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Unlikely Love

Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  He looked shocked. “I scare you?”

  I nodded. “You’re a forceful bossy man who has basically come into my life and taken over. You’ve told me I’m yours. Whatever that means, and you’ve just said I can’t leave your house. You’re making decisions for me and saying such sweet things to me it makes me want to cry. You’re like the perfect man except for the bossiness. Of course, I’m fighting you because if I don’t I’m scared I might jump you and rip off all your clothes.” I immediately lifted my hands to my mouth but too late I had actually said the last part out loud where the hell was my filter?

  I closed my eyes before I could see his expression.

  He moved closer to me and then his hand lifted my chin.

  “Open your eyes.” He demanded softly.

  I didn’t want to, but I did it because his voice was soft and sexy and I couldn’t deny him anything.

  “Did you mean all of that?” he said gruffly.

  I didn’t hesitate, “Yes.”

  “Good.” He nodded like he had the answer he wanted, and then he kissed me.

  Holy cow, he took my ability to think as soon as his lips touched mine. His lips were firm but soft. I felt his tongue glide along my bottom lip as if asking for entry before it entered my mouth to slide along my tongue. My knees would have given way if he hadn’t pulled me into his arms and held me tightly against his body. I leaned against him, kissing him back, the kiss went on for a long while and I had to turn my head away to catch my breath.

  “Heaven,” He whispered into my ear as he moved his lips to press kisses to my neck. He pulled away and searched my face. “I’m glad I make you feel safe because you are Scarlett. Trust me; I won’t let anything happen to you. You have my word.”

  “Believe me I know otherwise I wouldn’t be here. Since we met, you’ve made me feel safe I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true and I’m going to hold on to that feeling.”

  “No more fighting me?” he asked.

  “I promise to try,” I replied with a grin. I couldn’t promise to never fight him again after all, I didn’t want to lie.

  He grinned back brushing his lips over mine before letting me go. “That’s all I can ask babe, now let’s get breakfast.”

  I smiled and moved to the coffee pot. I wasn’t sure where this was heading, but I decided to embrace it. Although I needed to remember to protect my heart, James wouldn’t break it like Mike did; he’d tear it clean out of my chest and there was no way I would ever recover from it.

  James acted like he’d take on the world for me and it made me feel precious, I hope that it didn’t change.


  The detective knocked on the door just as we were tidying up our plates, I’d only had toast, but even that was threatening to come back up just thinking of the news he might have for us. James went to let him in and I sat at the table waiting.

  “Scarlett.” The detective tipped his chin up at me.

  “Hi, detective,” I replied.

  “Call me Matt sweetheart. How are you feeling?” he asked me as he looked me over.

  I shrugged. “I’m ok I guess. Do you have any news about Ruby?”

  He sighed. “No one has seen or heard from her. It’s good news because we would have heard if something has happened to her, the people after her would use her as an example to not piss them off. It’s also bad because I’ve exhausted all my sources. She’s vanished and until we find her, you won’t be safe.”

  My stomach was in knots knowing that my life was basically on hold now. How would I cope without knowing where she was or if she was even alive? Matt seemed sure we’d know if she was hurt or god forbid dead, but that still didn’t put my mind at ease. I had no relief, just a helplessness which I hated feeling.

  “Can I get you a coffee?” I offered Matt as I slipped off the stool.

  “Sure thanks, Scarlett.”

  “No problem,” I looked at James. “Refill?” he nodded and I took his mug, pulling a new one out of the cupboard for Matt. When I’d finished pouring, I turned around to offer their drinks and saw them having what seemed like a silent conversation. I frowned when they stopped looking at each other to look at me.

  “James has to go to the bar today. We talked last night and decided that I’d stay with you as I have the day off and then James will meet us later when he’s finished.” Matt explained.

  “Ok.” I turned to James, and he’s scowling. “Why don’t you look happy?” I questioned him.

  “I would rather you came with me, but it’s not safe. Too many people come in when we’re open and I’ll be too busy to keep my eyes on you all the time which means anyone can get close to you.”

  “He also doesn’t want me anywhere near you.” Matt said almost laughing.

  I looked from Matt to James who looked even angrier now.

  “Why?” I demanded. I was pretty sure I could trust Matt, he was a detective after all and he and James were friends.

  “He’s afraid that you’ll become so attracted to me you won’t want to come back to him.” he declared.

  I choked on my coffee, not expecting that answer. Matt laughed at me and patted my back which made James growl and pull me towards him by my bicep and into his arms. Matt laughed harder and James looked like he wanted to punch him.

  I pointed to Matt. “You need to stop laughing,” I ordered.

  “And you.” I pulled away from James and poked my finger into his hard chest.

  “You have no reason to be jealous even if I do find Matt attractive I have already said I’ll stay here with you so stop growling at your friend and tell me what the plan is,” I demanded with my hands on my hips.

  After I finished my speech which I had no shame in admitting was a hissy fit, I looked up at them both and saw Matt smirking. When I met James’ eyes, I nearly took a step back from the sparks shooting from them. My stomach quivered in anticipation. He closed his eyes and when they opened, they were clearer. I guess he liked when I got mad or maybe it was because I’d said I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “The plan,” James drawled not taking his eyes from mine “I’m going to the bar and Matt will stay with you. He’ll take you to your place so you can pack whatever you’ll need for at least two weeks.”

  “Two weeks?” I exclaimed.

  He ignored me and carried on as if I hadn’t spoken. “Pack your work things and anything else you may need while you’re here. When you run out, we’ll go back and get more.” He told me matter of fact leaving me speechless.

  “Ok?” he asked when I didn’t speak.

  “Ok.” I agreed.

  He looked surprised. “I expected a fight.”

  “I know, but I think if I did fight you, you’d only go and pack for me, anyway. This way I get to choose my own clothes.”

  James smirked. I guess I thought right.

  “You win this time.” I grinned.

  He smiled, and with his dimple it was a sight I wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. He looked smug.

  “Don’t get used to it,” I warned him.

  He didn’t lose his smile, just leaned in to kiss my forehead and whispered thank you in my ear.

  “Don’t let her out of your sight Matt.” He ordered, making me smile until I caught sight of Matt’s serious face. “I won’t, I’ll guard her with my life. I promise.” James stared at him for a second before he gave him a chin lift and moved to the door.

  “Later babe,” He called, and I watched him grab his keys and phone off the counter.

  “Bye James.”

  Once the door closed behind him Matt moved closer. “Are you ready to go now or do you want to sit and chill for a bit? There’s no rush.”

  “We can go now. Might as well get it over with, I just need to grab my bag.”

  I checked my bag to make sure I had my keys.

  Following Matt to the door I waited while he locked the house then walked to his car. I couldn’t tell you the make or model, but it was red and very manly. Just like Jam
es had, he helped me into the car and closed the door. I couldn’t help but check him out as he walked to his side, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t, but I didn’t get any of the feelings that James set off in me, no butterflies in my tummy, no tingly feeling in my lady parts just an appreciation for an attractive man. He was very sexy he just wasn’t James, and I was beginning to realise that when all this was over I wouldn’t be able to move on, I hadn’t even slept with James and I felt sick at the thought of another man touching me or another woman touching him.

  Chapter Six


  The drive to my house was a good forty-five minutes because of traffic and Matt used the time to ask me questions about myself and my life. He seemed genuinely interested, and he was so easy to talk to I found myself telling him all about me. I told him about my parents and the love they had for us. I told him about having to look after Ruby with Gran and then when Gran died, my struggle with Ruby and my desperation at trying to stop her going off the rails.

  When I told him about Mike, the atmosphere in the car got so thick I couldn’t breathe properly.

  “You know that Mike cheating on you doesn’t reflect on you, don’t you? He was a dick to treat you that way, and he proved he didn’t deserve you. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

  I blushed, embarrassed that he felt he had to make me feel better. “I didn’t tell you so you would feel sorry for me; it was just nice to get it off my chest.”

  “Trust me, I may feel sorry that the bastard hurt you but I would never lie to make you feel better. When I first saw you, I was floored, even with the fear shining in your eyes you were still beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled at him before I turned away to stare out the window. His words produced a warm feeling inside me. I’ve never been very good at taking compliments, not that I got a lot of them before, but James and Matt were sure dishing them out.

  I directed him to my house and part of me hoped that when we got there Ruby would be there and all this shit would be over. Of course I knew it was just wishful thinking. My life wasn’t that lucky didn’t I already know that?

  When we pulled onto my drive, the first thing I noticed was my front door wide open. Matt saw too because he cursed and pulled his gun out of the holster hidden under his jacket. He got out and came to my door.

  “I would ask you to stay here, but I think it would be a waste of breath.”

  “Ruby could be in there.”

  “Stay behind me and be quiet.” He cautioned, and then he grabbed my hand to pull me out. He left my door open just like he had his so we didn’t make more noise than necessary. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I followed behind him and when he let go of my hand, I grabbed the bottom of his jacket in a tight fist.

  What if Ruby had been here all night and needed help? The thought sickened me.

  Matt pushed the door open slowly and entered; I nearly gasped. Someone had trashed my house. As we moved in further, I could see all my drawers empty on the floor, my sofa and the cushions slashed and the stuffing ripped out as well, even my TV was on the floor. It looked like someone had been looking for something and they hadn’t cared about leaving a mess. We walked up the stairs and I could see Ruby’s door shut. I started to move towards it, but Matt gripped my arm and pushed me back behind him. He shook his head once, and I held my breath as he turned the door handle opening it with no problem. He pushed it wide with his foot and I stared in shock, Ruby’s room was fine, I mean it was a mess like usual with dirty clothes all over the floor, but it wasn’t trashed and when I looked at Matt to see his furious expression, I realised why. The pain nearly crippled me.

  Ruby had done this to my house, she was the one looking for something, probably something to sell and I realised the most expensive things I had that would fetch her the most money were the matching ring and necklace set Gran had left me in her will. I rushed into my room with Matt close on my heels only to come to a dead stop and that’s when I really let myself cry. As big tears ran down my cheeks, I sat down, pulled my knees up so I could rest my head on them and I sobbed my heart out. My bedroom looked just as bad as the rest of the house did and right in the middle of my bed was my empty jewellery box.

  Matt sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I stuffed my wet face into his neck and wrapped my arms around his middle to hold on tight, his hands rubbed my back in a soothing motion. I wasn’t sure how long we sat there like that, but it was long enough for me to cry myself out. Lifting my head I rubbed my tear stained cheeks on Matt’s t-shirt before I moved away.

  “Scar,” He said shaking his head.


  “Did you just wipe your nose on me?” he asked, sounding amused.

  “No, just my tears,” I told him.

  He grinned before his expression turned serious.

  He motioned to the empty chest on my bed. “She took all of it?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “I need to call this in. We both know it was Ruby, but it might give us more information to her whereabouts if we can find the jewellery. She might have pawned it already which could give us a lead if the shop owners can identify her. Can you give me a description?”

  “I can give you a picture. I hope she hasn’t pawned them, but I’m sure it would have been the first thing she did this morning. She wouldn’t waste time, especially if she’s desperate.”

  Matt slid me off his lap and stood up. He held his hand out for me to take and tugged me up. That Ruby had trashed my house and stolen the only things we had left of our Gran except photographs proved to me she didn’t care about my feelings. I’d been kidding myself that she’d change but not anymore, I was out.

  I’ve been digging her out of trouble forever but after this she’s on her own. There was no way I could put this behind me, she’s done some pretty bad stuff before but this was definitely the worst and I wanted no part of it anymore. I’m hurt, but also deeply angry, I wanted to kick her ass or at least shout at her until my throat got sore.

  I could hear Matt on the phone so I grabbed a bag and packed some clothes; luckily they weren’t damaged. I walked into the bathroom to get my toiletries but ended up walking back out again when I saw the mess. Surprisingly my laptop was still next to my bed where I'd left it the day before; at least she’d left me a way to keep my business afloat.

  “Scarlett?” Matt called, and I heard him walking towards the door. “Have you got everything you need?”

  “Yeah, I’ve packed my clothes and I’ve got my laptop I just need to stop off at the supermarket to get toiletries and stuff as apparently Ruby thought I hide my money and valuables in my shampoo and shower gel.” I grimaced.

  He walked over to the bathroom and turned with a frown. “We’ll find her Scarlett.” He promised. “We have people checking out all the pawn shops around here if she’s pawned them we’ll know and it should lead us to her.”

  “I know. I believe you.” And I did. I knew he’d find her I was just worried about the state of her in when he did.

  “It wasn’t always like this. We’ve had some happy times too but lately the bad times have taken over. No matter what trouble she’s got into before I’ve always bailed her out.”

  “And every time you did you told yourself it would be the last time. That she’d get help and become a better person?” Matt asked getting it spot on.

  “Yes. Although I would have settled on her being happy without the stealing and god knows what else. How do you know?”

  “I’ve been there and believe me darling, it doesn’t get better, and then one day shit gets so bad there isn’t a chance in hell you can help.”

  “Just like this time,” I said sadly.

  “Yeah babe, but you’re not alone and we’ve got your back, me and James.”

  No words could tell him how grateful I was at hearing that. He knew though whether it was the shine of tears in my eyes or my wobbly lip that told him. He knew.

  “Always Scarlett,” He p

  “Thank you.” I managed my voice thick with tears.


  After closing the door behind us Matt drove to the shops, and I bought everything I thought I’d need for the next two weeks. Matt stayed beside me all the way talking on his phone. When we reached the checkout, I saw huge bars of chocolate and immediately grabbed two. I heard him chuckle eying them up. “Don’t get any ideas.” I mock growled. “They’re all mine.”

  “I’m sure I can get you to share.” He winked. The check-out assistant rang my goodies through and after I’d paid Matt grabbed the bags and I followed him to his car. The drive to James’ house was silent, but not uncomfortable. When my phone started to ring, it made me jump. I dug it out of my bag and looked at the screen.

  “Sarah.” I greeted.

  “How are you Scarlett?” she asked.

  “The truth is I’m ok, but I just went over to my house to grab some clothes for a couple of weeks and it’s trashed.” She gasped, but I carried on. “My whole house is a mess, Sarah. The only room not trashed is Ruby’s.”

  I knew it wouldn’t take her long to work out why and it didn’t.

  “That little bitch! Just you wait until I get my hands on her I’m going to beat the shit out of her and wring her bloody neck.” She screeched, and I moved the phone from my ear worried she’d burst my ear drum.

  “Sarah.” I shouted over more threats to my sister. “I wouldn’t say too much more because I’m in a car with a detective,”

  That shut her up for about a minute until she demanded I put her on loud speaker. “Detective who?” she asked.

  “I’m Detective Jackson, Sarah. We’re doing all we can to track down Ruby and protect Scarlett while we do it. I don’t want you to worry about her or have any more threatening thoughts.” He added, and I caught his grin.

  “Of course I’m going to worry about my best friend but it’s good you sound so serious about protecting her, about those thoughts... I don’t think I can stop them, I’ve been having them for year’s detective.”


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