looking at him.

  “Start what?”

  “Start helping.”

  He laughed. “It’s not magic, Ruby.”

  She licked her lips and pushed her glass towards him. “More, please.”

  Alec raised his eyebrows, but picked the bottle up and poured some more until it was half-filled.

  Lizzie brought in the roast lamb and vegetables just then. She placed it in front of them and left.

  Ruby drank some more while Alec served the food. Then Ruby hungrily started eating her meal. When she was finished, she drank another glass of wine. Alec knew she was absolutely drunk. Her eyes were drooping and her speech was getting slurred. He knew she had no idea what she was talking about.

  “I feel dreadful, shimply dreadful,” she slurred, her fingers stroking her long hair. “Poor man …”

  Alec leaned forward, looking at her closely. “Why are feeling dreadful?”

  She rested her head on the table as she looked at him. “I should have told him. I feel dreadful. I betrayed … him. You … made me betray him. It’sh not fair.” Then she closed her eyes.

  Alec reached out and stroked her cheek. It looked as though she fell asleep, and right after dinner. He didn’t get anything out of her after all, despite her being dead drunk.

  He went
to her side, picking her up and carrying her out the door. In the bedroom, he gently put her down on the bed so that he would not wake her. Ruby chose that moment to open her eyes, and stared up at him. She touched his face, palpating her fingers and thumb gently against his skin.

  Alec couldn’t believe that! She was stroking him, and he loved it! He grinned as he gazed down at her.

  Her hands moved toward his muscular nape, and she dug her fingers into his thick hair.

  “All because of you,” she murmured.

  “Because of me?” he asked, gazing at her ruby-red lips.

  “Uh-huh,” she responded, nodding her head at the same time. “Becaush of you, I didn’t tell him.”

  “Who did you not tell?”

  “Becaush of you,” she repeated. Then she lifted her head toward him and gave him a peck on his lips.

  Alec could only stare at her.

  Ruby’s lips slipped over to his hard cheek and she gave him another peck there. Then she rested her head back on the pillow, a contented smile on her lips.

  Alec just stared down at her as she closed her eyes. His thumb was stroking her soft cheek. “Madame, I thought I taught you better than that.”

  Ruby sleepily opened her eyes. “Huh?”

  “Perhaps you need another lesson?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.

  Ruby cocked her head to one side as she gazed up at him. “Maybe.”

  Ah, an invitation indeed. Alec was no fool. He stroked her lips with his fingers and thumb. Then his head dropped closer and his lips touched hers.

  He kissed her hard—his tongue slipping between her luscious lips, and into her mouth to explore her sweetness.

  Ruby quivered, tightening her arms around his neck as she groaned. She responded to his demanding kiss. At first, it was somewhat timid and shy, then it became bolder—her tongue growing wild beside his as she, too, explored his seasoned mouth.

  When Alec moved his head back to look at her, he saw that she closed her eyes and her breathing became deeper and more even.

  “Madame, you tempt me every day. It’s a wonder that I haven’t snapped yet and ravished you.”

  No response.

  Alec kissed her on the lips again gently, before getting up. He noticed her skinny jeans, which looked very tight on her, and doubted she would be comfortable sleeping in them. She needed to change into her pyjamas.

  He went into the walk-in wardrobe, found her suitcase, and opened it. As he began looking for her pyjamas, he spotted the address book on the side pocket of the suitcase. Snatching it up, he flipped through the pages. In the B section, he found Brian’s name and his London address, along with his cell phone number.

  “Shit!” he swore loudly as he rushed out, barely glancing at Ruby’s sleeping form while striding heavily to the door.

  Entering the drawing room, he picked up the phone and checked through the last dialed number, exhaling a sigh of relief. The numbers on the screen were clearly the numbers outside of the UK. New Zealand? It must have been. She must have rung home then. Was that the reason she cried?

  Then he checked the second to the last dialed number.

  “Shit!” he swore again. There, the numbers appearing on the screen clearly belonged to Brian.

  Alec raked his fingers through his hair in irritation. God damn it! What was he to do now?

  He rushed out the door and up the stairs before entering the bedroom and sitting beside Ruby. He stared at her long and hard, wondering what to do. He knew without a doubt that Brian was coming. He moved to touch her face.

  “Madame, what have you done? Do you love him that much?”

  Suddenly, Alec felt an odd aching in his chest. Not a physical ache, but more of an emotional pain. Was he jealous of Brian? Was he in love with Ruby?

  Nay, he couldn’t very well whisk her away again. Nay, he was not a coward. If Brian came and challenged him for Ruby, then so be it. He’d have to take the bull by the horns and simply ride it out.

  As he gazed at her sleeping peacefully, his fingers stroked her soft cheek, and Alec knew exactly what to do. He smiled, his eyes glinting with mischief. He couldn’t wait until Brian got there. A challenge! It’d be fun.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 13

  Ruby blamed Alec for making her drink too much the previous night, because, when she woke up in the morning, she had a massive, splitting headache.

  “You only drank three glasses of wine,” he explained after she swore at him in Khmer. She couldn’t help herself.

  Lunch didn’t help either. Alec said that fluids helped to conquer a hangover. Hangover! She never had a hangover in her life. This was her very first time, and Ruby swore she would never have another one.

  Stupid wine!

  The phone rang again. She groaned. The noise was ear-piercing and her head started to pound even more. She wondered who it was. It kept ringing insistently for the whole morning, on and off. She was pretty sure that Lizzie and Mrs. McKenzie must have been sick of it by now.

  The pesky ringing persisted, refusing to quit.

  That was it! She’d had enough. Apparently, no one intended to pick it up. Reluctantly, she got up from the chaise lounge and limped over to the phone. Lifting it up, she said, “Hello?”

  A panicked voice said from the other end asked, “Is Alec there?”

  Ruby frowned. It was a woman. Alec’s lover? Her heart did a wee somersault.

  “No, I’m sorry. He’s not here right now,” she replied.

  A long pause. Then, “Who is this?”

  “It’s Ruby,” she answered.

  A thump. Then Ruby heard the beeping sound. She withdrew the phone from her ear and looked at it in surprise.

  “Okay?” she said, confused, and shaking her head as she hung up the receiver. The woman must have been very angry indeed to slam the phone down without another word.

  She limped back to the chaise and lay down. Using her fingertips, she delicately touched her head and groaned. She felt like she had just died, and hoped the aspirin would kill the headache.

  Groaning again, she closed her eyes, forcing herself to sleep so that she wouldn’t feel the pain as acutely.

  Is she Alec’s lover? Is she his girlfriend? Stop it, Ruby! Stop thinking about Alec!

  Fifteen minutes later, she was fast asleep.

  An few hours later, Alec came back in to check on her. My God, he had never known anyone who was so sensitive to alcohol before. She only drank three glasses of wine the previous night, and seemed to be affected in an instant.

  He sat beside her on the chaise. Ruby opened her eyes just then, and sleepily looked at him as his hand came to stroke her hair.

  “Feeling better?”

  “You have to ask?” she snapped. “You made me drink the wine.”

  “Ah, as I recall, it was you who insisted upon drinking. I did not force you, Ruby.”

  She wiggled her nose at him with distaste.

  Alec couldn’t help himself. She was simply too adorable, so he leaned toward her and kissed her forehead.

  “Why are you kissing me again?”

  “Because I want to,” he replied. “Don’t you ever just feel like kissing another person?”

  Ruby thought about that for a second, but shook her head. Of course, she was lying to him and herself. She really wanted to kiss him back right then, but she was too shy to admit it, and preferred to pretend not to be interested.


  She nodded and looked away, her lips pressed in a thin line.

  With their faces inches apart, Alec asked, “Has anyone kissed you before?”

  “You have.”

  “Before me?”

  “Nope,” she said, shaking her head.

  Alec couldn’t resist the wave of happiness that filled him. “Really? Then I hope I will always be the only person that ever kisses you.”

  Ruby blinked in confusion; but before she could analyze it any further, his lips were on hers.

  His kiss was p
assionate and wild. Ruby couldn’t help but sigh with pleasure and instantly responded physically. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers and thumbs digging through his hair as her tongue playfully stroked his.

  When Alec moved his head back, Ruby gazed up at him, appearing dazed. She was lost in his tender, passionate embrace. But she wanted more.

  “Feeling better?”

  Ruby shook her head in confusion. What did he just say? Oh God, Alec is so handsome. She wanted him to kiss her again. A nice, liquid sensation rushed through her. She sighed and her heart fluttered. She couldn’t resist lifting her head up and kissing him again on the lips.

  Alec was not one to resist an invitation. He kissed her back, deep, hot, and sensuously.

  When he drew his head back for the second time, he saw her smile contentedly.

  Ruby’s smile vanished instantly when her eyes caught sight of a movement at the door just inside the room. She sat up straight and shifted her head to the side to see whom it was since Alec was blocking her view. She narrowed her eyes to focus because she didn’t have her glasses on.

  The blond-haired woman shifted uncomfortably where she stood.

  Ruby frowned, thinking she had seen the woman somewhere before. Then she noticed a man standing beside the woman. Her heart missed a beat as she realized who he was, and all the blood drained from her face.

  Alec instantly knew Brian and Susan were standing by the door once he saw Ruby’s expression. He turned slowly to look at them, with a nice, big grin plastered on his face.

  “Hello?” he greeted cheerfully.

  Ruby shot up. And since she did so too fast, the blood didn’t have time to reach her head, causing the room to spin around her. She closed her eyes and started swaying.

  Alec knew she was about to faint, and caught hold of her in his arms. He looked down at her with concern, saying, “Darling, are you all right?”

  Ruby closed her eyes, biting her lip as she tried to concentrate. A moment later, her head cleared, and her eyes fluttered open. She saw Alec’s face above her.

  “Alec,” she managed to say.

  “I told you not to drink too much last night. Darling, now you’re exhausted.” Then he kissed her forehead.


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