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Soul Awakened: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 2)

Page 5

by Idella Breen

  Snow returned with her own desperate need. Their lips never leaving the other’s for more than a second.

  “Make love to me, Cait.” Snow moaned.

  “I’ll forever be your’s, Snow.” Cait whispered against her lips, as she trailed her hot hands down the girl’s spine.

  Snow arched up into her touch and wrapped her naked legs around the werewolf’s waist. Her hot center met hard abs and they both groaned in pleasure. Cait’s swirled her tongue against Snow’s, running it along the girl’s silky muscle. Snow ground her hips trying to get more friction.

  “I want more of you, Cait.” The brunette moaned out, as she dug her nails into the werewolf’s back.

  Cait growled and ducked her head down to capture a pert nipple between her teeth. Snow gasped and ground down harder.


  “I’ll never leave you again, Snow. Not like I did.” The werewolf sucked the nipple into her mouth while she pinched its twin gently. Snow sighed and rocked harder against her.

  “More, Cait.”

  The werewolf trailed her hands down Snow’s sides until they rested on the girl’s hips. She pushed down helping the girl grind harder.

  “I’ll give you everything. All that I am. No more secrets.”

  She slipped her hand between their bodies and when Snow brought her hips down two digits entered her in a smooth slick motion. The girl cried out and moved in sync with the wet fingers as they moved in and out of her slick folds. Cait used her thumb to circle the small nub at her entrance as she pumped her finger in and out, making them slick with the girl’s need for her.

  After a moment, she added another finger, and used her own hips to help push them farther into the girl, as their bodies met in union. Both Snow and Cait could feel something ancient and powerful swelling up inside of them. As their bodies met once again with a wet slapping sound, they both cried out, and the power burst out of both of them in fire and ice.

  As they lay in each other’s arms a whispered name, a promise, flitted through both of their minds. A simple name. A name brought into being from their love making and the union of their souls. Elena, was the name and they would forever remember it.


  Cait returned to her body. When she opened her eyes warm brown met electric blue and their lips met once more. Snow pulled back from her mate and smiled at her.


  “Welcome home.” Cait said.

  “I’m glad to be back.”


  The girl turned around just in time before both her and Cait were plowed over by Gwen. The blonde was bawling her eyes out and gasping for air as she cried.

  Remus stood back enjoying the scene, but even he couldn’t help the relief that filled him at seeing the girl healthy, and alive once more.

  “Welcome back to the land of the living kid.” He smiled.

  “Hey, Remus.”

  After several tears, and an attempted kiss on Gwen’s part that was thwarted by a grumpy Cait, they were all finally seated in the kitchen. Gwen was making french toast, as it was now morning, and Snow was starving.

  “So, what exactly happened?” Remus asked.

  Snow sighed. “It’s a long story but basically Aiden is still alive and he stole my powers.”

  “He only stole a small portion of them.” Cait added.

  “He did?” Snow asked.

  The redhead nodded. “I can still feel them inside of you. I felt them when we were together in the spirit plane.”

  Snow blushed.

  Gwen snorted. “Doing the deed in the spirit plane? Kinky.”

  “Gwen!” Snow yelled as the blush traveled down her neck.

  “So she still has them?” Remus asked.

  “Try calling upon them Snow.” Cait urged.

  The girl gained control over her blush and concentrated on the fork in her hand. She found that with little effort, the fork was soon encased in a thick ice. Cait held her hand over it and the ice melted.

  “Whoa, talk about a hot and cold relationship.” Gwen said, as she set the plate of french toast down in front of Snow. The girl didn’t waste anytime before she dug into the meal. In between bites, she explained how she came to be encased in ice and have some of her powers stolen.

  “So Aiden is trying to become the next king over the dark bloods?” Cait asked.

  “Apparently.” Snow nodded as she ate the last bite of her meal.

  “So, what do we do now?” Gwen asked as she sat down at the table.

  “Now, I find Aiden, rip off his arms, and make him eat them.” Cait said in a voice that didn’t sound entirely human.

  Everyone paused, until Snow spoke. “We should probably stop him. Who knows what he will do with my powers. He might not have all of them but he has enough to do some damage.”

  Cait cleared her throat. “We should see your mother, Integra. I need to report my findings to her, from my travels. I think I know something of interest and maybe she will be willing to help us with our problem.”

  Snow stood, but wobbled a bit before the redhead steadied her. Cait held onto the girl’s hand, even as they walked out to the cars. She seemed to always find a way to be touching Snow, whether it was by playing with her hair, or simply holding her hand. Not that the girl minded. The presence of her mate was all the reassurance she needed to stay grounded. Even as Gwen started up the car, Cait had buried her nose into the girl’s hair and was taking deep breaths. Snow knew how important the sense of smell was to a werewolf and felt herself relaxing under all the attention. They were together again, they were united, they were strong once more.

  Chapter 5

  When they entered the mansion that used to be Snow’s home, Integra nearly plowed them over on her way to her daughter. Adam followed behind her at a more leisure pace, but his face, was grim and, he looked stressed.

  “Snow! My baby girl. Thank goodness you are okay!” She crushed the brunette to her chest, almost squeezing the life out of her.

  “Mom, can’t breath.” Snow gasped out.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to-. I’m just so glad you are better now.” Integra continued to hug the girl like her life depended on it. She didn’t step back until Adam gently placed his hand on her shoulder, slowly pulling her back. Integra placed her arm around her husband’s waist and gave a small smile. Adam smiled at his daughter and gave her a quick hug. He looked to be holding back, as he stepped away and let out a low sigh. His shoulders seemed to loosen.

  “We are so glad you are okay, sweetie. We were so worried.” He said, as he held onto his wife tightly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry either of you.”

  Integra gave a hollow laugh. “Dear, it was hardly your fault. I’ll have you know that the guards I had watching you have been punished for their oversights. I’m just glad you are alright now. Thank you, Cait. We are forever in your debt.”

  Cait shook her head, as she pulled the girl back into her arms. “I don’t deserve it.”

  Adam shook his head. “Nonsense, we are grateful and you will accept it. I had my reservations about you, but you have proven yourself worthy of my daughter. Thank you. Cait.”

  Snow smiled and gently squeezed her mates hand, as the woman seemed to blush lightly. Gwen decided to interrupt the moment. “Now that’s over, I think we have some things we need to discuss.”

  Integra nodded. “Yes, follow me. We can speak freely in the study.”

  They followed Adam and Integra through the maze of hallways, that characterized the Bennett mansion, until they finally entered a spacious room lined with books along the walls and furnished tastefully. Snow and Cait sat next to each other on the love-seat, while Remus stood off in the corner. Gwen took a leather armchair while Adam and Integra took the sofa across from Cait and Snow.

  Integra began. “Cait, I take it you have some information you wish to give me about the mission I sent you on. My guards told me a little bit of what happened but I would like to hear
your side of it all.”

  The redhead nodded. “The guards and I had been dealing with minor disputes between the dark bloods and both of the monster and human settlements we were sent to investigate. After questioning several individuals we were able to piece together a little bit of the reason, as to why the dark bloods were making such bold moves.”

  Gwen interrupted. “You mean, it wasn’t just random occurrences due to their king’s death? There was a purpose to their movements?”

  Cait nodded. “That’s right. It seems that an order had been sent through the ranks, stating that the dark bloods that could prove their worth and power would be allowed to attend the next crowning of their king, as candidates to the throne.”

  “So it’s was basically, like a test?” Remus asked.

  “Yes, they were trying to make themselves stand out.”

  “I understand you were ambushed?” Integra asked.

  “Outside of Washington State, we were attacked by a small army of dark bloods. Apparently, they heard we were coming and didn’t want us to interfere with their business. I handled them as I saw fit.”

  Integra nodded.”Good. That coincides with what my guards reported. So, though, I am glad you are all here, why exactly have you come? Or did Snow simply want to visit us.”

  Snow and Cait shared a look before Snow spoke. “Mom, how much do you know about how I came to be encased in ice?”

  “I believe, almost everything. The girl from your class tricked you into going to her apartment, where two other dark bloods were waiting. I’m not sure as to what exactly occurred in that room but I was told the three dark bloods left after a few minutes. When your guards went in to check on you, they found you in ice.” Integra struggled with the last words and Adam rubbed her back soothingly.

  “What happened in that apartment, sweetie?” Her father asked.

  “My powers were stolen.”

  Her parents gasped.

  “Well, a portion of them were, actually. I still have the majority of them.”

  “Thank goodness.”

  “The dark bloods that were waiting for me in that room were a man named Aiden and a woman named Xena. I think Xena is the dark bloods queen. At least, that is how she introduced herself to me.”

  “Who is Aiden?” Integra asked.

  “He was the dark blood that kidnapped me a year ago.”

  Cait growled. “I’m familiar with that bastard.”

  Snow squeezed her hand. “I’m fine now Cait.”

  The werewolf nodded and pulled her closer, tucking her into her side. “We came to see if you could help us locate those two vampires. I believe they are responsible for the competition among the dark bloods. I don’t know what he plans to do with Snow’s powers, but it can’t be anything good.”

  “I remember him saying something about how he wanted to rule over all the dark bloods. I take it he meant he will be the new king.”

  Integra nodded. “That is indeed troublesome news. It will not due for a man like him to take the throne. He may even be worse than the previous king. He’s unpredictable.”

  “If you can help us find where the crowning ceremony is being held I will personally lead an army there to take him out. This time, I’ll make sure he’s dead.” Cait said meeting Integra’s gaze.

  “We will.” Snow corrected. The redhead smiled down at her and nodded.

  Integra smiled. “Ever the warrior, Cait Fallon. But, what you are saying is that you will begin a war with the dark bloods.”

  Cait shook her head. “No, what I’m saying is that I will finally end the war with them. It has been silent, but it has gone on long enough.”

  Integra sat back on the sofa and rubbed her brow. “This is giving me a headache. Not only has an old friend of my mother’s, a blue blood, been on my case about helping him find his daughter, but now a war.”

  “A blue blood?” Snow asked. Something was nagging her in the back of her mind as, if she was forgetting something.

  “Yes, an old friend of the family, Thomas Green. His daughter, Dian, has gone missing. We fear the worse has happened and that she is lost to us.”

  “Dian.” Snow said the name slowly, trying to figure out why that name sounded so familiar.

  “If only we could find a way to control the dark bloods. You must understand Cait, that I am hesitant to issue an order to eradicate an entire species. Their ways are from a dark time and believe me, they are an ever present thorn in my side, but they are only doing what is in their nature to do. If only there was a way we could instate a king or queen that would guide them in a way that would restore the balance. If only we could somehow control them or at least most of them.”

  Snow gasped when it finally clicked. “Dian!”

  Integra looked at her daughter in surprise. “Yes?”

  “My classmate!”

  “You know where she is? Is she alive?” Her mother asked.

  Snow paused. “If we are thinking about the same person, then I’m sorry to say, but she’s a dark blood now.”

  Integra frowned but nodded. “I had feared such would happen. The night she disappeared the scent of dark bloods was strong there.”

  “But that’s not what I was getting at. I followed her into the apartment. She’s the classmate that tricked me.”

  “Oh dear.” Her mother sighed.

  “How did she do that?” Cait asked.

  “She has a special power. Aiden explained it to me. He said that Dian can instill a deep loyalty in whomever she wants. It’s why I trusted her so easily, despite her being a vampire and my aversion to them.”

  “Loyalty?” Her mother asked.

  “It’s hard to explain, but whenever I was in her presence I just felt like she was right. She could do no wrong and I would do whatever she asked of me.”

  Integra frowned. “Her father never told me of her having such an ability, but if what you are saying is true, then we may have found an answer as to how to deal with the dark blood problem. Tell me honestly though dear, can we trust her?”

  Snow looked down at her hand. It was gripped warmly in Cait’s. She looked up to meet her mother’s gaze unflinchingly. “I trust that she isn’t a bad person. She seemed to be going against her nature when she tricked me and I believe we should at least give her a chance. A choice to do the right thing. I think Aiden has some sort of power over her. Nothing magical. It’s psychological or at least that’s the feeling I got from seeing the two of them interact.”

  Her mother nodded. “It’s worth trying then. If you trust her, we will give her a chance. I trust your judgement in people.”

  Snow smiled.

  Integra clapped her hands together. “For now, I will have my spies search out the location of this meeting. Until then, you all must wait. I suggest you all prepare yourselves for the fight of your lives.”

  “I’m going to fight too.” Snow suddenly said, just as everyone was standing up.

  Her father stopped and turned back to her. “Don’t be silly, Snow. You will stay here with your mother and I, where it is safe.”

  “I’m not some little girl that needs to be protected. I have powers. I’m going to fight.”

  “Dear, I think what your father is saying is right. You may have abilities, but you are untrained, and it’s much too dangerous. You would just get in the way.”

  Snow could feel her anger rising, and was about to yell, when a warm hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her into her mates side. “I will train her then.”

  The girl didn’t know who was more shocked. Her or her parents.

  “You can’t be serious, Cait.” Adam said.

  “Excuse my rudeness, but Snow is my mate. She is my greatest weakness. The stronger I can make her, the stronger we will be together. She goes where I go.”

  Sneered words echoed through Snow’s mind as she remembered what Aiden had said before taking her soul. “Together you are strong, but apart you are weak.” The girl smiled up at the werewolf, her chest swell
ing with love.

  Integra and Adam shared a look before they both sighed in exasperation. Integra leveled Cait with a pointed look. “Can you promise that nothing will happen to my daughter? That she will come back home safely?”

  Cait nodded. “I will bring her back safely. I swear on my clan that she will not leave my sights nor my side in the battles ahead of us.”

  Integra nodded. “Then she may fight. If you fail her Cait, I will expect your life as payment.”

  “I will lead you to the gallows.”

  Adam smiled at his daughter and her lover. “Wait just a moment.”

  They gave him confused looks as he left the study. He was gone for a few minutes, but when he came back he was holding a sword in his hands. The sheath was a solid black and held a strap. The hilt of the sword was covered in a soft cloth. Snow’s eyes were immediately drawn to the jewel embedded into the hilt. It glittered in the light of the room. She reached for it.

  “It’s a blue diamond. Lidia had it set in the hilt. She said it helped her control her ice powers.”

  Snow met his gaze. “This was gran’s sword?”

  Adam nodded. “It was given to me as a wedding gift. Lidia had mysterious ways. I can still remember when she gave this to me. She simply told me I would know when to use it, when the time came. I’m guessing this is the time she spoke of.”

  Snow reached for the blade and took it from her father. She was surprised by how light it was. The hilt was the heaviest part, but it was still fairly light. Grabbing the hilt, she pulled the blade out of the sheath and gasped at what she saw. The blade was a blue silver and it sang as she pulled it completely from the sheath.

  “It’s made of mithril. It was forged by elves.”

  “Elves?” Snow asked.

  “They tend to keep to themselves, but they do exist. Lidia was friends with several of them.” Her mother supplied.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Snow said as she sheathed the blade again. Tears were threatening to fall as she gazed up at her parents.

  “Just come back safely, dear.”

  The brunette nodded and wiped her eyes. “I will.”


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