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Dirty Wars

Page 99

by Jeremy Scahill

  Houthi, Abdul-Malik al-, 131

  Houthi, Hussein Badreddin al-, 131

  Houthi rebellion, 62, 131–132, 213, 260, 280

  Hull, Edmund, 75

  Human intelligence operations. See HUMINT operations

  Human rights groups, 77–78. See also Amnesty International; Human Rights Watch

  Human Rights Watch, 398

  and Camp NAMA, 148, 159

  and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 224

  See also Human rights groups

  Human thermal fingerprint, 173

  HUMINT (human intelligence) operations, 95, 96, 145

  vs. CIA, 171

  in Pakistan, 250

  and SOFs, 171

  “Hunter” (secret informant), 180–184, 350

  Hurre, Ismail Mahmoud “Buubaa,” 121, 126, 129, 203, 209

  Hussain, Altaf, 458

  HVT Task Force. See High Value Target Task Force

  HVTs. See High value targets

  ICRC. See International Committee of the Red Cross

  ICU. See Islamic Courts Union

  Iman University, 68, 184, 292

  In the Shade of the Quran (Qutb), 188

  Indha Adde. See Siad, Yusuf Mohammed

  Inshallahshaheed (blog), 289

  Inspire (AQAP magazine), 377–381

  hit list, 379

  Intelligence Support Activity (aka the Activity; Gray Fox), 51, 95–96, 120–121

  Intelligence technology, and kill/capture operations, 105

  Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI; Pakistan intelligence service), 168–169, 216

  and CIA, 425–427

  and Davis incident, 406, 415, 416, 417, 418, 425–427

  and US, relationship between, 412–413

  Interagency reviews, 16, 20, 24

  Interagency Working Group for Covert Action, 16

  International Committee of the Red Cross. See Red Cross

  International criminal court, 8–9

  International Crisis Group, 195, 228

  International Institute of Islamic Thought, 46

  International Monetary Fund, 64

  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 329, 337–338, 339–340, 341

  in Pakistan, 459

  Interrogation and torture/techniques, 24–25, 26–30, 85, 261

  at Camp NAMA, 147–160

  and CIA, 86–91, 155–156, 244–245

  and CJTF, 104–105

  definition of, 88–89

  investigation, 149–150

  of Iraqi prisoners, by TF-121, 140

  of Islamic Jihad members, 125

  in secret prison, in Ethiopia, 128

  and “Torture Memos,” 25

  and “torture taxis,” 27

  and use of dogs, 148

  See also Secret prisons

  IONA. See Islamic Organization of North America

  Iqbal, Javed, 427

  Iran, 230

  Iran-Contra scandal, 11, 53, 91, 165, 215

  Iran hostage crisis, 49

  Iraq, 13, 282

  civil war in, 164

  suicide bombers/bombings in, 112, 165

  See also Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

  Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15, 28, 150

  and CIA and Pentagon, conflict between, 81–84

  and Zarqawi, 113

  Iraq insurgency, 110, 111–115, 162–163, 165–166

  and casualties, 174

  causes of, 164, 166

  and Copper Green, 145–146

  and Fallujah, US siege of, 164

  and hit list, 141–146, 150–151, 167

  and insurgents, targeting of, 141–146

  and Iraqi Special Operations forces, 165

  and private security contractors, execution of, 163

  and US invasion and occupation, 166

  and US treatment of prisoners, 164, 166

  Iraq Survey Group, 157

  Iraq War/invasion/occupation, 8, 105

  and Afghanistan, and unified task force, 138

  and al Qaeda, post-invasion presence of, 141–142

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 47

  and Baath regime leaders, hunt for, 114–115

  Blackwater in, 177

  and Bremer as administrator of Coalition Provisional Authority, 110–111

  and Bush, “Mission Accomplished” speech of, 111

  and Cheney, 129

  and contracting boom, post-invasion, 163

  Copper Green in, 145–146

  and de-Baathification process, 111

  destruction of, 179

  and Iraqi military, disbanding of, 111

  and JSOC, 129

  and JSOC, and kill/capture operations, 113–114

  and Rumsfeld, 129

  Salvadorization of, 165

  shift of resources to, 138–139

  Special Operations Forces in, 107

  Special Ops/CIA reassigned to, 139

  and Task Force 121 interrogation and torture of Iraqi prisoners, 140

  and UN Baghdad headquarters bombings, 112–113

  and WMDs, 15, 28–29, 82, 139, 150

  See also Balad Air Base; Gulf War

  Iraqi military, disbanding of, 111

  Iraqi Special Operations forces, 165

  Iryani, Abdul Ghani al-, 462, 463, 464

  ISAF. See International Security Assistance Force

  ISI. See Inter-Services Intelligence

  Islam, Sheikh Ahmed “Madobe” Mohammed, 195, 200, 225, 394–395, 488

  Islamic Courts Union (ICU), 192–195, 195–196, 225

  and al Qaeda, 207, 209

  and al Shabab, 196, 209

  and CIA, and Somali warlord program, defeat of, 200–201, 201–203

  and Ethiopian US-backed invasion of Somalia, 203–206, 206–209

  and Siad, Yusuf Mohammed, 224

  and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Somalia, 219–223

  See also Militant organizations

  Islamic Courts Union leaders

  hunt for, 206, 223–226

  and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Somalia, 219–223

  Islamic Jihad, 62

  rendition and torture of members of, 124

  Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, 252

  Islamic Network, 289

  Islamic Organization of North America (IONA), 288

  Islamic Thinkers Society, 288

  Isse, Mohamed Ali, 128

  Jacoby, Lowell, 97, 158–159

  Jaffer, Jameel, 514–515

  JAG (Judge Advocate General’s Corps) lawyers, 156

  Jama, Abdulkareem, 485

  Jama’at al Tawhid wa’al Jihad, 112

  Jamadi, Manadel al-, 157

  Jamal, Abdul Rezzaq al-, 363, 463–464

  Jawbreaker (CIA team), 22

  Jessen, Bruce, 88, 154

  Jihad Recollections (Kahn; online PDF magazine), 290

  JIMAS (Association to Revive the Way of the Messenger), 37

  conference, United Kingdom, 67–68

  Johnsen, Gregory, 358, 380, 398, 399

  and Arab Spring, 432

  and Yemen, 130–131

  Johnson, Jeh, 303, 312–313, 519

  Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA), 86–88

  and interrogation and torture/techniques, 87–88

  Personnel Recovery Academy, 87

  Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPEL), 167, 331

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 48–57, 96, 100–101

  and abuse of power, 142–143

  and Afghanistan, night raids in

  in Afghanistan, 138, 331, 332, 333

  and al Qaeda, 53, 237

  and al Shabab, 276–277, 490

  and Awlaki, Abdulrahman, 509

  and Awlaki, Anwar, drone strike against, failure of, 454

  and Awlaki, Anwar, killing of, 498–500

  and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 437–438, 439, 443, 452

  “black” detainee program guidelines, 148

and Black Hawk Down incident, 55–56

  and Blackwater, 177, 178

  and Blackwater-CIA-JSOC covert action, in Pakistan, 251–253

  and clandestine action, 282

  and congressional oversight, 252

  and conventional military in Iraq, relationship with, 142

  counterinsurgency doctrine (COIN), undermining of, 329–331

  and Davis incident, 416–418

  and detainee operations, 151, 331

  and drone strikes, 251, 284, 358

  expansion of authority of, 297

  and functioning command structure, 103

  and Gardez raid/massacre, 344, 347

  and global manhunt, 169–172

  High Value Target Task Force, 115

  and hit list/HVTs, 179, 325, 331, 333, 351, 352

  and ICU leaders, hunt for, 223–226

  increased presence of, 355

  intelligence division (see the Activity)

  and interrogation and torture/techniques, 86–87, 91

  and Iran, 138

  and Iraq, 105–107, 113–115, 124, 129, 142, 174

  and Joint Prioritized Effects List, 331

  and JSOC-CIA divide, 170–171, 297, 350, 353, 388

  and JSOC-ization of US counterterrorism policy, 350–351

  and “Kill TV,” 303

  and kill/capture center at Balad Air Base, 162, 166

  and kill/capture operations, 113–114, 167

  legality of operations, 182–183

  and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 275–276

  and Majalah massacre, 307–309

  and McChrystal, reorganization of, 108, 110

  and military and intelligence law, gray areas of, 92–94

  missions of, 51–54

  MLE as cover for, 170–171

  and night raids, in Afghanistan, 331, 332 (see also Gardez raid/massacre)

  and Obama, 329

  and Obama, prized ninjas of, 276

  and Obama, transformation of, 259

  and operations, expansion of, 297

  and operations, intensification of, 350

  and Pakistan, 168–169, 216, 217–218, 251, 406–413, 417–418

  and Pakistan, HVTs in, 176, 177

  as principal counterterrorism force, 114

  rendition program of, 182

  rise to prominence of, 181–182

  role of, 50

  and Rumsfeld, reorganization of, 98

  and Rumsfeld, transformation of, 54–55, 57

  and Schultz report, 55–57

  and Screen Hunter, 176

  secrecy of, 329

  and secret informant “Hunter,” 180–184

  in Somalia, 124, 201, 219–223, 223–226, 294–297, 470, 476

  and surveillance drones, 173–174

  and targeted killings/drone strikes, and Nabhan, Saleh Ali, 295–296, 297

  and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Somalia, 219–223, 294–297

  and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Yemen, 303–304, 307–309 (see also Majalah massacre; Gardez raid/massacre)

  training, 51

  and unified task force in Afghanistan and Iraq, 138

  in Uzbekistan, 252

  and Vibrant Fury, 179

  and Warsame, capture of, 453

  and Yemen, 284, 303–304, 307–309, 321, 322, 387–389

  and Yemen, expansion of SOFs in, 261–262

  and Zarqawi, targeted death of, 179

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force

  at Camp NAMA, 147, 148–150, 151, 152

  at Camp NAMA, code names for, 147

  success of, 174–175

  Joint Test Directorate, 49

  Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force (JUWTF) Execute Order, 282–283

  Jones, James, 328

  Jost, Aaron W., 386

  JPEL. See Joint Prioritized Effects List

  JPRA. See Joint Personnel Recovery Agency

  JSOC. See Joint Special Operations Command

  JSOC-CIA divide, 170–171, 297, 350, 353, 388

  Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) lawyers, 156

  JUWTF Execute Order. See Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order

  K2 (secret US base, Uzbekistan), 17

  Kane, David, 70

  Kansteiner, Walter, 122

  Kanwal, Shumaila, 421, 428

  Kappes, Stephen, 259–260

  Karadzic, Radovan, 52

  Karzai, Hamid, 387

  Kasi, Mir Aimal, 27

  Katz, Ian, 425

  Kayani, Ashfaq Parvez, 216, 411, 427

  Kazemi, Saleh Mohammed Ali al-, 303, 307, 311–312

  Kebriaei, Pardiss, 368, 372–373, 401

  Kelley, Jeremy, 345

  Kenya, 79, 123, 477

  al Qaeda in, 122

  US embassy in, bombing of, 6, 119, 125–126, 196–197, 198

  Kenyan Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, 295

  Kerry, John, 423–424, 425

  Khaleel, Ziyad, 36

  “the Khalifa.” See Noor, Abdulkadir Moalin

  Khan, Chauhdry Nisar Ali, 458

  Khan, Gul, 449

  Khan, Samir, 287–291

  and AQAP, 375–381

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 289, 291, 380–381

  blogs of, 289, 290

  death of, as collateral damage, 500, 501–502

  and FBI, 290

  and Inspire magazine, 377–381

  in Yemen, 290–291

  Khan, Sarah, 287–288, 291, 376, 501–502

  Khan, Zafar, 501–502

  Khosroof, Muhsin, 211

  Kibbe, Jennifer, 99

  Kidnapping operations. See Kill/capture operations

  Kill list doctrine, 332–334

  Kill lists, 14, 117, 325–326, 351–352. See also Assassination operations; High value targets; Hit lists

  “Kill TV,” 303

  Kill/capture operations, 24–25, 27, 95, 98, 107, 113–114

  and CIA, and Somali warlord program, 118–121, 124, 127–129, 191–195

  and Disposition Matrix, 514

  and intelligence technology, 105

  and JSOC, in Iraq, 113–114

  and Obama, 245–246

  in Pakistan, 406–408, 410, 411

  See also Assassination operations; High value targets

  Kilwi, Muhammad al-, 311

  Kimball, Sam, 211

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 301–302

  King, Peter, 502–503, 510

  Kirby, John, 410

  Klaidman, Daniel, 312–313, 371–372, 454

  Kleinman, Steven, 87, 153–154

  Koh, Harold, 303, 353, 371–372

  Kohlmann, Evan, 240–241

  Koran, 34, 38, 68, 132, 135, 136, 188, 197, 232, 290, 291, 479

  Krongard, A. B. “Buzzy,” 18, 27

  Kucinich, Dennis, 367–368, 503–504

  Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmed al-, 435

  Kuwaiti, Mariam al-, 446

  Lackawanna Six, 76

  Lang, Walter Patrick, 54, 97, 101, 258, 282

  and AQAP, in Yemen, 259

  and AQAP, threat posed by, 468

  and Awlaki, Anwar, 325

  and dark operations, 49–50

  and Davis incident, 416

  and Global War on Terror, 468

  and Petraeus, 498

  and Rumsfeld and Cheney, innovation risks of, 175

  and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 61, 65, 280–281, 387

  Laos, 9

  “Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen” (US Department of Justice), 514–515

  Leaders. See Neoconservative leaders; Terrorist leaders

  Lee, Barbara, 19–20

  Leiter, Michael, 281, 401–402

  Lethal authority, 5–7, 20

  and Al Qaeda, 5, 18, 22–23

  and bin Laden, 20–21, 22–23

  See also Assassination ban; Assassination operations; Drone strikes

  Lethal Findings, 21

  Lethal force

nbsp; against bin Laden, 126

  and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 274–276

  Levey, Stuart, 369

  Levin, Carl, 83, 459

  Libby, Lewis “Scooter”

  and Bremer, 110

  and Cheney, defense plan of, 7–8

  and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 81, 82

  and Iraqi WMDs, 15

  Liberia, 139, 198

  Libi, Abu Layth al-, 289, 290

  Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-, 28–29

  Lieberman, Joseph, 286, 321

  Lindh, John Walker, 28

  Little, George, 425, 426

  Lobe, Jim, 8

  Lone, Salim, 194

  Long, William, 260

  Long-range facial recognition program, 173

  The Looming Tower (Wright), 63

  Luitingh, Lafras, 484, 485

  Lumumba, Patrice, 5

  Lute, Douglas, 216

  Luther, Philip, 312

  Luti, William, 82–83

  Maass, Peter, 165

  Macay, Phyllis, 482–483

  Macgregor, Douglas, 100–101, 109–110

  MacMahon, Edward, 71, 72, 73, 74

  Madobe. See Islam, Sheikh Ahmed “Madobe” Mohammed

  Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 273–276

  and Phillips as hostage, 274–276

  Mahmud, Shaykh (aka Rahman, Atiya Abdul), 381

  Majalah massacre, 303–313, 323, 358

  and bin Fareed, 304–306

  and bin Fareed, rally of, 309–311

  and JSOC, 307–309

  and Shaye, Abdulelah Haider, 307

  US responsibility for, 311–313

  Majalah massacre rally, 309–311

  al Qaeda hijacking of, 311

  Mal, Sayid Mohammed, 342

  Maldonado, Daniel, 270–271, 289

  Malik, Johari Abdul, 38, 46–47, 374

  Mana’a, Faris, 212–213

  Mangal, Abdul Rahman, 340

  Mansur, Ahmad, 131

  Marcinko, Richard, 50–51, 115–116

  imprisonment of, 116

  Marib Province

  al Qaeda attacks in, 230–231

  US drone strike in, 65–66, 75, 230–231

  Martin, David, 207

  Marxist Red Brigades, 51

  Matchbox. See Copper Green

  Mattis, James, 427, 464

  Mayer, Jane, 146

  Mazzetti, Mark, 282

  McArthur (Blackwater antipiracy ship), 483

  McCain, John, 107, 161, 237–238, 459, 469, 503, 515, 516

  and Awlaki, Anwar, targeted killing of, 503

  and McRaven, 469

  and Obama, 245–246, 256

  McCaul, Michael, 502

  McChrystal, Herbert, 109

  McChrystal, Stanley, 101–110, 237, 284

  and Afghanistan, house raids in, 330

  and Afghanistan, surge in, 328–329

  and Balad Air Base, Iraq, interrogation and torture at, 161, 162

  and bin Laden, hunt for, 166

  and Camp NAMA, 148, 151, 156

  and CFR fellowship paper, 104

  and CFR military fellowship, 103–104


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