Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 4

by Janelle Peel

  Wrinkling my nose, I closed the small door. Taking two steps, I settled into the booth opposite Lillin.

  Drumming her fingers along the edge of her suitcase, she timidly met my gaze. “I, um, took the liberty of taking something from your room.”

  Frowning, I wondered what she could possibly mean. I had nothing of value.

  Hesitantly, she slid the zipper open. Reaching inside, she pulled out multiple bags of my diamond collection.

  To me, they were just something I used to practice my magic. Each one was a single tear I’d shed. Some were before my time in Hell, the vast majority were because of him.

  “I did some research and I think I might know a way to better arm ourselves. Most acids can’t dissolve diamonds, so I hoped… Well, since we have nothing but time, that you might be able to forge some armor?”

  She was so nervous I smiled. “It’s fine, Lillin.”

  Heaving a relieved sigh, a blush lit her cheeks. “Whew! Good. Okay, so I think if we lay out a pattern…”

  Dawn lightened the sky through the porthole as we moved back to inspect our work.

  Similar to Nat’s scales, each piece overlaid the next. Tying them together took some doing, but the solution was simple. I needed to flatten them and loop them like chain-mail.

  Grabbing the first portion, Lillin held it against my chest. “Do you want me to go while you undress?”

  I snorted. “You’re doing my Uncle, Lillin. I think you can handle seeing me naked.”

  She giggled. “Truth.”

  Unsnapping my vest, Lila’s blanket tumbled out. Snatching it before it could hit the floor, I sighed.

  “Is that… hers?”

  Nodding, I removed my vest and tucked it back inside. Placing my treasure delicately on the counter, I toed off my boots and pants.

  Lillin gasped.

  Confused, I looked down the length of my body. White scars crisscrossed in a dizzying display along nearly every inch of my skin. It almost looked like a lacework tattoo.

  Reaching out, she traced the line running from my ear to my collarbone. “I didn’t know you had so many, Bex.”

  Pulling away, I nodded. “It comes with the territory. Fae are immune to Demon toxicity. Shifters, not so much. I’m uniquely suited for fighting, so that’s what I’ve done.”

  Dropping her arm, she whispered, “Have you ever… searched for him?”

  In a tone brooking no argument, I growled, “No. If he wanted me he’d have come back.”

  Biting her lip, she silently fastened the first piece over my breasts.

  Reaching to my well, I wondered if I could tether it to myself. After all, they were once a part of me. Frost broke out across my chest with a tingle. Instantly, the plate molded against my flesh. Pushing more magic, a bright light flashed from my skin. Glancing down, I smiled in triumph.

  The plate had disappeared. My network of scars shone with an iridescent sheen. Looking to Lillin’s stunned face, I asked, “Do me a favor?”

  She blinked.


  Snapping out of her stupor, her brow furrowed. “Yeah?”

  “Use your power on me where the diamond piece is.”

  Incredulous, she shook her head. “I don’t think that’s wise. You really want to be horny on a boat in the middle of the ocean?”

  “Just do it. Trust me, please?”

  Thinning her lips in disapproval, she touched my sternum.

  I felt pressure, but no draw.

  Squinting her eyes, she settled her entire palm on my breast.

  My brow lowered. “Getting fresh with me?”

  Chuckling, she grabbed the next piece. “At least it worked. I’d hate to catch you masturbating down here.”

  Shrugging off the mental image, I tried to hold still while she worked.

  Finished, Lillin stepped back with a critical expression. “You know we could have just thrown the stones on you and saved some time.”

  I nodded. “Probably. But this was kind of fun, right? With the exception of you having to touch my bits and what not.”

  She blushed. “Yeah, yeah. You liked it though.” Sobering, she rubbed her chin. “Try changing to your Wolf. I want to know if they stay with you permanently.”

  “Good idea.” Calling to my well, I shifted in a shimmer. Four white paws touched down on the floor with sharp clacks.

  “Goddess, Bex. You’re beautiful.” Moving to the bathroom door, she flipped the latch and pulled it open.

  I hadn’t realized there was a mirror inside. Padding closer, I stopped midstep.

  The normal white of my fur held a rainbow sheen. Each strand looked like the center of a diamond when held up to the light.

  “I’m going to touch you now, ‘kay?”

  Chuffing, I gave the go ahead.

  Nervously, she ran one finger along my ear. Sucking in a gasp, she clutched her hand to her chest.

  Alarmed, I changed back. “What happened? Let me see.”

  Holding out her palm, a ruby line trickled down her thumb. “Fuck!” Grabbing a towel, I went to wrap it around the surgical like incision, but she jerked away.

  Rushing into the kitchen, she turned on the water.

  Shame filled my tone. “Lillin?”

  “It’s okay, Bex. It just burns is all. I’ll be fine.”

  Slowly, I walked to her side. “Can I see it?”

  Removing her hand from the sink, she turned off the faucet. Offering her arm, she hissed, “Just don’t touch it.”

  Unsure of her tone, I settled my fists on the counter. “Okay.”

  The inch long gash now held a gray edge. As it turned black near the center, horror raced down my spine. Naked, I took the small steps two at a time topside. “Mel! Get down here!”

  Confused, he thundered down the stairs. “What’s going on?” Seeing Lillin’s wound, he took her wrist. “You need energy. Take it.”

  Sniffling, she nodded.

  Time seemed to slow as the injury healed.

  Flexing her fingers, she sighed in relief. “Thanks, Love.”

  Rounding on me, one orb glowed gold as Mel growled menacingly, “What the fuck did you do to my Mate? I felt her pain, Bex. Did you burn her with your ice?”

  I stammered, “N-no. We were trying her diamond thing. I didn’t mean to hurt her. It was an accident.”

  Lillin wrapped her arms around him from behind. “It’s fine. I’m okay. She’s right. Calm down. Relax.” Jerking her chin to the stairs, her gaze begged me to go.

  Feeling awful, I donned my pelt and did as she asked.


  Hoping the nausea had passed, I stumbled to the small bench bolted to the deck.

  Alec rummaged around inside his pack. After a moment, he brandished a can of Sprite. “It’s not cold and it’s older than dirt, but it’s yours if you’d like.”

  Taking the soda in shaking fingers, I mumbled my gratitude. Popping the top, I drank; deeply.

  Snatching it from my grip, he tutted, “Whoa. Slow down or it’ll come right back up.”

  Clenching my tummy, I burped.

  Chuckling at my expense, Alec nodded to the horizon. “Do you think there’s anyone left?”

  This far out, every star shone in the Milky Way. The gentle lap of the ocean sloshed against the bow as the Moon kissed its surface in the distance. Hope was all we had. A part of me would die if Seattle had fallen. Shuddering against the thought, I answered, “Yes.”

  Settling beside me, his irises flashed from brown to amber and back. “How can you be sure?”

  Studying the sculpted line of his jaw, my mind took on a will of its own. It had been difficult to see his face before he’d shaved, but now… Swallowing hard, I perused the smooth skin of his sculpted jaw. He’d kept his sideburns. They paired well with the knotted length of sandy blond hair tied at the nape of his neck. Thankfully, Jackson had outfitted him in fresh leathers. Shifter or not, he had no clue how to defend himself with tooth and claw. Sobering at the thought, I ripp
ed my gaze away. “Why would the All Mother give you Inari if everyone was dead? The last thing She’d want is for you to die. She sees everything and knew we had a mission to complete. Yet, She gave him to you anyway.”

  Lifting the can to his lips, he drank while pondering my words.

  My breath caught. Why would his Fox let him drink what was mine?

  Mine… a rough growl echoed my sentiments internally.

  Shh, I soothed. He needs a crash course if he’s expected to behave like a Shifter.

  Grumbling in agreement, my Fox sank back to her den.

  “So, Alec. You know of Shifters. How much?”

  Pursing his supple lips, he shrugged. “Not much. I mean, we heard of them… I don’t really get how two souls can inhabit the same body.”

  This should be fun. Biting my tongue, I stifled a laugh. “Does he speak to you?”

  Looking toward the sea, his voice took on a monotone. “Not really. I get images… Like something inside my brain is trying to tell me something, but I can’t make any sense of it. I, um,” shifting his weight, he muttered, “I hear him growl at me.”

  Sharp claws scrabbling on hard plastic met my ears as Bex rushed to the bow. Panting, she dropped to her rear and heaved a sigh.

  Leaving Alec, I cautiously approached her side. “Hey, Babe. Everything all right?”

  Snorting once in the negative, she bared her teeth.

  Unsure, I reached out to comfort her.

  Shying away, she tucked her tail in defeat.

  Not knowing what was wrong, I knelt beside her. “Talk to me.”

  What I failed to notice became glaringly clear as the Moon lit the tips of her fur. Normally white, every strand shone with a kaleidoscope of color. I lifted my hand in silent question.

  She growled in response.

  Pausing, I shook off her warning. She was my friend. My sister. Unimpressed, I rumbled back and touched her pelt.

  Snapping at my wrist in an attempt to detour me, she froze.

  Running my fingers through her silky lengths, I marveled at the lustrous sheen. “What happened? You look gorgeous. I’ll admit, even my Fox is a bit jealous.”

  Slowly, she relaxed beneath my palm. The gentle sway of the ship seemed to soothe her.

  Mel’s head popped up from the stairwell. “Bex? Would you come back down, please?”

  Grumbling under her breath, Bex stood. Pausing near my face, she pressed her cold nose to mine in thanks.

  Patting her side, I nodded. “We’re good, Babe. Better go see what the big bad Alpha wants.”

  Chuffing a laugh, she turned away. As she bypassed Alec, her upper lip lifted. A threat or a promise, I didn’t know.

  Alec’s eyes glowed gold as something passed between them without words.

  Satisfied, Bex bobbed her muzzle and went below deck.


  He had no choice but to make amends. Lillin made her stance abundantly clear. Viv’s unique phrases had rubbed off on her over the years. She’d called him a ‘total douche canoe’.

  Holding herself rigidly, Bex stalked into the small galley.

  Taking in her diamond tipped pelt, he gazed into her eyes. Similar to cracked ice, they gave no hint of her mood. She’d become so hardened ever since that bastard left her.

  Growling internally, his Wolf added his agreement.

  Lillin slid a glass of whiskey across the counter. “Shift, Bex. Get dressed and have a drink. We need to talk.”

  Flicking her ears, she changed in a blur. Lillin was right. The gems had affected her skin. Usually it caused him discomfort to see the crisscrossing scars littering her body. Now, he stared in awe at shimmering lines. Turning away, she shrugged into her vest. He gasped. It had to be a trick of the light… For a second, he could have sworn he’d seen the shape of wings running down the length of her back to the balls of her feet.

  Snapping the buttons, she wrenched her pants up with a sardonic expression. “Get a good look at the freakshow, Uncle?”

  Taking a breath, he chose his words carefully. “You’re not a freak, Bex. I simply wasn’t prepared for the new scars, nor the beauty of them.”

  Her irises pulsed like a stone skipping across the water. Shrugging one shoulder, she grabbed her cup. “Okay.”

  “I called you back down to apologize. I overreacted and I’m sorry.”

  Lillin smiled. “Me, too. We had no way of knowing that would happen. It wasn’t you’re fault, Bex.” Lifting her finger, she added, “See? Good as new.”

  Releasing a relieved sigh, Bex drained her glass.

  Offering her the bottle, he continued, “We need to know if Shifters are also affected. I’m volunteering to test the theory.”

  Topping off her drink, she muttered, “No need. Rowe touched my fur upstairs.”

  All his protective instincts went on high alert. His Wolf added his own growl to Mel’s roar, “You put her in harm’s way even after what happened with Lillin!”

  She scoffed, “No. I didn’t let her do anything. You know Rowe. She doesn’t take no for answer. What was I supposed to do, abandon ship?”

  Lillin touched his thigh. “Hush. Bex would never do anything to hurt any of us. Knock it off.”

  Her contact soothed his other half. He hated this. They hadn’t been apart from the Clutch since the beginning and things were already going sideways. Rubbing his face, he tempered his tone, “Sorry, Bex. I’m a little high strung.”

  Bex lifted a brow. “I’m used to it.” Waving a hand, she got back on topic. “It seems to only affect Demons.”

  “All right. Are the diamonds everywhere on your body?”

  Lillin wrinkled her nose. “Yeah. The only thing we didn’t cover was her eyes.”

  Great. Not only did they have to get to Seattle and track down the Stronghold, but Bex couldn’t shift around Lillin. One brush of her fur could very well kill his Mate.

  Intuiting his thoughts, Bex bobbed her head. “I know.”

  Chapter 5


  Buffeted by Skye’s wind, his lead colored wings lifted him to dizzying heights. He didn’t prefer his Demon form, but it was a necessary evil to blend in. Speed was key and they couldn’t afford to be noticed.

  The scene below was mind boggling. How had he been gone for so long?

  Hollow buildings zipped by on the ground; mere shells of their former glory. Deep gouges marked the landscape for miles. Something very large had come this way. Not an ounce of green shone through the blackened landscape.

  To him, it’s been just days ago…

  The humans hadn’t stood a chance.

  Pitching his voice to be heard over the rushing air, he shouted, “What else happened?”

  Skye’s voice whispered into his ear, “I only caught bits and pieces before the news stations stopped broadcasting, but it seemed their God called His followers home. Angels swooped down from the sky by the thousands. Wielding large swords lit in a golden hue, they took any who believed and followed His path.”

  Panning his gaze from side to side, he desperately tried to see Skye. It was impossible. How exactly did one see the wind? Shoving away his discomfort, he rumbled, “And the rest? The ones who didn’t have faith?”

  “The hordes of Hell ate them one by one.”

  His gut churned. So much loss of life… He should have stayed with Bex. Irritated by his own stupidity, his tail whipped around behind him. “How much further to California?”

  The current slowed. “A few more hours. I have a feeling that’s the least of our worries. Look east.”

  Tipping his chin, he squinted his eyes.

  A mere spec on the horizon and closing fast, was the largest creature he’d ever seen. The ground thumped audibly as it noticed his gaze and picked up the pace.

  Flapping his wings, he asked, “Can we outrun it?”

  “We could, but I don’t think it’s wise to show up on your friend’s doorstep with a behemoth nipping at our heels.”

  He sighed. “True. Let’s h
ead down.”

  The wind slowed to a gentle breeze. Gliding to the skeleton of a nearby skyscraper, he touched down with a soft thump.

  Skye materialized beside him. “How do you want to play this? Surely the commotion will draw more.”

  A loud screech sounded followed by multiple squeals of excitement.

  “We take it to the ground. My Element is strongest there.”

  Nodding, his blue tinted hair swished with the movement. “As you wish.”

  Flaring his wings, they soared over the chipped streets toward the beast.

  Eager for their next meal, the road seemed to move as tens of overgrown insects scurried in their wake.

  Choosing a large parking lot at random, he dropped to the cement. Taking a knee, he called to his power. Orange and red lit inside his mind’s eye. Coaxing a tendril before him, he awaited their first contender.

  A green scaled reptile undulated around a broken light pole. Flicking its tongue like a snake, the abomination tasted the air. Recognition flashed across its face. “You!” Flashing its sharp teeth, it hissed, “Princcce. The King will be mossst pleasssed.”

  Before Kai could formulate a response, the sky darkened. Cresting in one massive wave that blotted out the sun, the Demons attacked.

  Shoving aside all thoughts of confusion, he saturated the earth with his magic. Instantly, the asphalt softened into a slurry of tar.

  Taking a deep breath beside him, Skye exhaled.

  The blast of air fanned his flames into a scorching inferno. Lava bubbled playfully along his calves, begging him to play. Chuckling deep inside his throat, he sent it seeking those who would do him harm.

  Excited by the prospect, the magma rippled wildly. Splashing up in small geysers, it burned with the intensity of a solar flare.

  Nothing would stand in his way…

  The agonized screams were music to his ears.



  Burn it all…

  An icy gale slapped across his face.

  “Kai! Call it back! We don’t have time for this shit!”

  Perplexed, he sought the unfortunate soul who dared to interrupt his glorious symphony.


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