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Unlikely Love

Page 5

by M. J. Perry

  Matt chuckled.

  “Scarlett, will you come and see me tomorrow, please? I need to see you for myself.”

  “Sure honey I’ll come first thing. Ok?” I asked.

  “Yes, good now I’ve got to go. Don't think I’ll let that remark about you packing enough for a couple of weeks slide either. I want details and I want them all.” Of course she did.

  “Ok you have a deal. Love you Sarah.”

  “Love you too Scar. See you tomorrow. Look after her detective.” She demanded.

  “I will, I promise,” Matt answered her, and I said bye.

  After pressing the end button, I looked at Matt to see him grinning.

  “She’s colourful.”

  I laughed because she really was. “She is amazing.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her Scarlett, I have a feeling she’ll blow my mind.”

  “I think she will.” I grinned. Sarah came across as loud and brass, but she has the biggest heart and once she lets you in you’ve got a friend for life, I wouldn’t have her any other way. Even knowing tomorrow I’ll get interrogated, I still wouldn’t change her.

  When we arrived at James’s house he was on the front step and I bolted out of my door and threw myself at him, it was like I had no control over myself. He went back a step from the force of my body but he steadied us and wrapped me tightly in his arms.

  I wasn’t sure what came over me, I wasn’t normally this forward, but I needed him and I never even questioned that he’d push me away. He knew what had happened, Matt had filled him in and all it took was one softly spoken baby in my ear to set me off and I burst into tears. I’d never been much of a crier, but it seemed this mess has turned me into one. James rubbed my back and held me until I pulled myself together.

  I looked up with a shy smile. “Thanks,” I whispered.

  I lost my breath as his arms tightened around me and then just as suddenly they relaxed. His mouth moved to my ear and I could feel his warm breath. “Anytime Scarlett,” He whispered his voice as fierce as the look in his eyes.

  Matt walked past us with my shopping bags and my overnight bag on his shoulder.

  “Thanks, Matt.” James called as we still hadn’t moved from the front step.

  James looked down at me. “Do you feel better?”

  “Yes,” I answered and wiped my face on his t-shirt. He didn’t say anything but when I looked up, he was grinning at me. He let me go and grabbed my hand pulling me into the house.


  Matt had already started making the hot chocolate when we made it to the kitchen and I saw he’d taken my chocolate bars out of the bags and placed them on the side. He smirked when he saw my expression of longing.

  “I didn’t eat any.” He told me while grinning.

  “I’m glad you didn’t because I’m starting to like you so it would be a shame if I had to hurt you.” I teased.

  “Do I get a piece as a reward for not stealing any?”

  “I guess so, but only one.”

  James squeezed my hand to get my attention. “Do I get a piece?”

  “I think you can have two.” My face heated from the look in his eyes.

  “No fair. That’s favouritism.” Matt complained. I tore my eyes away from James to look over at him and I raised my eyebrows with a smirk. “Yes, it totally is.”

  Matt’s hand came up to his chest in a dramatic sweep of fake pain and I laughed. He shook his head and winked at me before he turned back to finish the drinks. James led me through to the living room and we took a seat on the sofa. We sat so close our legs touched and I could feel his heat through our clothes. I shivered, chocolate wasn’t the only thing I craved.

  “You guys seem to get on well considering you only met last night.” I heard the question in James’s voice.

  “He’s a good guy. He was great today. I don’t know what I’d have done if he hadn’t been there.” I said truthfully. Actually if I was speaking the complete truth, I would have told him I’d rather he’d been there, but I wasn’t ready to admit that.

  James grimaced. “I’m sorry all this has happened to you, baby.”

  “Me too, but least one good thing came out of today though.”

  “What’s that?” he asked curiously.

  “I decided this is the last time I involve myself in Ruby’s problems. Once this is all behind us I want her to move out, I can’t do this anymore.”

  I told myself I was speaking the truth and that I’d stick to it, but I knew deep down if Ruby asked me for help I wouldn’t be able to say no.

  “That’s not an easy decision to make but I’m really pleased you’ve made it.” He sounded proud.

  “I’m glad too. I just have to make sure I stick to it. That’s if she comes back in one piece. It’s never occurred to me she won’t but what if she’s already hurt and alone?”

  I fought the panic close to breaking through my control. James watched my struggle and his face changed to one of concern.

  “Deep breaths baby,” he said.

  He took my face in his hands and I focused on his breathing, it helped mine calm down. Once I had myself under control he moved closer to me until our noses were nearly touching.

  “Whatever happens or has happened to your sister is not your fault. You didn’t force her to get mixed up with all this shit and you didn’t know what was going on so you had no way to stop it. If we find her hurt, it’s not your fault. You have just decided to take back your life and stop letting her control yours, so do it. Ok?”

  I blink stunned. “How can you possibly know I was thinking that?” I asked in awe. Sarah would have known instantly, but she’s known me forever. James hasn’t known me a week.

  “I can read your face. You’re an open book and because of how kind hearted you are I know you blame yourself for all her fuck ups.”

  Wow, that’s scary and sweet all in one. If he can read me that well I hope my thoughts of jumping him weren’t written all over my face every time I thought them. My face heated again because I was pretty sure I’ve had more dirty thoughts of James in the last day than I’ve ever had about any man in my life and it was actually embarrassing.

  Matt came in then with the drinks and I saw the chocolate on the tray. I reached over to nab it before anyone else could. It was already open, and all I had to do was break a piece off and when I put it in my mouth, I groaned in appreciation. I loved chocolate; if I had to live off it for the rest of my life, I would be happy even if I would be an unhealthy mess. Matt cleared his throat and James reached to grab my hand closest to him catching my attention. He was glaring at Matt and Matt looked a little pink in the cheeks.

  I frowned. “What’s the matter?”

  James looked at me with eyes full of heat. I blinked.

  “When you make a sound like that over chocolate it makes a man wonder what you’ll sound like when he’s slipping inside you.” He said bluntly.

  Oh my god. My face went as red as a tomato. My body shifted so I could leave the sofa and disappear into the spare room but James anticipated my move and tightened his grip on my fingers letting me know I’d have a tug of war on my hands if I tried to go. I ducked my head mortified.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Scarlett,” Matt said while James still glared at him.

  “I will never show my appreciation for chocolate again,”

  “That would be a damn shame babe.” This came from James, and when I looked at him he was grinning.

  “I’m tired,” I informed them. Obviously I didn’t want to have this conversation, but I really was feeling tired, I suppose finding my house in a mess and finding out my sister was the cause would take its toll on anyone.

  Matt got up and put his mug on the tray.

  “I have to go but if you need me all you have to do is call.” He brushed his lips over my head and walked away from me to the front door.

  “I’ll walk you out,” James told Matt, and he squeezed my hand before letting it go and getting up.

  “Goodnight Matt,” I called as I stood and picked my drink up and the rest of my chocolate to take with me to my room. “Goodnight Scarlett.”

  Once I’d closed the door behind me, I realised my overnight bag was still in the kitchen, I went to grab it and came back to finish my drink and jump in the shower. I took my time shaving my legs and washing my hair and I tried to relax but I’m wound up tight and feeling so incredibly horny. James was the reason I felt like this and he would be the only solution but there wasn’t a chance in hell I was sleeping with him. It was way too soon, and I’d end up getting hurt. My heart is already involved and if we slept together, and he wasn’t interested in anything more it would kill me. I dried myself off and rooted through my bag for my pyjamas and pulled them on. My night shirt was quite long and mostly covered my shorts, but I still wished I had a dressing gown or something to cover myself. When I was ready, I left the bedroom to go in search of James to say goodnight. I found him sat on the sofa watching TV. When I entered the room his body tensed.


  “Yes?” He clipped.

  What the hell. I’d left maybe half an hour ago. “What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t like how Matt touches you.” He growled and stood up.

  Well, that floored me. I wasn’t expecting that. “Matt doesn’t touch me,” I told him with a frown.

  He just scoffed at me. “If he doesn’t touch you then why did he kiss you before he left?”

  Was he jealous? “He didn’t mean anything by it. It was a friendly kiss.”

  “You seem close all of a sudden.” He said angrily, and it put my back up.

  “We talked today. He was nice, and we got to know each other. When we got to my house, and I saw the state of the place, I broke down. Matt helped me sort my head out. There’s nothing between us but friendship.”

  “He wants to fuck you.” He growled.

  I shook my head in denial. “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Yes, he does.” He took a step closer, and I backed up because he looked really pissed.

  “He can’t though because you’re mine.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “When you walked into my bar, you became mine.”

  “I left and you let me go. If Sketch hadn’t tried to grab me, you wouldn’t have seen me again!” I shouted.

  “I was coming after you. How do you think I managed to stop you being taken?” He shouted back, and I shut up because I hadn’t thought of that. I just figured I’d been lucky but if he was telling the truth... I didn’t know what to say or even think.

  “I was coming after you.” He repeated, and he pulled me into his arms.

  “Ok,” I whispered.

  “You feel it too don’t you Scarlett. We have a connection, its strong, and its right.”

  “I feel it.”

  “I’ve never believed in love at first sight, but this sure seems stronger than lust.” He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. Oh, my god.

  “I’ve always believed in love, but I never believed it would happen to me.” My words made me vulnerable, but I couldn’t stop myself. I worried he was only saying these things so I would sleep with him, but I shook that thought away because even though I hadn’t known him long I knew he didn’t lie. He tipped my chin up and brushed his lips across mine.

  “I’ll try not to get jealous of Matt.” He promised.

  “You really have nothing to worry about, honey. Matt and I are just friends and he’s a good friend to you. Please don’t get mad at him because of me.”

  He hugged me and it didn’t take long for my thoughts to turn into sexy ones, it didn’t help that I’m plastered against him and I could feel his hard muscles. I shivered just imagining him making love to me. My girl parts quivered and my body filled with a longing that only James could fulfil. He must have sensed the change in me because his big body shuddered and then suddenly his lips were on mine. I expected a hard kiss but his lips were soft and searching and when he pulled away, I reached up to cradle his face. I wanted him so badly, god did I want this, but I just felt like we were moving so fast. Wasn’t I just thinking that I wouldn’t sleep with him because it was too soon and now here we are?

  “You think too much,” He whispered against my lips and my thoughts splintered. His breath against my lips felt so erotic. He kissed me again this time longer, and I tried one last time to stop it.

  “It’s too soon,” I whispered, but we both knew it was a half-hearted attempt and when his hands moved down to my bum to pull me against his erection, my objections went right out the window and I melted against him.

  “It’s not too soon baby, it’s been on the cards since the first night and I don’t know how we’ve fought it for this long.”

  I had to agree with him.

  His hands slid up my back, over my shoulders and ended up in my hair.

  “Stop thinking and just feel.” He told me.

  I nodded. Sod it. I would regret it if I didn’t let myself have this moment with him, I’d worry about my broken heart later. When I looked up begging with my eyes for him to kiss me he didn’t disappoint. It blew me away. He wasn’t gentle; his tongue pushed into my mouth, stabbing in and out. His lips were hard against mine and I had to turn my head to catch my breath. My knees went weak, and I gripped the top of his arms to stop myself falling to the floor. This kiss was different to the one we’d already shared; it held a promise of what was to come.

  “Are you with me Scarlett?”

  I nodded.

  “I need the words.” He demanded. “Once we do this, there is no turning back. You’ll be mine completely.”

  “I’m with you, James.”

  “Good.” He growled and then his lips were back on mine and he was kissing me like he couldn’t get enough. Still reeling, it surprised me when he broke the kiss to pick me up and carry me into his room. When we were inside, he closed the door still holding me against him and walked to the bottom of the bed. He let my body slide down his slowly and when I was steady on my feet, his hands went to the buttons on my shirt and started to undo them. Every button he opened caused my breath to speed up, and the anticipation nearly killed me. I wanted to rip off my clothes and then his. I reached for his t-shirt and he helped me drag it over his head and throw it on the floor. His body was amazing. I’d already seen it of course, but now I could touch it and I didn’t hesitate. I ran my hands over his abs and brushed my nails over his erect nipples. He shuddered, so I did it again letting my hands drift down to the waistband of his jeans. I opened his belt before he took both my wrists in one hand and stopped me from going any further.

  “If you touch me now, I’m afraid I’ll come in my pants.” He grunted and my eyes shot up to his in shock. “I’m not kidding babe. Keep your hands at your sides.” He demanded.

  He opened the last button on my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders letting it fall to the floor with his t-shirt. His hands reached round my back to undo my bra and then his hands were cupping my bare breasts. I whimpered when he pushed me backwards to lie on his bed. He pulled my shorts down my leg along with my thong in one fluid motion. I would normally be embarrassed lying there naked, but I was so turned on it never entered my mind.

  James ran his eyes over every inch he could see. His hands caressed my body as he looked into my eyes. “You are beautiful babe. And you’re mine, every single inch.”

  He moved away to strip off his own jeans until he stood completely naked and erect in front of me. I swallowed hard because I’ve only ever seen one cock and that was Mike’s and he had nothing on James. I worried he wouldn’t fit and my fear must have shown on my face.

  “It will be fine Scarlett. We’ll take it slow and it will fit. You’re made for me and I would never hurt you.” He reassured me.

  I gave him a shaky smile and held my arms out to him. Relief flashed in his eyes before he moved towards me. He straddled my thighs and his hands roamed all over my body leaving a path of heat.
He leant down to kiss my mouth, his lips caressed as his teeth and tongue invaded my mouth. The aggressive way his mouth took mine nearly had me coming there and then; I couldn’t help but moan just thinking of him being buried between my legs. He kissed my neck and collarbone with teasing kisses while I tried to hurry him on with my hands on his head. When he finally reached my breasts and took my nipple in his mouth electric shot through me and my back arched. He sucked strongly making me whimper when he moved to my other nipple.

  “Please,” I begged.

  I wasn’t sure what I was begging for but James knew. His hand slid down to my mound and his finger went straight my clit. I gripped his hair in both hands and dragged his face to mine so I could kiss him. The kiss was more of an attack as I lost my head when his finger moved with more purpose. I reached down and closed my hand around his cock wanting to give him as much pleasure as I was feeling. It was so hard and hot and I rubbed my thumb over the pre-come leaking out of him until he suddenly reared up to move my hand away.

  “Hands to your sides,” He grunted before he pulled away completely and replaced his hand on my mound with his mouth.

  “Oh god!” I screeched. It felt amazing. If I’d thought I was close before I was wrong. My whole body shook and my breath came out in short sharp pants. His tongue licked and sucked my clit and when he pushed a finger into me I went off like a rocket. My body tensed so hard my muscles seized his finger and sucked it deeper inside me. He didn’t stop throughout my climax and when I came back to myself he kept going only much slower. I tried to push his head away to make him stop because I felt so sensitive, but he only growled at me.

  “You can take it. I want to watch you take your pleasure again.”

  The words and his voice gruff with his desire lit the fire back inside me and my body responded to his movements. This time my orgasm was softer but no less amazing as my body shook and I moaned out his name. I could barely keep my eyes open. He didn’t stop until my body relaxed and then he moved between my legs. I opened my eyes and gave him a soft smile knowing the dark eyes staring into mine were checking if I was still ok with doing this. He pressed the tip of his cock against my opening and I spread my legs wider to give him more room.


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