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Holt's Holding

Page 6

by a dagmara

  Looking to Charlie, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. He once more, raised his expression to mine, his eyes hungry and trapping me in place.

  Whoa, what effect did he have over me?

  “Brady, I’ll call you from the car,” I offered in a smooth tone caught up in some weird exchange with Charlie.

  “Oh, we need to discuss the other thing too”, he added quickly.

  “Sounds terrific”. I ended the call and placed my phone in my purse.

  Charlie was still watching me intently, and I felt frozen. Flashes from my dream felt hauntingly real and surfaced thru my mind. Yes, I was in need.

  My desire growing, becoming consumed with the fantasy and the man who sat before me.

  Shit…I needed sex and felt like I would combust, so the bet seemed like a good idea.

  “You sing?” He looked to me surprised.

  “Not really.” I offered coolly. “Use to when I was younger. I only preform when my friend manipulates me into it or I need a release.”

  “Huh, wouldn’t take you for someone whom is manipulated easily.” He grinned with a very sinister look on his face.

  “I don’t. But occasionally, if the mood is right, Corey knows how to read me.”

  “Boyfriend?” He slighted his head looking for an answer.

  “No. Friend, that’s a man. I don’t do relationships Charlie. Too much work and too much baggage.”

  “Couldn’t agree more.” He stood up and stretched. Shit, my eyes found their way to his waist as his shirt rose slightly giving me a glimpse of his skin. Jesus, the man was built. His skin taunt and that beautifully perfect v cut was slightly exposed. I could feel my cheeks flush and a real hunger develop with in me. My eyes traveled slowly up his body and I was sure he could tell I was more than appreciating the view. Dropping my eyes to the sink, I shook my head laughing at myself internally for such a display. Raising my sight to his, he moved slowly at first.

  Before I knew it, Charlie snaked himself around the counter.

  My eyes trapped in his; followed him as my body froze in place. He stopped just mere inches behind me and leaned in. My breath hitched and my skin heated about ten degrees.

  He leaned over as his hand depressed the lowest point of my back and placed his coffee cup down in the sink. He paused slightly and his lips curled up in a devious smile. Then move his head slightly away from me.

  Shit, I thought he was about to kiss me.

  Relief and disappointment quickly blanketed me and broke my stare. turning down to the cup. I couldn’t help the grin on my face.

  “You look flushed Lillian,” He whispered into my neck. There was something terribly seductive about hearing him say my name in that English accent of his, that had me weak in the knees.

  “Oh fuck…Off Limits Off limits,” I repeated.

  “And what’s off limits?” His heated breath hit my neck sending me down a spiral of need. Shit if he thought me to be flustered before, I could only imagine what he thought of me now.

  Shit, I didn’t mean to say it aloud.

  I sucked in a breath, and focused my eyes out to the windows.

  His body was now entirely behind me; his hands were cautiously skirting up and at my hips.

  In an uncontrolled reaction to moving myself, push into him. His hand quickly grabbing me firm I could feel his arousal standing to attention and pressing into my backside. Oh dear lord I just wanted to melt into his body. Feeling his arousal in my back side had me desperate for air.

  Oh, fuck me! That was precisely, what I wanted from him, at this very moment.

  Pursing my lips tight, I needed to remind myself that this would be a terribly poor idea. Normally, I was no stranger to bad ideas, but he was Julie’s brother and an entanglement I could not afford.

  “Charlie, I need to go to work.” I whispered, desperate to get my head out of the fog.

  “I suppose you do”, he leaned into the side of my face.


  “Yes, Lillian.”

  “Please remove your hands from my hips.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, he released his hold and pushed off me. The break was what I needed.

  “My apologies, I didn’t mean to crowd you; seemed like you were going to fall back.”

  I turned and paused knowing he was full of shit.

  I clearly felt his arousal, as he intended me too. Biting my lip, I looked up to his very devious expression. Yes, I knew that expression well. One that has marked my face, many times before.

  I cocked my head and grinned. “Yeah”…the sarcasm wasn’t hidden in my reply. I pursed my lips tight and walked from him to my room shaking my head. I liked his tactics, but they would be better served on some one less astute to his game. Fuck, for a second there, I was almost putty in his attempt. Jesus, was he a match for me.

  I grabbed my computer bag then went back to the kitchen for my purse. Charlie had left the room. Thank god. Reaching my purse there stood a to go cup ready and waiting.

  Hmm, he made my coffee for me.

  I grabbed my purse and the coffee walking toward the door. Pausing, I took one more dangerous pull of his scent, which now enveloped my apartment. Walking out. I closed the door shaking my head. The next few days were going to be difficult for me, and I couldn’t deny it.

  The cat and mouse game he just started was hard for me to walk from. However, I had to. He was off limits.

  I’m starting to hate those two little words. Stepping into the elevator, my phone was again buzzing.

  “Good Morning Mr. Leiber.”

  “Good Morning Ms. Holt. It appears that our new owners have closed us down today for some restructuring. You get a three day weekend so enjoy it; for next week may turn out to be extremely busy.”

  “Thank You Mr. Leiber, and I will try to enjoy the time off.”

  Fuck…I stepped back off the elevator and just paused at my front door. I wasn’t ready to deal with him just yet.

  I opened the door and walked in. He was seated once again at the breakfast bar, and on his cell grinning ear to ear as if he just bested whomever he was speaking with. Yes, he was extremely pleased with himself.

  “My night to your bishop!” he smirked.

  “Well, no one said, I had to play fair. Your arrogance just cost you. Your move.” He smile and leaned back hanging up his phone.

  Walking to my room, I didn’t; more like couldn’t even look at him.

  I placed my purse and computer bag down on the bed then turned back to my bedroom door. As Charlie was looking straight down the hall, his phone rang again, pausing for a moment, I was a bit curious of his earlier conversation, but pulled myself quickly back, slamming the door shut.

  I needed to get to the gym and work off my newfound frustration. I now sounded just like Brady. Throwing my heels off, I pulled my dresser drawers open. Yes, I needed to change and take advantage of the gym. Reaching behind for my zipper I tried to pull it down, oh shit...I just remembered why this dress sat in the back of my closet.

  I couldn’t ever get it off.

  Ok, I’m a big girl. I sucked in a cleansing breath and opened my door. Charlie was typing away on his keyboard.

  “Charlie?” I walked down the short hall to the kitchen as he raised his expression to mine.

  “Yes Lillian?” He smiled dangerously at me.

  “I’m afraid I’m in need of your assistance. I can’t seem to reach the top of my zipper. Would you mind?” I paused looking straight into his very pleased expression. He was about to stand. “Please, there is no need for you to get up. If you could simply, get it down, just enough for me, I would be extremely grateful.” I turned my back towards him.

  His hands seemed way too comfortable as he placed them around my hips, pulling me back to him.

  “I need you a little closer, if I am to remain seated.” The amusement was laced through every word he spoke. Yes, he was enjoying this way too much. “Any particular reason you’ve decided to change? I thought th
is dress was truly becoming on you. It rather played up your grey eyes brilliantly”

  “Thank you, but it seems I received an unexpected day off, and the dress no longer necessary.”

  “Well then, aren’t you lucky.” His hands slowly moved up to the zipper.

  I had already moved my hair out of the way not wanting a repeat of his touch against my skin.

  His finger curled around the top of the dress

  Again, he managed to be sure to touch my skin, and again he had the same effect on me.

  I knew he had turned his body towards mine as his legs were on either side of my body. If he pulled me any closer, I would be sitting in his lap where I suspect he would want me. Hell, I probably wouldn’t complain. Calmly, I sucked a cleansing deep breath in, and released it slowly out. His hands pulled at the zipper, easing it down. With one swift motion, he had unzipped me just down to the lowest portion of my back.

  The heat of his breath on my skin sent chills up my spine igniting my desire and pooling it just at my center. I could tell he too was frozen in what seemed to be a mutual desire and attraction. His hand was now running soft and deliberately up my spine sending a shock of sensations thru my body. I cocked my head to the side biting hard into my lower lip. Oh dear lord I needed to get laid. I needed to move, but my feet felt planted firm and unresponsive.

  His hand stopped just at the clasp of my bra. His index finger slow, but confidently slid under….oh he was good. Both fear and anticipation, ignited like a fire across my skin. The need to let go of my restraints had me breathing a bit harder. His scent, encased me like an invisible prison. I wanted this man. For the first time I didn’t want to think, I didn’t want to hold onto the control I’ve used for so long. Closing my eyes, my lungs were desperate for air and my body ached for his touch.

  With just his index finger and thumb, he unreservedly unhooked my bra. His second hand swiftly snaked around my waist within my dress skin to skin. I knew where his wondering hand was headed.

  The other hand had me a bit surprised, poised and ready in the direction of my need. Both had snaked around and paused at my abdomen, moving to their desired locations.

  His hands were large on my body making me feel so small in his hold. Taking in another deep breath the debate in my head was waging. Yes, he was an off limit.

  One question sprung in my mind. What had Julie implied about him?

  Yes, the deeper meaning was obvious; he was more like me.

  He liked exerting control without the emotional entanglements, so with that, he was free game. There was no concern of hurting him, or him wanting, what I couldn’t give him. This could work…I could use him. This one time and be done with it.

  The debate was had and finished just as his grip pulled me into him, his lips now on my back. The fear I held had my skin oversensitive has his lips moved in a sensual hunger. Control, the one thing I held to, was now fleeting from my grasp.

  Those wonderfully large hands now set to their goal. One up and under my loosen bra swiftly taking my breast into his grasp kneading and teasing my nipple. The second dropped down and into my panties, landing just at my center; massaging me like his hand knew my body from experience. The moment his pinched my clit hard, I gasped. My inner alarms started screaming. Don’t let go, don’t give away the control.

  “Your so wet Lillian.” his mouth worked my neck as hi finger fell into my slits and straight to the center of my body. The shiver that ran through me, my evident I had no control.

  His breathing matched my own, labored. My body moved into his matching the rhythm of his hand. I pressed my ass into his arousal, and my head fell to his strong and broad shoulder as his lips moved to my neck; nipping and licking. Oh, his tongue was good. This man knew exactly, what he was doing.

  Oh, and I was more than grateful. My blossoming desire was fully heated and about to peak. Oh lords, so close. Letting go would be dangerous, but fuck he felt so good.

  “More,” I moaned.

  “My pleasure.” he rasped in my ear then sucked my lobe.

  With full confidence, he stood me to my feet and released my breast. Exulting his strength and need his hand ripped my dress down the center exposing my entire back. Then lowered to my panties and again with swift urgency he pulled them down.

  “Grip the counter,” he ordered and I obliged. Control, yup he had it. Shit, I was terrified but intrigued. A sense of knowing hit me hard. A weird, yielding sense of trust with him took the place of fear.

  His hand moved to my hip where he gripped it hard. My body, responsive to his intent, I arched my back, accepting the invitation.

  I could hear him unzip his pants and pull himself free. I cocked my head to the side, just as I suspected, he was large, and much larger than I thought would be possible. Oh shit, I would pay for this later, and knew it. However, my greedy desire was more than willing, caught up, I craved. I needed him in me. I needed him to fill me and I craved it in such a way that I would do just about anything in this moment to fill that need.

  Feeling him at my core, Charlie’s fingers preceded him, circling just at my opening. It was if he was preparing me for his size. Already soaked in anticipation, Charlie slid not one, but two fingers inside. His entrance, precise, perfectly working me into a frenzy. Obvious experience loomed, as he easily found the cluster of nerves with reverence. Breathing hard, his body pressed against mine, working my arousal to an impossible breaking point.

  Whispering into my ear, “You’re so tight, cum for me Lillian.”

  That’s all it took, a simple command and his heated breath on my neck, to push me over the edge.

  Before I knew it, his tip replaced his fingers and began a slow push in.

  “Oh, lord”…I breathed as his hands were both gripping to my hips. He pushed his full length in as tempered and managed as he could allow. My body oddly felt sore with his entrance. He filled me tight and fuller than I thought I could handle. My breath caught in my lungs from the burn of his entrance. A pain I now understood I longed for. I almost felt like I could seriously be torn in half; in a very wanted and needed way.

  His pull, was just as slow exiting, leaving me with more need of his exquisite return. My hands gripped firm to the counter for balance when his full return hit me.

  With each thrust, he felt as if he was deeper. The pain exquisite; pushing my climax further, taking me entirely. I could feel him under my skin and he felt, oh shit, he felt like home. My body was so in tune to his with a scary familiarity. Shut my head down, I needed, no want to only feel for this one moment I wanted to let myself feel. The build and rush of blood had me lost. I felt the orgasm as it seeped down through every nerve ending. His thrust now increased in speed, as he knew what and how I needed him.

  “Harder” I rasped thru labored breath, and he obliged.

  His pounding increased eagerly and his hand snaked around climbing to the front of my neck. I circled my hips, taking his length further need. The more I moved, the clearer it was becoming that this was what he wanted. Pausing, I sensed his need to reign himself in. The tension in him, was building, as it dawned on me that this small display had me even more turned on.

  Oh, I felt the desperation as my body began to shake with a release I had no right to. This was insane! Letting go fully the orgasm surged through me, a full on volcanic eruption, somewhere form the hidden depths of me released. Yes, I screamed. My eyes closed and my heart beating erratically. This was the release I so craved. His thrust seem to grow, and tension was about to roll thru him and release.

  One last thrust and his body tensed fully while his grip pulled me tight to him.

  I lowered my head to the counter and released a breath of satisfaction. This was so fucking unexpected. How the hell did he do this? And where the fuck was all my control?

  “You are an exquisite creature Lillian,” he breathed then proceeded with one last kiss to my shoulder. Releasing his hands, he steadied himself. Gently he began his retreat from my body leaving me sore
…deliciously sore. With the final length of him gone, I gasped.

  I could hear him fix his pants zipping them back up.

  Shit, what did I just do? The question now swirled thru my head.

  Lifting my head off the counter, I looked to my now ripped and hanging dress. I gave up control? I was pissed at myself. The fog cleared and anger replaced it. It wasn’t his fault, but rather my own.

  Pursing my lips, I frowned. “I really liked this dress.” Sighing, I found myself shaking my head at my inner stupidity.

  “As did I,” he offered, with an amused tone in his voice.

  “Clearly.” I replied in a sadistic tone, rolling my eyes. Fuck, what did I just do? Yes, I had sex with him, but my control? I abandoned it so easily!

  His body once more came down to my back, lingering a bit, as he slowly reached over me; his hand firm around my waist, firm against his body. His cologne held me prisoner.

  Shit, what was he up to?

  “Spread your legs.” He ordered running his hands down the side of my body, then proceeded to drop to my center.

  Oh, took me a minute, he had a rag in his hand, and it was obvious what his intentions were. He was cleaning the evidence of his orgasm from between my legs.

  “How thoughtful of you.” Again, I remarked in the same tone.

  His mouth, by my ear replied… “I can be, but that’s never a certainty.” Taking my ear lobe in to his mouth, my arousal was quick to respond. Releasing his mouth, I didn’t need to turn around, to know the expression on his face.

  Ah, he was very much like me. He was going to be trouble. Who was I kidding? He was fucking trouble for me in the worst way!

  Finally, he released me altogether and sat back down on his bar stool affront of his laptop. His grin was one of complete satisfaction. Raising myself still shaking my head, I too was grinning, but not for the same reason I suspect.

  “Well then, it seems my dress is undone, which was more than I had asked for…so if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to find something else to wear.” I cocked my head to him and grinned, the anger was evident in my voice I couldn’t hide it. I was both blissfully satisfied and pissed all at the same time. Without adding a word, removing the remnants of my dress, I turned from and walked back to my room.


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