Book Read Free

Marry Me

Page 8

by G. A. Hauser

Braxton’s drink was brought over quickly along with

  appetizers that were obviously ordered by Mr Persely prior to his


  “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked.

  “Yes,” Drew said curtly, and looked at the menu.

  Oh fuck you. Braxton picked his up to check out quickly.

  “The sirloin, rare, the baked potato…”

  Braxton scanned the menu and when his turn came he asked,

  “May I have the crab cakes, please? Mixed green salad, and

  garlic vinaigrette.” Since I ain’t kissing anyone. He handed the waiter the menu and picked up his drink.

  Once the waiter left, Drew began eating the bacon wrapped

  scallop appetizer. Not offering one to Braxton, and Braxton was

  beginning to think they wouldn’t even exchange conversation if

  this prick kept up the attitude.

  After a gulp of scotch Braxton tried to be civil, if for no other

  reason, to pass the time. “So…”

  Drew looked up, his cheeks full.

  “You’re the top dog at the car company?”

  “I am.” Drew used his napkin to wipe his mouth and hands.

  “You decide on the Richfield campaign?”

  “I did. Our sales skyrocketed after the new ads hit. We

  wanted a younger demographic. We got it.”

  “You got it all right. Your ad was the most controversial to

  hit LA since Mark came on the scene for Dangereux.”

  Drew smirked, as if he liked where the conversation was

  headed. He sipped his martini, then refilled it from a chilled

  canister on the table.

  “Smart move. How did you acquire him?”

  “Money.” Drew’s eyes gleamed and his jowls deepened.

  “There is that. I bet he cost a bundle.”

  “He did. But he’s worth every penny.”

  “What’s he like?” Braxton leaned his elbow on the table.

  “He’s fine until you want him act sexy. Then he cops an

  attitude.” Drew rolled his eyes as if Mark not wanting to act

  naughty were absurd.

  “How’d you get his dick erect for the ad? I have to know.”

  Braxton lowered his voice seductively. “My fantasy says you

  used a fluffer.”

  The scowl was gone and an amused expression appeared on

  the older man’s face. “We got the job done. I’m not giving away

  our secrets.”

  “Damn. I heard he was big, but…” Braxton shook his head

  and drank more booze. A foot contacted his under the table. He

  imagined it was accidental so he moved his leg back to avoid it.

  “Wait ‘til you see our summer ad campaign. We have him in

  a thong straddling the hood ornament.”

  “Damn!” Braxton cracked up. “No way that erect dick will

  hide in one of those…hang on, isn’t he like forty?”

  “Shh. He wants his publicity to read thirty.”

  “Christ, I’d do him.” Braxton glanced around the area. It was

  filled with well-dressed patrons.

  “Don’t know anyone who wouldn’t.”

  Braxton noticed the wedding ring on Drew’s finger. “Um.

  Are you gay?”

  “Me?” Drew shook his head and ate another scallop. “No.

  Married. Kids, grandkids…”

  That foot made its way to Braxton’s shoe again. This time he

  peeked down under the table. The position had to be intentional.

  Drew was literally reaching under cover to make contact.

  “Always wondered what it would be like to have a man suck

  my cock.”

  Braxton coughed on his scotch and set the glass down as he

  covered his mouth to choke in shock.

  Drew didn’t even react, eating the rest of the scallops and

  sipping his drink.

  After wiping his mouth on his cloth napkin and controlling

  his coughing fit, Braxton glanced around. The acoustics were so

  bad, no one could overhear them. At least he hoped not.

  “What’s it like?”

  “Huh?” Braxton shot the rest of his scotch down his throat.

  “Having a man suck your dick? You date both, right? Men

  and women?”

  “I…uh…” Braxton loosened his collar and tie. “I…well…”

  “Men are better, right? I already assume that.”

  “Uh…” Braxton felt his skin go hot and removed his suit

  jacket to drape over the chair. A waiter came over, refilled

  Drew’s water glass and asked Braxton, “Another round?”

  He could get wasted, call Scott and leave his car. “No. I’m

  okay.” He didn’t want to be drunk. Not with a man like Drew to

  deal with.

  After the waiter left, and Drew ordered another martini, he

  asked Braxton, “You know of anyone who would?”

  “Huh? Who would?”

  “You know. Give me a blowjob.”

  “Didn’t you say you were married? With grandkids?”

  Drew shrugged. “My wife is nearly seventy. You think she’s

  going to suck my dick like she did when we met forty years


  “I…uh…” Braxton wanted to die. “So, what new car line do

  you have coming out? Any coupe models that are sporty enough

  to rival my Porsche?”

  “Come on, Braxton. You must know a young man who would

  do it.”

  Braxton met Drew’s eyes and shivered in disgust. “No. I


  Drew leaned closer, over the condiments and asked softly,

  “Will you?”

  “Will I…?” Braxton stifled a wince.

  “Suck me? You know. So I can see how a man does it.”

  The waiter set down their salads and said, “Here you go,

  gentlemen. I’ll be right back with your fresh martini, Mr


  “Thank you.” Drew adjusted his plate as the waiter took the

  empty appetizer one away.

  Braxton stared at his salad and felt slightly nauseated. “Uh

  no. I won’t.”

  “Five grand? Are you kidding me?” Drew’s sneer returned.

  “Look, I’m a dinner date, not a hooker.”

  “That’s not what I heard, or was told.”

  “Told? By whom?” Braxton didn’t even pick up his fork as

  Drew dove into the tomato, basil and mozzarella appetizer in

  front of him.

  The silver haired older man met Braxton’s gaze and it was

  more a glare than a stare.

  Braxton said, “You believe that media shit? You think I’m

  some two-bit whore who sucks and fucks everyone?” Braxton

  began to fume. He was like that ten years ago, not anymore.

  Drew shrugged indifferently. “You were up for auction. And

  you were pricy. I assumed—”

  “You assumed wrong!” Braxton threw his napkin on the


  “Hang on.” Drew held out his hand.

  Braxton was breathing fire and tried to stay put when

  everything in him wanted to go.

  “Eat.” Drew pointed at Braxton’s salad with his fork,

  chewing as he spoke.

  Braxton ran his hand through his hair and couldn’t imagine

  eating. He stared at his plate and knew how much work he could

  be doing at the moment, at home, on his computer.

  “I did win a dinner with you.”

  Braxton picked up his fork and took a bite of the food, so

  angry he imagined pushing the table clear of plates and hearing

bsp; them crash on the floor.

  “Do you know how men do it?”

  “Do what?” Braxton became exasperated.

  “Find young men to suck them?”

  “I don’t know. Craigslist? Why are you asking me?”

  Drew didn’t speak from then on, eating his meal and getting

  drunk on martinis in silence.


  Fabian finished his workout, showered and ate a light dinner

  he cooked for himself of grilled fish and steamed vegetables.

  Once he was done, he relaxed with his laptop and…worked. He

  had access to the office computer information and loaded it to his

  own, using the data files to continue to help clients, make phone

  calls and loved every minute of it.

  The phone tucked between his shoulder and ear, Fabian

  called a caterer as he checked out the website. “Hello, I’m

  Fabian Rhys and I work for Braxton Todd.”

  “Hello, Fabian. What can I do for you?”

  “I want a quote for a large party for a grand opening of a new

  talent agency in Burbank. A hundred on the guest list, open bar,

  and fully staffed.”

  “Let me get my books to give you menu choices. Hang on.”

  Fabian smiled happily and looked up the menus on line as the

  man on the phone did the same.

  He thought of Braxton and imagined a date with him. What

  was he doing right now with the man who owned one of the

  largest luxury car companies on the west coast? Wheeling and

  dealing? Or…?

  “I got a quote for you, Fabian.”

  “I’m ready.” Fabian was also ready to offer half of what he

  was told. He wanted to make Braxton proud of him. And he



  By the time Braxton got home he felt covered in slime. He

  shivered, undressing as he came through the door, taking off his

  suit jacket and tossing it on his bed. He stripped and headed to

  the shower. Under the hot spray, he closed his eyes and scalded

  the feeling of revulsion off his skin.

  Who do I know to get to suck your cock?

  Will I?

  You repulsive freak!

  “Fucking married grandfather! You look like a goddamn right

  wing conservative who votes against gay marriage and women’s

  rights!” Braxton shouted, his voice echoing on the wet walls.

  His blood pressure felt as if he were about to get a stroke. He

  leaned both hands on the wall and tried to calm down, but since

  he had to drive, he didn’t drink more than one drink. He wanted

  to get inebriated. Sitting with that prick had been intolerable.

  After the talk of cock sucking, Drew had refused to speak

  another line. Braxton imagined he’d demand his money back

  from the charity because, well, he didn’t get his money’s worth,

  did he?

  Braxton actually screamed. He balled his fists and covered

  his face. “I’m not a fucking whore! For fuck’s sake!”

  Slowly forcing himself to calm down. Braxton shut the water,

  stood dripping, and stared at his limp cock. You did this to

  yourself, Braxton. How? Huh? All your past marauding is

  coming back to haunt you. Happy now?

  He took a towel from the rack and wiped his face and hair.

  What he really wanted? Really? Was a man. One man. A

  husband. A lifetime companion. But he was so picky and grew

  frustrated so easily, he’d never find his perfect match.

  At thirty-three he had dated so many men, so many

  women…and still? Single. No one he’d even call back for

  another date.

  He stepped out of the shower stall, dried off and caught his

  hazel eyes in the mirror. He snarled at his reflection, hating

  where his life had taken him. Just when his career had gone up,

  his love life died. And he didn’t want just a fuck. Not anymore.

  Look where that lifestyle led him.

  A charity dinner? And people think he’s a trick?

  “What have you done?” Braxton stared at himself in disgust.

  He shook his head and left the bathroom, knowing how much

  work was waiting for him even after two hours of dining out. He

  slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and booted up the

  computer in his spare bedroom, which he had made into a home

  office. When he didn’t find any unanswered emails he panicked

  that his server may be down. He began opening the emails to

  see…they had been answered. By Fabian.

  One by one Braxton checked on the queries, the results, and

  the fees Fabian had agreed to. Fabian was a top notch negotiator.

  Braxton read all the back and forth conversations between the


  He was so relieved he didn’t have to work all night, his eyes

  burned with tears. “I love you, you gorgeous fuck. I love you.”

  Other than Brianna, Braxton had never had an employee to

  lighten the load off his shoulders. So many had to be watched,

  tracked, scrutinized, since he worked with high profile

  celebrities. Had Brianna checked Fabian’s references? You

  better believe she had. That woman rivaled the FBI when it came

  to digging dirt. If Fabian had a flaw, she would find it.

  Braxton typed him a direct email. Two simple words. ‘ Thank


  He hit send and slouched on the chair, wiping his eyes he was

  so happy he didn’t have hours of playing catch up. An email


  ‘ You’re very welcome.’

  Braxton kept dabbing at his eyes, feeling like a blubbering

  baby, but the pressure he was under was too much, and after an

  evening with a douche bag like Drew Persely? It was overload.

  The urge to self medicate with alcohol was strong. Instead,

  Braxton sent a Skype invite to Fabian, and it was accepted

  instantly. He could see the handsome man online sitting with his

  computer on his lap and smiled at him through his tears. “You

  have no idea how grateful I am.”

  “Just doin’ my job.” Fabian’s smile was gorgeous.

  “No, you are doing my job, and after the night I had…”

  Braxton ran his hand through his damp hair.

  “Yeah? The date a disaster?”

  “The guy was a creep. Total gross out.”

  “Really? Drew Persely from the car manufacturer? Are you

  kidding me?”

  “No. He kept asking me how it felt to have a guy suck your

  dick, then he asked me to suck his.” Braxton cringed.

  “Oh fuck!” Fabian laughed but not in a condescending way.

  “Yeah. Right? The guy looks like a total right wing


  “Probably is. They’re the worst kind.”

  Braxton stared at Fabian, could see his gray T-shirt with a

  college logo on it and his fine features. “I don’t mean to bother

  you. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I was to not come

  home to a huge backlog after that ordeal.”

  “I assume that’s why I was hired.”

  “But…but you did so well. I can’t believe the deals you got.

  Seriously, Fabian, I couldn’t have done better myself.”

  “Wow. From you, that’s high praise.”

  Braxton’s smile faded. “Am I a prick?”

  Fabian appeared surprised. “Did I imply that? I’m sorry.”
  “No! Am I?”

  “Not to me. Not yet.”

  “I’m just wired at a high frequency, ya know?” Braxton

  wanted Fabian to like him.

  “I get it. I suppose I am too. A-types.”

  “Yes! That’s what Brianna calls me. I am. I’m so damn

  demanding, I do everything myself, or…I get rid of people who

  can’t work to my expectations.”

  “I get it. I do.”


  “Yeah, boss?”

  “You, in one day, have already exceeded my expectations.”

  “Don’t say that. I’ll start slacking off and texting at work.”

  Braxton laughed, loving Fabian’s smile. “If you keep up the

  way you are, I’ll promote you to partner.”

  “Partner!” Fabian’s smile broadened. “Like that! A lot!”

  I want to fuck you right now! Before he ruined the sweetness of the conversation, Braxton said, “Well, I’ll let you go. Thanks,


  “See you tomorrow, boss.”

  “Yes. See you tomorrow.”

  Fabian’s picture vanished but the craving to touch him didn’t.

  Chapter 8

  Fabian used his new parking card to enter the lot. Smiling, happy

  to be here and hoping for a long career—finally, after too many

  unsuccessful job interviews—he parked beside Brianna’s sedan

  and didn’t see Braxton’s Porsche yet. Taking his jacket from the

  passenger’s seat, he put it on as he walked to the elevator,

  reading a text he just got from Naomi.

  ‘ survive Braxton the wolf? ’

  Fabian smiled and texted back, ‘ yeah. so far haven’t been

  bitten. ’

  ‘ If he does bite, you tell him he’ll have to deal with me! ’

  ‘ love you. ’ Fabian laughed as he texted back, entering the elevator. He pocketed his phone and pushed the button for his

  floor, wondering what being ‘bitten’ by Braxton would be like.

  Okay, he was fantasizing about him. So what? That didn’t

  mean they would ever actually touch.

  When he came through the door to the office, Brianna had the

  tray of coffee waiting and greeted him with a big smile. “So?

  The lattes okay or do you want something special, like tall,

  skinny, or mint with whipping cream?”

  He laughed and picked up the cup with his name written on

  the top in marker. “This is perfect. And you don’t have to do it.

  The coffee from the machine here in the office isn’t bad.”

  “It’s a tradition. I always stop on my way here.”

  “Thank you.” He held up the cup in a toast and as he walked


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