Dirty Wars
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and CJTF, interrogation and torture, 104–105
and CJTF 180, and al Qaeda, fight against, in Afghanistan, 104–105, 106
as commander of International Security Assistance Force, 329
as commander of 3rd Battalion 75th Regiment and Rangers, 102–103, 108
as commander of US Special Operations Forces, in Afghanistan, 329, 342
and congressional briefings, 106–107
and conventional military in Iraq, relationship with, 142
and Counterinsurgency doctrine, and JSOC, undermining of, 329–331
and counterterrorism policy, expansion of, 261
and detainee operations, and JSOC, role in, 151
as director of the Joint Staff, 328
education and military career of, 102–107, 109–110
and F3EA: Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, and Analyze, 145
and Gardez raid/massacre, 343
and Gulf War, 102
and insurgents, targeting of, 145–146
and Iraq insurgency, 113, 166
and Iraq insurgency, and AQI, 143–144
and JSOC, and kill/capture operations, 113–114
and JSOC, in Iraq, 105–107, 113–115
and JSOC, reorganization of, 108, 110
and JSOC, transformation of, 259
as JSOC commander, in Iraq, 113
and JSOC night raids, in Afghanistan, 331
and night raids, in Afghanistan, 347–348
and Obama administration, 258
and Pakistan, 168, 216
and Pakistan, HVTs in, 176
and Ranger training regime, revolutionizing and modernizing technology of, 102
resignation and retirement of, 348–349
and Saddam Hussein, capture of, 141
in Somalia, 201
and Special Operations Forces, in Iraq War, 107
and Taliban, support for, 331
and unified task force in Afghanistan and Iraq, 138
as vice director of operations for the Joint Staff, 106
and war against Islam, 110
and warrior scholar myth, 107–109
and Zarqawi, hunt for, 113, 166
and Zawahiri, hunt for, 175
McConnell, Mike, 250, 251, 256
McCormack, Sean, 193–194
McDonough, Dennis, 440
McGovern, Ray, 9
McKeeby, David, 409
McMahon, Colleen, 517–518
McRaven, Nan, 115
McRaven, William, 330
and Afghanistan, surge in, 328–329
and al Qaeda HVTs, strikes against, 236
and assassination policy, 352
and bin Laden, hunt for, 166
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 420, 436–437, 439–441, 442, 443, 445–446, 449, 452
as commander of JSOC, 250, 344
as commander of SOCOM, 513
and counterterrorism policy, expansion of, 261
education and military career of, 115–117
and Gardez raid/massacre, apology for, 344–346
as head of SOCOM, 469
and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 276
and Obama, 276, 297
and Pakistan, 217
and Petraeus, 498
and Saddam Hussein, capture of, 140–141
and Saddam Hussein, hunt for, 140
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, meeting between, 284
and targeted killings/drone strikes, 303, 307–308 (see also Majalah massacre)
and unified task force in Afghanistan and Iraq, 138
Meet the Press, 20
Mehsud, Baitullah, assassination of, 251
Meleagrou-Hitchens, Alexander, 134, 137
Menkhaus, Ken, 123, 476
Mercenary companies, 177–178. See also Blackwater; Private military contractors
Mesopotamia, al Qaeda in, 113
Meyers, Seth, 441
Mihdhar, Khalid al-, 37, 40
Militant organizations. See Al Qaeda; Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; Al Shabab; Islamic Courts Union
Military, US, reorganization of, 12–13
Military and intelligence law, and gray areas, 91–94
Military bureaucracy
circumvention of, 93
privatization of, 12
Military commanders, circumvention of, 93
Military dominance, 8
Military Liaison Elements (MLE), as cover for JSOC, 170–171
Miller, Geoffrey, 148, 155
“Mission Accomplished” speech (Bush, George W.), 111
Mladic, Ratko, 52
MLE. See Military Liaison Elements
Mobility 6, 50
Mogadishu, Battle of, 125
Mogadishu, Somalia, 55–56, 120, 194, 225
Al Shabab in, 277
al Shabab strike in, 491–492
and CIA, and warlord program, defeat of, 201–203
private security companies in, 485–486
Mohamed, Abdinasir, 300
Mohammad, Fashad, 157
Mohammad, Maulana Noor, 177
Mohammed, Abdullah Fazul, 223, 272, 294, 297, 487–488
and al Qaeda, 198–200
and al Shabab, 199–200, 298
and Black Hawk Down incident, 197–198
and CIA, and Somali warlord program, 199
death of, 489
and Dheere, 199
and Djibouti Agreement, 227
education of, 197
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 226
and Hammami, 271
as HVT, 197
and Mombasa attacks, 119, 198–199
and Qanyare, 199
and US embassy, Kenya, bombing of, 119, 196–197, 198
and US embassy, Tanzania, bombing of, 119, 196–197, 198
Mohammed, Omar Bakri, 292
Mohsen, Ali, 462
Mombasa attacks, 119, 198–199
Moore, Joseph, 212
Morell, Mike, 436, 442
Morrell, Geoff, 410–411
Motel 6 (interrogation facility), 147
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 28
Mubarak, Hosni, 308, 430, 431
Mueller, Robert, 63, 72
and Awlaki, Anwar, interrogation of, 187
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 64
Mugisha, Nathan, 485
Muhajir, Abu Abdullah al-, 493
Muhammad, Abdulhakim Mujahid (aka Carlos Bledsoe), 260–263
and drive-by shooting at Arkansas recruitment center, 260–261
and FBI interrogation, 260
Mullen, Michael, 410, 427
and Afghanistan, 282
and al Qaeda, 256, 263
and Majalah massacre, 308–309
and McChrystal, resignation of, 349
and Yemen, 321
Muller, Scott, 156
Multi-National Security Transition Command–Iraq, 164
Multilateralism, 8
Mumbai bombings, 413
Muntasir, Abu, 37
Muse, Abduwali, 482
Muse, Kurt, 53
Musharraf, Pervez, 169, 216, 217, 245
Muslim and Arab communities, government harassment of, 43–44
Muslim Association of Britain, 134
Muslim Brotherhood, 134, 188
Muslimpad, 289
Mutallab, Alhaji Umaru, 317, 320
Myers, Richard, 908
Nabhan, Saleh Ali Saleh, 119, 198, 272, 396, 470
and CIA, and Somali warlord program, 199, 200
and Djibouti Agreement, 227
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 226
and Hammami, 271
JSOC, targeted killing of, 295–296, 297, 299
JSOC hunt for, 294
Nadari, Shaykh Harith al-, 187, 235, 456
Nairobi, US embassy in, 120, 198, 199
Nakhleh, Emile, 15, 65, 211, 322, 326, 363, 467–468
and Awlaki, Anwar, web sermons of, 234
Nance, Malcolm, 58, 86, 163–164
and Camp NAMA, 155, 157
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 209
and JSOC, and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Somalia, 295–296
and Somalia, 205
National Command Authority, 92
National Counterterrorism Center, 255, 281
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, 162
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 95
National Missions Force, 98
National Reconnaissance Office, 95
National Security Act of 1947, 24
National Security Agency (NSA), 95, 99, 470, 471–472
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 440
and Real Time Regional Gateway, 162
National Security Council, 29, 117, 325, 508
kill list, 351
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD), 51
National Security Presidential Directive, 17
National Security Presidential Directive-1 (NSPD-1), 16
National Security Presidential Directive-38 (NSPD-38), 171
National Security Service (NSS; Somalia), 472
National sovereignty, and assassination operations, 169
“National Strategy for Combating Terrorism” (Bush), 117
NATO, and Gardez raid/massacre, 338, 339, 340–341, 342, 343–344
Natural resources, dominance over, and neoconservatives, 8
Naval Postgraduate School, 116
Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU), 51, 115, 438, 439
Navy SEALs. See US Navy SEALs
Naylor, Sean, 127, 199
Negroponte, John, 186, 207
Neoconservative leaders, 9. See also Cheney, Dick; Rumsfeld, Donald
Neoconservative movement
aims of, 9–10
beliefs of, 8
and Obama, cabinet selection of, 246
and Cheney, defense plan of, 8
and CIA, oversight changes in, 23–24
and McChrystal, 109
and natural resources, dominance over, 8
and shadow government, 7
New Mexico State University, 31
New York City Bar Association, Committee on International Human Rights, 149–150
Nicaragua, 11, 165
Night raids, 521
in Afghanistan, 332–334 (see also Gardez raid/massacre)
and anti-US sentiment, 518
escalation of, and Afghanistan insurgency, 349
and Taliban, support for, 348
Night Stalkers. See 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
9/11 attacks
and Awlaki, Anwar, response of, 37, 39–40, 41–42, 43
exploitation of, 19
and hit list, 14
and war, right to declare, 19–20
Nixon, Richard, 9
Niyoyunguruza, Juvenal, 299
Nobel Peace Prize, and Obama, 301–302
Nodal analysis patterns of movement, 173
Noor, Abdulkadir Moalin (aka “the Khalifa”), 479–480
Noriega, Roger, 409–410
Norris, Molly, 379, 380
North, Oliver, 11, 165
Northern Virginia Paintball Jihad, 72
Northwest Flight 253 Christmas day bombing attempt, 317–321, 369, 378
NSA. See National Security Agency
NSDD. See National Security Decision Directive
NSPD-1. See National Security Presidential Directive-1
NSPD-38. See National Security Presidential Directive-38
NSS. See National Security Service
Nuhaas, Ibn, 137
Nur, Mohamed Ahmed, 494
Nur, Sheikh Aden Mohamed, 277
Obama, Barack, 169
and Afghanistan, 270, 284
and Afghanistan, surge in, 328–329
and Afghanistan strategy, 282
and African policy, 298
and al Qaeda, 248, 255–257, 294, 320–321
and al Shabab in Somalia, 271–272, 272–273
and AQAP bomb plot against US, 390
and assassination operations, 253
and assassination policy, 353–354
and Awlaki, Anwar, 237–238, 243, 354
and Awlaki, Anwar, hunt for, 401
and Awlaki, Anwar, killing of, 499–500, 501
and Awlaki, Anwar, strikes against, failure of, 314–316, 453–454
and Awlaki, Anwar as top terrorist, 269
and Awlaki, Nasser, letter from, 326–327
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 435, 436, 437, 440, 441, 442–443, 444, 445, 446–447, 449, 450, 451–452
and bin Laden raid, protest over, 458
and Blackwater-CIA-JSOC covert action, in Pakistan, 252–253
and Bush, drone strike policies of, escalation and preservation of, 250, 251
and Bush-era counterterrorism policy, expansion of, 261, 516–517, 520
and Bush-era covert wars, expansion of, 248, 256, 259–260
and Bush-era detention policy, expansion of, 296
and Bush-era torture and detention programs, dismantling of, 248
cabinet selection of, 246
and Cheney, 247, 320
and CIA interrogation and torture/techniques, 245
and CIA-JSOC divide, 350–351
and clandestine action, 282–283
and counterinsurgency, in Afghanistan, 328–329
and counterterrorism policy, 246–247, 249–250, 295–297
and counterterrorism policy, expansion of, 261
and counterterrorism policy, reframing of, 297–298
and counterterrorism policy, SOFs role in, 355
and covert wars, US, 301–302
and Davis incident, 403, 404, 423, 424, 425
and drone program, 515–516
and first annual budget request, 298
foreign policy of, 244–247
and Global War on Terror, 468
and Guantánamo, and Yemeni prisoners, repatriation of, 323
and Guantánamo, and Yemeni prisoners, transfer of, 256, 257–258, 261
and Guantánamo prison break, 254
inauguration of (second term), 513
interrogation policy of, 261
and Israel, and right to defend against missile attacks, 519
and JSOC, 329
and JSOC, and clandestine action, 282
and JSOC, expansion of authority of, 297
and JSOC, in Somalia, 295–296
and JSOC, support for, 355
and JSOC, transformation of, 259
and JSOC-ization of US counterterrorism policy, 350–351
and JSOC operations, intensification of, 350
and JSOC/SOFs, admiration for, 276
and “just war” theory, 353
and kill/capture operations, 245–246
and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 274–276
and Majalah massacre, 308
and McCain, 245–246, 256
and McChrystal, resignation of, 349
and Musharraf, 245
Nobel Peace Prize speech of, 301–302
and piracy industry in Somalia, 482–483
Republicans’ attack on, 320–321
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 256, 257–258
and secret prisons/black sites, 294, 296, 473
and Shabwani incident, 357–358
and Shaye, 399
and Signature Strikes, 249, 352
and smart war, 515
and SOFs, increased presence of, 354–355
and Somalia, dual-track policy in, 474–475, 476, 477
and spy programs, in Pakistan, 250
and targeted killings/drone strikes, 295–296, 473
and targeted killings/drone strikes, and al Qaeda recruitment, 494
and targeted killings/drone strikes, expansion of, 513–514
and targeted killings/drone strikes, final authority over, 351–352
and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Pakistan, 248–250, 25
5, 352
and targeted killings/drone strikes, in Yemen, 78
and targeted killings/drone strikes, legality of, 517–518, 519–521
and US citizens, assassination strike against, 314–316, 325–326
and US citizens, assassination strike against, and Awlaki lawsuit against, 369–374, 392
and US embassy bombings, 236, 277
West Point speech of, 301
and Yemen, downplay of US role in, 321–322
and Yemen, expansion of SOFs in, 261–263
and Yemen, focus on, 269, 285–287
and Zinjibar siege, 464
Obama, Michelle, 513
Obama administration
and Afghanistan war, 258
and al Qaeda, in Yemen, 268
and AQAP, 321
and clandestine action, 282–283
and detainee policy, legality of, 519
and detainee policy, violation of, 453
and Saleh regime, weakening of, 465
and SOFs, expansion of, 283–284
and Yemen, assistance to, 386
O’Connell, Thomas, 141
Office of Combating Terrorism, 117
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict, 170
Olson, Eric, 282, 442
Omar, Mullah Mohammed, 167, 174
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (aka Night Stalkers), 51, 443
O’Neill, John, 63
O’Neill, Paul, 13
Operating Base Alpha, 139
Operation Black Hawk, 120–121
Operation Cannonball, 176
Operation Desert Shield, 102
Operation Desert Storm, 102
Operation Eagle Claw, 49, 50, 103
Operation Enduring Freedom, 23, 104
Operation Gothic Serpent, 125
Operation Green Quest, 46, 70
Operation Honey Badger, 49
Operation Infinite Reach, 126
Operation Just Cause, 53
Operation Neptune Spear, 440, 441
Operation Red Dawn, 141
Operation Troy, 499
Oversight, 16–17, 23–24. See also Congressional oversight, 59, 148
Pakistan, 328, 329
and Abbottabad compound (see under Bin Laden, Osama)
al Qaeda in, 114, 217–218, 255–256
Blackwater-CIA-JSOC covert action in, 251–253, 406–413
CIA in, 168–169, 255
and Davis incident, 403–407
drone strikes in, 177, 248–252, 255, 352, 406, 411, 412, 413, 421–422, 459, 519
earthquake (2005) in, 176
HVTs in, 175–177
insurgency in, 332
JSOC in, 168–169, 417–418
kill/capture operations in, 406–408, 410, 411
SOFs in, 215–218
and Special Ops/CIA reassigned to Iraq, 139
Taliban and al Qaeda targets in, 217–218
and US, relationship between, 427
and US “hot pursuit” arrangement, 216
US outsourcing of war in, 177