Page 10
He said it on purpose to hurt Shane. I closed my eyes.
Shane stepped toward me. “You’re pregnant?” he was looking deep in my eyes for confirmation.
“That’s right. She’s carrying my child! MY CHILD! Now, get the hell away from my wife.”
“Rebecca? Is that true?” Shane asked, looking crushed.
What could I say at that time? I had to lie. I was so confused. I nodded and let Parker lead me out of the club to his car. My mom took Shannon at Parker’s request and somehow I made it home and to my room. I was so tired…exhausted. I didn’t want to think anymore. Parker was talking non-stop, but I didn’t hear a word he said. I remember climbing into cold sheets and then I drifted off to sleep, a blissful slumber, allowing me to forget everything and dream of happier days…in Shane’s arms.
The Truth Hurts!
I woke up naked in bed with Parker…who was also naked. I sat up, not sure what had happened or how I had gotten into that state of undress. But, I didn’t have time to think about it for long, because once my head came off the pillow, I had to run to the bathroom and throw up. I retched until my stomach was empty and then I reached for a towel and draped it around me, only to find myself back in front of the toilet for another go round.
“Are you okay?” Parker asked.
“No, Parker. I’m not. I’m scared…and confused…and sick.”
“You’re not sick love, you’re pregnant. I’m sorry you have morning sickness, but they say it’s a good sign that the baby is going to be healthy.”
I glared up at him. “Thanks!” I snapped; irritated by everything he said.
I showered and got dressed and met him downstairs for breakfast. I needed to talk to him, find out what he knew about Shane’s arrest.
“Good morning. Are you feeling better?”
“I’m not sure, yet.” I sat down next to him. “Parker, what do you know about Shane’s arrest? Please, tell me the truth.”
“I don’t know much, really. I um, I just heard that he was stealing. It wasn’t just once Rebecca. I know he told you it was just once, but there was a lot of missing money. He stole time and time again. That’s why they put the cameras in.”
“Why did they put one in his room? What could he steal there?”
“I don’t know. Maybe they were looking for evidence…money lying around. I don’t know.”
“Money lying around? I was there Parker…a lot. He never had any money lying around. He never had any extra money. He saved everything.”
“Well, maybe he stashed it. But, he stole a lot over the course of six months.”
“Really ? And just how do you know this?”
“I told you, I heard about it. I was trying to protect you. I didn’t trust him, Rebecca. I was looking out for you.”
“Did you set him up?” I asked, certain there was more to the story.
“NO! I didn’t have to set him up, Beccs! He’s a thief and a liar! When are you going to realize that?”
“For the last time, my name is not Beccs!”
“I’m sorry. I love you, Rebecca. I swear I didn’t set him up. They caught him stealing on video. You saw it!”
“I saw the one time.”
“And you believe him? That he bought your ring that night? How convenient.”
“He did buy my ring that night…well, half of it; my engagement ring.”
He reached down and picked up my hand. “Yeah, but this is the ring you’re wearing! This is the ring that’s important. I bought this ring…I didn’t steal it!”
I looked down at the three carat rock on my hand and knew I’d give anything to replace it with the small band of sapphires.
“Rebecca, I love you. You’re everything to me. I’d do anything for you.”
“I know Parker. I know.”
I tried to force some breakfast down, but nothing was sitting well. I found myself back in the bathroom, throwing up what I had just ingested. Parker sat by my side, holding me and rocking me in his arms. I was too tired and confused to fight him. I let him rock me like a child and I cried in his arms.
“It’s okay. I love you. It’s okay. We’re going to be fine, Beccs…Rebecca. Sorry.”
“Why do you love me when you get nothing in return?”
“I have you, and soon we’ll have our baby.”
“And Shannon,” I said, looking up at him.
“Of course, and we have Shannon. I love Shannon, you know that.”
“Do you?”
He hugged me close. “Of course I do.”
“But, not as much as this child?” I said with my hand on my belly.
“That’s not fair. It’s not the same. Shannon’s…his. This baby’s mine.”
“And what if this wasn’t…your baby?” I asked, looking up at him.
“It’s pointless to talk about this.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” I said, trying to tell him gently that I wasn’t carrying his baby. I didn’t want to hurt him.
“What are you saying?”
I looked up into his eyes and I saw so much pain, I couldn’t do it. I knew he deserved to know the truth, but it wasn’t the time. “Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you really love Shannon.”
“I do love Shannon. She’s a great kid.”
“But, nothing. She’s great.”
Shane was right, he didn’t love her. He only tolerated her...because he couldn’t face losing me. But, did he really want me, or did he just want to keep me from Shane? As I looked up into his eyes, I found I couldn’t read him.
“Rebecca, I love Shannon! How could you think otherwise?”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s because you hate Shane…and she’s his.”
“She’s mine, too. Maybe not like this baby, but…”
“No, it’s not different. Would you pay more attention to her if she were yours?”
“Of course! I mean…Rebecca, you’re not making any sense. What difference does it make? I love you, I love Shannon and I’m going to love this baby. We’re going to have a wonderful life. I promise.”
“And Shane? Where does he fit in to this wonderful life?”
“He doesn’t! The sooner you realize that, the better off we’ll all be. He can see Shannon, but he won’t get anywhere near my son!”
I stood up and started to walk away. I couldn’t listen to him anymore.
He followed after me. “Please don’t walk away from me.”
I turned to face him. “Why did I wake up naked, when I know I had a nightgown on when I went to bed?”
“We were going to make love, but then, you were so out of it; I just let you go to sleep. I held you all night.”
“Yeah, I remember that. I remember you wanted…I’m sorry. I just…I wasn’t up to it.”
“I was!” he said, trying to make me feel guilty.
“I’m sorry. I don’t feel well, and I’m…so tired.”
He hugged me. “I know. It’s okay. We have the rest of our lives. Why don’t you take a nap?”
“No, we have to go get Shannon. I have to share her with Shane now and this is my time.”
“She’s at school, Beccs…sorry, Rebecca!”
I sighed. “Oh, yeah. Well, then I guess I’ll go ahead and take a nap.”
“You want some company?”
“Don’t you have to go to work?” I asked, praying he wasn’t planning on spending the day with me.
“I took the day off. I told everyone we were having a baby and I wanted to cater to my wife for a few days.”
“A few days?” I said, praying I hadn’t heard him right.
“Yeah, a few days…maybe a week. I want to spoil you.”
“That’s um, that’s not necessary.”
“Yes, it is. I have to prove to you that I’m going to be a good father; that I’ll be there for you…for both of you.”
“Don’t you mean for all three of us?”
“Yes, of course.”
p; “Parker, just go to work, please. I’ll be fine.”
“I want to take care of you!”
“Just go!”
“Rebecca, I’m your husband. I love you. Can’t I be excited about us having a baby?”
“Why can’t you get excited about Shannon?”
He sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you that I love Shannon?”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you. Tell me the truth!”
“What truth?”
“That you resent her! That you hate the fact that she’s his. That you only signed the birth certificate to get back at him. Isn’t it true?”
He looked away. “I’ve supported you and your daughter!”
“Oh, so now she’s my daughter, not our daughter?”
“She is your daughter. She doesn’t love me.”
“She can tell that you don’t love her. She’s a child, but, she’s not stupid. You don’t have anything to do with her. Why did you offer to be her father if you don’t love her?”
He didn’t say anything.
“WHY, PARKER?” I shouted.
“Because I loved you! Because if I was her father, then you’d have to stay with me.”
“But, I don’t have to stay with you. Maybe some of what you did was noble, but the more I know, the less noble you become. Is it me you love, or is keeping me from Shane the true goal? If you can’t have me, then no one will? Is that it?”
He stood tall, knowing I’d finally seen through all the deception and lies. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. We were meant to be together, and if I had to take his kid in order to have you, then so be it! That was the price I had to pay.”
“The price you had to pay? Shannon was a bargaining tool?” I closed my eyes. “I can’t stay here another minute. I’m leaving.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know. Home to my parents, I guess. At least until I figure out what to do. I’ll find a place. I’ll be fine.”
I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm. “You can’t leave!”
“Parker, it’s over.”
“You’re going back to him, aren’t you?”
“I um, no, I’m going to my parents’ house. I need to sort through some things.”
He stepped in front of me. “You’re not going anywhere! You’re my wife! You belong with me!”
“No, I don’t. I’ve never belonged with you. I’ve never loved you. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I don’t want to hurt you. But, I have to leave. I need some time.”
“That’s my baby! You can’t keep me from my son!”
I turned to face him. “Parker…” He needed to hear the truth, but I couldn’t say it.
“Nothing. I have to go.”
“You’re not leaving me. You can have some…time, after you give me my son!”
“So, you don’t want me, you just want a namesake; a son to carry on your name?”
“No, I want you, too. I’ve always loved you. But, I know I can’t force you to stay. But, I will not lose my son!”
“What if this baby is a girl?”
He stopped and looked at me. “Then we’ll try again! I want a son! I hope this child is a boy, I’ll admit it. A daughter’s fine, but I won’t stop until I have a son.”
“So, you just expect me to keep pumping out kids until you get the desired heir?”
“Something like that, yes. You’re my wife!”
“I’m not a brood mare!”
“You are until I have a son.” He walked over to me. “I know this is a boy! I can feel it!”
“Parker…” I wanted to tell him. I tried, but the words just wouldn’t come.
“Please, don’t leave me. I know I’m not saying things right. But, no matter what you think of me, I do love you. I always have!”
“I wish I could say the same. It would be so easy if I loved you, like I love…” I stopped, but not soon enough
“Go on! Finish what you were saying!” he snarled.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“What do I have to do to make you love me? I’ve tried everything! I even studied those damned videos! I try…”
“Videos? You mean there’s more than one?”
He looked guilty. “I meant video.”
“No, you said videos. You have more videos of us…together?”
“Yeah, okay. But, I only wanted to try to please you. To see what it is that makes you want him so much.”
“I love him!”
“Don’t you mean, you loved him, past tense?”
I knew I was going to hurt him. But, I had to stop living this lie. “No, I love him. I always have. I always will.”
“Well, that’s too bad for him, because you’re mine. I won’t let you go back to that son of a…”
“Parker, he’s the father of my child!”
“I know. And, he can have Shannon as often as he wants.”
“He’s not just…Shannon’s father,” I said, looking up at him.
“This,” I touched my stomach. “This baby is his…too.”
“What? NO! This is my baby! We made love over two months ago. The dates are right! You said you hadn’t slept with him!”
“I’m sorry I lied.”
“You’re sorry?”
“I’m sorry that I lied to you. I’m not sorry for being with him. Parker, please understand, I love him. He’s always had my heart.”
He leaned up against the wall for support. “But, we made love. He’s my son!”
I shook my head no.
“How do you know?”
“Because, when you and I…were together, I used my diaphragm.”
“You used it with me…but not him? You slept with him! How could you?”
“I’m sorry, but it’s true. I didn’t plan on sleeping with him. It just happened.”
“Where what?”
“Where did you sleep with him?”
“It doesn’t matter!”
“Where!” he shouted.
“At his apartment…and then again upstairs in my room.” There was no reason to lie anymore. I was sick of living a lie. I was done.
“In my house? You screwed him in my house?” I backed up when I saw the look of rage in his eyes.
“It wasn’t planned. I told you, I needed closure.”
“Closure? That’s what you call this betrayal? Closure?”
“I told you, I didn’t plan it. It just happened! I told him it was over, and I planned on trying to make a life with you. But, it’s not working. It’s never going to. Shannon’s his…and this is his baby, and no matter what he’s done, I’m his, too. I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you.”
I turned to walk away and he pulled me back. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re my wife! You can’t leave! I won’t let you go! You can get rid of that bastard child and we’ll start fresh.”
“What? You’re talking crazy.”
“No, I’m finally making sense! You’re mine! You’ll never be his again! If you even go near him again, I’ll do more than just have him arrested!”
“You did set him up, didn’t you?”
“Well, I guess if you’re willing to share, then so am I! Yeah, I set him up. One of the guys that he worked with was more than willing to help for a small fee. Stupid guy, if he’d only known I’d have paid ten times that to ruin Ramsay.”
“You’re sick! How could you do that? Why?”
“Because, you were mine! We were meant to be together from the start!”
“I’m leaving!”
“You’re not going anywhere!” he said, grabbing my arm. “You’re sure as hell not going back to him!”
“No, I’m going to stay with my parents. I told you that. Now let go of me! You’re hurting me!”
He glared at me. “You won’t leave me! I’ll lock you up if I have to! He’ll never have you! I’ll see him dea
d first…I’ll see you both dead first!”
“Parker, OUCH, you’re hurting me! Stop!” He had a death grip on my arms. He was squeezing so hard my hands were going numb. I tried to break free, but the more I tried, the harder he squeezed. “PARKER! YOU’RE HURTING ME! STOP!” I was yelling and crying now. I was scared, much more scared than the day he had me pinned to his car. The look in his eyes was terrifying.
He pushed me back against the wall and kissed me. I struggled to free myself which only increased his fury. He slapped me across the face. I knew I had to leave…run, before he hurt me or my baby. I ducked under his arm and tried to run but he caught me and threw me across the room. I landed hard on the coffee table. I cried out in pain. I curled up, trying to protect my unborn child when he came at me again, yelling that I could never leave him.
He grabbed me and pulled me to him and reached back to hit me again, but didn’t get to land the blow. My father stood behind him and had him in a choke hold.
“You hit my daughter! You Son of a Bitch!” My father pulled his arm back to punch Parker and I screamed.
“Daddy, don’t! Please!” I didn’t want any more violence. I was afraid for my baby and I grabbed his arm, “Daddy, take me to the hospital, please!” I was starting to cramp and I was afraid bleeding would follow.
“Are you hurt?”
“The baby, I can’t lose my baby.”
He shoved Parker against the wall and said, “I’ll deal with you later!”
He walked over to me, took my hand and led me to his car. I cried and stared out the window, terrified I’d lost Shane’s baby.
“I’m sorry, Honey. I didn’t know!”
“He’s never hit me before.”
“He’ll never do it again.”
“I know. I’m leaving him, Daddy. I’m sorry, but I can’t…”
“It’s okay, Pumpkin. It’s okay.”
The rest of the ride was silent except for my father calling my mom and telling her to meet us at the hospital.
Dr. Emory happened to be at the hospital and I was so happy to see her. A nurse put me in a room and asked, “Are you having any vaginal bleeding?”
“I don’t think so,” I said, embarrassed to be talking about it in front of my father.