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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

Page 3

by Charles, Jane

  Felding nodded his head, as if he did understand and returned to the topic at hand. “Wandering off alone, especially onto a balcony, was explained to my dear sister. However, if Phoebe doesn’t see the harm, then there mustn’t truly be any.”

  “That can’t be good,” Marius stated the obvious.

  Taylor would rather be somewhere else at this moment. His mind had been filled with Lady Phoebe following their dance. She was not for him and he well knew it. If Felding, or any of them, had any idea of the thoughts that ran through his mind the evening before, he would be exiled from the group. If those thoughts had been voiced about any other young lady, they would have laughed and discussed the positive and negative of further association. However, those same thoughts about Lady Phoebe would put him at odds with Noah.

  He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Sandlin, is anything else troubling you? You are certainly more quiet than usual.”

  He looked over at Felding and knew the truth was still not an option. “A headache is all.” He did have one coming on and it was best not to reveal the cause. He drained the glass of whiskey the moment it was delivered and set the glass on the table when finished. “If you will excuse me.” He bowed to his friends and exited the club. It was best to distance himself before he made the mistake of revealing his true thoughts.

  * * *

  Phoebe found the people attending the opera far more exciting than the opera itself. Often her eyes had strayed from the stage to the occupants in other boxes and those seated below. One would have thought that since she loved music, she would love the opera. Such was not the case.

  “What is this called again?” she whispered to Noah from behind her fan.

  He leaned over. “The Noble Outlaw by Henry Rowley Bishop.”

  She tried to concentrate, but the production simply did not hold her interest and she once again looked around at the people. More than a few young ladies watched Noah. Perhaps they didn’t like the opera either, or they liked Noah better. She stifled a yawn and was grateful for the invention of the fan. It hid much from so many watchful eyes.

  When intermission came, Phoebe let out a sigh of relief. Taking Noah’s arm, she allowed him to escort her out for some refreshment. Sipping from the glass of lemonade he had provided, she watched the people around her until it became almost too crowded to breathe. Did everywhere she went in London have to be this crowded? While Noah spoke with another acquaintance, whose name and title she had already forgotten, she stepped back. A young woman stepped between them and Phoebe retreated for fear of spilling her drink on the young woman’s dress. More and more people came between her and her brother and Phoebe eventually gave up trying to make it back to his side. It was safer to dislodge herself from this crowd and return to their box. As it was, she could not even see her brother any longer.

  She was certain she had gone the correct direction but when she stepped through the red velvet curtains she knew immediately she had made an error. Rodney Cooper, a young man she had seen the evening before, lounged at the end of the first row. He came to his feet the moment he saw her. “Lady Phoebe, this is a delightful surprise.”

  Heat infused her face and Phoebe quickly curtseyed. “Forgive me. I am afraid I got turned around. If you will excuse me.” She backed away and returned to the hall. She stopped for a moment and looked in both directions. The stage was to her left, so she must follow the curved hallway to the right. That should take her back to the family box. If only she could remember which one was theirs.

  “I’ll be happy to escort you back.”

  Phoebe fairly jumped and turned around. Mr. Cooper stood in the doorway and offered his arm. Perhaps it would be wise to accept his offer, or she risked getting lost once again. “Thank you.” She linked her arm in his.

  Cooper turned to the left and began walking. Phoebe stopped. She could have sworn she needed to go right. “I believe we need to go the other way.” Perhaps Cooper’s sense of direction was no better than hers.

  He smiled down at her. “I know a shortcut that will deliver you to your seat quickly.”

  Phoebe studied him for a moment. He was only being helpful. And, just because the stage was at that end did not mean the curved hallway didn’t continue. As it was, they were far above the stage. “Very well.” She inclined her head and let him take the lead.

  It wasn’t long before the hairs stood up on the back of her neck. This direction could not be right. With each step they took it became darker and darker. Abruptly she stopped. “I believe we need to turn around and go the other way.”

  * * *

  Taylor massaged his forehead and willed his eyes to remain open. He was already tired from a fitful sleep the night before and this opera only induced him to want to sleep more. He never enjoyed this type of entertainment and couldn’t understand how others did. All it did was bore him. Chambers had taken the ladies they escorted this evening for refreshment, leaving Taylor waiting in the quietness. He absolutely detested the crowds during the breaks, almost as much as he hated the opera itself.

  He glanced up toward the Felding box. It was empty but he knew Noah and his sister would soon return. A smile pulled at his lips when he recalled Lady Phoebe yawning behind her fan. Had he not been sitting at this angle, down, to the left and slightly back, he would not have seen her. Perhaps the two of them should find something better to do next time someone suggested the opera.

  The thought was quickly shaken from his mind. Lady Phoebe was the younger sister of one of his closest friends. He was to keep an eye on her this Season, not befriend her, or worse. Taylor stifled a curse in the middle of the lecture to himself. What was Phoebe doing walking into Rodney Cooper’s box? Taylor waited for Felding to step inside but he never did. When the lady curtseyed and backed out he knew she was lost and that Felding had once again misplaced his sister. And, Rodney Cooper was almost as bad as Carlyle from the night before. Not only did he need to marry an heiress, he was a degenerate as well. Cooper probably couldn’t believe his own luck when Lady Phoebe simply dropped in his lap just now.

  When Lady Phoebe left of her own accord, Taylor relaxed. At least until Cooper followed. Cursing under his breath, Taylor stood. The girl is a danger to herself. Taylor made his way along the curved hallway, waiting to encounter the two sooner than later, but when he passed the entrance to Cooper’s box, he knew his suspicions were correct. He just hoped he made it to Lady Phoebe in time.

  “Through these doors is a shortcut. I promise.”

  “I prefer we return the way we came.”

  Taylor rounded the corner to find the couple a few feet away from the door that led to the backstage area.

  “In fact,” Lady Phoebe yanked her arm from Cooper’s hand, “I am sure I can find my way on my own.”

  “There will be no need, Lady Phoebe.” Taylor stepped toward them so she could recognize him in the meager light. “I will be happy to deliver you to your brother.”

  Lady Phoebe whipped her head around and looked at him. All color drained from her face and she looked absolutely mortified. She recovered quickly enough, sniffed, straightened her spine and marched to him. “I would be most appreciative. Thank you, Lord Sandlin.”

  The scent of her lilac perfume tickled his nose. Lilacs suited her, as did the pale lavender gown with its scooped neckline and form fitting bodice. Taylor clenched his jaw. These are not the things he should notice about her. He should think of Lady Phoebe as a younger sister, instead of Noah’s younger sister, or at least a close cousin. Anything, other than a beautiful, available young woman. “Did your brother not warn you about wandering around by yourself, especially in an Opera House?”

  “Not exactly.” She toyed with the ribbon that fell from her bodice

  “Yet, I am sure you know better.”

  Lady Phoebe stopped and looked up at him. “We were separated and I decided to come back,” Phoebe defended herself. “I simply turned in the wrong direction.”

>   Taylor rolled his eyes heavenward. “And right into Mr. Rodney Cooper, who would like nothing better than to marry your dowry first and you second.”

  She blanched and took a step away. Perhaps he was too harsh, and maybe insulting. “I am sorry. I am sure he would adore you. But, the fact remains the man is completely broke and you would be the answer to all of his problems.”

  “He made no improper advances,” Lady Phoebe defended, chin jutted out and shoulders back.

  “He wasn’t going to risk being caught in the hallway. Why else do you think he wished to take the short cut?”

  Lady Phoebe’s shoulders slouched, he knew she knew he was correct. “I thought it was a harmless escort.”

  Taylor raised an eyebrow. He knew better. He had heard the last of the conversation.

  “Until we came to the door. I knew better than to continue on with him.

  Taylor took her arm and continued down the hall. “Cooper knows well and good that Felding would never allow him to court you, not with his reputation of being a gambler and . . .” He paused and bit his bottom lip. Phoebe leaned forward, eyes wide with expectation at his next words. Well, he wasn’t going to be the one to educate her on the various vices of the gentlemen of the ton. “Regardless, he took a big risk. Felding would have more likely called him out before ever allowing a marriage.”

  Felding stood at the door to their opera box and looked around. His brows were knotted with worry but they relaxed the moment he spied Taylor and Lady Phoebe.

  “I safely deliver you to your brother.” Taylor relinquished her arm. He met Felding’s eyes and held them for a moment. What he wished to say could not be said in front of Lady Phoebe. “I wish you both a good evening.”

  Chapter 4

  This was Phoebe’s fifth ball in three nights and so far she managed to stay out of trouble. In fact, she didn’t leave Noah’s side except to dance. She may have suffered a few missteps her first nights in society but it appeared those were behind her now.

  Phoebe shifted her weight from one foot to the other, wishing the evening would come to an end so she could take the offensive shoes off her feet. She glanced out the French doors, but the steady rain kept her inside. She would have gone to the ladies retiring room, but it was on the other side of the ballroom and up another flight of stairs. As it was, she needed to turn down any requests to dance for the remainder of the evening.

  She scanned the room and spotted a darkened alcove not far away and headed in that direction with cautious steps. Noah was speaking with friends and wouldn’t miss her for a few moments. And, she knew better than to be found with anyone there. If she could just escape on her own, just for a few minutes of privacy, no harm would be done. Upon reaching the entrance Phoebe glanced around. Nobody even noticed her there, too caught up in their own conversations. She slipped between the part in the curtains, into the darkened space, leaned against the wall, slipped off her shoes and sighed.

  * * *

  Taylor cursed his luck. Of all places, she chose the spot he had decided to stand. Why couldn’t she disappear by one of the others? He made a mental note to discuss the option of the use of a leash with Noah. He watched Van Sutton make his way toward Phoebe’s hideaway. The man had watched Lady Phoebe from the moment she walked in the room and Taylor knew he was up to no good. Casually Taylor placed his arm against the door jam and blocked the entrance to the alcove. The action brought Van Sutton up short.

  “Where are you headed, Van Sutton?” Taylor studied his recently manicured nails.

  “I wanted a break from the crowd and since it is raining I thought this was my best option,” the man offered a bit too quickly.

  “Is there any reason you chose this particular alcove? The hallway is not far, nor the library from what I understand.” Taylor crossed his arms over his chest and watched the man.

  Van Sutton shrugged. “As good a spot as any, and closer than those others.”

  “I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that Lady Phoebe just walked through here, would it?”

  The man started to object, but Taylor stopped him. “Don’t bother. Find another alcove and stay away from the lady.”

  “How dare you presume to tell me who I may pursue?” He stood tall and jutted out his nonexistent chin.

  Taylor flashed a cool grin. “I do dare. I know, as does Felding, your need for an heiress. Putting the lady into a questionable situation will not sit well with him, or me.”

  The man paled. “I-I…um, y-you see…”

  “I see you grasp my meaning. Now, move along.” Taylor turned back to studying his nails while an indignant Van Sutton spun on his heels and marched away.

  He turned and lifted the curtain, intending to remind Lady Phoebe of yet another lapse of good sense, but was brought up short. He muttered a curse. She stood bent over with skirts slightly raised. A small, delicate foot was in her hand. The skirt was just high enough that he could see the other small foot, shapely ankle and calf of the leg supporting her. Thank goodness nobody could see her but him.

  She remained unaware of his presence and rubbed the appendage, midnight hair coming lose from the arrangement, cascading down the side furthest from Taylor, touching her knee. Her delicate profile was concentrating on her foot, eyes downcast, thick, long dark lashes against rosy skin. Her posture had created a gap in her bodice, and if he had taken a few steps forward, he would have been able to see more of the rich, creamy full breasts, already on display. Thank goodness she was well away from the opening.

  Taylor stopped himself from moving further into the alcove and sent a number of silent curses at Felding for putting him in this position. Taylor tried to deny his body’s reaction to the sight, but couldn’t. He had been married before and the last thing he ever expected was for this young innocent to send desire coursing through his veins. He shook his head and decided he had been widowed too long. Once he returned Lady Phoebe to her brother, he might just consider finding a mistress for the first time in his life. Heaven knew he may need one this Season. He cleared his throat, stayed well within sight of the ton, and waited.

  Phoebe glanced up. Her eyes popped open in surprise before she gave him a brilliant smile. “Good evening, Lord Sandlin. How are you?” She placed her foot on the ground and slipped it into the light blue matching slipper before she shook out her gown.

  “It seems you have had another lapse,” he stated with an edge, trying to keep his eyes on her face and not her bodice .

  “How so?”

  “I just stopped another eager young man from following you in here.”

  Her faced paled when she realized how vulnerable she had been. “Oh dear.”

  “That is a start.” He stepped back and waited for her to come forward. Offering his arm, he escorted her back to Felding. As he relinquished his hold, Taylor shot his friend an angry look.

  “Thank you, again, Lord Sandlin.”

  He gave her a quick nod and returned his attention to Noah. “I need a drink. Please try to keep an eye on her.” He strode away before Felding questioned him.

  * * *

  Taylor leaned back in his regular chair and watched Felding approach their group of friends.

  “We have taken the liberty of drawing up a schedule.” Martin chuckled and signaled the waiter to refill his glass.

  Felding took his seat. “Schedule for what?”

  “To act as your seconds of course,” Chambers offered.

  “My what?” Felding practically yelled.

  Taylor studied him, not feeling the same amusement as their friends. Of course they didn’t know what he had seen and how he had reacted. He wondered sourly if one of them would offer to be his second if Felding called him out.

  “You heard him. Your seconds. We have each taken a couple of weeks.” Parker laughed and continued. “Sooner or later you might find yourself in a position to defend her. We are simply planning ahead so you know who to call on when the time arrives for the morning appointment on the duelin
g field.”

  Felding didn’t comment. Taylor watched as he signaled for a pint and then offered his own advice. “Personally, I would recommend you chain her to your wrist.”

  The comment startled the lot of them. “Are you suggesting I have been derelict in my duty?” Felding returned in a cool tone.

  “Not at all. But, the minute your attention is diverted, she is off.” Taylor chuckled, trying to lighten the situation.

  Felding slumped back with a sigh. “Yes, I know. And thank you. You’ve done an admirable job of keeping her safe so far.”

  “My pleasure.” Taylor raised his glass to Felding with a forced smile.

  “Janine has decided to have a house party at the end of the month,” Martin announced.

  Each man smiled, perhaps in anticipation to the distractions house parties tended to offer.

  “Before you start planning your own entertainments, you should be aware that she is planning this for Lady Phoebe.”

  A bucket of ice water couldn’t have altered his thoughts quicker.

  “Why on earth would she do a thing like that?” Chambers demanded.

  “Because the other young ladies have been discussing these gatherings and Janine thought it would be wiser to initiate Lady Phoebe into one under a more controlled environment.”

  Felding was the first to agree. “That is an excellent idea. I had completely forgotten about weekend country parties, or that Phoebe might be asked to attend.”

  “Since it will be controlled, then I assume we need not attend.” The last thing Taylor needed was to be thrown into the country for a long weekend with Lady Phoebe.


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