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The Curse Of Ivy

Page 5

by Josephine Aubrey

  “Hello Patricia. What can I do for you today?” he said in a warm friendly voice.

  “Mr. Cameron, what do you know about my Uncle Flannel Grayson’s illness? I have been told by Hannah and her nephew, Justin, that my uncle is dying.” She confided.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. Flannel Grayson is still a relatively young man.” The lawyer responded in surprise. “I just saw him a few weeks ago and he was fine. What seems to be the problem?” “I don’t know.” Patricia said. “When I got here yesterday, I was told that Flannel Grayson was too ill to see visitors, so I went to check on him when everyone else was in bed last night, and I found him comatose. “That doesn’t sound right’ Why isn’t he in the hospital?” Mr. Cameron advised.

  “I was just getting ready to call the ambulance, but I thought that I should call you first. I will make the call now. “Good. I will go by the hospital later today to check on him. I’ll also give Dr. Adams a call and explain the situation. He is Flannel Grayson’s doctor. “Thank you.” Patricia said gratefully, and she hung up the phone to dial 911.

  The dispatcher promised that she would send an ambulance out, and in exactly twenty minutes the ambulance was there pulled up in front of Grayson Manor. Patricia stood watching them remove the gurney from the back and wondered what the occupants of Grayson Manor were doing and how they would react. She had no sooner had the thought, than Justin appeared.

  “What is going on?” He said, appearing alarmed with eyes round with surprise.

  “I sent for the ambulance for Uncle Flannel. He needs to be in the hospital where they can take care of him.” Patricia said in her assertive voice. “But we have hired a nurse to look after the old man, and Dr. Philips checks on him on a regular basis. He is getting the best of care.” He finished. “Then, can you tell me what is wrong with him Justin? Why isn’t he getting better? Patricia asked. “He is old Patricia. People just get rundown when they get old.”

  “He is not so old. He is only in his fifties. That is still young. When you get as sick as Uncle Flannel, you take them to the hospital. We are not going to just let him lie there and die. I will not let that happen.”

  Justin stood over Patricia looking mystified for a few beats, and then said.

  “You know what? Maybe you are right. Maybe old uncle should be in the hospital. However, he is under a doctor’s care now. Moving him could kill him. I will not be responsible for moving him.” “You don’t have to Justin. I will take full responsibility. I just learned of his existence, and I have to do everything I can to help him. He is my father’s brother, and the only family I have on my father’s side of the family other than you and Elizabeth.” “Yes. Elizabeth and I are your cousins, and we are here for you. But hey. It’s your show. I am out of here.” Justin said dramatically as he threw his hands in the air in frustration, and he left through the front door just as the medical technicians arrived at the door.

  Patricia let them in. “Mr. Grayson is up on the third floor she said as she led them up the stairway. Flannel Grayson did not awaken as he was lifted gently onto the gurney and taken to the ambulance. Patricia followed the ambulance as close as she dared, and managed to be at the hospital when he was admitted.

  It soon became obvious that Flannel Grayson was well known in Louisville. A lot of the doctors seemed to know him as well as other hospital personnel. Patricia provided the hospital with as much information as she could. She just repeated what she had been told. She knew, however, that Dr. Adams, her uncles own doctor would be caring for him, and that gave her confidence that Flannel might get better.

  Later when she met with Dr. Adams, Patricia asked him if her uncle had a bad heart or any other chronic condition. Doctor Adams looked a bit perplexed.

  “No, there is nothing wrong with your uncle. As far as I knew, and I am his doctor, Flannel Grayson had nothing wrong with him. “In fact, I haven’t seen Flannel Grayson in a while. The last time I saw him, he came in for his yearly check up and everything checked out fine. He couldn’t have been healthier.” “Well, that is odd because he is almost comatose now, and I am really worried. The situation I found him in at Grayson Manor was strange.”

  She then filled the doctor in on the events surrounding her arrival at Grayson Manor, and the explanations as to why she could not see her Uncle Flannel, including the fact that, according to Justin Grayson, and the maid, Elsa; a Doctor Phillips was seeing Flannel Grayson.

  “Well, lets do some blood work and see what is going on. Are you going to stay around?” “Yes, of course.” Patricia said simply. “I am staying as long as my uncle needs me. I am anxious to see him get better. “Good.” Said the doctor. “I will let you know just as soon as the tests come back from the lab.” “Thank you.” Patricia said sincerely, and the doctor disappeared down the hallway.

  Patricia sat in the waiting room until after lunch when, after asking one of the nurses at the desk how her uncle was, she was informed that he was now awake, and that she could go in to see him.

  When she entered the room, her uncle lay quietly with his eyes closed looking white and weak as he had when she had seen him in his room at Grayson Manor the night before. The only difference was there was now some color in his face, and when she approached the bed and spoke his name his eyes opened. Looking confused, he said,

  “Carol?” “No Uncle Flannel.” the girl said gently. “I am Patricia, Carol’s daughter. Your niece, remember?”

  He lay starring at her for a moment and then realization flooded his eyes and he smiled weakly. “Hi niece.” He said through a weak smile. “Sorry, but I didn’t know I was going to get sick when I asked Cameron to contact you for me.” Patricia smiled back and took his hand. “I am here to help you to get well, and you are going to get well.” She insisted.

  Flannel Grayson, still smiling, closed his eyes. As she sat waiting for Doctor Adams report, she did not disturb her uncle. Once he opened his eyes. She could see the welcome and relief there making her feel warm and connected in a way only possible with family.

  Doctor Adams returned late in the afternoon and motioned for her to follow him into the hallway. “Mr. Grayson’s insulin level is extremely high. It is a miracle that he has not gone into convulsions.” “You mean that he may have diabetes?” Patricia asks.

  “No, Your uncle has never had issues with his insulin level before. I just tested him a few months ago when he came in for his yearly checkup. As I told you earlier today, Flannel Grayson is a healthy man. So, you can understand why I have to look at his condition with suspicion. We will continue monitoring his insulin levels. His insulin level has come down some since this morning. If they continue to stabilize, and he regains his health, we definitely have a problem here. Especially considering what you have told me about the circumstances surrounding his illness at Grayson Manor.”

  “I have always been the Grayson’s family doctor, and my father was their physician before me. To be honest, I do not know of a Doctor Phillips in Louisville. I would certainly be interested in meeting him.” The doctor finished. “Thank you for taking such good care of him.” Patricia said. “I feel much better now knowing that my uncle is in your care. I was worried that I might lose him.” “ We are not going to lose him. He will be fine.” He reassured her. “Thanks again.” Patricia said as Doctor Adams reached over and patted her on the shoulder, and then the doctor disappeared again down the hospital corridor.

  Patricia liked Doctor Adams who was a kindly faced middle-aged man who genuinely seemed to care about the fate of Flannel Grayson, and she was very grateful for an ally.

  The young girl settled in to watch over her uncle for the night, still reluctant to leave him even though she was confident that Doctor Adams would take good care of him. She was dismayed to learn that the levels of insulin in Flannel Grayson’s blood were at a dangerous level when he was first admitted to the hospital. It was a very serious position to be in, because her uncle could have died.

  As she sat watching him sleep, she recalle
d last night when she had found him comatose in his room and later the appearance of the woman (Milly Finney?) who had obviously given her uncle an injection. Was it insulin? It had to have been an injection, because her uncle was unconscious, so he could not have taken a pill.

  Patricia thought that this was reminiscent of the hair dryer hidden under the towel she had reached for after her shower that was rigged to fall into the water she was standing in. There seemed to be a pattern here. First, there was the attack on her last week, and then this apparent attack on her Uncle Flannel. Or was it the other way around? According to Hannah and Justin, Flannel Grayson had been ill for several weeks. Maybe whoever wanted her uncle dead wanted her out of the way as well.

  Flannel rested comfortably all night even sleeping through the nurse's rounds. Patricia, despite her efforts to stay awake, took short naps, waking up only when the nurse came into the room.

  Chapter Eleven

  Clare was nervous when she entered the old man’s room tonight. Something didn’t feel right. She couldn’t discern what, but something was surely off. In the room, as she administered the insulin to Flannel Grayson, she felt a presence. She knew that she was being silly, but she still felt unease.

  Clare was nervous. There was the long lost niece come to visit her Uncle Flannel Grayson, thinking she would inherit his money. Well, she was too late. Justin had that all tied up in a neat bow. Too bad Justin’s little trick with the blow dryer didn’t work. According to Justin, his cousin was here for a long visit at Flannel Grayson’s request. Clare found that hard to believe. The old man had been in a medical induced coma for almost two weeks and no one the wiser. Because he could not function, she could not understand how he could have extended the invitation.

  Clare was on her way to check on Flannel Grayson the next morning when the ambulance arrived. In a panic, she hurried to the room she used for an office, collected her things and left as unobtrusively as possible.

  Justin Grayson was going to have some explaining to do. This was not good. If they took Flannel Grayson to the hospital, the doctor’s would soon figure out that the old man’s insulin levels were elevated and give him an antidote. When they found out that Flannel Grayson had been given massive doses of insulin, there would surely be a criminal investigation. Clare was not going to stick around to see what would happen next.

  As she drove away from Grayson Manor, Clare mentally made plans to disappear. If they looked for her for questioning, they would not find her. Let Justin answer their questions. She was not going to be caught in his scheme to murder his Uncle Flannel Grayson so he could inherit the Grayson family fortune sooner rather than later. Clare really liked Justin, and as soon as this thing cooled down, they could take up where they left off. For now she would have to take precautions. She would call him when she got home. Maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning Flannel was much improved actually sitting up for breakfast. Patricia returned to Grayson Manor, where she found the front door was unlocked, so she let herself in. Seeing no one around she took the stairs to her room. There was Snuffles to greet her, so she took him out for a run.

  It occurred to Patricia, that, under the circumstances, she should have the letter from Flannel Grayson’s lawyer with her at all times as proof of kinship. When she looked in her luggage where she had left it, the letter was not there. She looked through all of her things thinking that maybe she was mistaken and had put the letter some place else. The letter was nowhere to be found. So, someone had come into her room and took that letter. Patricia was a little shocked and starting to get angry. Who was snooping through her things? Well, she intended to find out.

  She had shown the letter to Hannah, so she was the only one who knew that she had it. What was with these people? Maybe this had something to do with the old lady and her attitude towards her uncle's so-called illness. Doctor Adams had hinted that there might be foul play involved in Flannel’s insulin levels being high. Could someone at Grayson Manor have tried to harm him? But, the woman who had administered to her uncle last night was a nurse. Everything was all mixed up, and it had all started with the break-in at her house in Greenfield. Then there was the letter from her uncle. She shuttered to think what might have happened if she had not gotten the letter and made the trip to Grayson Manor to meet her uncle.

  Giving the letter up as lost, Patricia decided to call Grant Cameron, Flannel Grayson’s lawyer, to see if he could help her. She called him on her cell phone and was told by his secretary to stop by in an hour. She had just enough time to shower and get some breakfast.

  Within the hour, Patricia was on her way to Cameron & Cameron. When she explained to the receptionist who she was, the receptionist showed her right in to see the lawyer. “Hello Ms. Grayson. What can I do for you?” he greeted. Patricia told him of the missing letter and of her suspicions and fears. “I really need some documentation to show that I am Flannel Grayson’s niece now that I have lost the letter.

  “Ms. Grayson, that won’t be necessary. I am your documentation. I have been aware of your existence for almost two years now. No one will hassle you, and I must say that, Flannel Grayson is lucky to have you. It sounds like you may have saved his life.” he ended emphatically.

  “As a matter of fact, I need to meet with you and your uncle just as soon as he gets well.” I am relieved. Thank you Mr. Cameron.” She said as she stood to shake his hand. Doctor Adams assured me that Uncle Flannel is going to recover. He seems so much better already.” “I am glad to hear that, Ms. Grayson. Any time you have any questions please call me. If there is something criminal in what you have just told me, it will be discovered in an investigation as a result of Doctor Adams report.”

  “You may as well know some of the Grayson background Ms. Grayson. You need to know what you what you are getting as you become part of the family at Grayson Manor. Justin has always been mixed up in trouble of one kind or another ever since he was in school. It would not surprise me at all, if he were mixed up in this fiasco.

  Hannah Ivy is not technically related to the Grayson’s except that her sister Phoebe married Jack Grayson, and they had those two children, Justin and Elizabeth. She is their aunt and has always lived at Grayson Manor ever since Phoebe married Jack Grayson. She has become a fixture around the manor. From what I understand, she has been a big help to Phoebe and Jack raising Justin and Elizabeth.

  She never married, but there was a time when she was still young that she met a young man at one of the Grayson’s famous parties. She eventually became engaged to him. From what I understand, he thought he was marrying into the Grayson family. The engagement lasted about five minutes when he found out that she would not inherit any part of the Grayson fortune. She never dated after that as far as I know, and she has spent he entire life devoted to those two children.” he finished.

  “So Hannah Ivy is not kin to my Uncle Flannel Grayson?” Patricia asked. “No, not technically. Her only connection to the Grayson family is through her sister. The Grayson family has always accepted her into their lives though, and she has been a big help to Flannel Grayson.

  “How interesting. But, that would mean that both Justin and Elizabeth have just as right to inherit from Uncle Flannel as I do.” “Technically that would be true if Mr. Grayson wished to include them. He has, however left them both what most people would consider a lot of money, but the bulk of his estate goes to you Patricia.

  And there in may lay the problem, she thought There were three heirs and only one inherits the Grayson estate. Maybe that isolated intrusion at her house in Greenfield was not so mysterious after all.

  “I am going to the hospital to see about my uncle later today. He looked much better this morning. I am hoping that he can come home soon.” “Yes, I am sure he will. Tell my old friend, I said hello.” The lawyer said. “I will, and thank you Mr. Cameron.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Patricia returned to the hospital to chec
k on her Uncle Flannel Grayson, who was much improved. He was even cheerful for someone who had been slipping in and out of consciousness the day before. After spending the evening with him. Patricia tired and in need of a good nights rest, returned to Grayson Manor.

  After a shower and something to eat, she found a comfortable seat on the small balcony outside her room overlooking the rose garden. She settled in to relax and reflect on all of the recent events. With the sun getting ready to set, the garden was in half-shadow. The evening was cool and quiet except for the muted sound of birds preparing to nest for the night, and the trickling sound of water from a distant fountain. After a few moments, the peace and quiet was interrupted by the sound of two women in conversation below. Patricia could not hear all of what was said, but gathered from what she could understand that someone (who sounded like Elizabeth) was arguing with an older woman, who stood her ground (who decidedly sounded like Hannah). As the voices faded, Patricia felt a comforting sense of normal in the sound of the two women talking.

  What would be more interesting would be to see inside the relationship of Hannah and Justin. Hannah seemed so upright and proper, and then there was Justin who had the look of trouble about him, and seemed ready to talk you into anything that would benefit Justin.


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