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Soul Awakened: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 2)

Page 6

by Idella Breen

  Chapter 6

  They pulled up in front of Cait’s apartment building. Both Snow and Cait climbed out of the car. Cait turned back and bent down to speak with Remus, who was in the passenger seat.

  “I know your first priority is your clan, Remus. I don’t want you to think I volunteered your people for this battle. I would understand, if you wanted to stay out of all of this.”

  Remus snorted. “You didn’t volunteer me. I did. Where the Fallon’s go, the Lander’s will follow. Besides, I don’t think my boys would forgive me, if I passed up on a chance for them to kick some dark blood butt. The Lander’s are as much warriors as the Fallon’s, and as a result, we crave a good fight. Don’t worry, we will be there on the day, standing beside you and your woman on the battlefield.”

  Cait held out her hand and Remus gripped it tightly before they both let go.

  “Don’t forget about me! I’ll be there too.” Gwen added.

  Cait laughed. “No one forgot you Gwen. I’ll be looking for you on the battlefield. Just try not to get impaled by a blade of silver. I’d hate to have your death on my conscious.”

  “Don’t worry Cait. I have to stay alive, even if it’s just to interrupt you and your girl every chance I get.”

  “On second thought, I might just be the one to impale you.”

  “Har har, Mrs. Fallon.”

  “Call us once you know the location.” Remus said.

  The redhead nodded and stood back next to Snow, who had been waiting patiently. The girl grabbed her hand as they watched the other two werewolves drive away. “Should we go up?” She asked.

  Cait smiled at her and nodded, leading them up to their apartment.


  Upon entering their apartment two things registered in Snow’s mind. The first, was that she had missed her home. Despite, only living there for little over a month it had become her sanctuary from the world, a true home. The second thing she realized was that it was rather messy. She blushed as they walked into the living room. Cait chuckled.

  “Gwen had said you were sleeping over at her place while I was gone.”

  “Sorry, I should have cleaned before I left, I was just so mad.”

  The werewolf turned back and tilted the girl’s head up by her chin. “No worries. It was going to get messy anyway.”

  Snow furrowed her brow. “What do you-.“

  She didn’t get the chance to finish before soft lips claimed her own. The girl’s body responded in kind as Cait picked her up. Snow wrapped her legs around the werewolf’s waist and her arms around a strong neck. Cait carried them down the hallway only stumbling once when Snow bit down gently on her bottom lip. The werewolf growled deep in her chest as they fell down onto the bed. The smell of rain water and mint filled Snow’s nose. She sighed as the familiar scent settled over her and Cait took the moment to demand entrance. The girl welcomed the silky tongue as it dominated her mouth. She moaned as their tongues met in a familiar dance.

  She had missed this. The closeness between them, but she wanted to be even closer. Snow pulled up the thin shirt preventing her from the skin contact she desired. Cait smiled into kiss before pulling back to let the girl slip her shirt off. Cait took the moment to pull the girl’s shirt off as well, before settling between her legs. They both sighed at the skin on skin contact. The werewolf didn’t waste a moment, one hand slid down the girl’s spine, making her arch up into her. Her lips descended on the pert nipple that was begging for her attention.

  “Cait.” Snow gasped and threaded her fingers through red locks.

  The werewolf nibbled on the nipple before sucking it, as her other hand played with its twin by tracing around it softly before pinching it gently. Snow had already begun to move against her. Suddenly, the girl pulled the werewolf’s head up and kissed her deeply. Cait was surprised at the emotions being poured into the kiss, as the girl massaged her scalp. When they broke apart they were both panting. Cait moved to trail kisses down her neck but Snow stopped her.


  The werewolf looked at her questioningly.

  “I want to try something.” The girl said as she pushed the redhead over on her back. Cait smiled as the brunette pulled off her jeans, her own shorts following after, before she settled between the woman’s legs. Snow leaned down and their lips met once more. Her hands came up to palm the woman’s breast and the werewolf gasped at the contract. Snow took that moment to slip her tongue in and out of the woman’s mouth. Cait moaned and wrapped her legs around the girl’s waist. Snow pulled back and moved down, trailing kisses until she reached a breast. She traced around one with her tongue, making it perk in desire.

  “Snow.” Cait sighed when the girl’s warm mouth pulled the nipple into her mouth.

  She began to rock her hips, wanting more friction. Snow smiled and trailed more kisses down her lover’s chest, stomach, pausing to dip her tongue into the redhead’s bellybutton, making the woman chuckle and gasp at the same time. Snow moved further down until she reached her destination, and bit the skin above the woman’s panties lightly, before hooking her finger around the black waistband of the lacy underwear. She slowly pulled them down long toned legs, before tossing them over the bed. She quickly moved back to her previous position. The werewolf was already ready for her so she slowly slipped two fingers into the werewolf’s silken folds. The woman gasped and wrapped her legs around the girl’s shoulders. When the girl’s mouth made contact with her sex Cait couldn’t stop the moan that left her mouth. Snow began moving her fingers in and out, slow at first, building speed with each thrust. Cait moved her hips in sync with the girl’s thrusts. In and out, faster and faster. Cait could feel the orgasm building inside of her. She clenched her legs burying her hands into brown tresses as she panted. Snow pumped faster, and when she sucked the small nub between her teeth and bit down, Cait came undone.

  “Snow!” Her back lifted off the bed as she arched almost painfully, her toes curling.

  Snow kissed her way back up the woman’s body, and when their lips met, Cait moaned.

  “I love you, Cait.” The girl whispered when she pulled back and met the woman’s blue eyes.

  “And I, you. You are my eternity and I will never give you up without a fight.” Cait smiled, and pulled the girl down to her, pulling the blanket up to cover them.

  Snow snuggled into the warmth of the woman that wrapped around her. This was her true home. This is where she belonged, in the arms of her mate. When Cait’s soul called out to her in the spirit plane her own called back. Together they were strong. Two halves of one soul. Soulmate’s. Not even death could keep their souls from calling out to one another. Not even death could separate them.

  Chapter 7

  Snow woke to the soft murmurs of her lover speaking on the phone.

  “Yeah, we will be there. Snow still hasn’t woken up yet. Yes, Remus. Yes, we will be there. I know. Alright. Bye.” Cait closed her cellphone and released a long sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Snow mumbled, as she snuggled into the werewolf’s arms.

  Cait smiled and bent down to kiss the Celtic knot on the girl’s shoulder. It sent a shiver down Snow’s spine.

  “Nothing. Remus was just informing me that he was going to be running through some training exercises with his pack and your mother’s guard. He asked if we wanted to be present.”

  “He asked?”

  Cait chuckled. “Well, more like demanded.”

  “That sounds more like him.” Snow played with a strand of red hair.

  “I think we should go.”

  “Alright. I don’t mind.” Snow said, as she met the werewolf’s gaze.

  “Have you ever been in a fight?” Cait tilted her head in curiosity.

  The girl shook her head.

  The redhead grinned. “This will be fun then. I’ll warn you now. I won’t go easy on you.”

  Snow squared her shoulders as she sat up in bed. “I don’t expect you too.”

  Cait smirked and g
rabbed Snow’s arms, pulling her down for a quick kiss. “Don’t worry babe. I won’t leave a mark.”

  Snow giggled. “There are so many things wrong with that sentence, but I’m going to leave that one alone. Come on. Let’s get ready.”

  The girl hopped out of bed and started digging through her dresser drawers. Cait leaned on her arm watching her.

  The girl paused when she felt a heated gaze burning a trail down her back. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and glanced over her shoulder. Cait gave her a lazy smile, but her eyes were burning with something else all together.

  “Cait! We have to get ready.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Snow blushed when the woman’s gaze met her own after trailing over her body.

  “Cait.” She whispered.

  The werewolf raised her hand and patted the spot next to her on the bed.

  Snow felt her whole body flush when the werewolf’s tongue came out to wet her lips. Before she realized it, she was climbing back into the bed and straddling the redhead.

  “Remus is going to be mad.”

  Cait began trailing kisses up her neck. “It will do him some good to learn some patience.”

  Snow giggled. She had missed this. The feeling of complete adoration that she felt when Cait touched her, or even just looked at her. She missed the way the werewolf would focus all her attention on her. She had thought she lost this when she was trapped in the spirit plane. The girl’s heart gave a painful thump in her chest and she couldn’t help the choked sob that broke from her lips.

  Cait shushed her and kissed away her tears while pulling her even closer. “It’s okay babe. Everything is fine now.”

  “I was dead.” Snow hiccuped.

  “No honey, you were lost, but I found you, and I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

  “I love you Cait.” Snow whispered.

  “And I you. I’ll tell you it over and over again. Snow Bennett, you are my eternity. Now rest honey. I’ll wake you when it’s time to go.”

  “What about-”

  “Shhh, don’t worry about it babe. Just rest for a little bit. Everyone else can wait. I just want to hold you for a little bit.”

  “Mmmkay.” Snow nodded against the werewolf’s chest and hugged the older woman tightly. The werewolf was so warm that her heat burned away the chill that death had settled in her bones. She never wanted to let go.


  “Again!” Cait called out.

  Snow raised her arms and swung her sword in a low arch, following it up with a spin, before ending with a long jab.


  The girl could feel droplets of sweat running down her face as she reset her stance and executed the movement again. They had been at it for a good four hours, if the setting sun was any indication.

  They had showed up a lot later than they intended to, and by the time they reached Remus’s house, everyone was getting ready for dinner. The guard members that her mother had chosen to help with training the werewolves of the Lander Clan were packing up and getting ready to leave.

  Snow gave the long jab and held the stance. The redhead came over to her and adjusted the girl’s jabbing arm, so that it was positioned slightly higher. She nodded her head. “Again.”

  Snow reset her stance, but was interrupted by clapping. She turned to look behind her only to see a tall Asian man with feathers covering his arms and two black wings folded into his back.

  “You are quite the student, Snow Bennett. My guards could learn a thing or two from your disposition.”

  Snow would have blushed from the compliment, but instead, dropped to the ground, as her shaky legs gave out from exhaustion. Cait caught her, a look of shock on her face.

  Beck turned to Cait. “Alas, Captain, I think you have overlooked your students humanity. Perhaps, you should end your lesson for the day. I believe Mrs. Bennett has improved significantly in such a short amount of time, but should you continue an injury may occur.”

  Cait sighed and bent to whisper into the girl’s ear. “Sorry, Snow.”

  The brunette shook her head as she panted and wiped the sweat from her forehead and she let herself be lifted into the werewolf’s arms. Cait slipped the sword over her shoulder and stood.

  “Thank you, Beck, I can handle it from here.” Cait gave the tengu a curt nod.

  “I know I needn't remind my Captain, that humans need adequate rest after extraneous activity.”


  “Understood. Goodnight Snow Bennett, rest well. Don’t hold it against the Captain, she’s doing it for your own benefit.”

  Snow only nodded slightly as Cait walked past the tengu, carrying the girl towards the two story house. The brunette heard voices, but was drifting in and out of sleep as the werewolf carried her. The next thing she knew, she was being stripped and cold sheets settled against her flushed skin. She felt her sore exhausted body sink into a comfy bed. When the werewolf began to pull back, Snow’s hand shot out and gripped her shirt.

  “Stay.” She whispered sleepily.

  “Okay.” Cait took off her shoes and socks before climbing into the bed. Silence settled over them.

  “I’m sorry Snow. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”

  “Not your fault.” Snow mumbled.

  “Yes it is. You just recovered. I shouldn’t-”

  A slim finger rested against her lips. “I need to get stronger. I want to fight with everyone. Not your fault.” Snow started strong, but trailed off as the energy left her.

  “I’m just worried. I know I can protect you, but battles are unpredictable. I won’t be able to stay by you through the whole battle. Anything can happen. I just want you to now enough to keep you alive. Are you sure you want to do this Snow?”

  The brunette opened her eyes after listening and smiled at Cait. “You’re all fighting for me. The least I can do if fight beside all of you.”

  “But, you’ll have to kill people. It’s not a game Snow.”

  Snow frowned but nodded. “I know, but all of you will be spilling blood in my name. That doesn’t feel right to me. I want to fight with you Cait. I wouldn’t be able to relax knowing you’re on a battlefield fighting my fights. I want to fight beside you. Let me.”

  Cait nodded and kissed her forehead. “ I understand. Just be prepared for hard days like this one. I can’t go easy on you until I know you can handle yourself in a real fight.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Snow said, as she settled against the werewolf again.

  “Sleep well, my little warrior. Tomorrow, we rise with the sun and set with the moon.”


  “Snow, duck!” Cait called out. Snow’s body reacted before her mind even registered the command and she heard a blade wiz over her head. She spun and jabbed her wooden sword out, hitting Remus square in his chest. He grunted from the impact and stumbled back, falling down. Cait made quick work of the other two werewolves that had been attacking them, as Snow held her blade to Remus’s neck.

  “Remus Lander! You’re dead!” Snow called out victoriously before dropping to the ground, panting.

  It had been the alpha werewolf’s idea. A game of kill the king, or in their case, the queen. Each side had chosen five soldiers and one king. Remus was one king while Snow was the queen for her team.

  The alpha werewolf laughed good naturedly as he stood up and dusted himself off. He held his hand out for Snow to grab and she thankfully took it. The brunette looked at the backyard that had acted as their chessboard. Remus’s whole team had almost been single handedly knocked out by Cait. Snow was surprised. She hadn’t known just how good the woman was with a sword.

  “Cait, you’re a beast on the battlefield!” Remus chuckled.

  The redhead grinned as she leaned on her wooden sword. “Are you really surprised?”

  Remus shrugged. “I’ve only ever seen you fight in you wolf form. It makes me glad that I’m going to be on your team in the battle to come.”

p; “Hey, what about me? I took you out.”

  Remus laughed and pat Snow on the head. “You have improved well, Snow. I’m not surprised, given who your teacher is.”

  Cait helped Beck up from where he was sitting after being stabbed and considered dead. “Captain, I’ve been wondering for a while now, but it is to my understanding that Mrs. Bennett is a sorcerous, is she not? How are you planning on approaching teaching her to control her ice powers?”

  Cait paused. “Um, I honestly hadn’t thought about it. Why? Do you have any suggestions? I’m still new to my own powers.”

  Beck nodded. “I have a salamander in my guard. He is quite young but experienced enough on how to breath fire. I can have him come by tomorrow and give you both lessons on control. Would that suffice?”

  Cait nodded. “I would appreciate that Beck.”

  “It shall be done then. I will bring him tomorrow morning. I will warn you though, he is a very strict teacher.”

  The redhead smiled. “That’s fine.”

  Beck nodded. “Good. I will call him now.”

  The tengu walked away while pulling his cellphone out from somewhere in his feathers. Snow looked up to Cait.

  “You have powers as well? When did that happen?”

  Cait smiled and held up her hand. She snapped her fingers, feeling the flush of hot power burn through her before collecting in her fingertip as a tiny flame.

  “I can’t control it very well. This is the most I can make, unless I’m feeling angry or any other extreme emotion.”

  Shock registered in the brunette before she found her voice. “How-”

  “How do you think I got you out of the ice you were encased in?”

  “With fire?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  Snow nodded. “I’m all ears.”

  The redhead smiled and locked her arms with the girl. “How about I tell you over dinner?”

  Snow smiled. “Only, if I get to choose the place.”

  “Fair enough. Pick somewhere fancy, and we’ll get cleaned up, and make it a date.”

  “A date?”


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