Book Read Free


Page 11

by Douglas R.

  The bell rings and Blake heads to the washroom. When he comes back out Matty and Sherri are waiting on him, still laughing. He can't help but smile.

  "Avery's class finally got a bit more interesting today," says Sherri, sizing the difference with her finger and thumb.

  "You must be bored to have read the Hunger Games five times over," says Blake, leading them to the cafeteria.

  "The entire series," says Sherri. "Why'd you sleep in class?"

  "He was DJing at Neon last night," says Matty.

  "Plus, I lost my copy of Hunger Games."

  "Download the audiobook," says Sherri. "Or listen to mine. I got it on a discount."

  "Audiobooks are lame," says Matty, pushing the doors to the cafeteria open. "Ain't that right, Buddha!"

  "You better stop calling me that," Blake scoops a plate from the counter as they line up in the queue.

  "Then you better stop astral projecting yourself to Mars to see Myla."

  "For the last time it's not Mars. It's different there."

  "How different? Heavenly?"

  "See for yourself," Blake reaches in his pocket and pulls out Matty's camera.

  "No shit!" Matty scoops it up and taps it on.

  "Hey! Vegetables?"

  "Oh, pardon," he places the camera in his breast pocket and holds out his plate for his greens and packet of milk.

  They get to their table where he can bring out the camera again. Sherri peers over her brother's shoulder as the screen comes on, displaying their lunch. He quickly taps into the previous photos file and his jaw drops.


  "What!" Blake raises his hand, chewing like it's no big deal, his fork entangled in his noodles.

  "She's hot." Matty turns the camera over for Blake. It's Myla's selfie. Taken from her bedroom. Her hair, an auburn fire cascading down her shoulders and her lips, a broad smile. An ocean of glowing fish highlights the background, like a hundred gorgeous lights blurring in the water, the sensors too slow to transform their quick movements into a still picture.

  "This is the kind of hair I call flames!"

  "Hey!" Sherri jabs Matty in the side. "I do better than that! And hers aren't even red!"

  "Don't think so redhead," Matty turns back to Blake. "You make out with this every night?"

  "What's wrong?"

  "Never thought... This is happening... like for real, dude? You two are officially an intergalactic couple?"

  "I don't know. I think I like her. Then I think I'm playing along. It's complicated."

  "Oh, I see..." Matty nods his head, but in a way that makes Sherri think he's being a jerk. "Anyway, gotta hang with Charlie. See ya after school."

  He rises up with his plate and leaves.

  Sherri turns to Blake, "I guess that leaves you and me—oh, you're almost done with your noodles."

  Blake sucks the last bits, "I've got Sammi to feed. Ciao!" Blake rises too and Sherri quickly follows.

  "Wait up. I'm coming with you."


  They get outside behind the school. The asphalt shimmers under a layer of water and fog. Blake swings his backpack in front as they come down the steps and pulls out a bowl and a can of dog food.

  When they're done preparing it and have it set on the ground, Blake makes a long whistle. In Sammi's language, lunch is served. Out of the bushes a border collie comes running out and launches itself at Blake. Sherri laughs, petting Sammi's back as he gets down for lunch.

  "Still do this every day?"

  "Yeah," says Blake. "He practically follows me everywhere and since mom's still away I gotta take care of him here."

  "That's pretty sweet."


  Sherri strokes her own arm, leaning on one leg and contemplating if she should ask... her instincts tell her she better. I only want the best for you.

  "So you're playing along?"

  "With what?"

  "You know who I'm talking about."

  "Oh... that."

  "I have to admit, she's gorgeous but..."Blake beams down to stroke Sammi's hair.

  "I hope you're not avoiding my juice-the-truth stare."

  "Oh no. It's just your flames. They're too bright."

  Sherri laughs and playfully pats her hair. She crouches beside Blake. "Seriously, are you really into this girl?"

  "Sherri, it's crazy. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing. Like... I just gave her one of my old Scooby Doo books."

  "Are you into her?"

  "I still don't know. She's great but... I just wish she was someone from..."

  "Planet Earth? I've seen the photos. At a glance. It's really something else. It's Pandor, right?"

  "Yeah. I think it's the photos that have bummed me all day."

  "And the dreams? Exchanging stuff? Kissing her?"

  Blake sighs. Sammi is almost done with his lunch. He gets up and Sherri follows his lead, placing her hands on both his shoulders. "Look at me and think about this: If the dreams suddenly stopped and Myla was gone, would you miss her?"

  She lets her arms drop and backs away. "Think about it."

  She heads back inside and Sammi runs out when the bell rings. Blake watches him leave. His eyes try to visualize Myla in his place, running away from him. Perhaps for good. And she disappears into the fog. But he still knows she's there. She's very much there. And she's not going anywhere.

  If things happen for a reason then... why Myla?


  The particles dance in the light. They follow the rhythm of the song playing in my head. Be My Soldier, by Kelly.

  I up my chin so the medicinal light catches my throat. My skin tingles. I relax in my starfish pose and make sure I don't accidentally shoot orbs out of my hands. Each morning I wake up more powerful but the Elders are worried.

  Today I'm heading back to the Major Tower. And it's going to be a bad day.

  Rhiannon wishes to Teleport.

  "Permit," I rush to my room and get dressed. When I step into my living room Rhiannon is waiting, dressed in a black tracksuit. Black means he's upset. I haven't been a good girl.

  "Why did you do that?"

  I walk around him into the kitchen like it's not a big deal. "I... was getting some fresh air."

  "We did you a favor. Is this how you appreciate us?"

  "Rhiannon, I'm sorry." I pick up my Metro from the cupboard and he comes quick to snatch it from my hands.

  "Listen. Thea and I risked our reputations to give your watchers a distraction to earn you a visit from your dad. You don't want to end up living with Artemis, do you?"

  "I don't want to be caged in here either. Give me my Metro back. I've got a bad day and I need my strength."

  "And your brains." Rhiannon tosses the Metro cube back at me and heads in the living room. He's clearly upset. And breakfast doesn't taste all that good anymore. I guess it's how the Oracle days go.

  In an hour I'm standing outside the Hexagon Chamber. Artemis has his arms crossed behind his back, glaring at me in brief glances. Rhiannon is beside Cinder who is constantly studying the data on his Nanotop. Thea and Phoebe are also here and the extras in the background are white scientists whose job I really do not know. They're just here to prop up the equipment.

  The path ahead of me is illuminated in a blue light.

  "Proceed," says Cinder, focused as usual on the toy in his hands. Not the slightest sympathy for what I have to go through again and again. I don't expect any from Thea either, she didn't look too happy when I walked out of the Vine with Rhiannon.

  I take a deep breath and walk over the blue. The green lasers zap out and scan my eyes. Confirming my identity, the walls open up, revealing the large metallic cage and the Oracle inside. Glowing with a bright orange.

  When I'm in, the Hexagon walls close behind me in a thud that makes me gasp.

  It's just me and the Oracle. I close my eyes and rest my palm on the side of the floating sphere like I've done so many times and screamed each time after. My teeth grit and al
l I can think about is Blake and the kiss and the story book I left under my pillow beside the iPod.

  My palm is glued to the Oracle and it starts. I wait for it to hurt.


  But it doesn't.

  I think I was simply anticipating it. The data begins to flow into my subconscious but in a different manner. The millions of images thundering into my mind coalesce into one bright light.

  And I'm back home. On my bed this morning. I've just woken up and I'm excited about the story book in my hands. I've learned to wake up early so I can enjoy what Blake gives me early on.

  I flip to the first page and begin to read the new mystery. This one is about a man who changes into a werewolf every full moon. The neighborhood is terrorized with fear and the people move until the street is deserted.

  Velma is smart to pick up clues, Daphne is easily scared when she sees a large shadow of a mouse and quickly jumps into Fred's arms. Scooby Doo is supposed to sniff the monster out but instead, leads the gang to a burger kitchen where he and Shaggy have a round.

  As the story goes a little paper falls into my lap. I'm shocked to see it has Blake's face on it under the words: Driver's License.

  What happens next flickers with images of war, ancient Pandor and hovercrafts, all crashing into my head. I try to bring back the light. The images speed into each other and it's all white again. This time I'm stuffing the Driver's License in the pocket of the pants I plan to wear today and I'm heading for my medicinal sunshine lesson. I remember what I plan to do with the Driver's License. But only in pieces. It's quite difficult to be conscious of my intentions in this state.

  My morning on replay ends with me washed in light, standing a few feet away from the screen. I recall the next scene in which Rhiannon arrives. But as I wait for the message to sound, the story takes a sudden twist.

  Stretaka wishes to Teleport.


  "What's happening?"

  In an instant Myla's adrenaline levels have skyrocketed on the Nanotop. Cinder tilts it away but Rhiannon's already seen the data.

  "Nothing I think is serious," says Cinder.

  "Is that normal?"

  "She's fine."

  "Answer me. Is that normal?"

  "No. It's not normal," Cinder ups his tone. "But tell me what is? She's transitioning quick. Her records are changing every day."

  "Stop the Oracle."

  "You can't order me to do that!"

  Artemis looms behind Rhiannon. "What is the matter?"

  Rhiannon snatches the Nanotop away from Cinder and shows it to the Elder. "Something is wrong with Myla. She's in trouble."

  "Anxiety levels? That's all that bothers you?" Artemis mocks.

  "She could be in danger!"

  "She's safe," Phoebe appears besides Artemis.

  "Perhaps Rhiannon has a point," says Thea. "Maybe we should check her out."

  "That's simple," Cinder points them to the infrared screen overhead. Myla's red silhouette holds her palm to a white glowing Oracle, enveloped by a blue background—nothing out of the ordinary. "No sign of danger there."

  "I don't trust you. I need to get in there," says Rhiannon.

  "No one's letting you in."

  Rhiannon pushes Cinder aside and steps onto the blue path. A group of scientists intervene. Artemis calls out but Rhiannon is adamantly pushing through the flock of lab coats trying to hold him back.

  The green lasers strike his eyes.


  He stops dead. Thea has her arms around him, pleading. "Don't... not a smart move. She still needs you."

  "Something is happening."

  "I know. But we can only wait for the Oracle to stop in its own time."

  "She's on adrenaline for too long, Thea."

  "Have faith. She'll be alright. Pull back now."

  His gaze hovers up to the red figure on the infrared display. The green laser beams still on his eyes, waiting for one more step to vaporize him.

  She still needs you.


  I repeat, Stretaka wishes to Teleport.

  The color disappears from my face. I am left staring back at the medicinal sunshine, emanating from the screen. Mouth wide and eyes searching for an answer.


  The moment I manage to say the word a dark patch appears on the screen where rays of light used to be.

  No way!

  Another patch forms in the center. They spread and connect to each other like drops of water. Frozen on my feet, I watch as the light is eaten up into a shadowy reflection of myself.

  Only this reflection is waving its hand when I don't. "Hi, Myla! Nice home!"

  I scream. Loud. And bolt out the room. His voice follows right behind me.

  "Why won't you let me in? I won't hurt."

  I rush to my bedroom in my underwear. The orb lights bob in the air and the Scooby Doo storybook is peeping out from under the pillow. For some unknown reason I rush to the bed and tuck it in safely, my heart galloping.

  He's here! He's here!

  A shadow looms across the room. It's not mine. I spin around and notice the ocean behind my glass wall is turning black.

  The darkness plumes into it like an oil spill and the glowing Lunabees sink down, flashing their last blips of light before fading into the black.

  "Get out!" I roar.

  I leap off my bed and head to my living room to witness the same scene. The waters are turning into darkness. The light is disappearing. The orb lights in the air flicker until there's nothing left.

  But the dark.

  The smothering dark.

  It flows like water and blows like wind.

  It's everywhere.

  "I won't let you in!"

  "Oh, Myla!" he replies, his voice circling around. "I don't need your permission to get in. I do as I desire."

  With ragged breaths I turn around, watching where he might come through. All I see is my lonely living room, slowly losing light until there's nothing to see.


  The orb lights crash to the floor and burst, startling me. Sparks leap onto the carpet and disappear.

  "There's no running now," he sneers. Still circling. "You're in my cage."

  "No!" I gasp in the dark.

  "And you are mine."


  Right there the glass walls burst inwards with a force I never anticipated.

  From instinct I orb up. He comes crashing around me in waves. The darkness flows over my orb like oil. I'm not letting him through. The furniture gets flicked off the floor like feathers.

  I'm holding my ground.

  "Smart move."

  "I've been trained! I'm ready to fight you."

  "Really?" The darkness collects ahead of me, stirring up. Turning from oil to smoke. "How about this!"

  He comes smashing toward me. The impact almost knocks me off balance as he crashes around my orb like a hurricane of rage. I stand strong. He diverges and recollects.

  "I'm stronger than you think!"

  The voice travels around again but I keep to my ground. "I know exactly how strong you are. We have the same elements. The same powers."

  I scream out, "We're nothing alike!"

  He shouts as he comes back, charging again. The force knocks me down to my knees. My arms shake as I fight to hold my only protection.

  "I will devour you! You can't escape me. There is no path where you don't end up in my hands. I am your future, Myla!"

  Another blow engulfs me and I can feel my orb is about to cave in. When he pulls back I get back on two. He flows across the floor, away from me like a stream.

  I turn on my heels, waiting for the next attack. He swings back again in a pillar of darkness. Too close and too fast.


  I look away, keeping my arms outstretched as the gigantic pillar crashes with my orb. I'm flying backwards, into nothing.

  "You're weak!"

  I'm not!

  My orb is gone and I'm s
pinning. I feel shards of glass around me, slashing against my arms.

  I've gotta orb, fast!

  He flanks me with a hurricane and I'm tossed the other way, out of control like an object in space. Mustering all my strength, I orb up and it's enough to give me some gravity and slow down. The blackness swirls back into place, into its circles.

  "Get out!"

  "Me?" he sneers. "The only person who is getting out is you!"

  I feel it coming and I focus my orb into two balls, hovering about my hands. A strike—a rocket of smoke—accelerates for me and I blast it away with a left hook. Our energies swallow each other.

  "I will destroy you!"

  He lunges again and I block with my right orb, then quickly orb around my left fist again, anticipating the next attack.

  "I will eat you up!"

  He comes and I fight back. My orb exploding into his black, pocketing his fires away.

  "I will consume you!"

  I thrust both arms up and stop another cloudy pillar hammering over my head, breaking it into ash. He rains around me. But his voice is omnipresent. Like I'm in his mind and this is his world.

  "Come here, Myla. Let me tear you apart!"

  "You won't!" I grit my teeth, thrusting my orb upwards one more time and we clash head on. He buries me under darkness and I'm almost on my knees again.

  Don't give in, Myla! Don't give in!

  "Your flesh and blood will be mine. You will become me!"

  "Over my dead body!"

  He pulls back and I have a breather. My momentum almost trips me forward.

  "You have no idea who I am. And what I'm capable of. So let me tell you..."

  "Tell this!" I do a full body orb and he comes hard from above. The blackness swallowing me completely. It's pitch-black and I'm sweating to save myself.

  "You're a monster. I'm a Lebra. I'll defeat you!" I gasp, beads of sweat floating off my face. "I'll beat the crap out of you!"

  "I. Am. Coming. There is no escape."

  "We're done here!" In all my might I thrust upwards into the dark. My orb bursts into the nothingness. I drift in the void, without protection. Without sense. Out of breath and without strength... a strobe of light punctures the darkness, as if coming from the ceiling. Two more appear overhead.


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