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Page 7

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Chad looked back and saw Hannah walking ahead of Pierre. He wondered about her. She’d said she loved him, but in truth, they’d only just met. He’d have to ask her about the kiss. About how she really felt about Pierre. That is if he got another chance with her.

  “Chad Dawson, this is Doug Godfrey.” Sterling nodded at the man behind the desk.

  “Welcome, young fella. I am sure glad to have someone to leave this mess to.” Doug nodded at his desk, which was at least two stacks of papers high. “If you can stay with me, I can give you a good idea of what you’ll be required to do.”

  “Sounds good to me. Nice to meet you, Doug.”

  Sterling opened the door. “I’ll leave you two to work things out. I’ve got a date with my wife.” He shut the door and left.

  Doug nodded toward the door. “Sterling is a good man. A good mayor. Listen to what he tells you.” The clerk looked at him. “Now, I know all about your past. The jail time and how Bridgette offered you the Bounty Brigade deal. So, don’t worry about that. If Sterling likes you and recommends you for the job, that’s all I need to know.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Godfrey. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “I believe you. Now, the first thing you need to do is clean up my desk. Sorry, I let it get so out of hand. That’s why I’m retiring. The papers need to be filed in these files over there by the wall. Most of them are purchases on buildings in town. Some are farms and ranches.” Doug stopped and looked at him. “You can read?”

  “Yes, sir. My mother was a schoolteacher before she married. I could read before I was four.”

  “Great. Later today, I’ll take you out and show you how to survey boundaries. That’s probably the most important thing we do because ranchers get testy about where the boundary goes if water is involved. You’ll find that rivers, creeks, and ponds can be as valuable as gold to the ranchers.”

  “Looking forward to it, Mr. Godfrey.”

  “None of that. Call me, Doug.”

  Chad grinned. “Yes, sir. Doug.” He scooped up a pile of papers and took them to the file cabinet. “What else do I do?”

  “We have some buildings and land that we collect rent on. They are owned by others, mostly Adler’s bank. We collect the rent and then take it to his bank after we credit the account. That’s very important because Adler watches like a hawk to see if anyone is behind. He’s taken over more than one business and building because of rent in arrears.”

  Chad nodded. “Where are they?”

  Doug ran a hand through his gray hair. “Well, I always meant to put them in a special place. Used to be, I only had one or two, but since the town is growing and after Adler came, I seem to have quite a few of them. That would be a good thing for you to do. Find them and put them in one place. I have a box of receipts that need to be filed, too. Right there in that cigar box.”

  Chad picked it up. “I’ll get right on it.”

  “You make any filing system you have a mind to. This will be your office at the end of the month. My wife and I are leaving to get out before the heavy snows come. Going down to Florida. I have kin there, and they told me it was nice and warm.” Doug grinned. “These winters have made my bones chilled for the last time.”

  Pulling out receipts, Chad matched them to a folder. “That ought to be nice and warm. In prison, one of my cellmates was from Florida. He said it never snowed there. But it can get mighty hot.”

  Doug pushed his glasses up. “Yeah, I know. But I figure I can go fishing every day and jump in the water when it’s too hot.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” Chad looked at one receipt for Del’s Carpentry Shop. There were two receipts for payment that hadn’t been marked down. Chad showed it to Doug. “Want me to mark this down?”

  “Yes, good catch. I told you I’m behind. Hard for my eyes to see sometimes. Guess I need new glasses.”

  Chad nodded. “Looks like Adler could have gone after him for being behind. Should I take the receipts to Adler?”

  Doug scratched the stubble on his chin. “No, I don’t think Adler’s been in lately. Mark it down. If there’s a problem, I’ll settle it for them.”

  Looking at the mounds of papers, Chad wondered how many things had been missed. “It’s going to take me some time to clean this up.”

  Doug nodded. “Think I’ll go and get me some lunch. You okay here by yourself?”

  Chad nodded. “Sure. I can stay busy. If I have any questions, I’ll save them for when you get back.”

  “Good. See you in a bit.” Doug took his hat from the peg by the door and left.

  Looking at the mess around him, Chad figured he had a job for at least a month just trying to straighten the place out. But it gave him a feeling of pride. He would get this place into shape, and he’d make Hannah proud of him.

  Chad frowned at the memory of seeing her kissed by Pierre. That was the way it had been. She didn’t kiss him, did she? Chad would ask her about it and hope that it hadn’t meant anything to her. If only she’d wait for him.

  Chapter 8

  Francesca was on her way back to the shop when she happened to see Pierre kiss Hannah. With a huff, she walked faster until she made it to her shop. She was so mad, hurt, and betrayed by what she’d seen that she unlocked the door and locked it again, keeping the closed sign up.

  How could Hannah do such a thing to her? Francesca thought they were friends. Well, that did it. Hannah had no right going after Pierre in such a way and flaunting her feelings in front of the town.

  Francesca stared in her mirror. It wasn’t her fault that Pierre had been captured by her beauty and aristocratic features. Her mother had been from France and had often told her they had royal blood coursing through their veins. Why did her father have to be Spanish? She was a conundrum of French and Spanish. Francesca Rodriguez. What would Pierre think of that?

  She believed that Pierre had felt something for her. Francesca knew it. When he’d kissed her hand, Francesca had trembled from her head to her knees. That was love. Like Hannah had mentioned when she first saw Chad. So why was Hannah going after Pierre?

  Francesca brushed her hair and fixed it so not a strand was out of place. Then she put on her best dress. She’d brought it with her from New Orleans, and it was perfect for a ball or catching the man of her dreams.

  If Hannah thought she was going to take Pierre away, she was about to learn otherwise. Yes, Francesca had just met Pierre, but the feelings were real. Pierre was meant for her. First thing, she would go find Hannah and have a talk with her. Pierre may have thought he’d come out west to find Hannah, but he was wrong.

  A knock on her door interrupted Francesca’s thoughts. With a huff, she went to the door and saw that it was Hannah. How convenient.

  Francesca unlocked the door, and Hannah rushed in.

  “Oh, Francesca, I don’t know what to do. You don’t think lightning can strike twice, do you?”

  Francesca frowned and took time to think about her answer. Hannah must be confused and think that Pierre loved her because of the kiss. With a sweet smile, Francesca proceeded to clear the way for her to get Pierre. “No, I don’t think it does. After all, that would defeat the purpose of love at first sight if you could have it with every man you looked at.”

  Hannah seemed to think that over. “Perhaps you’re right. I didn’t know what to do and hoped you would have more experience in matters of the heart. I know when I looked at Chad, it was like lightning struck me.”

  “There you go. It’s obvious that Chad is the one for you.” Francesca’s conscience pricked her a bit. But after all, she was nearing spinster age and needed to find a man. Pierre was her answer.

  Hannah sighed. “I left you because I thought you and Pierre were getting along, and I didn’t want to interfere. But he followed me and caught up. He took hold of me and kissed me. Oh, Francesca, I thought I would melt in his arms. My knees were weak and trembling. It wasn’t exactly lightning, but I felt something.”

  Francesca wen
t to Hannah. “Oh, you poor dear. Pierre shouldn’t have done that and out in the open where all could see.” Francesca shook her head. “Such bad manners.”

  “Yes, I suppose. But still, Pierre made me feel so, so important to him. What do I do?”

  Again, Francesca’s heart flinched at her disloyalty to Hannah. “I think you owe it to Chad and Bridgette to explore the possibilities with him first. After all, he was the first one that you thought you loved.”

  Hannah nodded. “You’re right, of course. And I really don’t think I love Pierre. His kiss just confused me so. Have you found that to be the case in your experience?”

  Francesca was sure her face was beet red. Not since her childhood love had a man touched her. Why? Francesca couldn’t understand. Her beauty far surpassed that of most of the women she knew. But now, they had husbands, and she did not.


  “Oh, yes. A handsome man’s kiss can be a confusing thing to a young girl.” Francesca recalled Pierre kissing her hand and then her arm up to her elbow. That had been startling, thrilling, confusing, and so wonderful.

  Hannah paced the floor. “Well, that settles it. I will concentrate on Chad. I really don’t like Pierre. He’s a bit older than Chad anyway. And there is something I don’t trust about him.” Hannah put her hand over Francesca’s. “I know he kissed your hand. I hope he didn’t make you uncomfortable. I feel responsible for him coming to Shirleyville.”

  Francesca forced a smile. “Think nothing of it. I believe that is the way of the French. I can handle him.”

  “I’m glad you can. I will avoid him at all costs. I don’t understand why Father likes Pierre or why he thought the man would be a good match for me.” Hannah looked relieved. “Now that I have that out of the way, would you care to go to the cafe with me? I really don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to see my father.”

  “I’d be delighted to.” Francesca grabbed her reticule.

  “You’re wearing such a beautiful gown, aren’t you worried it will get dirty from the dusty streets?”

  Francesca put a hand to her heart. “Thank you for reminding me. I was just trying it on to see if I needed to take it in.” Francesca put a hand to her heart as she rushed to the back room. Goodness, she was becoming an accomplished liar as there would be no taking the gown in but a good inch to let out so she could breathe.

  Hannah folded her arms and sat on the divan. “I’ll wait.”

  After a quick change back into the skirt and blouse she’d had on before, and letting out her corset, Francesca breathed easier and joined Hannah. On the walk to the café, Francesca tried to exchange the black-hearted feeling for the one she’d had earlier with Hannah. Francesca truly wanted Hannah as a friend.

  But after lying, deceiving, and wanting to take Pierre for her own, Francesca wondered just what kind of friend she could be to Hannah.


  Hannah chose a seat in the back of the café just in case her father walked past the window. After a cup of coffee and a piece of pie, she might find Chad and talk to him. She hadn’t thought of it before, but what if he’d seen her kissing Pierre?

  Then again, she hadn’t kissed Pierre. He had done it all. She’d merely tried to remain standing. She hoped Chad hadn’t seen or heard about it. At least, Francesca understood what had happened.

  “A coffee, please.” Francesca smiled pleasantly at her.

  “Coffee and blueberry pie.” Hannah smiled back at her friend. “You didn’t want any pie?”

  “No, I had a rather large lunch and just didn’t have the room.” Francesca blushed slightly.

  Hannah stared at her friend. Francesca had told her she hadn’t had time for lunch before they’d started for the café. And she looked off as if something wasn’t settling right with her. Hannah hoped her friend wasn’t sick.

  Francesca cleared her throat. “I know Brigette tries to find her Bounty Brigade outlaws a job. Do you know what Chad is going to do?”

  After setting her fork down, Hannah sighed. “Something about a land agent. I don’t really know what he’ll do, but at least it’s a job. That is another thing. I am used to having anything and everything I want. I know Chad won’t be able to provide that for me. But if I love him, that shouldn’t matter.”

  Francesca nodded. “I agree. He seems like a man who will do what he has to do to take care of you.” She wiped her lips. “Oh, I didn’t mean that he would do anything against the law. I am sure he has learned his lesson.”

  Hannah nodded. “I really don’t know what Pierre does other than he comes from an aristocratic family in France, and my father knows them. Pierre is a handsome man. I must admit, he does bring a level of excitement that Chad does not. And Pierre’s kiss, well, that stole my breath.”

  Francesca frowned. “But you said you loved Chad.”

  “Yes, you are right.” Hannah shrugged and finished her pie. She smiled at Francesca. It was good to have a friend she could trust. “I think I’ll go and find Chad and talk it over with him.”

  Francesca raised a finger. “I wouldn’t mention the kiss. Men don’t like to hear the woman they care about talking about other men. Just a slight mention of how you don’t like Pierre would be the best way to proceed.”

  Hannah frowned. “You think so? I would like to have a marriage where we don’t keep secrets.”

  “That sounds commendable, but so early in your courtship, I would caution against talking about Pierre to Chad.”

  Hannah nodded. “I guess you’re right. I am so happy to have you as my friend.”

  Francesca set her cup down. “Yes, I do value our friendship.”

  “I’m going to find Chad. Thank you, Francesca. I hope I can help you in the future.”

  Hannah left the café and hoped she could find Chad before Pierre or her father found her.

  Chapter 9

  Chad finished up the day in the land agent’s office and looked around the room. He’d knocked some of the piles down. Found some money that renters had paid that needed to go to Adler’s bank.

  When Doug returned, he’d patted him on the back. “Let’s close up. I’ll take the money to the bank and settle with Adler, so he doesn’t harass any of those that rent from him. I sure didn’t remember getting that money. So glad you found it.”

  “When do you want me to come in tomorrow?”

  Doug scratched the back of his neck. “Oh, I guess I’ll get in at ten. I’ll take you out to the creek between the Murphy and Howard ranches. They’re a cantankerous couple of families, but at least their feud is off. That’s why I need to survey the land and make sure the boundaries haven’t changed.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be here at ten.” Chad left and felt proud of himself. A feeling he hadn’t had in years. But he’d done a good job and knew it. Maybe, he’d stop by the courthouse and let Sterling know.

  He left the land office and walked down the street. He’d almost made it to the courthouse when he heard his name called.

  “Chad, wait.” Hannah ran toward him.

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to see her. Then again, his pounding heart said otherwise. “Hannah.”

  “Am I glad to see you. That awful Pierre interrupted the visit I was having with Francesca. I don’t want anything to do with him.” She looked at him and smiled such a sweet innocent smile that Chad almost forgot about seeing them kiss at the park.

  “I was going in to talk to Mr. Merritt.” Chad wanted to be with her, yet, he needed to sort out that kiss. Not that he didn’t think Hannah was one kissable girl, but he just thought the man who was going to marry her ought to be the one kissing her.

  Hannah shrugged. “Oh, I thought we could talk.”

  Chad stared into her eyes and forgot why he hadn’t wanted to talk to her. “Come in with me. I really think I’ll like working as the land agent.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful.” She entered the courthouse.

  Chad nodded to Sterling. “Mr. Merritt, I just wanted to come and tell
you that I liked working in the land agent’s office. I believe it will be a good job for me.”

  “That’s great, Chad, Hannah. I’m glad to hear that. Bridgette was worried that she hadn’t lined up a job for you.” Sterling offered them a seat. “Hannah, how was your meeting with your Father?”

  Hannah shook her head. “As well as could be expected. Father has it in his mind I will marry Pierre, but I won’t.”

  Chad studied her. She didn’t seem to have the same determination to stay away from Pierre as she had before she’d met the man, and that was before Pierre had kissed her. Just thinking about them together made his blood boil.

  Sterling nodded. “Well, you can make up your mind when you want to. You’re of age, so legally, your father can’t force you to return to New York or to marry Pierre. That’s the law.”

  Hannah nodded. “I know the Constitution. I thought I might talk to Bridgette some time about becoming a lawyer.”,

  Sterling looked at her thoughtfully. “You’re smart enough. I’m sure Bridgette would love your company and can tell you all about it. It was Judge Taggart who helped her.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. Don’t you think so, Chad?”

  Chad nodded but wasn’t at all too sure why. Sterling didn’t look so happy either.

  Hannah ignored him and stood, clasping her hands to her chest. “I can see myself standing in court. Setting things right. The innocent go free, and the guilty are convicted. Yes, I’ll go and visit Bridgette as soon as possible. Will she be in town soon?”

  “No, the baby was a little colicky, and we decided Bridgette needed to stay home with her.”

  Chad grinned at Sterling’s sly wink. “You won’t need to work, Hannah. I’ll make enough to support us.”

  Hannah tossed her head. “Well, maybe. But a woman has to do something to keep herself busy. And it interests me.”

  Chad glanced at Sterling for support but found none. “All right. We’ll talk about it later.”

  Hannah nodded. “Mr. Merritt, Mayor, I’ll be out in a day or so to call on Bridgette. She is an enjoyable woman.”


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