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City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)

Page 5

by Kay, Colbie

  "Okay." I pull her body close to mine and we move to the music. She's so close to me, I know she can feel the bulge in my pants. I can’t stop thinkin' about what her dad said, "She needs time to heal." Fuck, I can't let anything happen, it's too soon for her. While we're dancing, I smell her scent, it's so intoxicating. She smells like coconut and I can't help but wonder what she would taste like. I bet she tastes just as fuckin' sweet. I look at her and see her chest moving as she breathes, she's almost panting. I can tell she wants me as much as I want her. I bring my lips to her cheek and lightly run them from there to her ear, "We can't do this right now."

  "Why not? I want you."

  "Babe, you need some time to heal, and get over all the shit that’s happened. Understand though when it is time, you will be mine. I’m going to fuck you so good and hard that you will never forget it. I will taste, love and worship every inch of your body until your begging me to stop. I'll have you screaming my name so loud everyone will know who it belongs to." I pull away from her and look into her half lidded eyes and give her a slow sexy grin. She can't do anything but nod her head.

  "Come on, Crazy girl. Let’s go get a drink." We get our drinks from Bam Bam and go sit at a table I pull her into my lap, as Ripper and Chatty come over and sit down.

  "You guys wanna smoke some?" He's holding a joint in his hand, I look at Zoey and she's got a smile on her face.

  She says "Hell yeah, Ripper! Light up!" We all start laughing "What are you guys laughing at?" She looks so fuckin' cute.

  Chatty answers "You just look so innocent. We weren't sure you'd be cool with it. You surprised me, Zoey." Zoey gives her a grin.

  After we get done smoking, Zoey sits up straight with a devilish smile on her face. "What are you thinkin' Crazy Girl?" That look on her face, I know she's up to something.

  "I'm thinking, we should play a game? Let's get the guys over here?"

  "What kinda game are you talkin' bout?"

  "It's called sixes. You get six different sizes of cups and fill them with beer. Roll a dice and whatever number you land on is the cup of beer you drink." Well that don't sound too bad. So I round up the guys and we all start playing the game. A while later it's down to me, Zoey, Ripper, and Hunter. Fuck me, I shouldn't have agreed to play this shit. I haven't been this fucked up in a long ass time. It's Zoey's turn she rolls a six, and downs the beer. I see the look on her face and realize it's all gonna come back up. She's not lookin' so good.

  "Come on, Crazy Girl, let's get you to the bathroom."

  She sways taking my hand and we make it a few feet. "Hanger? I don't feel so good." Then she bends over, and it all comes right back up. It's fuckin' disgusting but I can't just leave her here. So I pull her hair up and rub her back. "It's gonna be okay, Babe. I'll get you to bed then you'll feel better." When she gets done, I yell, "Somebody get this shit cleaned up!" I pick her up and carry her to my room. I help her brush her teeth, and change her clothes. I try not to look at her body but fuck, it’s hard. She has huge tits for her small frame. They would fit perfect in my big hands. Shit, I need to stop thinking about her like that right now. I lay her in bed and I'm about to walk away when she grabs my hand.

  "Hanger? Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone. Will you lay here with me? Please." How do I say no to that?

  "Yeah, alright. Did you have fun tonight, Crazy girl?"

  "I had so much fun, but I'm so fucked up, Hanger." I laugh when she says that. I get in bed with her and hold her to my chest. It doesn't take long for her to fall asleep. I watch her until my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep with this beautiful girl in my arms.

  I wake up the next morning and my head is pounding. I’m hot, it’s so hot, and I can't move. There's an arm around me, how much did I have to drink last night? I look over to see who I'm in bed with and sigh in relief. Thank god it's Hanger. I look down to make sure I got clothes on. I push on his arm and he opens his eyes, "Mornin' Crazy Girl. How are you feelin'?"

  “Good morning to you, I feel like shit. What the hell happened last night?"

  "Well, after you danced your ass off, you decided to challenge all the guys to a drinking game."

  "Oh my god. What did we play, and who won? Please tell me it wasn't strip poker."

  "Fuck no, you didn't play strip poker. We played sixes, and I don't know who won because after your last turn you puked everywhere." He says with a soft laugh, and a smile playing on his lips.

  "Oh my god, I puked. This is so embarrassing."

  "Don't be embarrassed, Crazy Girl. People throw up all the time. What doesn’t happen is a female challenging the guys to anything let alone a drinking game. You earned the respect from all the guys." He says with that smile still on his sexy face.

  "Why are you in bed with me?"

  That smile slips away and turns into a grimace "You asked me to stay. You said you didn't want to be alone."

  "Oh god, I'm so fucking embarrassed. I'm never drinking again."

  "Hey, Babe, it's okay, really. Let’s get up, get dressed, then we'll go out front and grab some food." I agree, even though food does not sound good at all right now. I look over at him when he gets up, holy mother of god. He has no shirt on and I can see every muscle in his back as he walks away. He has Satan's inked in a half circle across the top in bold lettering, with Sinners in a half circle on bottom also with the bold lettering, with the M.C. logo in the center of the name tattooed on his back. I just lay there and watch how his body moves. He walks into the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water and two pills. I can't do anything but stare at him. He has a tattoo across the top of his chest above his pecks and his arms are covered in tattoos, the only one I can make out right now is Hanger in a half circle abs above his belly button. His pecks are really well defined and oh my god he has a nipple pierced. He has broad shoulders and a trim waist. The man doesn't just have a six pack, he's got eight, and that fucking V, with a light happy trail of dark hair leading into his pants. He is just yummy, sexy as fucking sin, and God I think I'm drooling now. I look up at his face and I totally just got caught checking him out. I feel my face heat up, it's a good thing I'm covered in bruises so he can't see it but he gives me a knowing grin.

  "Like what you see, Crazy Girl?"

  "Um...uh...yeah I do." I drop my chin to my chest, god I can't even look at him now. I’ve got to stop embarrassing myself.

  "Good, now here take these. It'll help with the hangover." I look up at his smiling face.


  I take the pills without even asking what they are. Then get up and make my way to the shower. When I'm done, I head to the bar.

  Chatty has made breakfast, and coffee for everyone. Thank God. We sit at the bar and all I can manage to eat is some toast and drink some coffee. While we're eating I talk with Chatty. The guys come and go, but they all stop to say “hey”, and give me pats on the back calling me Crazy Girl. It’s so embarrassing but it also makes me feel like I fit in. I haven't felt that way since I started at the clinic. Then Hanger tells me that he has business to take care of and he will be gone for most of the day.

  "It's okay. Umm… will I be fine hanging out with Chatty? I was gonna meet with Writer this afternoon too." He tells me that is fine, hugs me, and walks away.

  After breakfast I told her I had to leave. I really don't wanna leave her so soon, but I don't have a choice. I gotta meet with Snake again. Hunter and Hacker have to go on a run to get our restock. So I have to meet up with them when they get back. I will be gone for most of the day, shit, I hope she’ll be alright. As long as she sticks with Chatty she’ll be fine. I'm really trying to focus on church, but ever since I brought Zoey here she is always in my head.

  "Alright guys, as you know we gotta get a shipment, normally I would do it myself but this time is gonna be different. I'm gonna have Hacker and Hunter go get the shipment in Kansas City. It's about a three hour drive in the van. I've got to meet with Snake. I'm going to take Bear and Ghost with me. When I get back, Ri
pper and Gunner meet me at the storage unit. We can see where we are with the stock then. Hunter and Hacker, I want you to keep me updated on your trip. Let me know when you get there and when you leave. Yeah?"

  Hacker says, "Yeah, we can do that."

  "Alright, let’s get going. Everybody get out." With that I leave, I don’t go tell Crazy Girl bye again.

  I get to the Cobras' compound, and I'm sitting with Snake, once again, in his office. "Anything new Snake?"

  "No, somebody is still fucking with my money. This gun shit,” He shakes his head. “I had a deal set up and it fell through because they decided to go with those fucking Italians."

  "So it is the Italians? I still haven't found out anything. I got a couple of my brothers getting our supply, but I’ve seen a drop in my money too. Some of my junkies are going somewhere else to get their shit too. I guess I need to put some pressure on Romeo, for him to hurry up and find something."

  "Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure you can trust him?"

  "Yeah, he's been with me awhile. He wouldn't turn his back on me. We'll get it figured out. Then we need to come up with a plan, and take these motherfuckers down."

  "Alright, contact me when you get something."

  I'm about to leave when I see Hacker is calling, "Yeah? Brother, what’s doin?"

  "We made it. We’ve tested the shit. It's top quality."

  "Good, head back. Keep your eyes open, be careful, Brother."

  "Okay, we'll call when we get back."

  I hang up, let Bear and Ghost know I'm ready to roll out. But just before we get on our bikes I call Gunner to let him know they need to be ready as soon as we get to the clubhouse. Once we get to the gate, he and Ripper get on their bikes and we all head to one of the storage units. I open the storage unit and see that there is more product then we usually got.

  "Where we at Ripper, when it comes to cash?"

  "It looks like we are losing about half our cash flow. We’re losing a few thousand a month."

  "Fuck me!"

  Gunner speaks up, "Did you find out anything from Snake?"

  "Yeah, he said it's the Italians. From what they know, they are takin' from us, and the fuckin’ Cobras."

  "So now that we know who it is, what's stopping us from taken ‘em out?"

  "Ripper, we can't just go in guns blazin’. We gotta be smart about this shit. Hacker called and said this new shit is top quality. Maybe we can get some business back with that shit." After hours of being here. I get the call from Hacker.


  "We're back."

  "Meet us in storage. We’ve been waiting on your asses."

  When they get here we all try the product. Then we arrange the unit. I close the door and lock it. It's late when we get back, I go straight to my room. I look over at Zoey sleeping in my bed. She's so fuckin' beautiful, laying on her stomach, her head is turned to the side, her hair is all over her face, and my pillow. She looks so fuckin' peaceful and at home. It makes my chest feel funny. Coming into my room and seeing her laying there, for the first time, fuck I might be getting some feelings. I take my clothes off all except my boxer briefs and sit on the edge of the bed. I move her hair out of her face and kiss the top of her head. She doesn't even stir. I lay down next to her and bring her to my chest and fall asleep holding her as close as I can.

  I wake up the next morning with my head on Hanger's chest. I look up to see if he's still asleep and he is. I take advantage of it. He has the blanket down around his hips. I can see he has black boxer briefs on. So I lightly run my fingertips from his defined pecks and work my way down to his chiseled abs. God, he's just so damn sexy. I move my hand back up to his neck. Then look up to his face. Oh no, he is staring at me. So all I can do is smile up at him, "Good morning."

  "Good mornin', Babe. What are you doin'?"

  "Um… well… I was just checking your goods. Looking to see what you keep tucked away under your clothes. You here, like this." I run my hand from his neck, down to his stomach "I couldn't help myself." He just starts laughing and I blush. He then grabs my hand and stops it from moving.

  "It's alright, Crazy Girl, but really we can't do this right now. You need time. You do remember what I told you the other night don't you?"

  "Um… no."

  "I told you that you need some time to heal. Get over what happened, but understand that when it's time you will be mine. I will fuck you so good and hard that you will never forget. I will taste, love, and worship every inch of your body until your begging me to stop. I'll have you screaming my name so loud everyone will know who you belong to." He's looking at me with a serious look on his face and I'm just sitting here with my mouth hanging open. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! I have never in my life had anybody talk to me like that. Fuck, it is so hot. I close my mouth and grin at him. "Okay." He just smiles back.

  "So what are you doing today?" How does he go from that, to normal conversation? I'm still trying to ignore the throbbing between my legs.

  "Um...uh.... shit, I gotta meet with Writer. Teach him more A.S.L." He starts laughing.

  "Alright, Crazy Girl. I'm gonna make some calls and do some club shit. I'll meet with you later. We can get some food, watch a movie or some shit."

  "Okay, yeah. That sounds good."

  I meet with Writer an hour later. We decide to sit outside at one of the picnic tables, and we start with the alphabet first. Just like yesterday, I write on paper what we are gonna do, then show him with my hands. He is actually learning really fast. So we spend the next couple of hours going over it a few more times, when he has most of it down we decide to call it a day. I'm hungry so I make my way into the kitchen to find some food. Once I find something, I close the fridge and turn around to find Jasmine, Chatty told me she’s one of the club whores, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest giving me the stank eye.

  "You think you can just come in this clubhouse and take over? That shit ain't gonna happen. He won't keep you around. He'll get what he wants, then you'll be out. He will always come back to me. He can't stay away. He's gonna make me his Ol’ Lady one day, not you." I open my mouth to tell her I don’t know what she’s talking about when Chatty speaks up.

  "Jasmine, that's enough. Skip your old loose ass outta here!" I look over to the door and see Chatty standing there looking pissed off. Jasmine turns and stomps off out the door on the other side of the kitchen. Chatty comes over to me, she must be able to see the tears in my eyes. She really is beautiful. She has long red, colored hair, with bright blue eyes. She's not much taller than I am and we are about the same size.

  "Crazy Girl, don't even worry about her. She's just a whore, she’s just mad because he hasn't given her the time of day since he brought you here. You are special to him. Everybody can see it. If you are gonna be in this life and with him you toughen up. Get rid of those tears, suck it up, and don't let none of those whores walk on you. Don’t let them see they get to you, or they will try to eat you alive. Don’t show weakness. You only let Hanger see that part of you. Never let these whores see anything, but the bad bitch that you are! "

  "Yeah, okay."

  Later that night Hanger and I are sitting in his room. We just got done eating the take out he brought back with him.

  "I know I said we could watch a movie, but I was wonderin’ if I take you somewhere?"

  "Yeah, it'd be nice to get outta here for a little while."

  We get on his bike, I put the helmet on and we head out. We are in the middle of nowhere. When he turns down a road and a little while later he takes another turn. We head up onto a hill, there are trees all around us. When he parks the bike, I take my helmet off and look over his shoulder. What I see is just beautiful, there is no other way to describe it. It's completely dark up here except for the city lights. You can see the whole city from here.

  "How did you find this place? It's breathtaking."

  "I like to just ride sometimes. It helps to clear my head. One day, I just took some t
urns and ended up here. Been comin' out here ever since."

  “It's so peaceful."

  "Yeah, it really is. I love comin' out here. How'd it go with Writer today?"

  "It was good. He's a fast learner. I think he'll have it down in no time."

  "That's good. I'm glad you can help him."

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  He turns his head and brings his eyes to mine "You can ask me anything."

  "How long are you gonna want me to stay at the clubhouse?"

  "I want you there for however long you wanna be. Are you okay being there?"

  "Yeah, I like it. I like all the guys. I really enjoy being there with you."

  "Good, because I really like havin' you there." He then gives me his gorgeous smile, and all I can do is smile back. We stay out here for a while just looking out at the view its quiet but not an uncomfortable silence.

  When we get back to the clubhouse he takes me to his room, I change in the bathroom while he gets changed in the room. I come out and get in bed. He puts a movie on and drags me across the bed over to him. I put my head on his peck and an arm over his waist. There is nowhere else I’d rather be at this moment, then where I am right now. I fall asleep before the opening credits end. I feel so warm, safe, and protected.

  It's been two weeks since I started teaching Writer how to sign. He's doing really well, we can have conversations now. I think he's really happy about being able to communicate with someone without having to write. I'm sitting at our usual table when he comes up, he sits down smiling at me. "What are you so happy about Writer?" He makes me smile as well, just by seeing how happy he seems.


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