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Page 8

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  “I’ll be sure to tell her.”

  Hannah stood and looked at Chad, expecting him to go with her.

  Chad gave in and was beginning to dislike the idea of having her tell him what to do. He wondered if Sterling had to put up with Bridgette in such a way. Perhaps, he’d go and talk to Sterling while Hannah was talking to Bridgette.

  Hannah stood by the door.

  Chad opened it and took Hannah by the arm. “We do need to talk.”

  She grinned. “Wonderful.”

  “Let’s go to the dining room.” Chad led her to the hotel. Not that he was angry with her, but he didn’t like being taken for granted. And there was still that kiss. She needed to answer for it today, right in front of him.

  Chad found a table for them near the back away from the few customers in the room. He pulled out a chair for her and sat beside her. “Now, Hannah, I have the idea that when a man and woman are married, he is the king of the castle.”

  She looked at him sweetly. “Kings have their queens.”

  “Yes, but the king makes the final decisions.”

  “Yes, I agree.” She folded her hands and continued to look at him like an innocent kitten. A beautiful innocent kitten that he wanted to kiss. And that brought up Chad’s next question. “Hannah, I saw Pierre kiss you near the park. Out in public. Would you like to tell me what that was all about?”

  Her innocent look disappeared into the look that a cat might have if it had eaten the prized canary. “I had nothing to do with that.”

  Chad stared at her. “Nothing to do with it?”

  “That’s right. I left Pierre with Francesca, but he followed me, and when he caught up to me, he kissed me. I was merely standing there and was actually trying to get away from him.”

  Chad didn’t know whether to laugh or be twice as worried as before. Yet, Hannah’s innocent look had returned. “You’ll have to make up your mind. Either marry him or me.”

  Hannah’s eyes fired up. “Well, what if I don’t want to marry either one of you?”

  “Then tell us so we can go on our way.” Chad was getting angry now. She was toying with him.

  Hurt showed in her eyes. “Oh, Chad. I told you that the first time I saw you, it was as if lightning had struck me. My feelings haven’t changed.”

  Frustrated but hopeful, he ran a hand over her hair. “I never thought I’d ever have anyone as a wonderful as you. I want you to take your time and make sure you really want to marry me. I want you to be sure.”

  Hannah took hold of his hand and kissed it. “I’m sure. Pierre is nothing to me.”

  “I just want you to make sure. There’s no rush.”

  Hannah let his hand go and stared at him. “Is it that you don’t want me?”

  Chad grabbed her to him. “No, nothing like that. From the moment I saw you, it was like seeing my first sunset and sunrise all in one. I had no intention of marrying anyone. And then, there you were. When you’re ready, let me know. My mind is made up.”


  Hannah enjoyed her time with Chad. Still, she was going to Bridgette’s in the morning, hoping that the matchmaker could help her sort out some of the confusing thoughts. But dinner with Chad had helped Hannah make up her mind.

  She didn’t trust Pierre and didn’t want to see him again.

  Chad walked her to her hotel room.

  He took her hand. “I’m sorry I can’t take you to Bridgette’s tomorrow. Doug is going to take me out and show me how to survey the land.”

  “I’m proud of the way you’re learning the job.” Hannah had her hand on the door but stopped. “I feel I need to talk to my father.”

  Frowning, Chad nodded. “Want me to walk you to his room?”

  “No, I’ll manage. I need to sort my thoughts. I probably won’t see you tomorrow, but the next day?”

  “For breakfast.”

  She walked to the stairs, waved goodbye to him, and started up to the next floor. Hannah truly did need to get her thoughts together. First off, she was going to tell Father how Pierre had kissed her in public without her permission. She wondered what Father would think about that.

  After leaving Chad, Hannah walked up the stairs and prayed that Pierre wasn’t in Father’s room. She knocked on the door.

  Father opened it. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you. I sent Pierre down to the dining room.” He gestured for her to enter.

  “Father, I don’t like Pierre. Do you know what he did?”

  Her father shook his head. “No.”

  “He kissed me in public. It took me by total surprise.”

  Father shook his head. “He’s engaged to marry you. Most fiancés do kiss the women they’re going to marry.”

  “I am not going to marry that man. I’m marrying Chad as soon as he makes enough to support me.” She sat on the settee near the window and stared at the mountain.

  Father came to her and sat beside her. “Hannah, there is no way a cowboy in Montana is going to be able to support you. Frankly, my dear, you’re spoiled.”

  She gasped. Father was right, but that wasn’t the point. “Chad is doing very well as the land agent. As soon as we can afford a place in the city, we’ll get married. Soon.”

  Shaking his head, Father took her hand in his. “Darling daughter, I fear you are headed into a firestorm of trouble. Chad seems like a nice enough man. I applaud his desire to turn his life around, but he is not the man for you.”

  Hannah pulled her hand from him. “And what do you think Pierre does? He hasn’t told me. I don’t want to go to France.”

  “I’ve talked to him, and Pierre said he’d be happy to live in the United States. He can move his business dealings. He’s the one who can take care of you.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I don’t like him.”

  “You barely know Chad. Won’t you give Pierre a fair chance?” Father looked at her with such love and concern in his eyes, that Hannah wavered.

  Then she thought to that first moment when she had seen Chad and the bolt of lightning that had struck her. She shook her head. “No, I won’t give Pierre even the slightest of chances. My heart belongs to Chad.”

  “Stubborn. You were always stubborn even as a little girl.”

  “I take after my father. So, I’ve been told.” She smiled and kissed her father’s cheek. “I’m tired and going down to my room.”

  “Want to get breakfast with me in the morning?”

  “I’m meeting Chad, and then I’m going to Bridgette’s tomorrow.”

  “All right, how about I go to Bridgette’s with you. I’ll stop by your room tomorrow at about ten.”

  Hannah smiled and left her father, feeling good that she’d been honest with him. She was surprised that her father took Pierre’s side when she’d told Father that the man had kissed her in public, but then again, Father thought had planned for her to marry the man.

  She shuddered. Pierre did send off some kind of feelings in her, but she didn’t think they were all good. Nothing like what she felt with Chad. She was walking down the stairs when she looked up and saw Pierre’s grinning face.

  “Hannah, what providence to meet you. I was just thinking about how I missed seeing your beautiful face.”

  With a huff, Hannah started to go past him, but he caught her arm.

  “Please, forgive me for that kiss. I love you. I couldn’t resist showing you. Let me walk you to your room.”

  Hannah glared at him. “No, let me go, or I’ll scream.”

  Feigning hurt, he put his hand to his chest. “You stab at my heart. I only want to love you.”

  “Go to Francesca. She likes you. I don’t.”

  He ran in front of her and got down on his knees. “Dear Hannah, I give you my life. You are the one who holds my heart. Please, my love, give me a chance.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes and walked around him. “I told you, no.” She hurried down the stairs and to her room. She fumbled with the key and finally unlocked her door, ran inside, and loc
ked it behind her.

  Safe at last. Hannah had no desire to see Pierre again. The man unnerved her. So much so that she debated if it was fair for her to send him to Francesca. Then Hannah recalled her friend’s demeanor and the way she was encouraging Hannah not to think about Pierre.

  Well, maybe the two of them would be suitable for one another. Hannah readied for bed and slipped between the sheets. She looked out the window and saw the mountain shining blue in the moonlight.

  She said a quick prayer for God to watch over her and protect her. So far, she had made a mess of things. But then there was Chad. She did love him. Just thinking of their lives together filled her with excitement.

  “It will work out. I know it will.”

  Chapter 10

  Hannah enjoyed breakfast with Chad. They managed to have a nice talk while avoiding the mention of Pierre. She looked about the dining room and was relieved that she saw neither her father nor Pierre.

  Finally, Chad had to leave for work. He squeezed her hand. “Today, Doug is teaching me how to use the surveying equipment. I’m excited to work outside.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” Hannah looked at him. “My father and I are going to see Bridgette today. He wanted to meet her.”

  Chad laughed. “That ought to be a meeting. I don’t think your father is prepared to meet that woman.” He grinned. “Then again, his daughter is not so different. Have fun.”

  Hannah retrieved her shawl and her bag and went to get her father. They were just leaving the hotel and enjoying the morning when Pierre came out of the café and waved to them.

  She frowned. “Oh, great. I detest that man.”

  Father patted her hand as the Frenchman walked toward them. “Pierre, we’ll be taking a ride today. I’ll see you later.”

  Pierre frowned. “I was hoping for some time with Hannah.”

  With a shake of her head, Hannah wanted him to be gone and had to restrain herself from telling him to get on the train and go back to France. Instead, she decided she’d throw him to her friend. “No. I’m busy, but I’m sure Francesca wouldn’t mind your company.”

  Pierre grinned slyly. “Careful, dear Hannah, you might just regret pushing me into the arms of another woman.”

  Hannah didn’t answer, but having reached the courtroom, she opened the door and went inside. Her father followed her, but she could tell he wasn’t happy with her.

  “You were rude to him, Hannah. I don’t like that. The man is a friend of the family.”

  “Sorry, Father.” She pointed. “The mayor is here.” She led her father to Sterling’s office. “Mr. Merritt, this is my father, Paul Durand. Father, this is Bridgette’s husband and the mayor of Shirleyville, Sterling Merritt.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Father shook Sterling’s hand.

  Hannah smiled while trying to calm her racing heart. “I wanted to visit Bridgette today, and my father offered to drive me out to your house.”

  Sterling nodded. “No need, I have a man that will drive you both. Are you ready to go now?”

  “Yes. We are.” Hannah grinned at her father. She could tell he was impressed with Sterling.

  “Let me grab my hat, and I’ll walk you to the livery. Bridgette will be delighted to see you, Hannah, and to meet you, Mr. Durand. Brigette was just saying last night that she wanted to meet you. As you know, we have a daughter who is only a few months old, so Bridgette has to stay home.”

  Hannah smiled at that. She knew Bridgette wanted to be in town and in the midst of whatever was going on. Hannah would take notes because someday, she would have children and be at home with them.

  Sterling went into the livery office, and it wasn’t long before a man drove out in a carriage. Sterling helped Hannah inside. “My man will take you to Bridgette and then bring you back tonight. If the weather turns on us, which can happen, you’re welcome to stay at the house. We have plenty of room.”

  “Thank you, Sterling.” Hannah settled in the seat.

  There weren’t any clouds, so Hannah didn’t think that would happen. Besides, she hoped to meet Chad later. Hannah glanced at her father. He sat back in the carriage but looked troubled.

  Father was still going to try and persuade her to marry Pierre. Well, Hannah figured it would be worth watching when her father met with Bridgette. Hannah grinned, just thinking about it.

  After a two-hour ride, they turned up the drive to a big house. Hannah was impressed. A sideways glance at her father, and she saw that he was also astonished to see such a nice home on the wild prairie.

  She elbowed him. “It would seem that people in Shirleyville can live just as well as those in New York.”

  Her father shook his head. “The town is small and full of people barely getting by.”

  “Father, don’t forget that New York has areas that no one would want to go into much less live in. The tenements are horrid.”

  “I just want what is best for you, Hannah. I’m not against you. Pierre has wealth and good standing. Your Chad, he’s just come out of prison. What kind of life can he give you?”

  Hannah tossed her head and looked away. “The life I want. I do not like Pierre.”

  Father put his hand on hers. “You don’t know him. I’m just asking if you’ll give him as much a chance as you have given Chad.”

  “I did.” She whirled and faced him. “Pierre grabbed me and kissed me in plain sight.”

  “And when I saw you in the diner with Chad, if I’m not mistaken, you two were about to kiss.”

  Hannah sighed. Her father was right. Well, she liked Chad and didn’t like Pierre. One had lightning, the other had bells. Warning bells, she had finally decided. She would not give Pierre a chance. “Let’s talk to Bridgette.”

  “That’s why we’re here.”

  The carriage stopped, and the driver helped her down.

  Father came around and walked with her to the house. He knocked, and a pleasant older woman answered the door. “Welcome, Bridgette is in the parlor.”

  Hannah smiled. “Thank you, I’m Hannah Durand, and I—”

  The woman chuckled. “I know. Bridgette said you’d be coming. We’ve been watching for you.”

  Nodding, Hannah, pointed to her father. “This is my Father, Paul Durand.”

  “Come this way. Can I get you tea or coffee?”

  Father took coffee, but Hannah wanted tea.

  In the parlor, Bridgette sat with her baby. “Hannah, I’m so glad you came to see me. And I would guess that is your father with you.”

  Hannah nodded and went to sit beside her. “What a beautiful little girl. You must be so proud.”

  “Oh, I am. I love my children. I also have two boys who are at school. We’re blessed to have Sarah Newsome as the teacher, but she’ll be leaving soon. Sterling is searching for a teacher now.”

  Father sat in a chair where he could observe. It was his way. He’d told Hannah once that he liked to size people up before engaging with them. She could only wonder what he thought of Bridgette.

  Margaret brought in the drinks and then took the baby with her. “I’ll let you have some time with your guests. It’s time for her nap anyway.” The older woman smothered the child with kisses and hugs on her way out the door.

  Bridgette laughed. Margaret makes any excuse she can to take Charlotte. “Now, how can I help you?”

  Hannah started to talk when Father spoke over her. “What credentials do you have to place young women with ex-outlaws?”

  Hannah cringed.

  Bridgette smiled. “My heart. When I started my Bounty Brigade, I really didn’t have it in my mind to match them with a wife. Still, as I started to hear other men talk about their experience and how a good woman helped them do well, I thought, why not.”

  Father nodded. “And have you had any men go back to a life of crime?”

  “I’ve only had three men come out of prison. So far. There will be more. Del was the first. He and his wife, Jericho, are doing very well. Then there is Del’s brother,
Jay, and his wife, Florence. Jay runs the sawmill, and Florence watches over their small farm and the four orphans they rescued and adopted.”

  Father shook his head. “The man I brought in for my daughter is established. He is financially set and will make her happy.”

  Bridgette folded her arms. “Money is nice, and I have to admit that when I was young, I thought having money was the most important thing. But I was wrong. When I met Sterling, I knew that he was the one. He had the look of wealth, but in reality, he didn’t have much at all. It was only while here in Shirleyville that he left his uncle’s clutches and went out on his own. There have been struggles, but as you can see, we’re doing well.”

  Father shook his head. “You have a daughter. Which man would you want her to marry?”

  Bridgette stared at Hannah. “I would want her to marry the man who captured her heart.”

  “That sounds noble. But you can’t live on love. In the real world, good people who married for love, struggle every day. I want my daughter to live a secure life.”

  Bridgette’s eyes fired up. “As do I. Chad is working at the land office and will take over once Doug leaves for Florida. I have watched Chad, listened to him, and realize that he is a smart man. He will do well and should be able to make a generous amount of money to provide for Hannah and their children. But as you know, there is nothing sure in this world. Things can happen. And that is when love will carry them through.”

  “Love, romance, things that fill a silly girl’s mind. I will not forbid her to marry Chad, but I will not bless it. Chad will have to prove himself to me. Pierre has already done that.”

  Hannah was tired of being talked about as if she weren’t even in the room. “Father, you told me you hadn’t even met Pierre before he arrived in New York.”

  “But I know his family. And after meeting him, I am convinced that he is the man for you.” Father looked at Bridgette. “My concern is for my daughter. I want Chad to succeed. But not at my daughter’s expense.”

  Bridgette stood. “Mr. Durand, I want what is best for Hannah and Chad. I hope you can give Chad a chance, too. Perhaps if you get to know him, you’ll change your mind.”


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