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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

Page 14

by C. M. Owens

  He almost grumbles under his breath. "Dray can't be your father. He's a dark angel, therefore he can't bear a witch... at least I don't think he can. I just don't know what else you'd be doing with him."

  "Maybe he's here to sever the bond so you don't have to deal with me calling you late at night while wiping away my tears."

  I can't help it. He's taken so many stabs at me; it's only fair I take one back. Night stalkers are possessive by nature, not out of love. It'll piss him off to know Dray - his friend - is about to walk around in his territory, though that will never happen.

  "You can't be serious," he almost growls, making me feel justified in my ploy.

  "What does it matter, Kane? You just said we didn't need to focus on us, but on Castine. I can't do that if I'm bound to you. My mind is screwed-up enough as it is."

  "Alyssa, not Dray. Please not Dray. He's like a father to me, and it would just be so... wrong."

  His real plea makes my false promise feel too cruel to continue.

  "Chill. Dray is friends with my father. That's how he knows me, and believe me when I say I was fucking with you."

  I hear him relaxing on the other side of the phone as a held breath escapes through his lips.

  "That's pretty cruel. You don't have any friends for me to taunt you with."

  "You'll be taunting me no matter who you're with until I get this fixed. Just hold off on fucking Amy until I'm at least free of this... whatever it is."

  He quiets again, and I hear his bed shift as he stands. I really wish the visual of him in a bed at my hotel hadn't just flashed through my mind.

  "Amy is still nothing to me, so no worries. Maybe... maybe I could help you until you're ready to-"

  "I wouldn't want you to have to subject yourself to that anymore. Besides, it's getting worse. It's starting to make me draw up in knots; make my body ache, and my magic keeps seeping out through my aura. That shit can get me killed if an aura reader catches sight of my uncontained secrets. And don't even get me started on my eyes. I'll deal with this sooner than later. It's not your problem."

  The door creaks open, prompting me to turn away from the fire to face Gage as he walks in. Kane speaks softly, as the dark user shuts the door behind him, a wolfish grin in place.

  "Alyssa, I really don't want you to rush into anything. I'd hate-"

  "Like I said, it's not your problem. I need to go. Let me know if any info on Castine comes about."

  He sighs out hard, not liking my quick dismissal, but Gage is doing his best to distract me as he walks over to the old piano that is resting in the corner. His fingers scrape over the keys, no real music at first, but then a ginger, soulful melody erupts.

  "Are you playing piano?" Kane muses, our previous conversation forgotten.

  "No. Gage is here. He just walked in. I'll talk to you later."

  Before he can respond, I end the call and make my way over to acquire the seat next to the dark user I can't be with even though I desperately want to.

  "The bond is hurting you right now," he says softly as my body nestles up against his.

  "You're not supposed to be alone with me."

  He lets a touch of laughter escape his lips, but it's brief. He works the keys as though he's a concert pianist in the middle of the stage for all to admire.

  "You're good," I murmur dreamily, suddenly realizing the allure of being a groupie.

  "You have no idea," he scandalously replies, no subtly in his true meaning.

  "Too bad you're about to be my brother," I say while standing up, letting the shattered pieces of the accidental moment fall to the ground.

  He keeps playing, his eyes never leaving the keys of the piano.

  "Step. I'll never be your brother, Alyssa. Stop making excuses. You've wanted me just as much as I've wanted you, and it's not just to break the bond either."

  My stomach flip-flops, and makes me almost ill at how real he just made us sound. Until now, I've been able to blame so much on my stupid bond with the man who wants to be done with me.

  He stops playing when I don't speak, and he turns to meet my eyes, his blues so much softer than normal. Just as I'm thinking about doing something really stupid, the door to the library swings open.

  Drackus's eyes meet the dark user who leans back comfortably on the piano, not seeming to cower beneath the seething, protective, fatherly gaze.

  "Why are you two in here... alone?"

  I bite back a grin as Gage stands to his feet, motioning to the piano.

  "I was playing. Alyssa was reading." He motions to the mounds of books I've lazily tossed to the couch in my quest of finding something worth occupying my mind. At least I found a way to cure Kane.

  Drackus cracks his neck to the side, and then he steps to the right to motion for Gage's departure.

  "I believe that's my cue. Alyssa, it was lovely seeing you tonight. I'm assuming I'll see you at breakfast in the morning before you go?" Gage asks, his devious grin in plain sight.

  I don't know how, but he knew I was planning on slipping out without Drackus knowing.

  "I'm leaving tonight, so no."

  Drackus tightens his lips, his hands sliding around to take a hands-on-hips stance.

  "Absolutely not!" my estranged father answers, surprising me with his authoritative tone.

  "I'm afraid that's not your choice, Drackus," I bitterly counter, and his eyes soften instead of growing angrier as I anticipated.

  "I was really hoping you'd at least stay until morning. Castine is strongest under the moon, just as any night stalker. Not to mention, I have a present for you."

  Gage smirks before walking out and leaving us alone. I watch his back, my desire for him mounting, but it's quickly overshadowed by the tense air I have to share with my father.

  "A present?" I ask, trying not to laugh. "What's the price?"

  He seems a little offended, but he brushes it off in his usual stoic manner.

  "This is the first time you've been home in years, and I can't very well let you leave empty-handed. There's no price whatsoever. Let's call it a birthday gift. You have one coming up soon, do you not? I realize it's been a while, but I think this one should make up for all the material things you might have lacked."

  Just not the emotional things, eh? Typical.

  "You've missed a few birthdays, but who's counting?" I say with a shrug. "I don't need a present. I do need to get back. Thad's supposed to be back tomorrow, and I'm going to get him to buckle down and focus on Mom's case."

  And possibly free me from the bond with Kane since Gage is out of the question now, thanks to Drackus and his choice in bride.

  "This is a gift you will love, and as far as Thad goes, I'll have him meet you first thing in the morning. I know I have no right to ask, but please stay. Just for tonight. If you refuse, then I'll have no choice but to drive you home myself. Is that what you want?"

  His smug smile makes me feel like a child again. Gage knows him well. He perfectly predicted this.

  "Okay. Any chance you can whip me up some pajamas? My magic isn't quite clothing creation savvy, so I'd rather not look like Jane of the jungle."

  He chuckles lightly, a delightful sparkle in his eyes.

  "Actually, you'll find your old room is fully stocked with everything you could possibly need. No magic necessary."

  My mouth would fall open if it wasn't glued shut right now. Why would he have my room stocked?


  "Because regardless of your justifiable resentment toward me, you're still my daughter. Every year I change the styles of the clothes, keeping things up to date and keeping the clothing in your size. Amari simply believes that room is a shrine to the daughter she believes died years ago. I've never told her any differently."

  His voice wavers, forcing him to clear his throat, but he decides not to proceed with his explanation.

  "Okay. Thanks," I murmur with clear confusion.

  He motions for me to walk out first, and he follows behind me as t
he music plays on for the dancing immortals. As we near the stairs, I decide to call it an early night.

  "If it's all the same to you, I'm really, really tired. I still have to call Thad to let him know I'm okay, and then I'd like to get some sleep."

  He nods softly, and then he shifts from side to side as though he doesn't know how to handle a goodnight-departure.

  "I'll see you in the morning, Drackus."

  He smiles, his eyes sparking with excitement, and then I see the faintest hint of a watering effect. I almost forget all of our past drama in that instant, feeling for the first time in so long that he really is my father.

  "Goodnight, Airis," he says in a near whisper, not correcting himself this time.

  He walks away, smiling as he heads back toward the dancing craziness just down the hall. I head up the stairs, touching the banister that is engraved with memories of me sliding down it, laughing as my father held me to keep me from falling off the steep edge.

  It seems like a lifetime ago when I was a happy, naive child with no real understanding of the world. I see the hallway leading to my childhood bedroom, but I'm deterred from my path when I hear Gage's laughter coming from a nearby room.

  The door is open, so I don't pass up the chance to peek inside. I instantly regret that decision when I see him standing in front of the window with his shirt stripped off. He talks on the phone with his back turned, giving me a guilt-free view of all the perfect contours he has to offer from behind.

  The dark denim, frayed jeans look even sexier with his perfectly golden toned skin in sight.

  "Yeah," he says to whoever he's talking to. With my hunger for touch growing stronger, I can't even manage to listen in on the other end. "She's doing fine here. Drackus has talked her into spending the night by now. I'll follow her back in the morning... Yeah, just meet us there. And get your own room."

  Obviously he's talking to Thad, but I can't stand here and keep staring at his perfect body. I wasn't planning on anyone else already being up here. I guess that's why he essentially bid me goodnight in the library.

  With quick, silent steps, I scurry past his room before he can see me. It would be bad... so bad for me to step in there right now.

  Kane's lips press against mine as he owns my body. His expert motions remind me why I gave myself to him the first time. He pulls me close, not giving me much room to breathe.

  Just as I'm about to fall over the edge, his fangs sink into my soft flesh, offering me the excruciating pain of dragon's breath venom... deadly venom.

  I scream out, leaping from my bed to feel my heartbeat en route to explode. I fell asleep in this house full of dark creatures, and it has offered me dark dreams in return.

  I glance around the modernized room that leaves no trace of a small girl's refuge. It's so sleek, clean, and me. It doesn't bring me comfort though, not right now. The dream only reminded me of how dangerous this bond is getting.

  Everyday I'm losing it a little more, and it's time to end the misery before it ends me. Despite all my better judgment, there's only one guy I'm willing to do this with. After a long process of listing pros and cons, there's no way I'm doing this with Thad.

  With a shaky breath, I make my way out of the room and creep down the silent, dark hallway. My red satin gown is trimmed in black lace and has a split up the leg. Normally, I would mock such attire, but tonight it'll serve me well.

  I expect him to jump up, ready to fight an intruder when I open the door, but he doesn't move. The dark user sleeps peacefully, one arm stretched over his head, the other resting wide at his side.

  The black sheet has slid down, and the moonlight shines through the window to cast a mouthwatering glow over his sleek abs. From the sexy body to the tattoos to the piercings, the dark boy is definitely not one I can overlook anymore.

  I slide in bed beside him, still expecting him to wake before I start my seductive dance, but he stays still, his breaths remaining even.

  Before I chicken out, I slip my leg over his waist and push my lips to his, startling him awake. He pulls back, shocked and flabbergasted, but the second he realizes it's me, his lips envelope mine in a crushing, needy force.

  He flips me to my back as he slides on top of me, letting his hand roam freely up the split of my gown and finding I skipped out on the underwear.

  "Oh damn," he murmurs against my lips. "Hold on."

  He throws my legs around his waist and we start rolling off the bed in a swift motion. I want to squeal, but suddenly we're vaporizing and slipping through the planes of life and death. Everything around me blurs and becomes laid out in grayscale.

  I giggle lightly when we land on something soft yet prickly, only to learn we've just landed on top of the loft inside the stable. The hay under us only makes me roll my eyes.

  First, Drackus plays fairy godmother; then I get a wicked stepmother; and now I'm taking a roll in the hay. Sheesh. A night of clichés.

  "What?" he asks while smiling against my lips before trailing his lips down my neck.

  "Nothing. Why are we in the loft? Didn't want to get your bed dirty?"

  He laughs as I frown a little, and then below me the straw bed turns into an actual bed - a soft, luscious bed. I bite back a grin as I see the scandalous blue eyes staring back at me.

  "We always get interrupted. I sure as hell don't want Drackus to be the one interrupting us, and this is the most private place on the estate."

  Before I can further spoil the mood, his lips crush mine with a bruising force as he slides my gown up farther. The heated passion in his breath banishes all my foreign thoughts, forcing me to only focus on the moment at hand - the delicious moment at hand.

  My hands tangle in his hair as his pants slip free, leaving him bare between my legs. I almost gasp when he doesn't take the chance of anything going wrong and surges in, burying himself deep inside me with his glorious firmness and ending this tormenting game of built up frustration.

  "Fuck," he breathes out almost breathlessly. "That's even better than I thought it would be."

  I moan involuntarily as he starts his intoxicating rhythm, his magic rattling over the surface of my body as it seeps free from his clutches and electrifies our bodies in the most surreal, erotic way.

  His lips claim mine again as he grips my hips to angle them, making his strokes deeper and more intense. His tongue explores my mouth, giving me time to play with his latest piercing, and I almost get lost in his explosively amazing touch.

  He slides my gown up more, pushing it to be just below my breasts as he slips his thumb over the most sensitive spot on my body. I'm forced to arch my body as the sensations flood me without mercy and he only goes deeper, making my mouth fall unhinged as my panted breaths creep out.

  His lips stroll up my neck as the sounds of the forest pick up to mask our carnal melodies. Each low, sexy grunt in the back of his throat churns my insides, making me feel the all the hotter.

  Something inside me shatters; a freeing release as the bond is broken, and suddenly the ecstasy I'm already feeling takes on a whole new life.

  I push him over, forcing him to his back as I take over. My gown falls and puddles around our colliding centers as he guides my hips, still controlling the rhythm. My head falls back in unbridled ecstasy as he starts jerking me to him faster, rushing my moment of release.

  I'm suddenly crying out, his name rushing through my lips like a thankful prayer, and then I feel him stiffening as he finds his release, holding me still as he relishes every second of it.

  At last, I finally get to collapse to his chest, and he pulls me close, kissing my head over and over with his exquisitely soft lips as his breathlessness rings out.

  "It's about damn time," he says, exhausted, making me laugh.

  I feel so... free. I taste the misery of heartbreak still, but it doesn't own me the way it did. I had hoped it would take away all my feelings for Kane, but no such luck followed my divine entanglement.

  "Yeah," I hum out, sounding like a
starry-eyed, drunken fool.

  "You didn't get dizzy when I vaporized you that time. You're getting closer to immortality."

  I stretch out, basking in the glorious feel of the untainted air around me. "Yeah," I giggle out, though there's no reason for humor.

  "It worked, didn't it?" he asks, his smile uncontainable as it becomes the light in the dark loft.


  He laughs at my redundant answer that seems to apply to everything as I revel in our delicious afterglow.

  "You want to sleep out here, with me?" He draws me closer, draping my leg over him, and kisses the hollow of my neck.


  Chapter 13

  The Loss

  Drackus is grinning as I walk into the kitchen, but his smile falls when he takes in my aura. I steady myself for the question so I can give a properly articulated and prepared answer.

  "I don't see your bond. How did-"

  "I found a spell to cloak my aura last night. I've always subdued the colors of my magic, but your library offered me a chance to find something to help the emotional colors I can't contain."

  That was a very thoroughly planned and rehearsed lie Gage and I went over numerous times this morning when he brought me back to my room. I think he was a little panicked by the fact he knew Drackus would notice, but he wasn't going to lose his opportunity to be with me while I was throwing myself at him.

  "That's good," he murmurs suspiciously.

  "So, I'm about to call a cab, unless you have someone heading back toward Edgebrook. Thanks for... Well, I don't know if I got any answers like I had planned, but thanks for letting me... I don't know."

  This is all so awkward. I want so badly to believe the man inside my father's mask isn't a monster, but it's so hard to trust that as a possibility.

  "Well, I don't know what answers you were seeking, but I'm glad my daughter spent the night in her home. Right now, I want to give you your present. It's outside."

  I forgot about the promise of a present.

  Out of curiosity, I follow him out to the oversized garage where he keeps a small car show. Every row of vehicles reminds me of how luxurious life could have been. I keep looking around for a wrapped present with years of dust on it.


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