Page 12
The Lunabees.
They rise back and light up the room, swimming in the air. They come so close I can touch them. And they don't swim away. They're here to help me.
And they're singing a song. One I know...
So won't you come around me
I miss the way
You reach up my head
And play with my hair
Baby, won't you come
And play with my hair
You know how I love it
When you touch me right there
Baby, I love it when you play with my hair
Stretaka flows away, like a pattern of smoke sliding off the damaged walls and broken floor as they reappear. To my shock, I can see the iPod playing, the screen shining beneath the ripped pages of Scooby Doo's Mystery. Redeeming me from this nightmare.
I don't know if it's the music or the Lunabees or my strength that helped me defeat Stretaka. All I know is that I want the boy I love to be safe. I can't let Blake be a part of this. I've got to protect him in every possible way.
The room fills with multicolored Lunabees until it all becomes bright. The water and the air transcend into each other's forms, letting me breath while the fish easily swim, watching over me like guardians. The darkness is no more.
He is gone.
Gasping, I fall on my back, the Oracle steaming orange and floating above me. My chest heaves and I can barely see the ceiling anymore. I hear the hissing sound of the opening walls and Rhiannon's face appears. But my voice is lost.
And I'm gone too.
"She's been acting differently," says Cinder.
"I expected that. The recent events have been sour pills," says Artemis, his gaze fixed on Myla, soundly asleep in the hospital bed of the Tower. Her Kronite still covers her body.
"It's not only her behavior. Her sleeping patterns have changed. The Hypnotic tones don't seem to work as they should on her nerves. Her perception of Capricorn's laws are imbalanced. All in just a few days."
"Have you forgotten that just a few days ago Myla's world changed with the second Shielding and a new threat. The enemy is finally here. Why wouldn't her sleeping patterns change, Cinder? Can you give me a reason why she should act normal? Why the calming Hypnotic tones should function the same way they did when there was no threat on her existence? She lives in a world with much more pressure than our average citizen."
Cinder sighs, slightly abashed and turns his gaze away from Artemis, focusing instead on Myla's breaths and then on the Nanotop in his hands. The screen illuminates his face in the dimly blue room.
"Perhaps you should recheck your data, Cinder. I've witnessed the entire life of our former Lebra. I know what to expect. There's nothing wrong with the girl on this bed. The only thing that's wrong in this room is you."
"Sorry?" Cinder looks up.
"Stop chasing a destiny that does not belong to you."
"I don't know what you mean, my Lord."
"You've always wanted to be Lebra. But it was Myla who was chosen. Your aura failed the test. I chose you to study her because I knew you were obsessed with everything she was. Everything you weren't."
Cinder grits his teeth.
"You've always wanted to be the one to defeat Stretaka. I'm sorry, you're not Pandor's hero. You're a boy with a Nanotop whose job is to watch over the real savior."
Cinder turns to Myla and Artemis gives him a moment to let the truth seep in. He places his hand on his shoulder. "It's not your destiny."
He's about to walk away when Cinder calls back, "Give her one more Amnesia Trial."
"I need to probe inside her mind. See why she's acting this way."
"Or the two of you could finally be honest with each other and have a conversation about it."
"I can't risk her lying to me. Something is wrong and I know it."
"They said the same thing when she had her first period. Bullshit," Rhiannon walks into the room. "How's she doing?"
"Still asleep. She's fine now," Artemis turns to Cinder. "I agree she needs another Trial. She needs to fight better. What you do with your data is between you and your toys."
"She isn't gonna like that," Rhiannon sits on her bed as Artemis leaves the room. He strokes her hair.
"And what in the world does Myla like?"
Rhiannon smiles, "Me."
"Because you're naive. Like her."
Rhiannon raises a hand, "Woah, stop right there. I know I'm naive. I'm very naive. But don't you ever call Myla naive. She's the one dealing with the real truth here. Artemis is right. She's everything that you're not. Don't force it."
"That's not true!" Cinder blares, fuming in Rhiannon's face. "I'm a hero. I know I am!"
"Woah, easy there."
Cinder's face bulges with popping veins. His breaths become ragged.
"Don't take it personal," says Rhiannon, "No one has any idea how to fight this enemy."
Cinder pulls back, sliding his teeth at him. "Don't be too sure about that."
He spins around and heels out.
Rhiannon smirks.
So much for underdogs!
When I wake up Rhiannon has his head in his hands. He hears me stir and takes a glance, smiling.
"There you are."
I feel warmed up to see him again. I'd rather be in a comma than wake up to Cinder or Artemis.
"What happened? Why am I in the hospital?"
"The Oracle was rough on you today. Did you see anything you remember?"
I nod my head, "Not a thing."
I sit up and notice the Kronite seeping off my shoulders and back into my belt. "I don't know what happened but it doesn't look pretty."
"You were scared," says Rhiannon. "What could have scared you?"
"Well... I know I don't easily succumb to fear unless I'm having a nightmare. I don't know what else I could have been afraid of."
Deep inside my heart I know the only thing that makes my heart skip a beat is Blake's safety. He may be light-years a way but distance is nothing to Stretaka.
"You're having your next Amnesia Trial tomorrow."
"So soon?"
"Cinder wants to pick your brain and see what's wrong. I overheard him and Artemis talking about it."
"You've been acting differently. And I can't deny it. Perhaps, if there's anything you'd like me to know... I could be of some help."
I know he means well. And he's the person I trust the most after my dad. But how can I possibly tell him how badly I've fallen in love with a boy from Earth? How can I tell him what I can do with my dreams? Above all, I need to protect this love. Even from the people I love the most and hate to lie to.
Sometimes I wish there was someone I could talk to and share my crazy experiences with. Someone like Xena. Not my spore, the real Xena. Just another girlfriend to talk girl stuff to.
"Everything is okay," I lie, "Except that I could be turned into Stretaka anytime soon if I don't have the skills to fight him."
"You know what?" Rhiannon crosses his arms. "I think you can take him."
I chuckle. "You're naive."
"Wow, Cinder told me the same thing earlier," he leans in, "It's not impossible."
"We don't even know how to fight Stretaka. Or what his weak side is. Where do you begin to attack a cloud of consciousness?"
Rhiannon takes my hand, sitting beside me. "We're Shielded. Don't you forget that. There's no way he can get in. No way at all. You probably won't even have to live to fight him at all. We could leave that mess to the next Lebra. Or the one after him."
"Or her," I add.
"Yeah. Female Lebras are more interesting to be around." He pats my head and messes my hair up. I'm smiling under his affection.
"Thanks, Rhiannon. I gotta go now."
I slide off the bed.
"Want me to escort you home?"
"No thanks. I got this," I saunter out the hospital and round the corner, quickly ma
king my way to the Vine. I take a deep breath and sink my hand in my pocket.
It's still there.
That was close!
As soon as I get in the elevator I think about my next destination: the Hub. It's technically the biggest database in the Universe. During a time when Pandor was obsessed about monitoring other planets for security purposes, they built the Hub to store as much information about every individual in over ten planets. How do they do this? They hack into networks in different planets and bring home the data.
I pull the card out of my pocket for another look. It's crazy to bring Blake's Driver's License in the Tower but it's something I am willing to risk. Thank goodness my Kronite didn't seep out after my Oracle session.
I can't imagine what would happen if the doctors caught it. My entire life (and love life) would be screwed.
The elevator stops and my door slides down. An extensive computer lab materializes in front of me. A few personnel are hunched over their floating Nanotops. Others standing next to the much larger and high tech, Macrotops, hanging from the ceiling or propped against the walls.
I stroll in. Completely out of uniform. There are two ways I can do this.
One: be nice to a man on a Nanotop and ask him for access to the Hub's files. The downside to that is they will know that I came looking for information of a boy who lives on Earth and Cinder and the Elders will be all over me.
Bad idea.
Two: I can befriend someone in the maintenance crew who has direct access into the physical Hub where I can manually get the information I need. No drawbacks. Except, I need a stupid chum who can keep a secret.
Time to charm up!
I curve around the flying tablet-computers, noticing how everyone is Cinder-focused—yes, he has become the standard unit of focus for my interpretation. These guys really love their toys. I head to the back of the room and out the door, into a long corridor.
Workers in yellow body suits cruise along and I follow one back to the changing room, ignoring the sidelong glances everyone else keeps giving me.
The changing room is a cubicle with built in closets and two shower rooms. The worker in front of me takes off her helmet and her jet-black hair falls on her shoulders.
I speak up. "Hi! I need some help."
She turns around and my heart stops cold.
"I never thought I'd see you so soon," she grins.
I am breathless as I stare at her. When I do find my voice, her name leaps from lips.
"I thought you would have forgotten my name by now."
We crash into a hug. Swinging side to side and holding each other tight. I can barely believe it's her.
"You've got to be kidding me," I say.
She pulls out, "Then take another look!"
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm on an internship for data management bla bla bla, boring stuff. Cool thing is, I get to work at the Major Tower every day. And I finally get to see you!"
"That's awesome!"
"And what are you doing sneaking around here?"
"I need to get inside the Hub—physically. But I don't have a costume."
"Oh," Xena spins for the closet behind her and pulls out an identical body suit along with its helmet. "You do now!"
In ten minutes I'm all dressed up and we're on our way to the Hub's door. A round wall of steel, guarded by clone soldiers. I cringe under my helmet at the sight of them.
"Stay behind me," says Xena, taking the lead. She flips the shield on her helmet and two green lasers zap out for an eye scan. It takes a bit longer than I expect but the lasers retreat and the Hub door peels apart.
The Hub is a stem with silver glowing walls. Full of tiny cells in random sizes. Each carry trillions of bits of information.
Xena flips her helmet back on and waves at me to follow her lead.
Interns. You are about to enter the physical Hub, presumably the largest database ever created. Your conditions are set at the default zero gravity, zero degrees and...
The voice overhead rambles on about the specifics and I return a worried look at Xena.
"Is this safe for a first timer?"
"Relax," she says, "Zero-G is fun—actually it's microgravity. Now on three."
She holds one red bar that stands inside the open door and I grab the one on the other side.
"Two... Three!"
She pushes herself off the bar and flies into the Hub. I watch and learn and launch myself after her, flying up.
"You didn't count one."
"Who made that a rule?" Xena grins. Even through the visor on her helmet I can see her grand look of mischief. "Come on now. Who's this person you're looking for?"
I float up effortlessly behind Xena, marveling at the glossy data cells, reflecting light off each other. "Someone from Earth."
The environment feels as ethereal as it looks. There are no shadows. It's like floating in a silvery grey version of space
"And why are we looking for his data?"
The fact that we're communicating via mics and earpieces inside our helmets raises a red flag for me. What if we're being monitored?
"Hey, Xena?"
"Is someone else listening in?"
"No. But the conversation will be saved in a secret box inside the suit."
I wave my hands, trying to get up faster before realizing it's to no avail. No air here.
"Is there a way we can delete it?"
This time Xena looks down at me. Our eyes connect.
"What's going on, Myla?"
"I can't tell anyone about this."
Xena has now stopped with hands on the silvery wall, extending to infinity above and below. I float up and stop beside her.
"There's an incinerator. I can say I mistook it for the laundry chute."
I breathe out.
Xena clutches my arm. "What's happening? You can't keep secrets, you know?"
"I know. I'm Lebra."
"I mean from me," she grins. "I want to know."
My instincts say I can trust her. Maybe I should go for it. After all, she's helping me out big time. I just hope this isn't a mistake.
"Okay. But it's a crazy story."
"I love crazy stories."
Right there I break my most holy commandment. I tell her about my dreams. About Blake and his iPod. The music. The videos. The stories and the Driver's License. She swallows every bit of it with raised brows and chuckles.
When I'm done she's shaking her head, about to laugh and cry all at once.
"And now I have Stretaka to worry about, more intense trainings and—"
"You're in love."
I grit my teeth and say yes like a helpless little girl.
"Please don't tell anyone."
"Relax, I won't. So this Blake... he's okay?"
"He loves me."
Xena nods her head as if questioning the truth about that. "From what I know about your life, this is definitely your first love."
"Myla... who knows what this guy does when he's not asleep. He's on another planet. Far away. This is more than just a long distance relationship. This is a very, very, very, long distance relationship."
"At least we see each other every night. Some people with loved ones in Arius don't get to see them for blue moons."
Xena sighs. "Sorry. It wasn't fair. The Elders made us move after you were chosen. They said it was best we separated. Anyway, this is a weird place to have this conversation. I'm just trying to look out for you. Love hurts. I know. It's hurt me. Like over and over again."
"Blake is great."
Xena gives me a hard look before her lips part, "Yup. You're in love. Let's get his data so we can ditch this place. I apparently don't like long exposures to Zero-G. Makes me sick."
I pull out the card and hand it to her. She swipes it around in front of the glossy cells, murmuring my boyfriend's name. They begin to
shrink and then expand, curving in and out.
"Searching," says Xena.
Soon, the cells begin to shine around a spot and one particular cell is born out of the gloss, squeezing itself in between the others. It's bigger than the ones around it and could easily fit in my palm.
"Take it."
I peal it out and hold it between my thumb and my finger. It's as small as a chip, thin as paper.
The Hub works organically. These data cells are organic. In fact, they are actually composed of millions of life-size cells. They store memories. When a new data cell is born it means some selected information is duplicated or the Hub needs more memory space, which hasn't happened yet.
"Thanks, Xena."
"Not a problem. It's great to see you again." She gives me another hug. "You'll need a Data-cell reading pathware to retrieve the data. Have a spore?"
My lips curve, "I think I do."
The bin is full of paper balls. Rolled up and tossed in after every failed attempt to draw the face in the photo propped on the desk. Homework got boring before Blake resorted to recreating Myla's face on paper with a deep HB pencil.
It didn't go well so games are what now comfort him from the thoughts that haunt. The questions that tirelessly probe back at him every time he let's go of focus and settles in the present. Like dust, settling through the air. It can be magic. Or it can be haunted.
Leaning back in his chair with feet propped on the desk, he grits his teeth as his fingers dance on the screen.
"Come on, come on!" he mutters at the little jet, dashing through the clouds on his iPhone. He tilts the phone to peel right, avoiding shots from some kid in Hong Kong while punctuating the wind with bullets. The target is an Algerian kid named Blackhorse189 and he's been after him for days. He swerves again and his shots echo away into oblivion.
Man, this boy is good!
Blake flies the jet, bringing down a couple of players before his two arch enemies gang up behind him and send him crashing into the waters.
He sets the iPhone down. The dust has settled but the thoughts don't come back. Blake's eyes fall on Myla's photo, printed and smiling back at him. His phone rings.