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The Curse Of Ivy

Page 6

by Josephine Aubrey

  The next day when Patricia went to see her Uncle Flannel, he was so much improved that Doctor Adams projected that he would be ready to go home the very next day. Patricia was happy for her uncle and relieved that he had recovered so quickly.

  Before leaving the room, Doctor Adams took Patricia aside to explain Flannel Grayson’s medical condition.

  Your uncle is by all accounts, back to normal, which is a healthy fifty eight year old man in relatively good health. But, he will need to take it easy for a few days. His body needs to build back up after over two weeks of lying flat on his back. I expect Flannel Grayson to recover quickly under your care. He is fortunate to have you here to look after him. If you can be here to check him out, he will be ready to go home tomorrow afternoon.

  “That is wonderful Doctor Adams. I can’t wait to tell Uncle Flannel. He will be thrilled. I am so grateful that he is making a full recovery. Thank you.”

  “Yes, you are both very fortunate. However, because his insulin level was so high and he is not a diabetic, I have reported this incident to the authorities. I am sure that you will be hearing from them.”

  “Thank you Doctor.” she said wondering what would happen when the police got involved, and how it would affect her. It was alarming to think that someone would consider murder as an acceptable way to solve a problem. She welcomed the knowledge that soon the authorities would investigate the matter.

  Turning back to her uncle, she wondered how he would feel about the situation. It made her angry to think that he might be in danger, and she vowed to protect him, and to help to find the person who did this.

  The next day Patricia brought her Uncle Flannel home in an ambulance. Navigating the stairs was made simple with the help of the emergency technicians, and soon her uncle was tucked up snug in his bed with a cup of tea and a special tray on it’s way, for him, from the cook. Flannel breathed a sigh of pure happiness and smiled at Patricia.

  “Now this is great. I am home and getting well, with the help of my long lost niece.” “Enjoy your dinner,” she said, and smiling at him as she left, went in search of her own dinner.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Flannel Grayson still did not feel one hundred per cent, but he found Patricia’s positive energy and attitude refreshing. She was a lot like her mother. She had inherited Carol’s intelligence and beauty. For the next few days, she fussed over him making sure he was comfortable, insisting that he should take it easy until he got his strength back. Most of the time, he sat by the fire in the library and read until he tired, and then he napped. He was getting stronger everyday.

  Today was an unusually brisk day in May, and the small fire burning in the fireplace was comforting. The mood between Flannel and his niece, from the first time they met was the sense that they needed each other, and with that came acceptance, love, and support which they were both grateful for as family.

  Flannel, waking up from a nap, glanced over at Patricia who was reading in front of the fire and wondered what she knew about his estrangement from her father, his own brother David. He decided not to talk about it, unless she brought it up.

  “ What are you reading?” He asked to get her attention as he sat up straight in his chair. “I am reading about the origins of Louisville and the connection to the historical Lewis and Clark expedition.” She declared as she held the book up so he could see the title. “I have read that book, but it was a long time ago.” He said smiling and continued before she could reply.

  “Have you given any thought to making Grayson Manor your home permanently? I’ve left the house and grounds to you in my will, so I think you should stay to get better acquainted with me and Grayson Manor.”

  Uncle Flannel, I am so grateful to have family. I have been alone since my mother died. And the thought of you arranging for me to own Grayson Manor someday seems surreal. “I love being here. Grayson Manor is beautiful. The chance to be part of a family again is priceless, but lets leave it as it is for now. I will probably choose to live here, just not yet.” “Well, I hope you do choose to live here, but that can wait. Take all the time you need.”

  “You are right about the history.” Flannel Grayson continued. This house has stood for over one hundred and sixty years. A lot of the Grayson’s have passed through here, and your roots are here, yours and mine. Don’t you hear your ancestors calling you?” He finished, and laughed.

  “You laugh.” She said being serious. ‘I really do feel a kinship to this house. I believed that I was alone, and now I have an uncle and two cousins I never knew that I had.” She added and then with tears close to the surface, she laughed, and wiped at her eyes to break the tension she felt.

  “I have an idea.“ Flannel said with the thought that it would lighten the mood. “Lets have a social get together. Food, music, and dance can pave the way for you to make new friends. What do you think?” Uncle Flannel, are you sure you are up to a party? It has only been a few days since you came home from the hospital. ” She said, concerned.

  “Listen Ms. Grayson, I am almost as good as new. It is Tuesday. By Saturday, I will be as good as new and back too normal. Besides, I want you to meet my friends. You will like them and they will love you.” “Hmmm. OK.” She agreed. “If you think that you will be strong enough.” And she gave him a hug.

  “Wait until you see the Ballroom all lit up Patricia. It will be like the old days when Grayson Manor was humming with young people and all manner of festivities. It has been a long time since we have entertained at Grayson manor.” Flannel mused.

  “That elegant room with the Grayson family portraits is the perfect setting for a party. I’m in,” she said and they both laughed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Flannel sat back, resting with his eyes closed mentally going over his plans for the social event he was planning for Patricia, when he was interrupted by the clink of china. Opening his eyes, he saw Hannah sitting in front of him with a tray laden with the service for tea.

  “Flannel.” She addressed him when she saw his eyes open. “I am so glad to see that you are awake. I need to talk to you about the plans for the party.” She finished primly pursing her lips in the way she always did when she was dead serious. “What is it Hannah.” He said as he took the cup of tea she had poured for him.

  “I wonder how many people will be invited to this social event. I know that it is usually for at least twenty-five people. If so, it’s been awhile since we have had to prepare for such a large gathering. Should I hire more help to prepare and serve the food, or do you want to have the party catered?” ”Let’s have it catered Hannah. There is no need for you to go to so much trouble. The catering is quite good. Do you want me to leave the planning to you, or do you want me to do it?” he asked looking at her inquiringly. “Oh, I can do that Flannel. You just rest and get well.”

  They both sat and enjoyed a companionable silence for a few minutes as they enjoyed their tea. The two had always gotten along. Hannah had come to Grayson Manor with her sister Phoebe when they were just young girls when Phoebe had married his brother Jack. It seemed as if she had always been there to cater to the needs of the Grayson family. They enjoyed a history together, and he liked that, and he liked her.

  As Hannah fidgeted and gave a good imitation of wringing her hands without actually doing so, Flannel knew that she still had something on her mind. “Is everything alright Hannah? You don’t have to do all of the work, you know. With the party being catered there really shouldn’t be that much for you to do” “It is just that you have never given a party for Lizzy.” She burst forth sounding peevish.

  “Flannel, a little surprised, explained. “Hannah, our Lizzy has lived here all of her life. She knows all of our friends and neighbors, and they know her. I just want to give Patricia a chance to get comfortable and to feel at home here. Lizzy has had parties, and she will have fun Saturday at this one.” He finished.

  “In my day, young ladies had “Coming Out” parties to show that they were mature and
accomplished, and that just feels like that is what this party is for Patricia. You are neglecting Lizzy.” she finished, looking very unhappy.

  “Hannah, this is not a coming out party for Patricia. People don’t even do that in our society anymore. I just want Patricia to feel at home here. You know what I mean?” he said trying to appeal to her sense of fairness.

  Hannah didn’t dare reveal that she really didn’t care about Patricia. In fact she would be happy if the girl, she saw as an intruder, would just go away. So she reluctantly shook her head in agreement as she stood to go.

  “Yes, I do see.” Flannel smiled at Hannah guessing that she still was not happy. “Hannah you tell Lizzy that, if she needs anything to let me know. Tell her to stop by and see me. We need to catch up anyway.” Hannah smiled because she liked Flannel. “I will tell her. She will be home this weekend for the party.”

  Flannel spent the rest of the day compiling a list of names of guests to invite to Saturday’s event, and then gave the list to Hannah. It would all be informal with a small band to keep things lively. The little event could be fun, and that is what he wanted for Patricia. He wanted her to put down some roots to ensure that she would want to live at Grayson Manor permanently.

  Hannah in the kitchen talking to the cook about the caterers was still unsure about how to feel about Flannel Grayson throwing a big to-do for Patricia. When he had announced that he was giving a party for Patricia at Grayson Manor, memories came flooding back to Hannah of the grand parties at the manor when she and her sister Phoebe were young. Granted, things had slowed down in the past few years, but there was a time when Grayson Manor was one of the social hubs of the elite, back in the day.

  Hannah had spent her entire life in the service of the Grayson’s. She had helped to care for Jack Grayson after he lingered on after his fall from a horse. She had always taken control of running the household, so that her sister would be free to be the lady of the house and to do the things required of the hostess of a great house such as Grayson Manor. Hannah had always been considered a member of the family and was treated well, but she always felt more comfortable doing for everyone else, and her sister Phoebe let her.

  She was aware that there was something wrong at the manor when Flannel suddenly became deathly ill after enjoying living his life in good health. Because she suspected that Justin was somehow involved, she pretended not to notice. She was quite aware of Justin’s dark side. She had recognized the calculating cruel side of his nature when he was young in the way that he played and dealt with his contemporaries.

  The old woman was also suspicious of the relationship he had with the nurse he had hired to care for his Uncle Flannel, Milly Finney. They whispered together, and the nurse came and went at odd hours. Hannah sensed that something was not right, but chose to ignore this about Justin and Flannel’s nurse.

  Hannah was dismayed when Justin showed the tendency as a child to be a bully, and to always be in trouble. She could see how his mind worked from the time he was old enough to play on the playground with the other children. He used bullying to get his way with threats and posturing; sometimes taking what wasn’t his with force. When asked where he had gotten the stolen item, he said that the other child had given it to him.

  As Justin matured, Hannah realized that he could not be trusted at about the same time she became aware of his criminal activity. Although Justin had inherited a large amount of money from his father, he complained that it wasn’t enough. Or, maybe he just liked the excitement of breaking the law, seeing how long he could get away with it. Whatever the reason, Hannah was aware that Justin was up to no good, but she didn’t care. She and Justin were family, and she loved him unconditionally.

  Then there was Elizabeth, a bit of a disappointment to Hannah. She was too passive. She was nothing like her mother, Hannah’s sister, who knew what she wanted and went after it. This did not really concern Hannah, however. As long as Justin inherited the Grayson fortune, Hannah would be happy.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After dinner, Patricia needing to do some writing, retired to her room early. She had a nice chat with Elizabeth, who was home for the weekend and then left her and her Uncle Flannel on the back patio to go to her room to E-mail Abby her assistant at the accounting agency to see if she was needed.

  In her room, after the work was done, Patricia sat on the balcony drinking a glass of wine and watching the sun go down. Below her she could see Hannah and Elizabeth in the rose garden cutting long stemmed roses for a flower arrangement for the manor. They were talking, but Patricia could not understand what they were saying. She could, however, discern from the tone of voice that they were disagreeing about something. The conversation seemed friendly and casual punctuated by smiles and leaning in to see which roses to cut.

  This display of affection reminded Patricia of her mother and the fun they used to have. Carol had been Patricia’s best friend, and she really missed her dearly. As she watched them move through the rose garden looking for clippings eventually occupying one of the benches to inspect the roses and to continue their conversation, Patricia was a little envious, but she was also grateful to be a member of this new family. How did she get so lucky? Patricia was already friendly with Elizabeth, but she still had to work at winning Hannah over. It was obvious from her relationship with her niece that she was a loving, caring aunt.

  The young girls mind turned to Justin. She did not understand him. He was a wild card. He had weird vibes, and she could not picture herself on a close, friendly footing with him. The difference between him and his sister was striking. Elizabeth was open and approachable while stealth was a word that came to mind when she thought of Justin. He was one to watch.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Flannel Grayson entered the library where the family had gathered before the fire after dinner. Justin, who was seldom there for the after dinner visits was present this evening. Elizabeth was at school. Flannel stood in front of the fireplace and cleared his throat.

  “I have some news. I was waiting to tell you because I didn’t want to spoil your dinner. The Louisville police department will be sending over two of their detectives early tomorrow morning to question the family and the staff about the incident where someone was giving me large doses of insulin apparently to end my life. Has anyone seen Millie, the nurse that attended me when I was sick? How about you Justin? From what I understand, you are the one who arranged for the nurse, and Dr. Phillips to take care of me for the last two weeks. Can you give the detectives some information on how to reach them when they get here tomorrow?” “Sure, I can do that.” Justin said agreeably.

  “Now, there is no reason to psyche yourselves out over this.” Flannel continued. “As the officer explained over the phone, this is just a routine procedure. Sometimes, in a case like this, you may have a small bit of information that will help them solve the problem that’s all. By putting together all of the information that they will gather from us, maybe it can help them and our family understand just how something like this could happen.”

  Everyone started asking questions at once. “Remember folks.” Flannel said. ”This is just routine. It is nothing to get excited about. Hannah, you have something you want to say?” ”Yes. It is about the nurse. When she was here, we never saw her. She spent all of her time in the office we provided for her in one of the bedrooms upstairs. She asked for her meals to be sent up.”

  “That is exactly the sort of information the detectives will be looking for. So let’s all help them as much as we can. Hannah, will you inform the staff as to what will be expected of them tomorrow? Now I suggest that we all turn in and get a good nights sleep.” He finished with a smile.

  Everyone at Grayson Manor was at breakfast early and a tad excited about the prospects for an interesting day. Apparently the police did not take it lightly when there was an attempt on someone’s life, and, in this case, Flannel Grayson had a very close call.

  When the detectives, who came to do t
he interrogations arrived, the Grayson’s were all in the library. One of the detectives stepped in front of the fireplace and introduced him self. “I am detective Rand Cameron, and this is my partner Rob McNally. We will be interrogating each of you today. The way we will do this is to give each of you a number. If number one is being questioned, then the rest of you can go on about your business until your number comes up,” and he smiled.

  Flannel went to stand beside Rand. “Most of you know Detective Rand. He and his parents have been friends of the family ever since I can remember.” and he looked at Patricia because he knew she was the only one who had not met Rand before today. “So let’s get this thing started.”

  For the rest of the time that the detectives were there, Elsa hovered outside the door of the library. It was her job to alert the next family member or member of the staff when their number came up, that it was their turn to be questioned in the library.

  Patricia had number five so expecting that she would not be needed for a while, she took Snuffles out for a run. To the amusement of the rest of the family and staff still hanging about the foyer, Flannel Grayson, the first person to be questioned, went forward into the library with an exaggerated stealth. Everyone grinning, dispersed, going on about their business agreeing to stay close enough to be called in when their number came up.


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