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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

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by Charles, Jane

  Martin grimaced. “On the contrary. Janine insists we all attend. You don’t want to know what I have been threatened with if you don’t.”

  “So, she finally let you back into her bed and you don’t want to lose the spot again.” Parker laughed.

  Martin glowered at his friend.

  “I suppose the house will be filled with lovely young ladies who normally wouldn’t be allowed to attend such a gathering with the likes of us,” Chambers assumed.

  “Exactly. There will be some fine young men there as well. Those who Janine and Lady Felding deem appropriate suitors for Lady Phoebe.” Martin turned to address Felding, “You will be given a list prior to the invitations being sent.”

  “Sounds dreadfully boring,” Parker observed.

  “Who is picking the young ladies?” Chambers asked, as if seeing advantages where the others saw none.

  “Apparently, Lady Phoebe will be making the list from the young girls she has met.”

  “The party is a week away,” Felding interrupted. “I need to know if each of you will be at Almacks tonight.”

  They all nodded in agreement, except Lavins who simply grinned.

  “Why do you look so pleased?” Felding asked Lavins a few moments later.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? I’m anticipating a quiet evening at home with my wife.”

  “Why should you be granted a reprieve?” Taylor demanded.

  “Because he was rejected by the Lady Patroness.” Martin laughed. “I would find a way to be banned from Almacks myself if Janine would allow it.”

  “I had forgotten. What was the offense that got you kicked out of those hallowed halls?” Taylor asked.

  “Patroness Lady Jersey didn’t like the cut of my coat, among other items about my person,” Lavins offered, not sounding offended in the least. “Don’t worry gentlemen, you won’t be far from my thoughts.”

  “Somehow I doubt that,” Taylor muttered.

  “I suppose we can’t wait until shortly before eleven to make our entrance?” Martin suggested.

  “And leave Felding alone guarding the girl?” Taylor protested. “I shudder to think what would happen. Besides, if anyone of them were even a minute past eleven they wouldn’t be granted entrance.

  * * *

  Tonight was the night. The night of all nights. The most important night of her debut. The night that would make or break her success. At least that was what had been drummed into her head over and over by her mother. After being sent to her room for a rest before the long evening ahead, Phoebe wondered what was so important about being accepted at Almacks. Apparently her mother’s opinion was shared by all. Her new friends were also anxiously awaiting the evening with a mixture of dread and anticipation, worried they would be turned away, even though each had already been granted a voucher. Personally Phoebe couldn’t care less if the Lady Patronesses welcomed her or not. But it was important to her mother, so she would do her best to win approval.

  Phoebe stood in front of her mother and slowly turned as she examined her. “Perfection,” her mother announced, which Phoebe accepted. After all, her mother had a biased view.

  “Now remember, you are not to dance until A Lady Patroness has chosen your first partner. Especially do not waltz without their consent,” Lady Felding reminded her, again, and Phoebe obediently nodded. Her mother was already assuming she would be a success.

  An hour later Phoebe found herself standing in the grand ballroom, awaiting permission to dance. Apparently, it had already been decided who her first partner would be, but he had yet to arrive. What if he didn’t arrive? Would she be forced to stand on the sidelines all evening? For some reason the ladies were confident the gentleman would show.

  Phoebe couldn’t help but feel like she had been made part of some fool’s jest when Lord Sandlin approached.

  “Apparently, the Ladies found it quite fascinating that Sandlin rescued you three times in one short week and thought it only fair to reward him with the honored dance,” Janine whispered before Sandlin led her away.

  Her face was hot enough to burst into flames, but she executed her curtsey and Sandlin bowed. This would be her first real waltz. When Lord Sandlin took her hand, she placed her other on his shoulder, which sat higher than her dance master’s. His strong hand settled warmly on her waist. The moment the music began, he swept her in a circle. The music was Mozart. It lightened her soul. Phoebe’s nervousness drained away and she smiled brilliantly at him. “I just adore Mozart.”

  Sandlin smiled down at her. “You seemed worried when we first took the floor.”

  “I wasn’t sure what to expect. I have watched couples dance and they appeared to be in conversation.”

  Taylor quirked brow. “You are afraid to talk to me?”

  “I wondered if they were truthfully conversing or counting.”

  “Counting?” Taylor asked with a perplexed expression.

  “Yes. My dance instructor always counted. If I spoke I messed up the count and we always had to start at the beginning again.”

  “Would you prefer me to count?”

  “No. I find it much more pleasurable to converse,” she answered before her smile dimmed. “Unless you need to count, Lord Sandlin.”

  In answer to her question, he swept her in another turn, almost lifting her off her feet. “I don’t need to count.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad. This is much more enjoyable than with my instructor.”

  Phoebe sighed and allowed herself to be swept away by Lord Sandlin. He wasn’t anything like her former dance master. Besides not needing to count, Sandlin was much taller. Why a girl could rest her head on his shoulder and be quite comfortable. Not that she would do such a thing, of course.

  Sandlin was also a powerful dancer. She could feel the strength in his hand as he guided her in the turns. A girl could become giddy in such power. Thankfully she was a reasonable girl and in no danger of succumbing to his charm. She was much too intelligent to think such a perfect dancing partner could be anything else. Phoebe reminded herself to find him a wife. Any manner of young lady would be pleased to have Lord Sandlin. Not only did he dance divinely, but he was also exceedingly handsome and charming. When he wasn’t vexed with her, that is.

  * * *

  Too enjoyable, Taylor thought to himself. They flowed through the steps together as if they were one. Briefly their legs would touch and then break away again. Nothing scandalous of course. The top of her dark head came to his chin and Taylor had to continually fight to keep from pulling her closer, to see if they fit as perfectly as he believed.

  Who was he fooling? He already knew their bodies melded perfectly. He could tell by her steps and how effortlessly they matched his. Never had he waltzed with such ease and enjoyment.

  He should have never accepted the dance. Nor would he waltz with Lady Phoebe again. It was too much torture to his peace of mind and physical well-being. The waltz also reminded him that he needed to find a mistress. He wondered if it would be possible to procure one tonight.

  Chapter 5

  Phoebe fumed, angry with herself. For the last few days Lord Sandlin had come to her rescue on three separate occasions. Each time she decided to distance herself from the crowd for a moment of reprieve, she was sure—no, positive—nobody was watching her. Just moments ago she had slipped into the beautiful conservatory on her way from the retiring room. Such glorious instruments and her hands itched to sit at the pianoforte. The door had been left open and she had little concern. That was until Lord Hawkins entered and attempted to shut it behind him. The gleam in his eye and lecherous grin on his lips set her in a near state of panic. Why, oh why, didn’t she think her actions through? He barely stepped further into the room before the door opened and Lord Sandlin stepped in, much to her relief. At each rescue Sandlin’s attitude became angrier, shorter and cooler. She was at a loss as to why he seemed to be so upset with her. After all, she was trying her best to be careful.

  Though he seemed terse, he led he
r onto the dance floor upon reentering the ball room.

  “Once again, thank you,” Phoebe bit out, irritated that she couldn’t find peace in the crush. “Don’t you have better things to do?”

  “No,” he snapped.

  “Not that I don’t appreciate what you have done, but why do you always seem to be about? It is as if you are watching me.” She had to ask. Her curiosity had finally gotten the best of her. Why was he always there at just the right moment?

  “I have been keeping an eye on you from the minute you first stepped into society, young lady.”

  “Why? Shouldn’t you be looking for a wife?”

  “I do it because your brother has asked me, all of us, to keep an eye on you. After witnessing your ability to consistently put yourself in damaging situations, I can see why he felt the need for reinforcements.”

  Phoebe’s pulse increased. Her mouth dropped open and she looked around the room. Noah’s friends were spaced at even intervals, some chatting, but mostly watching. Thinking back to every soiree, ball and party, it had been the same. They were always in attendance.

  “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” she argued through clinched teeth.

  “Obviously,” Sandlin responded in a very dry and unmistakably sarcastic tone.

  “I don’t understand the fuss. A person can’t even have a few minutes alone without someone wanting to intrude.”

  “Sometimes those most desperate are just waiting for the perfect moment to intrude.”

  “I would like to tell the lot of them to leave me alone. I have no intention of acquiring a husband.”

  Humor sparkled in his eyes. “You don’t?”

  “Heavens, no. Noah is well aware of that fact and he has promised not to force me into a marriage I don’t want.”

  “Oh, he did?” Lord Sandlin chuckled.

  “Yes, he did.” Phoebe grew indignant at his patronization. “I am well aware that I am sought after for my connections and wealth. I refuse to be married away for that reason and Noah agreed.”

  “That is the only reason you are pursued?” His tone indicated he was humoring her.

  “Of course. As soon as this Season is over, I will happily return to the country.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that Felding may not be given a choice?”

  “Of course he will have a choice.” Phoebe dismissed his suggestion.

  “Lady Phoebe,” Sandlin started in an angry tone. “If any of those dandies had succeeded in their attempts, your brother would have had only two options open to him.”

  Phoebe felt as if she had been struck given his tone of voice. She stared back at him.

  “Either he calls the young man out, defending your honor or forces you into marriage with the man. Either way, your reputation would be in shreds.

  “Even if nothing happened? Come now, certainly if I said nothing happened, people would believe me and let it go.” She dismissed him. She could not wait to return to the country, where people were honest, and not looking to destroy each other, whether by action or gossip.

  * * *

  The music ended, but Taylor was far from finished with Lady Phoebe. Somebody had to take her in hand and someone had to do it now. That someone was him. Clearly she had learned nothing nor had been made to explicitly understand the ramifications of her actions. Placing her hand inside his elbow, he took her out into the moonlight, where they would be closely observed, yet able to privately continue their conversation.

  “Do you remember Pamela Harper and her torn dress?”

  Phoebe nodded. “It was torn when she fell in the garden at the Andersen’s ball.”

  “Yes, not to mention the grass stains and dirt on her gown.”

  “That tends to happen when one falls.”

  “She wasn’t alone either. Jeremy Carlyle was with her.”

  Lady Phoebe quirked an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “The point is, regardless of the story, it was assumed the man compromised her and took liberties he should not have. She has not been seen in public since and has been returned to the country. She is no longer considered as a potential wife for anyone because one can’t be certain of her virtue any longer. Especially given Mr. Carlyle’s reputation.”

  “Which is no different than your own, I suspect,” she offered dryly.

  “Very different. I don’t spoil innocents.”

  “What makes you think he does?”

  “What makes you so certain he doesn’t?” His voice rose in frustration.

  Lady Phoebe opened her mouth to argue, but seemed to have considered his question and closed it.

  “Pamela Harper’s father has two choices. Leave his daughter back in the country, where she will probably remain unwed for the rest of her life. Or, marry her to Jeremy Carlyle, which was the young man’s intent in the first place.” Though angry, Taylor lowered his voice.

  “Pamela said she had fallen. Why does everyone have to assume the worst?”

  “It is quite possible that is what happened. However, appearances are much more damaging than words and the ton would certainly prefer to believe the worst, if you haven’t noted from the gossip. You have already treaded much too close to the fine line of propriety for comfort, on a number of occasions.”

  Reality began to dawn in her eyes. Still, she wasn’t willing to accept or believe in forced repercussions of one’s innocent actions. She was accepting the possibility, but not fully convinced. What she needed was a good example. He had no doubt she believed Pamela’s story, as ludicrous as it sounded.

  “I don’t suppose Pamela could return next Season with the entire matter forgotten?”

  “No.” He looked down into her eyes, relieved she was beginning to appreciate the treacherous path she walked. “Remember that woman you asked me about? The attractive redhead?”


  “She is only a few years older than you. She had her first Season three years ago and suffered a similar incident as Lady Pamela. Almost identical in fact.”

  Phoebe’s eyes widened.

  “Lady Draden insisted nothing had happened, but the ton chose to believe the worst. She refused to marry the man in question and retired to the country. Her father forced her to marry a man three times her age. They were married barely a month before his heart gave out. Last year she returned. Lady Draden enjoys the Season and has a few friends that have remained faithful. The rest of society chose to believe the worst. Though marriage saved her reputation somewhat, she did not marry the man who ruined her, thus her virtue will always remain in question.”

  “How horrible for her.”

  “In a way it is. She is a beautiful woman. She is also strong willed and refuses to hide for something she claims didn’t happen.”

  “You have to admire her for that.” Phoebe glanced into the ballroom. “What is she to Noah?”

  “I know they have a close friendship, but that is only because I have observed it myself. He doesn’t speak of her. You should know that Lady Draden alerted your brother to your exit that first night. She watches over all the debutantes she likes. In your case, it is because of her friendship with Felding.”

  “That alone should earn her forgiveness,” Phoebe argued.

  “They appreciate her thoughtfulness and she is welcome everywhere. But, her reputation will forever remain tarnished.”

  She looked up into his eyes, a soft smile on her rosy lips. “Thank you.” Before he could comprehend her actions, she rose on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. In an instant she was gone and walking away.

  Shocked, Taylor grabbed her arm before she could make her exit. Phoebe looked down at his hand, then up at him.

  “Don’t ever do anything like that again,” Taylor demanded. “You need to curb your impulsiveness.”


  “It gives the appearance there is something more between us. You and I both know what was behind that simple kiss. Observers will now begin to wonder at our r

  “Don’t be silly,” Phoebe dismissed him.

  Taylor let her go, not trusting himself any longer. Long after she had gone, her chosen perfume of lilacs lingered.

  * * *

  Lady Draden was still speaking with Noah as Phoebe approached. Seeing Phoebe, the woman began to make her excuse.

  “Please don’t leave on my account, Lady Draden.” Phoebe smiled at the woman.

  Lady Draden looked to Noah for guidance.

  “I wish to thank you, Lady Draden.”

  This statement brought a startled look from both Lady Draden and Noah. “I understand that you alerted my brother to a lack of good judgment on my part. Had Lord Sandlin not intervened, or my brother not been made aware, things could have turned out rather horribly, I understand. I thank you for your kindness.”

  “All I ask is that you be careful.”

  “Oh, I will. I now understand how unforgiving people can be and how quick they are to judge.”

  “Thank you,” the woman whispered and looked down. A pink hue came to her cheeks.

  “Noah, I have never known you to be so rude,” Phoebe teased him sweetly.

  “Have I offended you?” His eyes warned her to forget whatever she had in mind.

  “I have noticed you often with Lady Draden, but have not once asked her to dance. I had thought better of you.”

  Lady Draden stepped forward. “That is not necessary, Lady Phoebe.”

  Phoebe smiled warmly at her. “Of course it is.” Then she directed her attention back to Noah. “You are a marquis. Your position alone should put you above vicious speculation. However, it appears you wish to remain in good standing with these shallow people instead of dancing with a lady with whom you obviously share a friendship.”

  Noah’s eyes began to twinkle, once Phoebe’s shocking statement sank in. “It appears I have been put in my place.” He then turned to his companion. “May I have the honor of this dance?”


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