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City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)

Page 6

by Kay, Colbie

  "I want to thank you for taking the time to teach me how to sign. Nobody's ever takin' the time to help me until now. It makes me happy that I have somebody that I don't have to write shit down all the time for them to know what I'm saying." In the last two weeks we haven’t really talked about anything. I just teach him and then we go our separate ways. So I'm kind of surprised by this.

  "It’s really no problem Writer, but why didn't you ever learn until now? If you don't mind me asking."

  "I don't mind. I could hear when I was born, my parents were hearing, they didn't care about me. When I was twelve I got an ear infection in both my ears. By the time my parents decided to take me to the doctor, it was too late. I had already lost my hearing. I have what is called acute hearing loss. After I couldn't hear anymore, I just stopped talking, I couldn't hear myself so I thought I might sound funny and loud. They didn't want to take the time to teach me, or learn themselves. They were too busy partying. I didn't feel like I had a family until I came here. I think they were embarrassed to have a deaf son, so I left home when I was sixteen. I was homeless for two years then I came here. I’ve been here for around four years. These guys may not know how to sign but they have never made me feel like I didn't belong. How did you learn to sign?"

  "Well, I have a twin sister named Ever, she was born deaf. When we were born and our parents learned that she couldn’t hear, they took classes and taught us as we were growing up. I'm sorry your parents treated you like that. I can't imagine a parent not caring about or taking care of their child." He's looking at me with his mouth hanging open with a shocked look on his face.

  "You have a sister, she is your twin sister, and she is deaf?"

  "Yeah." I reply laughing

  "Are you identical twins?"

  "Yeah, but she is shier than I am."

  "Can I meet her sometime?"

  "Yeah, I'll see if she wants to come here sometime."

  "Yeah that sounds good. There is no need to apologize for my parents, there are shitty people in this world, Crazy Girl."

  "I know Writer. I think after this you won’t need any more lessons. I think you have it down now but if you ever need any help then come to me."

  "Okay thanks." We stay out here awhile longer talking and practicing.

  Later that night I meet up with Hanger, we kinda have a routine going. We have dinner together then watch a movie. He lets me pick the movie most of the time and I love that. If there's a party in the bar, we hang out there which is also fine with me. I love all the guys and they treat me like I'm a little sister. They all call me Crazy Girl which I haven't figured out why yet. We are sitting on the bed finishing our dinner when Hanger asks, "Is it still going good with Writer?"

  "Yeah, actually he's learned so much and we can communicate now with just our hands. Today was the last lesson for him.

  "That's good, Babe. Thanks for teaching him."

  "He told me a little bit about his past today. It sounds like you helped him too. I told him about my sister, and he wants to meet her."

  "How do feel about that?"

  "I think it would be good for both of them. I love my sister and I really like Writer. It might be good to introduce him to someone else that's deaf. Can I ask you a question?"

  "You can ask me anything."

  "Why does everybody call me Crazy Girl?" He chuckles.

  "Well here you get your name based on your personality or anything that fits you mostly. Remember the first night everyone met you, we had that party?" I smile and look down. How could I forget him telling me about that? “Well that night you got a little ‘Crazy’ and it was all in good fun. Every one really liked that you could let go and have fun so soon after going through something so bad. They heard me call you Crazy Girl and it just stuck. Everybody really likes you a lot.” Then he looks at me with a beautiful smile that takes my breath. I grin back.

  "I like everybody too, so much. Can I ask you another question?"

  "You can ask me anything."

  "What is your real name?"

  "We don't ever use our real names here, but I will tell you mine. It's Dominic Black, but you can call me Nico." I smile at him again and he asks, "What are you smiling about?"

  "Is there anything that's not sexy about you? Your body is sexy, your voice is sexy, and now even your name is fucking sexy." We both start laughing. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

  "I'm glad you think so, Babe."

  A couple of days later my mom calls Hanger's phone. "Babe, your mom wants to talk to you." I take the phone.

  "Hey mom, how are you?"

  "Oh sweetheart, I'm fine. I was just calling to see if you and Hanger would like to come to dinner Sunday?" I just got an idea with a sly smile on my face and reply.

  "Yeah, that sounds good. See you then. I love you mom."

  "I love you too, see you Sunday." Hanger's looking at me with narrowed eyes.

  "What did you agree to?"

  "We are going to dinner at my parents on Sunday. I think we should bring Writer with us." He drops his head so I can't see the smile I know he's got, and he starts shaking his head.

  It took some convincing but here we are. The three of us standing on my parent's door step. Before I open the door Writer taps my shoulder. "Are you sure it's okay that I'm here?"

  "Yes. You will love my family. They are really good people." He nods his head, and I open the door.

  "Mom, Dad?" They come out of the kitchen.

  "Hi, sweetheart. Glad you guys could make it." She says while giving me a hug.

  "Me too, Mom." She looks us over and my dad comes up and puts his arm around her.

  "I brought one of the guys with us, this is Writer. I've been teaching him how to sign."

  Mom asks "Is he deaf?"

  "Yeah, but nobody ever taught him A.S.L. So I have been and I thought that it would be good for him to meet other people that know how to sign." My dad steps forward.

  "That was nice of you. The more the merrier." He reaches his hand for the guys to shake, he shakes both Hanger and Writers hands and continues to sign. "It's nice to meet you, Writer. I'm Grant and this is my wife Sophia. I'm glad you could make it."

  "It's nice to meet you both. Thanks for having me. Zoey's been really great for teaching me A.S.L." He says with a smile.

  My mom replies, "Why don’t you make yourselves at home. The food will be ready in just a little bit."

  "Mom, where's Ever?"

  "She's in her room. Go and get her, would you?" I lead the guys into the living room and they sit on the couch.

  "I'll be right back."

  I get to her room and flip the switch for the light to let her know someone is at her door. She opens the door the rest of the way. As soon as she sees me she smiles and throws her arms around me pulling me into her room, and shuts the door. "How are you, sis? I see all the bruises are gone, you look good."

  "I feel great, I'm doing good."

  "How's it living with all those bikers?" She starts laughing.

  "It's a lot of fun actually. I love it there and I love all the guys. I want to tell you something though before we go down there." She narrows her eyes at me.

  "Well, what is it?"

  "I brought one of the other guys with us. I wanted you to meet him, he's deaf and I started teaching him how to sign."

  Her eyes go wide, "Are you kidding me. What does he look like? He's not old is he?" I double over because I’m laughing so hard. Once I get back upright. I wipe my eyes.

  "You think I would bring an old guy for you to meet? He is far from old. He's young, tattooed and has some piercings. His name is Writer. Be nice to him." She just nods.

  We make our way down the hallway, and when she sees him. She grabs my arm and pulls me back.

  "You didn't tell me he was so fucking hot, Zoey!"

  "You assumed he was old. So why would I tell you he was hot?"

  "OMG! It is your sisterly duty to tell me there is a HOT guy in our house! I can't go
in there looking like this. I'll be out in a few minutes. I hate you for this."

  "Well hurry up and I love you too." She turns with a smile on her face and runs back to her room. I go into the living room "Ever will be out in a minute."

  While we are waiting for Ever, I take the guys through the kitchen onto the back deck. There is a patio table and chairs, since my dad is grilling we will eat out here. My parents are going in and out of the house adding food to the grill. When the sliding doors open, I look over and there's my sister. I wave my hand to get Writers attention, when he looks at me I point to the doors. She changed from her messy bun and sweat pants into a tight fitting top, with skinny jeans, and ballerina flats. She let her hair down, it's in big loose hanging curls, and she put on light makeup. Yeah, she's trying to impress him. I hide my laugh and look over to Writer, he's sitting there staring at Ever.

  Writer signs "It's nice to meet you Ever."

  "It's nice to meet you too, Writer." She drops her head to try to cover the blush taking over her face. She comes to sit with us. When the food is ready we all get our plates and go back out to sit at the table. They made steak, corn on the cob, homemade macaroni and cheese and garlic bread. My mom starts the conversation "So, Zoey, how do you like it at the clubhouse?"

  "I love it! All the guys are so nice to me. I’ve really liked teaching Writer to sign. I made a new friend, her name is Chatty. She helped me when I got there, she lets me borrow clothes and stuff if I need it."

  "That's good, Sweetheart. I'm glad you are doing okay." I look between Ever and Writer they keep glancing at each other, it makes me smile, I knew they would like each other. My dad starts a conversation with Hanger, so I keep talking with my mom. She asks "Do all the guys at that club look like these two?"

  We both start laughing. "Yeah, mom, they do."

  "How long do you think you will be staying there?"

  "I don't know. Hanger wants to make sure that I am safe before I leave."

  "He sure does look out for you doesn't he?"

  "Yeah he's been really great. We have dinner together every night and we watch a lot of movies. He even lets me pick the movie most of the time. He took me to this place, it was beautiful, you can see the whole city, mom."

  "That's good Sweetheart, it sounds like you are getting more freedom then you've had in years. Is he taking good care of you really?"

  "Yeah, mom, he is. You don't have to worry about me. I'm happier then I have been in a long time."

  "I know you are, I can see the changes. I just want to make sure. You are my baby and you have been through so much. I don't want you to get hurt again."

  "I won’t mom, he won’t let anything happen to me. I love you."

  "I love you too and I see the way your sister and you look at these two guys. I would be concerned if they didn't look at you girls the same way." My dad must have been paying attention to her because he doesn't bother to sign when he says, "Ah, fuck." while shaking his head. When we get done with dinner, the food was so good, it's still early so we sit for a while, mostly so Ever and Writer can spend time together, they are getting along so good. When we are about ready to go I ask, "Hey Ever, you want to come back to the clubhouse with us?" She looks over to Writer, he has a smile on his face and he's nodding his head.

  "Yeah, I'll come with you guys." We tell my parents bye and that she will be staying the night with me. I get on Hanger's bike while she gets on with Writer. Then we make our way back to the clubhouse.

  Once we are back at the clubhouse we head inside. It's pretty quiet tonight no party going on, but if I know Zoey she'll get something started. She introduces her sister to everybody that’s here and we order some drinks. A couple of hours later the girls are feeling the effects of the alcohol. All of a sudden, Zoey jumps up, snaps her fingers, she signs while speaking. "I have an idea."

  "Oh, yeah? What's that Crazy Girl?"

  "Let’s play flip, sip, or strip."

  "What the fuck is that?"

  "You flip a coin, and call heads or tails. If you are correct you can either pass the coin, to the left, or you flip again. If you flip again and are right again you can choose anyone to drink or take off a piece of clothing. If you are wrong on your first flip you have to either drink or take something off. If you are right three times in a row, then you can put a piece back on or choose someone to take something off without the option of drinking."

  What the hell am I getting myself into? "Alright. Let’s get some shots." I come back with a tray full of Single Barrel, and Tennessee Honey, then pull a quarter out of my pocket. "Who wants to go first?"

  Zoey is almost jumping in her seat "I will. Oh this is gonna be so much fun! Ever, Writer you guys ready." They look to each other, Ever has a nervous expression, where Writer has a slight smile. Then look back to Zoey and nod. She takes the quarter flips it, and calls heads. When it falls to the table and stops we all look. Sure enough it's on heads. She rubs her hands together "I'm flipping again." She does and gets it right. "Hanger, take a shot." I down my shot, and she goes again and fuck if she ain't right again. "Writer, take off your boots." He does and then it’s my turn. I get it right the first time, but not the second so, I take my shot. Writer takes his turn, and he picks Ever to take a shot. Ever takes her turn and she picks Zoey for a shot. After a few rounds like this it gets back to Zoey. "Alright guys I think it’s time to turn this up." I soon find out what she means, the first two rounds everybody is barefoot. "Alright Hanger, off with the cut." I take it off.

  "I'm gonna get you for this Crazy Girl." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. After a few more rounds Writer and I are down to our boxers and the girls still have their bras and jeans. I'm trying to pay attention to the game, but it's fuckin' hard to, when she's sittin' over there in just her black lacy bra. Her full tits are just about to pop out of the damn thing. It's Ever’s turn. She looks over and signs to Zoey. Of course, I don't know what she says, shit. I'm gonna have to learn how to sign. I look to Zoey and she has her hands behind her back with a smile on her face. "No! No fuckin' way, Crazy Girl! The game is over now! I'm not letting my brothers see your tits. I haven't even seen ‘em yet." She starts laughing.

  "Woman. I don't know what you’re laughing about, but that shit's not fuckin' funny. It’s time we go in my room." I give her a stern look. I then point over at Ever and say,

  "Ask your sister if she wants to come with us." She looks over, and they take turns signing between them. Zoey then looks over at Writer and signs something, he nods his head and signs something back. When we get to my room I ask her, "What was that shit?"

  "I wasn't really gonna do it. I knew you would stop me."

  "So you were trying to get a reaction from me? Why?"

  "Because, Hanger. I've been here in bed with you every night for the last couple of weeks and you haven't tried anything. Do you not think of me in that way?"

  "Oh, Crazy Girl. You have no idea how I think about you. I think about touching you everywhere. I think about kissing, and licking every inch of your body. I think about getting inside of you and having my cock so deep inside you. One look from you and I get so fuckin' hard, it’s unreal. I've never been like this with any other woman. You drive me fuckin’ insane, Crazy Girl." She has a smile on her face, then pouts "I guess, I just gotta wait. Can I at least get a kiss?" I start laughing.

  "Nope. When I kiss you I know I'm not gonna be able to stop. Now go get changed and come to bed." I give her a slap on her ass and she yelps, then starts laughing. I undress but leave on my boxers briefs and climb in bed to wait for her. When she comes out she has on the shortest fuckin' shorts I've ever seen, and a tank top with no bra. I can see her full tits. Yeah, this girl isn't gonna make it any easier for me. I jump up from the bed and she stops. I give her a sexy grin. "So you wanna make this difficult by coming out dressed like that?" I start towards her, with every step I take she takes a step back, until she has nowhere else to go. Now her back is pressed against the wall, with our fronts is pressed
together. I place one hand on her neck with the other I grip her hip. Then I start to lean into her and she closes her eyes. I run my hand from her neck over the curve of her breast down her ribs until I place my hand between her legs cupping her pussy. She arches her back and lets out a soft moan, I lean in letting her feel my breath on her lips, then I move over to her ear and whisper. “You, Crazy Girl, are driving me insane. When we finally do fuck, I'm gonna own you, Crazy girl. I'm gonna own this sexy as hell body and this sweet, beautiful pussy of yours. You hear me? You will be mine and your pleasure will be mine. Now don't question again if I want you. You have no fuckin' idea how much I want you." I pull away from her as she slowly opens her eyes and sees the smirk on my face. She starts glaring. I might have just pissed her off for the first time.

  "You are fucking evil, Hanger. That was mean." I chuckle

  "You, Babe, should not have come out of the bathroom wearing that, now that was mean and evil. Now get that sexy ass in bed." She starts smiling and I give her a good smack on the ass and she yelps then takes off running and jumps into the bed. I climb in and bring her to me. It doesn't take long for us to both fall asleep.

  Zoey's been here with me for a month and I want her so fucking bad. I can barely stand it. Every time I just look at her my fuckin’ dick stands straight up. I haven't tried anything with her because I don't think she’s ready. She needs time but god-damnit, I can't take much more of this shit. I sleep with her every night. Holding onto her soft body, it drives me fuckin' crazy. I haven't had any pussy since she's been here. I cut off all the whores. I don't want anybody but her. I don’t even get hard when I see my brother's fuckin' other chicks, but one look from her and I'm hard as fuckin' steel. What makes it worse is she fits in perfectly here, everybody has accepted her and loves her. Once I have her, she will be mine, and I won’t be letting her go. She needs to be ready for that shit. I've taken her to the hill a couple of times since that first time, I consider it our spot now. We sit up there on my bike, I just hold her close to me. I've never just had conversations with a woman before, but I know just about everything there is to know about her. As she knows just about everything there is about me. She knows I can't talk about club business, and she never asks. That takes a special kind of woman to not ask questions about shit.


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