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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

Page 13

by C. M. Owens

  "It's nice to meet you, Amari," I force out, trying not to sound as shocked as I am.

  She gives me a tight smile, not even pretending to be warm as she walks by, rounding up her guests for their celebration. Did I really just stumble into my father's engagement party?

  Dray releases me when Drackus pulls me away. He smirks, seeming to realize my father's discomfort which I still find bizarre.

  "You're bound to that night stalker. I can see it in your colors," Drackus whispers, his voice almost too low for even my overexerted hearing.

  "I didn't tell him I was a... never mind. I can't have this conversation with you. It's too weird."

  An accidental smile quirks up, but he banishes it quickly. It almost looks like a brush of sadness and guilt resonates in his eternally young face.

  "I understand that. To be honest, I'm not too comfortable with the subject either. I am glad you're here though. I would have invited you, but I would have never thought you'd come."

  Sure he would have invited me.

  "I don't think your bride is too fond of me."

  He lets a laugh escape and shakes his head. "You're an unknown light. She's just wary. Ignore her."

  Just as we round the corner, the familiar spiraled staircase draws my attention. My breath is almost stolen as I stare into the blue eyes staring back at me in widened disbelief.

  It's Gage.

  His button-up shirt matches his cosmic blue eyes. In true rebel fashion, he bypassed the need for a suit and tie. His frayed denim jeans clash with the formal attire, but they look so much better than all the designer fabric in here.

  He rests his hands in his pockets, his eyes beseeching my silence, and I hold my tongue.

  "Ah, Gage. There you are. This is Air... I mean, this is Alyssa. I've told you about her before. For obvious reasons, I'd appreciate it if you referred to her as only Dray's friend."

  His lips tighten as he nods, and I feel the heat of my body flooding me. Gage's eyes widen as he reads my scandalous aura, and I cringe as Drackus's hold tightens on me.

  "Gage is Amari's son. My soon-to-be stepson."

  Chapter 12

  Unhealthy Addictions

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  In that instant, my fiery aura is doused with arctic water as my mouth dries into a desert. Drackus seems pleased with his icy extinguishing. Then Amari walks around to join us.

  "Gage, honey, there you are. I think you forgot the suit I laid out for you."

  He turns his gaze from me to Cruella... I mean... Amari.

  "I'd rather be comfortable, Mother."

  I swallow hard, remembering how very cold and callous he is at the very mention of his mother. She frowns, and then her eyes blaze with a bit of venom when she sees my arm has returned to Drackus's hold.

  "Drackus, perhaps we should enter together, darling."

  He looks from Gage to me, and with heavy reluctance, he allows her to drag him away. Dray lets out a small chuckle as he walks off, leaving me alone with the dark user full of exposed secrets.

  "What are you doing here?" he whispers.

  "Me?" I squeak, and then I walk up the stairs and grab his hand to jerk him toward the top.

  I guide him into a room off to the side, and then I slam the door as I scream at him in a whisper.

  "What the hell? You're about to be my stepbrother and you knew this? This is... this is sick! We almost... Oh no. No!"

  I almost implode at the horrible situation in front of me.

  "First of all, we haven't done anything... much. Secondly, we are not related in any way. Third of all, if - and I do mean if - they get married, we still won't be related by blood. They'll never get married though. Drackus is just telling her what she wants to hear because she's crazy. Now what are you doing here?"

  This is too much. I've made out with my father's fiancée's son. He's... oh crap. His tongue.

  "I came to thank him and to find out why he really helped me out of there. It's not like Drackus comes to help and then doesn't stick around to flaunt his power. He disappeared without so much as flashing around a dazzling, condescending smile. I kept waiting on him to show up and reveal his motives, but he hasn't. Call this a preemptive strike. Now, why the fuck didn't you tell me you were about to be my brother?"

  He laughs, as if there's some amusement in all this.

  "Again, I'm not going to be your brother. Stop with the dramatics. As for Drackus saving you, did you ever consider he did it because you're his daughter? Believe it or not, he happens to care about you. I know. I've heard him rave about you before."

  I scowl, feeling all the more icky.

  "Why is it he told you but not your mother?"

  "Because she's crazy. How many times do I have to tell you that? Anyway, we should get down there. Your dad will flip the hell out if he learns we're missing."

  "My dad doesn't have anything to worry about anymore," I gripe while heading to the door.

  He materializes in front of me, one hand on the back of my head, the other on my waist, as his lips find mine against my protests. The metal in his lip and the heat in his breath intoxicates my already screwed up head.

  He pulls back, a small smirk in play as he nips at my lips playfully once more.

  "Don't say things you know you don't mean. If you could be done with me, you'd have already walked away. This thing with our parents is nothing. I'll prove it... eventually."

  I scowl at him, though it's almost painful not to grin. I really hate sexy immortals.

  "I'm serious. This officially just got... We're off limits."

  I walk out before he can argue. He's suddenly behind me, his breath against my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist and draws me to him. My back pushes against his front as he whispers in his dangerously seductive tone.

  "We're not off limits. Don't make me remind you why."

  His lips run down my neck to my shoulder, and he slides back up to my jaw before pulling back. A devilish grin plays on his lips as he walks on by, leaving me shivering in his wake.

  "By the way," he calls with his back turned, "that dress looks incredible on you."

  He disappears into the massive hallway that leads to the dining area, if memory serves me correctly. This is going to be a long, long dinner.

  Apart from Cruella looking at me like I'm a Dalmatian who just got my spots, the dinner has been fairly nice, comfortable even. Dray took the seat next to me to keep up appearances. Drackus intentionally sat Gage next to Amari and far away from me.

  Those incredible blue eyes have taunted me every second my father looked away. Gage is definitely good at playing with fire, and I wish I didn't love getting burned.

  "Should we move on to the dancing?" Amari chirps, her eyes happily feasting on my father.


  "Of course," he cordially offers, taking her hand in his as he leads her from the room.

  Dray offers me his arm, and he waits until the music is loud before he pulls me to him, forcing me into a graceful twirl.

  "Your dark user seems a little jealous," he speculates, making my eyes go rogue and find the cosmic blues peeking over the glass of whiskey he's sipping.

  Several girls - light and dark - flock to him, and he seems to enjoy the pang of jealousy my aura betrays me with.

  "So he knew you this whole time? He lied to me."

  Dray laughs, seeming completely amused. "First of all, he's a dark user. Don't forget that. All of us darklings say and do whatever we must to get the girl, while keeping our secrets intact. We're not so different from the light in that sense. We just tend to admit it. Secondly, he really didn't know me. This is the first time I've come to an event where he too was in attendance."

  "I didn't know dark angels were actually dark. I thought you were unaligned... like my f... I mean... Drackus."

  He smiles at my slip, but he goes on without acknowledging it. "You're quite the little sensation. It's true. I'm the gray area between light and dark just like Drackus, but mos
t light creatures refuse to believe there's anything but black and white when it comes to power. I suppose you're one of the few that isn't so self-righteous to be blind to the truth of the world.

  "Being of dark descent or dark power doesn't make you dark. Just as being of light descent or light power doesn't make you light. These labels have only fueled wars. Personally, I'd be happy if we abolished the sides all together. Judging one based on heritage alone is no different than humans judging each other for the color of their skin."

  He's right about the gray area, but he's wrong about me. Until recently, I've always been the first to cast judgment.

  I stifle a laugh when I see Cruella pulling Gage from the flocks of ogling women who are all unable to tear their eyes away from the sizzling dark user. I can only imagine the words he'd like to expel as he dutifully takes his place with his mother on the dance floor.

  "Care if I cut in?" Drackus asks while taking my hand in his and pulling me away from the dark angel.

  "Of course, Drackus. My guest is your guest."

  They both chuckle at the obvious joke. I hate their shared sense of humor.

  Dray steps away, leaving with the man who I barely remember as a father. The light, who have been unaware of my connection to the man they fear, haven't spared their horror stories of his merciless past actions. The daunting reality of where I come from has left me with more scars than night stalkers have.

  "You look so much like your mother," he says softly, his eyes looking too much like mine.

  "Have you talked to her since her return?" I ask curiously, clearing my throat from the unexpected dose of emotion I feel.

  "No, but I'm sure she's been too busy to take my calls. There's no doubt it was traumatic. I'll make someone regret having ever touched her as soon as Thad fills me in on who it is. He claims you're helping him track down leads. Is that something you want to do?"

  Is he really trying to get to know me, or is he just prying? I hate this. It's hard to tell when he's playing mind games.

  "Is that rhetorical? My mother raised me by herself from the time I was ten. Of course I want to find her captors."

  "I'm sorry if I upset you, Air-" He stops in the middle of the wrong name before taking a deep and calming breath. "Alyssa, I didn't intend to bring out any anger. I just didn't want you to feel as though my hired hand was making you try to keep up with him."

  "Thad is actually letting me tag along for the most part. He knows this is important. He's not forcing me to do anything. So... when's the wedding?"

  He lets his laughter roar free, and in that instant, I feel Cruella's eyes on me, daring me to give her a reason to strike. I don't even look in her direction. I'm sure Drackus has noticed it though. Our conversation stays quiet, not reaching the strained ears of anyone else.

  "No date as of yet. If I marry her, it'll be many, many years from now."

  "If? This is your engagement party."

  He smiles at me with condescension following his gaze.

  "I had to appease her. She's incredibly annoying when she doesn't get her way. She's paid her dues to me, staying here in my magical prison. It'd be rather cruel of me to deny her at least an engagement."

  He speaks as though he's doing her some monumental favor by simply letting her wear his ring. His ego is far more expansive than I even thought.

  "Do you love her?"

  A shade of pain glazes his eyes, but he shakes free of it quickly. My unexpected presence tonight didn't surprise him, but that question seemed to.

  "I've only ever loved one woman, and for reasons beyond our control, I couldn't keep her."

  "Who?" I ask curiously, not really knowing much at all about him as far as his personal life goes.

  His lips thin, a deep emotion stirs in his eyes, and then the moment of vulnerability is broken as Cruella sweeps in.

  "Darling, I believe it's time I dance with my future husband. I'm sure my son can entertain the young girl you keep straying to."

  Her chilled comment almost leaves me with a shiver, but warmth fills me as Gage's eyes find mine, a small smirk playing on his lips. Drackus shifts uncomfortably, his eyes silently warning Gage, and then reluctantly releases me into the wonderful folds of the dark user.

  Gage stifles a grin when Drackus whispers something in his ear, doing well to escape my ears. Amari seems unaware of what's being said as well. I'm almost worried she's going to have an aneurism from the strain she's exerting in an effort to eavesdrop.

  Drackus finally pulls back and shakes his head before joining his bride in a dance.

  Trying to remind myself my dad is on the verge of marrying his mom, I offer Gage a respectable gap between us as he takes my hand in his and pulls me at the waist.

  "You seem a little stiff," he teases, pulling me closer against my efforts to stay away.

  "What did Drackus say to you?"

  He lets a snicker escape, and then he shrugs. "He told me to keep my hands where he can see them. I'm also not supposed to be alone with you at any time during your stay here."

  "My stay here? I'm leaving soon. Very, very soon."

  "It's dark, Alyssa. He's not going to let you leave so late unless he carries you home himself. You really want to risk heading back to the hotel to find Kane and Zee still waiting on your return when Drackus drops you off at the front?"


  "How did you know-"

  "Zee called me to tell me you ran away from them. I was pissed at first, but they said you were with your dad. I thought they were full of shit until I saw you."

  "He can't stop me from leaving," I murmur, avoiding his soft eyes.

  "No, but he'll find a way to make you stay. Trust me. In the meantime, I'm supposed to keep my hands and other body parts to myself."

  He laughs a little, drawing Drackus's attention, but he turns away when he feels satisfied nothing is going on. He's acting... like a protective dad. The question is why?

  "Great. As if this night wasn't weird enough." He laughs at my disgruntled release, and then I continue. "Drackus really doesn't have to worry about that. I now know better."

  Gage laughs again, and his grip on me tightens as our bodies meet, no air dividing us any longer.

  "You keep saying that, but you know as well as I do what's eventually going to happen. Next time I won't let anyone interrupt us no matter what I have to do."

  I smirk, feeling a plan form. "Then kiss me here and now."

  A wry grin pops up, and he jerks me to him a little more forcefully, letting me feel his length from his aroused excitement.

  "Fine," he starts to break all the rules, but I quickly push him back.

  He snickers as he gently pulls me back to him. "Didn't think I'd call your bluff, did you?"

  Reflexively, I smile, wishing I could stop as I roll my eyes. How long is this song? I swear it's outdone November Rain.

  "I'm starting to see why Drackus is so determined to keep you away. You're ballsy."

  He winks while brushing my hair from my face, softly tilting my chin up so that my eyes are forced to meet his.

  "If he wanted to keep me away, he shouldn't have let you in here with that dress."

  Before I can finish, the dreadfully long song comes to an end, and I'm freed from his spell. I rush away before he tries to dance with me again.

  As I near the end of the hall, a memory from my past flashes through my mind. I see the old library full of books that have only withstood time because of the spells cast on them.

  My father's own personal collection isn't as grand as the library of the light council, but it's definitely impressive. And then the pang of misery strikes. It's almost as though I can feel Kane in my head.

  I have to distract myself, and there are plenty of leather bound pages in here to do just that.

  After an hour of reading, I realize I at least need to hear his voice. The pain of missing him only grows with every second. Without any real forethought or planning, I dial his number and sit down by the fire in
the library.

  "Alyssa? Are you still with Dray?" Kane asks, seeming worried.

  "Sort of. Are you still at my hotel room?"

  "No. I'm in a room next door. Zee and I decided we'd get a few rooms - camp out until we knew for sure Castine wasn't coming."

  Great. There's no way I can be around him with all of this going on with me.

  "Can I take an opportunity and capitalize on this moment of civility you're offering?"

  He sighs, and I can almost hear his body going through the withdrawals and need for my blood. I shouldn't have offered it so freely. My blood is so much stronger than the typical samples he could get from other witches. I know how to help him though, and I will.

  "Yeah," he finally says after a long pause.

  "Was any of it true?"

  He sits there silently, making me wonder if the phone has lost signal back here in these deep woods casting little reception.

  "I suppose I could ask you the same thing. I think it's best if we simply focus on Castine and forget about whatever the other was doing."

  I don't know why I keep thinking he's not going to take the opportunity to crush me every chance he gets. I wipe the stray tear from my eye, and then I nod as if he can see me.

  "You're right. We should. I'm sorry I called."

  He sits there quietly again, and my chest almost aches to accommodate the heart I didn't think could break any more. There's nothing left to do but sever the bond... by any means necessary. Only then will I be able to leave him alone. Then I'll cure him of his own addiction to me, cutting the last of our ties - other than Castine.

  "I asked you to call, so don't apologize for that. When are you coming back from Dray's?"

  A small smile graces my lips despite the tears that dampen them. I wipe the salty flavor from my mouth as I draw out the pause before the answer.

  "I'll be leaving soon, but I'm not at Dray's. I'm sure you've already gone by his house by now, so don't try fishing for more information than that."


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