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Barbarian: A Science Fiction Alien Romance (Alien Barbarians of Zandipor Book 1)

Page 11

by Kim Fox

  “Yes!” Stupid Smurf screams as he thrusts his staff over his head. “Obey the true Saku, Loupin!”

  The dinosaur slowly pulls her head back and then jerks it forward, opening her jaws as her head lunges down. She snaps up Scrumptious Smurf in one bite, staff and all.

  “Holy fuck!” I scream as the T-Rex whips her head from side to side with only Loupin’s tiny blue feet hanging out. She crunches her jaws up and down and a spray of blood shoots out of the sides of her mouth ending Loupin’s rule once and for all.

  Shredded Smurf is not even down her throat when she turns to us with fiery eyes. I swallow hard as I hold up my fist with my old apartment key still sticking out.

  The T-Rex pulls her head back just like she did before she snapped up Loupin and I close my eyes, waiting for the dreaded teeth to sink into my body.

  A deafening cough, then a whimper rings out and my eyes whip open. The T-Rex is shaking her head wildly as she steps back and claws the air with her tiny arms.

  “What the hell?”

  She throws her head back with her mouth wide open and it’s right there that I see the problem. Loupin’s staff is wedged in her throat and she can’t breathe.

  The bitch falls to her side with a thunderous wham and she kicks out her hind legs into the air like she’s riding an imaginary bicycle.

  It’s over fast. Her massive legs slow to a stop and her gigantic tail stops its violent thrashing as she chokes to death on Loupin’s staff.

  I flop back against Turic’s body and stare at the stiff beast with a gaping mouth. Maybe I am the Saku.

  The thought flashes through my mind for a second but is quickly dismissed. I am still the same girl who tripped down the stairs at her high school graduation and the same girl who spilled a tray of drinks on a customer on her first day working as a waitress.

  But the army of cheering blueberries racing up behind me don’t know that. They all gather around me with wide eyes as they reach out to me in awe.

  They surround us in a sea of blue and the chants begin. “Saku! Saku! Saku!”

  I climb to my feet clutching my hard stomach. I start to get dizzy and lean on Tin Tom for support as I stand up. The crowd of eager Drandroka hush before me. They’re all leaning forward, staring at me with wide glowing eyes as they give me their rapt attention.

  They’re waiting for their Saku to speak.

  I’m feeling so nauseous and the smell of Loupin’s blood splattered on my chest and arms is too much. I puke all over my feet.

  I chuckle as the crowd of Drandroka all jump back as one.

  Two things are clear to me now: I’m not the Saku. The Saku wouldn’t vomit all over herself in her most glorious moment. And two, I’m definitely pregnant.


  “Do you think they’ll be okay?” I ask, biting my fingernails as I watch the proud Drandroka leave the village with large sacks filled with supplies strapped to their backs.

  “Yes,” Turic answers without hesitation. “Turic sent the fiercest warriors and wisest trackers.”

  I was talking about my girls. I keep wondering if Mandy and Rolanda are okay. They’ve been out there, alone for days and every time I think about them, it breaks my heart. They must be so alone. So scared.

  The first order that I gave upon returning to the village as the new Chief (that’s right, I’m the new Chief!) was to send out hunting parties to search for my friends. Turic said that if Mandy and Rolanda are still alive, they will find them.

  But that’s a big if.

  Mandy is as hopeless as me in the wilderness and although Rolanda is tough, she’s not tougher than a dinosaur.

  I push the stomach-turning thought out of my mind as Turic scoops me up in his muscular arms. I’ve done all I could for them. Let’s hope it’s enough.

  My love carries me through the village as he whispers what he’s going to do to me once he gets me home. I won’t share here but I can tell you that my cheeks are burning red.

  It was just a sedative that had knocked him out. After the T-Rex had choked to death on Loupin’s staff yesterday the Drandroka had carried us home. They placed Turic in his bed and he woke up this morning more awake than ever. I can get used to waking up next to Turic. Who needs coffee when you can wake up to multiple orgasms instead?

  We walk past a pair of Drandroka who drop to the ground, bowing their foreheads onto the dirt as we stroll by. It’s so crazy how they bow to me like I’m some kind of a Goddess. I’ll have to put a stop to that.

  Maybe in a few days.

  Turic takes me past the village square where the Drandroka keep the village’s most prized possession on display. The extremely dangerous weapon rests on the trunk of an old tree, cut down decades ago. The Drandroka give it a wide berth, deathly afraid of its power but intensely curious at the same time. They look at it with awe and whisper to each other in excited voices.

  Me? I’m not so impressed. It’s just my old apartment key. The one that never quite worked too well. The one that you had to jiggle a bit before the lock would open. It’s found a new life here on Zandipor and a new purpose. Just like me.

  Turic kicks the door to our home open and carries me to the bed. He lays me down on the mossy mattress softly, then kisses my forehead, and then the tiny bump on my belly. I’m already showing.

  My stomach is as hard as the clay walls and Turic can’t seem to take his hands off of it. He’s constantly touching my belly and whispering secrets to his unborn child. It’s so sweet.

  There are still so many unknowns about the childbirth but I’m excited to find everything out. What will my baby look like? Will it be a boy or a girl? Will it be human or Roka? I can’t wait to find out in nine months, or however long it takes to give birth to a half-human, half-Roka baby.

  “What should we name it?” I ask as I stretch my arms out over my head. Turic is lying on the bed beside me, tracing circles over my belly with his finger.

  “If it is a Drandroka,” he says, “we name him the mighty Crungate.”

  “Crungate?” I ask with a sigh. “It sounds like a toothpaste. I was thinking Oliver or maybe Aiden.”

  Turic shakes his head and laughs. “Aiden?” he says between deep laughs. “That sounds like a Sandroka name.”

  “I like it,” I say with a frown. “What if the baby is a Sandroka? Which name do you like?”

  Turic raises his chin as he thinks about it. “Kulag,” he says.

  “Gesundheit,” I answer even though he didn’t sneeze. I just don’t want to believe that he would name my baby girl something like that.

  Turic’s eyes are sparkling. “Kulag was the beautiful name of Turic’s mother. It would be an honor to name Turic’s child after her.”

  I cringe. “We’ll talk,” I say, rubbing my hard belly.

  “Enough talk,” he says, climbing over me. My heart starts to pound as he kisses a soft trail up my neck that ends on my lips. His hard erection pushes against my inner thigh and I’m already so wet for him.

  “It’s time for the mighty Turic to drink the divine nectar of the Saku’s sweet culip,” he says as he grips my thighs with a powerful grip and moves south.

  I swallow hard as his lips pass over my belly button. “Mmmmm,” I moan as he kisses his way down. “My favorite time of day.”

  I’m thrilled to be having his baby and I’m thrilled that I have a new home with him. Zandipor is a cruel, violent planet but Turic has made it feel like home. A warm, beautiful place that I don’t ever want to leave.

  I moan as he tucks his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and tugs them down.

  As soon as I get my girls back it will be perfect.

  “Earthling woman,” Tin Tom cries out from behind the door. “Would you like some France toast?”

  Well, almost perfect.


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  A note from Kim Fox:

  I had to write this scene. The thought of it just made me burst out laughing over and over again. It’s not really a bonus chapter but more of a what if chapter.

  What if Turic came back to earth and got a corporate job at a printer company? What would his performance review look like? Find out here…

  Send me the free Bonus Chapter (and a free book)!

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  The Clawed Squad Series:



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  Bare Knuckle Bears

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