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Holt's Holding

Page 5

by a dagmara

Laughing at his display, he was gyrating into her, teasingly with added sound effects. Chris and I both laughed our heads off, as we could not contain the humor of his actions.

  Poor Sam, it was obvious he and she both had a thing for the other. So stubborn; the two of them are.

  I knew that one day soon, they would end up in bed. Maybe, wishful thinking, but the sexual tension between the two of them was thick.

  Sam looked over at me, rolling her eyes. I smiled and nodded.

  As things needed to get crazy, our song blasted thru the speakers. “Paradiso Girls-Patron Tequila”

  We both started laughing, and looked to the bartender. Damn she was quick.

  Another round.

  Taking the shots, Sam and I were quick to get to the dance floor. More like the one, we decided belonged there. We were undoubtedly drunk, and dancing away. Singing the lyrics, we were finally drunk and lose, just as we had intended.

  Brady was quick to jump in, as he loved the attention, but more importantly an excuse, allowing him to be all over Sam. Returning to the bar, the alcohol was doing its job on Sam. Her guards down, and it almost look like the two of them were close to being undone.

  Neither of them willing to totally let go, nor kiss, but they were so damn close. I couldn’t help but grin. Chris noticed what was inevitable between the two of them.

  I raised my sight to the Bartender. It was time for a check.

  “You are heading out?” Chris looked to me

  “It’s late, and I’m drunk the second night in a row. Shit it’s not even Friday” Shaking my head, fuck, two nights in a row. My nerves were taking over, and I was getting careless. I needed to get myself home.

  “Technically it is.” Chris laughed looking down at his watch.

  “Where’s your car?” he added

  “Garage. I walked here. Benefits of living close by.”

  “I know it’s only three blocks, but let me take you home, this is the city and you look like someone’s temptation.” I felt his eyes appraise me. Oh Chris, not good. He needed to let the past go.

  “Ok.” I didn’t have it in me to argue and a ride seemed like a good idea.

  Signing for the bill, my senses caught that familiar cologne. I whipped my head around looking for the source. My eyes darted around the dark bar, searching for the owner of the cologne. Every hair on my neck stood in attention, or possibly a fevered anticipation.

  “What is it?” Chris looked to me

  “I don’t know …I’ve smelled this cologne all day. It’s weird, but somehow I know it.” Still searching, I probably looked desperate or really fucking drunk.

  “Uh, Lil, a lot of guys were cologne. It’s possible that this cologne is just a popular one at best.” He smiled shaking his head at me.

  “Yeah, I’m sure your right.” Of course, he was right. And it was clear that I liked this cologne. I gathered my purse; looking up to him, as he had his arm extended for my taking. “Let’s get out of here.” I smiled.

  “Smartest thing you’ve said this evening,” he laughed.

  We both tried to signal Brady and Sam, but they were clearly lost in their attempts not to succumb to their desires. Chris and I again shared the same expression laughing.

  Chris drove me home, and like the gentlemen, he was; he stopped the car. Circling to my door, he helped me out of the car.

  Chris walked me to the door of my building and hugged me tight. Pulling from him, I looked up to his eyes. Yes, his feelings were just under the surface. He pursed his lips. I knew his reaction was one of debate.

  “Good night Chris.” I offered sensing his debate. The look in his eyes said it all.

  Releasing a sigh “Good night Lil” and he kissed my forehead.

  I watched as he walked back to his car, and waved back to me.

  Turning, I opened the front door. Part of me wished I could open up fully. Chris was a phenomenal friend, and his character was strong and moral. Shaking my head, I knew then as I did now. He deserved someone better than me. Someone that could return the type of love he had to offer. I stepped into the elevator and my resolve needed time to refuel. The door closed me in my solitude.

  The ride up was quicker than I expected. Fiddling with my keys, awareness hit, I was extremely drunk.

  Shit, I even felt that queasy sensation in my stomach….double. shit.

  Unlocking the door seems like work. Finally, in I stripped my shoes off by the door locking it.

  I dropped my purse at the entry table…crap it hit the floor. Whatever. I stumbled in the dark unzipping my sheath.

  In my room, I allowed it to fall off. Just me in my undergarments. My bed was calling me, and I was more than eager to answer. Dropping down, I stripped my stockings off, and pealed my bra; dropping it to the floor. I was too drunk to bother with a shirt. Moreover, what did it matter anyway, this was my room and my bed.

  I crawled into bed closing my eyes trying to center myself. My nose still caught up in the scent of the cologne I had smelled all day.

  Half as sleep my mind started to drift thru the day…first to Julie’s brother, then to Sebastian. Both men, were thoroughly off limits, but oddly, the idea that they were, was tempting. My mind fleeted over the sexual tension between Sam and Brady. I realized, I was jealous only from the aspect that I was in need.

  Yes, I was in need of a good lay.

  Again, the memory of Sebastian hit me hard. His eyes and the one thing I hadn’t noticed then. He had the look of a hunter. Charlie held that same look that morning.

  Well they might be off limits in reality, but, not in my dreams.

  Oh, yes, fantasies were totally allowed.

  The scent that lingered around me was a perfect aphrodisiac, and my arousal blossomed with a keen ache between my legs. Normally, I would just pull out a trusty vibrator, but drunk, and unwilling to move had me held in place. All I could picture was Charlie as he was the last vision my mind held.

  Chapter 4

  Morning seemed to sneak up on me so quick. I didn’t even feel like I had slept.

  Opening my eyes, the sound of my screaming alarm clock, made my head feel like it was going to explode. “Ugh!” I yelled. Turning of the alarm.

  Looking up at the ceiling, I so didn’t want to get out of bed. No bed was ecstasy… “Oh, Lillian you have only yourself to blame!” I chastised myself allowed, needing to lecture myself out of my stooper.

  My mind jumped back, yes my dream…I must have been in serious need because my dream without a doubt provides a satisfaction beyond expectation. I was sure I had climaxed about four times in my sleep. So yes, I was fully sated this morning. A stupide smile found a home on my face. Ok, I was beyond sated.

  If only reality could be as enjoyable as a dream.

  I shook my head. Grinning with a sated mind; revisiting the dream seemed like a terrifically brilliant idea.

  Fuck me; what a dream.

  My mind still caught up; the vision of his tone body leaning over mine.

  His lips and those eyes.

  Raising my hands over my head and stretching out I could sense that blossoming desire pool at my center, lacking the ache of an unreleased climax.

  His body firm and hard, penetrating mine; the size of him was so large that if it had been real I supposed I wouldn’t be able to walk for at least a day. No man in my experience was hung like that, so yes this was me, clearly dreaming.

  The more I stretched the more I realized that my body felt totally unhinged and sore.

  That’s right…tequila…my head suddenly started to throb. I was in for a hurting today.

  I leaned over to the once again screaming alarm clock, and hit it, turning it off. Yes, my body was extremely sore, and my legs felt like they were heavy and popped out of their joints.

  Pulling myself from my bed, I shook my head appraising my clothes, bra, and panties. I lifted the blanket off my body. Yes, I was totally naked. I didn’t remember taking off my underwear. I must have been that drunk. I stood up, t
he pressure in my head was heavy, and my legs were sore.

  Shit…my hand quick between my legs. I felt the release…looking down…”oh Shit?” I yelled in surprise of what looked possibly as a man’s orgasm seeping from my center. Tinged pink? Hmm, couldn’t be my period?

  I was on birth control, so I only had a period every three months. Had I not known any better, I would have thought that I actually had sex last night?

  I forced myself into the bathroom turning on the shower and quick to the toilet to wipe myself clean.

  “What the hell?” Again, the need to vocalize my shock was to remind me this wasn’t a dream and I was awake. Fuck, Chris didn’t come home with me. This I was sure of. Hell, if he had, there was no way even drunk that I would have had sex with him.

  I finished and jumped into the shower not caring that the water was only luke warm. I washed myself thoroughly and stepped out to brush my teeth.

  I blew out my long brown hair, and actual styled it. I chose to leave it down today. I applied my makeup and proceeded to my closet to get dressed. The periwinkle dress caught my eyes. It had been a while since I wore it. The dress hugged my body, a tight, but suited styling; the back had an unexpected white “peekaboo” detail popping out from the lower slit. The breast line squared and accentuated my breast in a unusually teasing but conservative manor. I liked this dress a lot.

  Not needing a jacket, as it didn’t violate any dress code, having three quarter length sleeves. The dress code forbids us to wear anything sleeveless. In my opinion, a bit outdated, hell this was Maryland, the humidity at times was like a sauna.

  Back to my room, I dropped the towel, and put on matching bra and panties, then my thigh high stocking in nude. Unzipping the back of the dress, I stepped in and pulled it up. When my eyes caught the fact that my door was wide open, Charlie was standing in the kitchen, coffee in hand and clearly watching me. His eyes definitely held a hungry look. Dropping my head, shit, he just watched me get dressed. How did I not realize my door was open?

  I could hear him put his cup down and walk straight for my room.

  Oh, fuck. I shook my head feeling frozen.

  Wow, he was quick. I could feel him stand behind me. His breath on my exposed back was sending a wake of blazing electricity down me. I felt his hands at the lowest point of my back just gently touch my skin.

  “Let me help you fasten your dress.” His voice was tender and seductive.

  Gently pulling at the zipper, he was slow in his effort to zip up the dress.

  Shit, the relentless desire was pooling strong at my center. Unable to move, and my breathing became hitched. Jesus, I’m going to have to change my panties. I was sure they were soaked in my relentless arousal.

  His pull paused, and his other hand gently slid up the upper part of my back under my hair to the nape of my neck. The sensation of his hands on my skin sent an electrical shock down my spine, landing at my aching core. Fuck me! I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

  Finally, he pushed my hair over my shoulder. Then proceeded to finish zipping me up.

  “You have the most flawless skin,” he whispered. Oh shit, I was about to come? His cologne…the same cologne I smelled all day yesterday, assaulted my nose. My body stiffened, and every hair stood to attention on my neck. Suddenly he broke away and walked out of the room.

  Closing my eyes, inhaling what air I could smoothly take into my desperate lungs, the vision of him from my dream quickly formed. With his body, having been just behind me, I was sure his touch had reminded me of the dream, and how he had taken me from behind. Yes, my dream was undoubtedly worthy of a revisit.

  Off Limits circled again disrupting my mind and vision.

  Turning around, biting my lip, I went to find my nude heel and slipped them on. This man was truly testing my resolve. My only instinct is to drag his ass back to my bed, and tie him down to sate this ridiculous pull he had over me.

  Again, I needed another cleansing breath in to find my center. Walking to the dresser, I sprayed my perfume on and exited my room.

  Charlie, fortunately was on his cell phone. Talking heatedly to whomever, his eyes never seemed to leave me. I walked over finding my purse on the floor and my cell phone down on the ground buzzing. Turning it around it was Brady calling.

  “And what can I do you the pleasure of this morning?” I answered.

  “Well you can start by telling me what you’re wearing?” he offered teasingly.

  I grinned to his request…this was so typical of him. Normally, I didn’t play his game, but today I thought it to be worthwhile. Standing up clutching my purse, I walked to the counter and placed it down. My eyes were quick to land on Charlie, as he was still on the phone leaning on the wall looking out onto the city.

  “Where would you like me to start Brady? Do I start with my light blue laced bra and panties…the ones you picked out while we were shopping at the Galleria….or would you like me to describe the silk nude thigh high stockings with the lace detail?” I grinned laughing, I knew this was more for Charlie since he obviously liked watching me dress this morning.

  “Yeah…I remember that set…definitely my favorite. Are you wearing heels?” he asked

  “But of course…nude…Gucci” Yes this was undeniably fun. I could hear his breathing as it became labored.

  “Fuck…” he screamed cussing a few more times, I could tell he must have spilled coffee or something extremely hot on himself.

  “Ok, Brady stop jerking off, and tell me why you called.” I laughed.

  I looked back up at Charlie, and he was wide-eyed and staring at me. Obviously, he was listening to every word.

  Again, with the eyes…his hungry and lusting eyes were barring into me.

  I shook my head and walked from the kitchen waiting for Brady’s response.

  “So…Now that I’m utterly undone with your detailed description” he paused.

  Not affording him the opportunity to talk, “Oh did Brady not get laid last night…is this why I’m sensing so much frustration in your voice.”

  “Hmm, did you?” he rebutted.

  “Brady, honestly I left with Chris…No shit I didn’t get laid. I think that’s pretty definite. Been there done that, and have no plans of revisiting. Where you had her almost begging for it…How did you fuck that up?” I grabbed my earrings and put them on waiting for his response.

  Walking back to the kitchen, Charlie was once more on his phone sitting at the counter with his laptop opened, and firing up. Based on the way he was dressed it looked as if he would be here all day.

  He was in a light orange button down shirt opened at the collar, untucked, and rolled at the sleeves.

  Odd, he was wearing a worn pair of jeans and barefoot. His hair was messy but in a devilishly sexy way. He was without a doubt an alluring man.

  “Yeah, I can’t go there with her.” Brady sighed

  “Why? She clearly wants you to bend her over. Be a man and just fuck her already. It’s starting to bother me, and you know me, I don’t give a shit about your sex life.” I opened the fridge knowing that my conversation was crude and probably not the best to be had around someone whom didn’t know me. Nevertheless, I didn’t care. Looking at the contents, I added more of a thought, “Ok then it’s clear you need to get laid and for whatever the reason you seem to have no balls when it comes to her. Well, I say we remedy this tonight”

  “Are you offering your services?”

  “Brady that’s gross…Now your just crossing really gross boundaries, we don’t live in West Virginia.” I pulled the yogurt out of the fridge and closed it. Turning to the counter where Charlie was sitting and intently appraising me. His hand rubbing at his chin, head cocked to the side. Perhaps my conversation was a bit crude. However, his comfort with what I was talking about well, wasn’t my concern nor should it be.

  “If only I was a woman,” Brady replied

  “You behave like one at times,” I offered teasingly while looking at C
harlie. “And if only I was a man. Actually scratch that, I like my tits.”

  “Nice…but let’s face it…being a woman has its advantages when it comes to get laid.” He added quickly.

  “I sense a bet coming on”

  “That’s my girl...” he replied knowing I had just cut to the chase.

  “So Brady what are we wagering for?”

  “Hmm, good question”

  “How about I make this easy on you…. Male or female, which ever you prefer. Normal limits apply of whom is off the table oh and I’ll be sure to help you find or handle your own needs…” I grinned still locked in a weird gaze with Charlie.

  “And if you don’t succeed?” Brady added

  “I always win Brady. How about this to add to the fun, my challenge is Sam. I think that’s pretty easy pickings for you. Plus, I’m tired of watching you drop the ball consistently. What does she need a sign that says, “Fuck me” or are you too afraid?” I bit my lip amused with myself, and I could tell Charlie was enjoying my conversation with Brady.

  “She is an off limit Lil.” His voice seemed to sober up. Shit, he had feelings for her, wow.

  “Fine, off limit.Your no fun! So what do I get out of this wager when you’re taking my fun out of it?” I pouted

  “You get laid if you succeed, isn’t that enough?” he replied.

  “Not quite … Pickings are slim these days Brady. Let’s face it, I could laid easily, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get off. See, there’s the advantage of having a cock. You can pretty much stick it in anyone and cum, as women, there is where the field is leveled. Just because, I can get laid easier than you, doesn’t mean it’s worth my time.” I cocked my head appraising Charlie as he lowered his expression and shook his head in amusement.

  “Very true. You do have a point there.” He laughed

  “So Mosaic?” I offered

  “Yup…10?” Brady was quick to respond

  “Why not? I promised Sam drinks prior, so ten it is. Should I bring her with?”

  “Why not” he sighed, “Oh, you and Corey have a gig on the plaza?”

  “No, just an open invitation if I want it. Corey wants me to, but I prefer smaller venues. Depends on if the mood strikes me. Singing isn’t in my future and Corey pushes me too much.


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