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City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)

Page 7

by Kay, Colbie

  I spend all my free time with her. When I do have to leave her, I fuckin' hate every second of it. I miss the shit outta her. When we watch movies I let her pick ‘em out. Most of the time, like last night we watched The Fault in Our Stars. Who wants to watch that shit? Not me, but I do it just so I can be around her. I know its fuckin' pathetic. She's got me wrapped around her finger and I haven't even had her yet.

  She comes into my office while I'm going over the books, trying to figure this Gremaldi family shit out. They are taking a fuck load of my money, I need to end this shit soon. She's all fidgety. So I know something is up with her. "What's up, Babe?"

  "Well, I just got off the phone with Jacey. She wants to go out to a club, this Saturday and I wanna go."

  "Babe, listen. You don't have to ask for permission to do shit. If you wanna go, you can, I just need to know where. I gotta keep you safe, so I'll go with you. Who else will be there?"

  "Just Ever, Jacey, and me. I was thinking about asking Chatty."

  "Alright, Babe. I'll have Writer, and Bear come with us. Ripper will be there if Chatty comes. That way each of you have someone with you at all times." She smiles at me like I just gave her the world. She comes over to me and gives me a hug "Thanks Hanger."

  "You don't have to thank me. I just want you to be happy. You've been through hell. Didn't you say Jacey would like Bear? So they can meet."

  "Oh, you’re right, this will be perfect."

  "It's late. Why don't you go to the room, I'll be in there in a little bit."

  "Okay. I'll put a movie on."

  "Sounds good, Babe." Shit why did I just say that? I’m gonna have to watch another chick movie.

  It's Saturday night, the night we are going out. Ever and Jacey are here at the clubhouse getting ready with Chatty and I. Once the four of us were together Hanger didn't want any part of it. So he went to the bar. We got the music going, grabbed drinks from the bar and went to the room to get ready. When we are done, I look us over and we are H.O.T hot the guys are gonna go crazy. Chatty is wearing a tight black leather mini dress with her cut over it. She matched it with black heels that have silver spikes all over. She has hoop earrings in that have spikes on them also. Her hair is like nothing I’ve even seen before, it’s down her back with these braids that are cute and artistically done on the sides of her head, with a slight bump in the center, its looks fuckin' awesome, and her makeup is done light, other than her eyes are a dramatic cat’s-eye. I've never seen her look so sexy. My sister is wearing a red halter dress that comes right above her knees it flares out at the waist a little she matched it with red heels. She has long silver hanging earrings and went light on her makeup but did bright red lips. She left her hair down and straight. Writer is gonna love it. Jacey went with a black one shoulder mini dress, strappy silver heels, and natural looking make up other than her signature bold eye liner that makes her intensely crazy eyes pop. Her hair is pulled back in a super tight ponytail, and she has in crazy big silver hoops. Chatty gave me a silver halter dress that fits tight and shows my curves perfectly, I have silver glittery heels and bolder makeup, I left my hair down but curled it, and I have shiny black hoops in. I got one mission in mind tonight and that's getting Hanger.

  "Are you girls ready to go?"

  I look at my sister and she has tears in her eyes. "Ever, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. I'm just so happy to see you like this. You’re happy and getting back to the girl I remember and I'm just so thankful to Hanger for that."

  "He has been great to me, but you’re gonna make me cry. So we need to stop this before we ruin our makeup." We all start laughing.

  Jacey comes up to me "I've never seen you look so beautiful."

  "We all look pretty good don't we? The guys aren’t gonna know what to do with us."

  Chatty replies "That's what we're hopin' for Crazy Girl. What's your plan for getting your man?"

  "Well, I don't really have a plan, but I do know I'm tired of waiting. Let's go the guys are probably all waiting for us." We all grab a pair of jeans to wear for the ride and then head out the door.

  We make our way to the bar and all the guys stop what they are doing to stare at us, we all smile at each other. I look at Hanger, he looks so fucking sexy he's wearing his boots with dark jeans and a white shirt with his cut. He looks at me and his eyes go all lusty and I love it. He then walks up to me “You can't go out like that. You need to go back to the room and change now." I frown at him.

  "What? Why not? You don't like it?"

  "That's not it, Babe. You look to fuckin' sexy. I'm gonna kill any fucker who so much as looks at you." I give him a devilish grin.

  "You’re not so bad yourself hot stuff, but I'm not going to change."

  "You are gonna get me in trouble tonight, Crazy Girl." We both start laughing, he takes my hand, sits on a stool, and pulls me to where I'm standing in between his legs. The other guys going with us are here so I make the introductions.

  "Jacey, this is Ripper, Chatty's husband. This is Writer and this is who you will be riding with, his name is Bear. Those guys over there.” I point to the other side of the room to where everyone else is hanging out. “You will meet later. They are part of the club also. Guys this is my friend Jacey. You all know my sister. Are we ready to go?" I thought it might be awkward at first, but Jacey and Bear seem to be hitting it off good. Us girls put the jeans on and we all head outside and go to the bikes we will be riding. The club we are going to is called Insanity. When we get there the parking lot is packed. When we finally make it inside the music is going the place is insane, true to its name. Us girls find a table and sit, we tell the guys our drink orders and they head to the bar. Jacey says "I've never seen so many hot guys in one place before, and you live with them. How you do that?"

  "Honestly, that's what I thought too, but now I only want one guy. He won’t make a move. I'm not even sure if he wants me. I mean he told me he does, but I don't understand why he hasn’t done anything."

  Chatty jumps in "Oh, Crazy Girl, I can guarantee he wants you. I've never seen him like this with anybody. I've known Hanger for a few years, hes never gave a shit about a woman before, but he hasn't even looked at another woman since he brought you to the club."

  I talk while Ever signs "Yeah, I think he wants you too. Maybe he thinks you need time still. I think I want to come visit you more. Writer is so hot, don't you guys think he is just the hottest thing ever?" We all start laughing.

  "He told me that he thinks I need time. Well I have had enough time. I'm all healed up now. I'm over what happened and sleeping with him every night, it's driving me fucking crazy. I'm gonna get him tonight. Ever you know you can come over whenever you want. Writer likes spending time with you. I don't think he would mind you spending more time there." They all cheer and tell me to get him and we laugh some more. The guys make it back with drinks in hand. They wanna know why we are laughing. We all just look at each other and laugh harder. We sit and drink for a little bit and then all the girls are ready to dance. The guys stay at the table. We go on the dance floor but stay where they can see us.

  I'm having such a good time. Since I've been at the clubhouse, I can honestly say I'm truly happy. Sam Hunt's Take Your Time comes on. I feel a hand on my waist and the other runs from my shoulder down my arm to my wrist, he takes my hand and interlocks our fingers. I know its Hanger by his distinct smell of oil, leather, and his Axe cologne he wears, and the feel of his hands on me. He takes my hand and pulls it up and lays it on the back of his neck, then he runs his hand slowly down my side until he gently grips my waist. As we are moving together to the beat of the music, I feel his lips on my neck kissing his way up. Before moving his mouth up next to my ear. I can feel his breath on my skin and my heart starts beating faster. I start throbbing between my legs, when I hear him start softly singing the chorus to me. I get goose bumps all over my body and heat pools in between my thighs, his voice it's raspy and hot as hell. I've never had anybody sing to
me. He sounds so good. After the chorus, I turn in his arms so my chest is pressed against his. I have to lean back some to look at him.

  "You can sing?"

  "Yeah, I guess there's still a few things you don't know about me." He gives me that sexy smile of his.

  "Are you ever gonna play your guitar and sing for me?"

  "I might play you something sometime." I look into his eyes and smile.

  We continue to dance while staring into each other’s eyes. I can't look away from him. I feel his hand cup my cheek, I lean into his hand, and before I know what's happening his lips are on mine. I feel his tongue run along my lips seeking an opening and I give it to him. Once I feel his tongue lightly touch mine, I deepen the kiss. Our bodies are dancing, so are our tongues and it is amazing. This is the best kiss I've ever had, it's all consuming. Before I'm ready for it to be over, he pulls away. I'm dazed and trying to catch my breath, when he pulls me to the table. Everyone is staring at us, I guess they seen what happened. The girls are smiling, while the guys look shocked. We all sit and talk for a while, then us girls decide we want to dance again. We are on the dance floor when I feel hands on my hips. The grip tightens, I know it's not Hanger, he wouldn't be this rough. I start to panic thinking it might be Andrew. I pry the hands off of me and turn my body, and come face to face with a guy I've never seen. Before I get a chance to say anything Hanger is there. He grabs the guy by the throat and gets close to his face. "You lay one more of your fuckin' fingers on my woman, I'll cut them off. You so much as look her way, I'll make it where you don't see again. Do you understand me? You see this cut, better ask around if you don’t know what I will do." All the guy can do is nod ever so slightly, he is turning red from Hanger's grip and lack of air. "Good now get the fuck outta here!" Once he lets go of the guy's throat, he gives the guy a little shove, the guy starts coughing, trying to get some air but Hanger pushes him into the crowd, grabs my hand and leads me back to the table. The rest of the night goes smoothly although Hanger doesn't leave my side after that.

  It's around two in the morning and I didn't want to be drunk tonight so I cut myself off when I felt a good buzz going. I'm ready to go so is Chatty and Ripper, but my sister and Jacey wanna stay so Writer and Bear say they will make sure they get home safe. When we get to his bike he asks if I'm tired and I shake my head no "Let's go for a ride then."

  "Yeah, I'd like that."

  We ride for a while until we get to our spot, the hill overlooking the city lights. He shuts off his bike and pulls my hand "Get on the front of the bike, Crazy Girl." I get off the bike and go to the front. He grabs my hips and helps me straddle him and the bike. I'm so close to him, breathing him in, I start feeling that familiar throbbing heat.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  "You can ask me anything."

  Here goes nothing "I wanna know if you want me? You told me I needed time and I've had plenty of time, I can't take it anymore the way you touch me and look at me or the way you hold me at night. I want you! I don't understand why you’re holding back."

  "Babe, I want you more than I've ever wanted anything. I told you don't question that but I need to explain. At first I was giving you time because you needed to get over what happened. Then it turned into me giving you time because I didn’t think you were ready for me or my life. Before we take that next step I need to be sure."

  "What do you mean, ready for you?"

  "What I mean is that I like to have control. I'm twenty five and I'm the President of a 1% motorcycle club. I have to make sure it's running the way it's supposed to and I have to watch over all my brothers. I'm an asshole when it comes to women, at least I was until you. I like to party, you know that. You are a good person, Zoey, always trying to help people. You want everyone to be happy. This life isn't always a happy one and to be honest you are too good for it and me, but I'm selfish, and you have gotten under my skin so deep, I can't let you go. Once I get inside of you, you will be mine. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I would never hurt you and I will do everything in my power to make you happy Zoey."

  I put my hand on his cheek, “Hanger, don’t you think that should be my decision? I know you would never hurt me. You make me feel safe, you are my safe place. Whatever, you believe you’re not a bad man, you’ve been so nice and cared for me, and not everybody would do that. I'm not going anywhere, I want you. I don't care about the things you have done, that's not how you are with me, and that's what matters to me. You already make me happy, more than I ever have been. I'm ready for you, Hanger." He raises his hands and brings them to my face, holding my head in place, he stares into my eyes, and then he smashes his lips to mine. I'm stunned at first, but then I start to move my lips with his, then our tongues are sliding together. He breaks free and we're both gasping for air.

  "Zoey, I want you so fuckin' bad. You have no idea."

  "Yes, I do. I feel the same way. I don't wanna wait anymore, but I have to tell you something. I'm not very experienced. Andrew is the only guy I've ever been with, and it was always the same with him, him on top and there was no foreplay. I never enjoyed it."

  "Okay, Babe. I promise you will enjoy this time and every time after with me. Here with us like this you call me by my real name. I'm gonna do things with you that I've never done with another woman. It's gonna be a night of firsts for both of us, and it's gonna be fuckin' amazing, Yeah?"


  Then he starts kissing me and it's slow and tender. He has one hand wrapped in my hair and the other cupping the side of my neck. With my arms wrapped around his neck I keep my eyes closed as he moves to my neck and starts biting, licking, and kissing. I tilt my head back giving him better access and I can't help the sounds that are coming out of my mouth. I've never felt this way before, I need more. He pulls the top of my dress down so my breasts pop out, then he stops. I open my eyes and look at him "Please, Nico."

  “Babe, stand up, and take the jeans off." He helps me off the bike and I get the jeans off, he then picks me up, places me so I’m once again straddling him and the bike. He grips my hips moving them back and forth, I feel his erection through his jeans and he is not small. It feels so good. He brings his lips back to mine, kissing me, moving his tongue along mine, while grinding me against him. I feel something building in my core. I pull away catching my breath.

  "Nico, I feel something. I don't know what it is."

  "Babe, have you ever had an orgasm?" I shake my head no.

  "Okay, just relax. I'm gonna give you one. You are going to feel so good." I do as I'm told and he starts rocking me on him again. Before long that feeling is back. I start moaning and panting.

  "Oh God! Nico, it feels so good."

  "I know, Babe. Let go, I got you." I give into the feelings and I can feel it throughout my entire body and then it feels like an explosion within me as I scream out "Nico!"

  "That was amazing." I say while trying to catch my breath. He pulls me to him and lays my head on his shoulder.

  "If you thought that was amazing, you have no idea what's about to happen to you, Babe.” He kisses the top of my head then says, “Now, lay back against the gas tank and put your hands on the handlebars, and hang on to them, don't let go." I do as he says, no questions asked. He pulls up the bottom of my dress and rips my panties off my body and that might just be the hottest moment of my life. He takes his fingers and runs them over my pussy then on my clit. "You’re so fuckin' wet, Babe." Oh god his words turn me on even more. He starts making circles on my clit and it feels so good having him touch me, it's bordering on torture. I start begging "Please, Nico." I have no idea what I'm begging for.

  "I love hearing you say my real name. I'm gonna have you screaming it again, real soon." While assaulting my clit with those slow lazy circles. He kisses me, first on my lips, then my ear, neck, and breasts. He takes his other hand and moves it to my breast. Then takes one nipple in between his thumb and finger and starts tugging, and rolling it. A feeling between pleasure and
pain, while he sucks on the other one, then he switches and does the same to the other.

  "I need…Nico!"

  "I know what you need. Babe, trust me."

  He scoots back placing kisses on my stomach, hips, pelvic bone. He runs his hands down my body touching and kissing me everywhere. He takes my legs and spreads them as far as he can. I'm open wide for him, I should be embarrassed but I'm not. This all feels too good. It's never been like this for me. His tongue is on my pussy, and oh my god, it's so good, then he starts flicking my clit. "Oh god, Nico!"

  "I've been dreamin' about what you taste like. It's even better than I thought." He drops one of my legs on his shoulder. While still holding my other leg with his free hand, then works a finger inside of me. Then there's two, he's stretching me open. He touches a spot inside and it lights me on fire from the inside out. My moans get louder and louder as he builds me up.

  “You taste so fuckin' sweet." It's almost too much to take. What he's doing to my body and the words coming from his lips. "You smell and taste like coconut." The flick of his tongue with the in and out of his fingers combined. His final words send me over the edge again. My head drops back and my eyes close. I start screaming his name and saying things I can't even comprehend. When it stops, and the shaking of my body subside and I've calmed down enough, I open my eyes. He is standing next to me with the biggest smile on his face. I can't help but give him a lazy smile back.

  "You good, Babe? Are you ready for this? I think that might have been the hottest thing I have ever seen. Making you cum, your so fuckin' beautiful, Babe."


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