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Marry Me

Page 9

by G. A. Hauser

to the office, Brianna said, “By the way, you wow’d Mr Todd


  “I’m trying my best!”

  “You’re succeeding!”

  Fabian smiled happily and placed his cup on his desk, taking

  off his jacket to sit down and begin work. When he booted his

  computer up and saw how many emails were in the queue he

  choked. He had thought he had caught up last night. “No wonder

  you’re going out of your mind!” Fabian picked up the phone and

  began working.


  Braxton slept like crap. He tossed and turned and when he did

  sleep he had dreams of Drew pawing at him. By morning, after

  his cross-training workout, he was worn out. He checked the list

  of emails and text messages quickly on his phone before he left

  the gym, headed to work, and just the number of items in his

  inbox made his head hurt.

  Parking, riding up to the tenth floor, Braxton came through

  the office door to his coffee and a breakfast of a protein


  “Thanks.” Braxton picked up the tray and heard Fabian on the

  phone down the hall. He looked back at Brianna. “He’d better

  not get head-hunted.”

  “He’s so good, I have no idea why he was working temp jobs.

  Jesus, Braxton, he’s already making such a huge dent in our


  “Give him anything he wants. Do not lose him.” Braxton felt

  tense and wondered how to keep a good employee from

  leaving…two days and he already was dependent on Fabian.

  “Who’s your date with tonight?” Brianna smiled wickedly.

  “Some man. Have no clue.” He walked into his office.

  Brianna called after him, “Don’t you think it’s ironic more

  men bid on you than women?”

  Setting the cardboard tray down, Braxton didn’t. Men had the

  money. Didn’t they? And he was open about being bisexual,

  though lately, he was mostly asexual.

  “Just sayin’!” She laughed.

  Braxton closed the door and dropped down on his chair,

  looking at the blank computer screen. He sipped his coffee and

  opened the button of his suit jacket, turning on his computer.

  When he realized half of the emails had been answered, he

  blinked in shock and left his office to stand at Fabian’s, seeing

  him on the phone.

  Fabian jumped in surprise, cupped the phone and said,


  “Don’t leave. If you get another offer, I want the opportunity

  to counter.” Braxton knew, just knew, a man as efficient as

  Fabian was going to be snatched away.

  Fabian’s mouth parted to reply but he didn’t say anything, he

  looked so surprised.

  Seeing he was in the middle of a conversation, Braxton

  returned to his office, hearing Brianna chuckle. “You are so in

  love, Braxton.”

  “Shut up.” He closed his office door again and dropped back

  into his chair, watching the emails go from unread to read before

  his eyes.


  Fabian checked his watch. It was nearing one in the afternoon

  and he had no idea how it had gotten so late. He was about to

  take a break and get food when Brianna entered his office

  carrying a white paper bag.

  “Dude!” she said, laughing, “You’re as bad as Braxton. Eat!”

  “I don’t even know where the morning went. You didn’t have

  to buy me lunch.”

  “I didn’t. On the biz account. I go out and get Braxton lunch

  all the time. He never leaves that desk. Don’t you do that too.”

  Fabian peeked into the bag. A plastic container with a large

  garden salad with chicken and cranberry raisins was inside, with

  a power protein bar and a cup of fresh fruit. “Wow. Nice.”

  “You don’t look like a fast food kind of guy.”

  “I’m not. Hate that greasy shit.” He took the salad out of the

  bag to admire it.

  “You and Braxton are a perfect match.” She left, grinning


  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Fabian called after her but

  all he heard was her giggle.

  He placed the salad on his desk with the other lunch items

  and opened the top, using a plastic fork to eat it while he

  continued to read emails and make a list on a pad for what he

  needed to follow up on.

  A light tap made him glance up. Braxton was standing at his

  open office door.

  “What’s up?” Fabian asked.

  “Don’t eat at your desk. Take a break.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “At least hit the lunch room.”

  Fabian thought about the tiny space with a table and two

  chairs, a refrigerator filled with bottled water and natural fruit

  juices, and a counter with a coffee pot and a microwave oven.

  “I’m good.”

  Braxton stood staring at Fabian for a moment.

  Fabian stared back. What do you want, huh? My ass? Come

  on, Mr Todd. Where’s the proposition? Huh? I’m waiting for it,

  you charmer.

  Braxton looked down as he walked away.

  Huh? Fabian was slightly disappointed. Am I not his type?

  Not even a wink? A lurid lick of your lips?

  Not knowing what he wanted, Fabian kept eating, terrified of

  being the object of this man’s predatory desires, and upset he

  wasn’t. I got a screw loose. He shook his head and kept eating.


  A few hours later Braxton answered his phone as he typed on

  his computer. “Braxton Todd.”


  “Crap.” He checked the time on the bottom right of the

  computer. It was five-thirty.

  “You are on your way to the Ritz? Yes?”

  “No. Hang on. Let me close my computer down.” Braxton

  saved his work and shut off the machine.

  “Your date for tonight is Dack Torrington. He used to work

  as a photographer for Judas’ Rainbow Magazine. You will love him!”

  “Sure.” Braxton stood and put his suit jacket on.

  “He is charming, and handsome! Such a darling boy!”

  “Boy? How old?”

  “Twenty-seven, a mere baby.” She laughed.

  “Oh. Okay.” Braxton thought the man who had bid on him

  was in his twenties and he was right. He touched his pockets to

  make sure he had his keys and wallet.

  “Have a wonderful time!”

  “Sure. Whatever.” He tapped the earpiece, removed it from

  his ear and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

  He stepped out of his office to see Brianna closing her

  computer down. “Does everyone work late because of me?” he

  asked her.

  “What? No. Why?”

  Braxton walked down the hall to see Fabian still typing on his

  keyboard. “You do know you only work ‘til five, right?”

  “Hang on.” Fabian finished typing his thoughts onto the

  computer for a moment and looked up. “I know. I just want to

  get things done.”

  “You never will.” Braxton gestured to him to get up. “Come

  on. Shop is closed.”

  Fabian smiled and stood as his computer shut down. He put

  his suit jacket on and Braxton stared at the man’s crotch. He had

  a wond
erful bulge under his zipper flap and Braxton wanted to

  drop to his knees and chew on it.

  Fabian walked around his desk and shut off the light. He met

  Braxton’s gaze.

  The amount Braxton wanted to kiss him was killing him. He

  turned on his heels and met Brianna, who was waiting for them

  at the lobby door.

  “Only fucking Tuesday.” Braxton rubbed his aching neck.

  “Who are you seeing for your second charity dinner?”

  Brianna asked as they waited for the elevator.

  “Second?” Fabian asked.

  “I have three.” Braxton tried not to snarl.

  “Three? Are you kidding me?” Fabian shook his head. “With

  the same guy?”

  “No, thank fuck. Some man named Dack.”

  “Jack?” Brianna asked as she entered the elevator.

  “No. Dack. D-A-C-K.”

  “What the hell kind of a name is that?” She shook her head

  and pushed the button for the parking level.

  Braxton backed up to the wall and leaned on it tiredly. “I

  have no idea.”

  “I’m surprised so many men bid on you.” Fabian looked up at

  the lights over the door as they descended.

  “Why? It’s no secret I like men.”

  Brianna gave Braxton a sly smile.

  The elevator stopped and more people entered. Brianna

  touched Fabian’s arm to bring him backwards, to give them

  room. When she did, Fabian stepped right into Braxton so they

  were spooning.

  “Sorry.” Fabian made space between them.

  Braxton closed his eyes and wanted to grab Fabian and pull

  him right back to that spot again, still feeling reverberations of

  heat between his legs from the brush of Fabian’s ass on his


  The door opened at the parking level and everyone exited the

  elevator. Braxton woke from his daydream of fucking Fabian,

  and felt exhausted, wishing he were going home and not out to

  another dinner.

  “Have fun!” Brianna waved, smirking.

  Braxton nodded and then stood at his car, noticing Fabian had

  parked right beside him. They caught stares. Braxton’s sexual

  craving for this man was beginning to become an obsession.

  “Goodnight, Braxton.”

  “’Night.” Braxton didn’t smile, climbed into his car and

  waited for Fabian to leave first. He rested his head on his arm on

  the steering wheel and wished he could slow down. Slow down,

  find a great guy, and sleep in his arms every night.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, jarring him back into

  functioning. He started his car and drove to the Ritz, ignoring it.


  Fabian was getting very strong vibes from Braxton. So strong

  he was weakening his initial stance on having a little…bit on the

  side with the boss.

  No! Are you fucking kidding me? If I have sex with him, he’ll

  lose interest. That’s his plan. The conquest, the seduction!

  Fabian had no idea what Braxton wanted from him, other

  than sex. And Fabian was not going to go for the bait. Not when

  he finally found a permanent job he loved, and was appreciated

  for his hard work. Not fucking it up.

  But the touch of Braxton’s cock against his ass in the

  elevator? That would haunt him for weeks. And if he had the

  opportunity to do it again? He would.


  “Yes, Mr Todd. Come right this way. Your party is here and

  waiting for you.”

  Braxton ran his hand through his hair, too tired to be nervous.

  All he could think about was Fabian.

  He was shown to a table where a young handsome man was

  waiting, smiling at him. The man stood and held out his hand for

  a shake.

  Braxton was grateful he seemed normal.

  “Dack Torrington, nice to meet you again, Braxton.”

  “You too.” Braxton sat down and the hostess asked him,

  “Would you care for something to drink?”

  “Yes, just a glass of red wine. Thank you.” Braxton scooted

  in his chair and studied this man’s chiseled features.

  “I like wine too.” Dack raised his stemmed glass. “I always

  order the most expensive wine on the menu.”

  Braxton’s smile dropped. Oh no.

  “I dated a man who was rich. I mean really rich. He gave me

  his credit card, let me drive his Ferrari.” He gulped the rest of the red wine from the glass, licking his lips. “And that was while I

  dated another guy who worked on the magazine. You know

  Judas’ Rainbow?”

  “Yes, I—”

  “I was having a relationship with Mason Bloomfield, he sells

  advertisements for the magazine. Do you know him?”


  “Gorgeous guy, around your age, not that you’re old, ha, ha,

  but most guys like men in their twenties, you know?”

  The waiter brought Braxton’s wine and he downed it like a

  shot of whiskey as Dack kept rambling.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked.

  Dack gave him a disapproving glance and said, “No. We

  haven’t even looked at the menu. Can you give us a minute?”

  Braxton smiled at the waiter in sympathy as he nodded and

  walked away. While Braxton checked over the selections, Dack

  said, “Anyway, so this guy Mason, he’s crazy about me. Says I

  give the best blowjobs in LA…”

  “Uh huh.” Braxton didn’t look up from his menu.

  “And well, the old guys, they want boy toys so they shell out

  a ton of cash just to be seen with me. Who do you think paid for

  this auction dinner with you?”

  Braxton peeked up to see Dack’s smirk.

  “The old man gives me an expense account, set me up good. I

  have a credit card that has no limit. I may just buy myself a

  vacation. Wanna come?”

  “Uh. No.” Braxton read the menu again and cringed. Oh my

  God, I’m surrounded by maniacs.

  “Oh well, your loss. I told Mason that too when I left him.

  His loss. Some guys don’t know a good thing when they have

  it.” Dack held up his glass, pointed to it and said loudly, “Hey,

  can you bring me more wine?”

  Braxton sank into the chair and hid behind the menu, hoping

  no one would think he was actually on a real date with this man.

  “So, Braxton…”

  Braxton lowered the menu to see Dack. He may be good

  looking but he was a total ass.

  “You ah, wanna at least spend the night with me after dinner?

  See just how good my blowjobs are?”

  Braxton put on a sympathetic expression. “Though that’s a

  wonderful invitation, I’ll have to pass. I have so much work to

  do when I get home, I can’t. Sorry.”

  “Yeah, whatever. The old man thinks I’m going out with my

  sister after this date anyway.” He shrugged as the waiter brought

  over another glass of wine for him. “We need to order. I’m

  starving.” more hot book free here

  Braxton just wanted a break from the bullshit. And it wasn’t

  likely to happen. Ironically, a couple years ago? He’d have

  fucked a man like Dack in the men’s room five minutes after

  they met. Now? The thought repulsed him.

  Maybe he
’d finally grown up.

  Or grown old.

  Either way, he would never touch a man like Dack again.

  As he told the waiter his choice of food, Dack’s shoe began to

  run up his ankle, distracting him. “Uh…just the mixed green

  salad on the side…” He moved his leg back, avoiding the touch.

  “Very good. I’ll have your starters out soon.” The waiter took

  the menus and left.

  “Dude,” Dack said, gulping the wine, “This is being paid for

  by the event. Order the most expensive meal on the menu like I


  “I’m good. I don’t eat rich food like that.” Braxton sipped the


  “Your loss, man. Your loss.”

  Braxton gave Dack a tight smile, and daydreamed about

  Fabian, wondering what he was up to.


  Fabian came back from his run and caught his breath. He had

  worked out in the complex’s gym, ran and now was ready to eat

  a light dinner and…work! Nothing gave him greater satisfaction

  than taking the load off of Braxton. How that had happened he

  didn’t know.

  He took off his running shoes and, still dripping with sweat,

  entered his unit and tossed his shoes by the closet door. He

  stripped and then headed to the kitchen for a glass of water,

  gulping it down.

  His mobile phone hummed and he walked to where he’d left

  it and leaned on the counter to read the message. It was a text

  from Naomi asking him how he was.

  He set the water on the counter and texted her back, ‘ falling

  for my boss, shoot me. ’

  Immediately a text came back, ‘ aaaaaack! no! ’ and then the phone rang. He answered it and leaned back on the counter. “I

  know, I’m nuts.”

  “Fabian! Don’t do it! You know how long you’ve been

  looking for a permanent job?”

  “I know!” He rubbed at his gritty forehead and dabbed at the

  sweat running down his temple.

  “He’ll screw you and leave you! Don’t you read the tabloids?

  The man is pure cad!”

  “Keep telling me that. My willpower is weakening.”

  “Has he propositioned you?”



  “Yeah. Oh. Why do we both sound disappointed.” He spun

  around and leaned his elbows on the counter, staring into the

  depth of his living room.

  “Maybe you’re not his type.”

  “Ouch! Hang on.” He stood straight. “First you tell me to

  keep away from him then you tell me I don’t turn him on.”

  “Well, he is really hot. Maybe he’s really picky. Or, back on


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