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Third Date

Page 16

by Leah Holt

  Fay laughed, swinging her bear from side to side, a bit too rough for my liking. “You will not.” Stepping towards the end of my bed, she poked Layne in the forehead. “Tag, you're it!” she screamed, then shot out of the room down the hallway.

  Before I could protest, or grab his arm, Layne launched off the bed after her. And my heart heated, beating sweet melodic tones through my veins. He was a natural, a big kid at heart.

  I loved watching him with Fay, I loved seeing her accept this man so quickly with no questions or discomfort. I had always expected that if I ever brought another man into my life, Fay would detest him, loath him, hate him.

  I had expected a wilted emotion of her thinking I was trying to replace her father, or that I was going to forget him, and what he meant to us.

  But none of that was right, it was the complete opposite. Max would always be remembered, he would always be her father. And neither of us would ever forget him.

  Layne had told me that, he made it clear. And he didn't show one shred of discomfort when Max was mentioned.

  I'll have to remember to thank him for that.

  For everything he's helped me to realize.

  Layne is going to make a wonderful father to our baby.

  Now, I just needed to find the perfect time to tell him.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Oh hey, Gina, what's going on?” I was standing in the door, holding it partially shut, and wedging my body between the gap.

  “I ran into your mom yesterday.” Her eyes lit up, a half grin lifting over her jaw.

  “You ran into her?” I asked, disbelief resting in my tone.

  That was a far stretch, my mother and Gina lived twenty minutes apart. My mother only went out when she needed to, and Gina always tried to do any errands in one single shot, mostly on Friday nights.

  Oh really? Ran into each other... I'm sure that's what happened.

  “Okay,” she said, rolling her eyes and fanning her hand. “She called me—”

  Throwing out a finger, I barked. “I knew it! I knew you guys talked.”

  Spiraling her hand, she waved away my accusation. “Anyway, she told me that Mr. Mattress man was here last weekend, and you haven't called me all week. How'd things go?”

  She was right, I had spent the last seven days with Layne. We cooked and ate dinner together, we found every excuse to talk on the phone or text when we weren't together.

  At night, Layne would sit by Fay's bed with me and listen to the stories of her father, he'd listen and he'd ask questions. He would laugh, he would seem just as curious about my life before as the baby girl I was raising.

  And Fay had been blessed by getting two stories a night. One from me, and one from Layne. He shed his protective layer, telling us stories of things he went through as a kid. For Fay they were funny and exciting, and for us when we were alone... They were heartfelt and sad.

  Layne was an amazing man for what he had been through, and he deserved to learn about everything he questioned.

  Honestly, I had become infatuated with him. For everything he had been through, to see the man he had become, it gave me more strength. A new outlook on how grateful our child would be to have him, even if our lives ended up moving separate ways.

  But I will never let that happen. He's too great to ever let go.

  A shrill giggle exploded over my shoulder, Fay's loud voice cut through the air. “Dilby, you can't use red, don't you know what color dinosaurs are?”

  Gina veered her stare, her head bobbing and weaving over my shoulder to look inside. “Dilby? Who the hell is—”

  “Everything alright?” Layne asked, appearing behind me. “Oh, hi, Gina. How's things going?”

  “Layne, hi, things are good.” Smiling, her eyes lowered to meet mine. I smiled through thin lips, shrugging a shoulder.

  “Did you get my message?” Opening the door, he stepped up beside me.

  “I did, and thank you. You didn't have to do that, but thanks.”

  “Do what?” I questioned, glancing between them both.

  Cupping her hands, Gina swayed on her heels. “Well, Layne here is reimbursing Lynn and myself.”

  Layne then followed her statement. “Yeah, I figured since we had a 'thing,' that it was wrong for me to take their money. So, I gave it back.”

  Nodding, I said, “So you already knew anyway?” Setting my eyes on Gina, she smirked, lifting her brows. “Do you want to come in?” Stepping from the door, Fay jumped to her feet and ran up between us.

  “Aunt Gigi! Come look.” Gripping her hand, Fay yanked her into the house.

  “Looks like I'm coming in. Hope I wasn't interrupting anything.” Winking, she bared her teeth.

  Tossing a look at Layne, I whispered. “So you told her before I had the chance.”

  His lips spread in an amused smile, eyes slitting tight. “I couldn't accept her money, I had to tell her why.”

  Closing the door behind me, I stepped back into the living room. Fay had dragged Gina over to the spot where her and Layne were just laying and coloring. Bending to grab a picture off the floor, she held it up to Gina. “Look at this, Dilby thinks dinosaurs are red. Isn't he comical?”

  Shooting me an entertained look, Gina leaned over and ogled the picture. “That is comical, he's a funny guy, huh?”

  “You don't even know, Aunt Gigi.” Using her thumb to point over her shoulder, Fay whispered in her not so quiet low voice. “And he thinks two plus two is thirty... Boys, they're so silly.”

  Gina flicked her eyes to Layne. Lifting his shoulders to his ears, he held his palms out and smirked. “The kid's really smart, she knows a lot more than I do.”

  The three of us sat down, Gina drawing her attention away to pull out her phone and fire off a text, resting the phone on her lap. “So why does Fay call you Dilby?”

  Drawing his hand over his chin, Layne chuckled. “She didn't like my real name once she learned it wasn't mattress man.”

  A soft ping echoed in the kitchen. Standing, I went to see who had messaged me.

  It was Gina.

  'Did you tell him yet?'

  Tapping the screen quickly, I texted her back. 'No.'

  Shaking my head, I popped it back into the living room, eyes bugging out. She was texting me while she was sitting in my chair, in my living room. We were three feet away from each other and she was so damn curious she couldn't wait until I had the time to talk to her in private.

  The phone chimed again. 'Why the hell not?!?!'

  Huffing under my breath, I shot one back. 'It wasn't the right time, I'll tell you later.'

  Ding... Another. 'Fine. But you better make sure you call me later.' Angry face, shocked face, baby emoji.

  And I hit delete.

  “Anyone want a drink?” I asked, standing in between the two rooms.

  Gina hopped up from her seat, stuffing her phone into her purse. “No, I can't stay, got to pick up Collin from baseball practice. But call me later, Kin.”

  As she closed the door behind her, Layne glanced up to look at me. “You alright?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine, why?” Wiping clammy hands on my thighs, and brushing the hair off my flushed face, I leaned against the wood frame.

  “You just look a little pale is all. Are you coming down with something?”

  No, it's just a baby growing inside me. That's all. Nothing to worry about.

  Pulling my lips taut, I shook my head. “I don't think so, I have a slight belly ache, but it's nothing.”

  I lied. The morning sickness had kicked in the day before, making me take several unwanted visits to hug the toilet. At school I made every effort in the world to not throw up. I drank flat ginger ale, hot tea, peppermint candies, and even started freezing Gatorade in case I got to the point where I couldn't eat.

  From what I could figure, I was five weeks along. My first appointment with the doctor wasn't for another few weeks. The place was backed up left and right (I guess a lot of women were i
n my boat) and that was the soonest they could get me in.

  So if I followed the same path as with Fay, cringing to the smell of chicken might be next. I had learned from the nurse with my first pregnancy that ice cube Gatorade helped to at least replenish electrolytes if I couldn't stomach the smell of food enough to actually eat.

  “Are you sure? You really don't look good, maybe we should postpone the trip for another week.”

  “No, I'm fine, really.” Letting out a huge breath of air, I held my belly and wished away my spinning insides. “You've already waited a lifetime for this, I'm not going to let you change it.”

  Swooping me into his arms, he sat me on his lap. “I know I've waited, but I would much rather go when you feel better.” His fingers tickled over my neck, smoothing over the tensed muscle. “Are you nervous for this?”

  “Me...” Pausing, I swallowed hard. But not from nerves or uncertainty. I swallowed hard to keep myself from letting the nausea land breakfast all over Layne. “No... Well maybe a little. I mean it's a huge deal for you, and we've really only been dating for what... A week? I guess I just hope no one looks at me funny, like I shouldn't be there.”

  Squeezing my knee, he pulled my face onto his forehead. “Kin, I don't care what they think. Yes, I want to meet them, I want to know them, but they know me as much as I know them. Who are they to judge?” Pressing his lips onto mine, my skin warmed.

  “Eeeewww!” Fay yelled, sticking out her tongue and making gagging noises.

  “What?”Layne asked, rolling me off his lap. “Do you want a kiss too?” Lifting off the couch, he walked slowly towards Fay with his arms out and lips puckered.

  “No! No!” She giggled, running in circles around the coffee table, making every effort to avoid him. “You'll never catch me!”

  His mouth made loud and over-emphasized kissing noises, his fingers wiggling frantically to try and grab her. Fay ducked, and dodged, crawling under the table, and making a mad dash down the hall.

  “Well, looks like she got away.” Sticking his head around the corner of the wall, Layne spoke in a loud voice down the hall. “For now, but you can't escape forever.”

  “Yes I can!” Fay fired back, her voice muffled but firm from beneath some hiding place she snuggled into.

  Watching him with her filled me with a sense of life, of living again. This was what she needed, this was what I needed.

  And I couldn't help but think this was also what Layne needed.

  We fit together perfectly, one big happy family. Together we were more than just two people, together we were what life was all about.

  Finding your ultimate happiness, and enjoying every single moment.

  Because tomorrow isn't secured, tomorrow is an unknown.

  But living in the moment made every breath worthwhile.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  The plane bucked and bounced, skipping like a stone across the sky. With my fingers locked in a death grip around the arms of the seat, I closed my eyes tight. My stomach was jumping, twisting in on itself and bringing everything inside to the back of my throat.

  Kinsley had already used four barf bags, and was in the bathroom so many times I had lost count.

  And so far, this trip was not giving me a good feeling.

  “How you doing?” Her gentle voice hummed through the loud buzzing of the airplane's jet engines

  “I'm good, I just hate flying.” Flicking my eyes around the plane, I was trying to search the faces of the other passengers for fear.

  I got nothing.

  The man beside me read the paper as usual, a woman two rows up fixed her makeup in a small mirror. The stewardess walked with smooth movements up and down the aisle, asking passengers their drink choices.

  But not one hint of fear or uncertainty rested on any other face, it was all business as usual.

  “It's just turbulence, nothing to worry about.” Kinsley's fingers swept over my hand, up my arm, and caressed the hair on the back of my head.

  Turning to look at her, I gave the best smile I could. She looked satisfied with my facial expression, and rested her head on my shoulder.

  “I hope Fay is good for my mom, I've never left her for so long. I mean, I know it's only three days, but I already miss her.” The scent of her hair relaxed my nerves a little, the feel of her against my body sent a wave of comfort cascading through my muscles.

  The past two weeks had been the best weeks of my life. So much of my time had been focused on others that I let myself get walled from finding happiness.

  Now I'm going to have it all.

  I'll have the girl, I'll have the family I always wanted, and for the first time ever, things seemed to be going in my favor.

  The plane jolted again, a few cups flew off the trays around me. Instinctively, I clutched the chair harder, letting out a soft gasp. “How much longer before we land?”

  “Shouldn't be long now, maybe another thirty minutes.” Kinsley's hand pressed on my chest, the tips of fingers swirling in small circles.

  Reaching for her hand, I tugged it to my lips and kissed her palm. “Thank you for doing this with me, it means a lot.”

  Angling her head so she could look up at me, her eyes were deep and soft. “I'm happy to be here, Layne.” Her face flickered in thought, lips parting to keep speaking, but she stopped.

  She looked like she wanted to say more, her eyes studied me, holding and stirring in place. But the air hung quiet, her voice staying dormant.


  Shaking her head, Kinsley flicked her eyes to the window. “Nothing.”

  “No, what? What were you going to say?”

  “Well, I was thinking, we could make this plane ride a little more exciting...” Her fingers teased my shirt, crumpling the loose fabric between her palm.

  “Oh, and how's that?”

  Biting her lower lip, she spoke low. “What if I told you I could help take your mind off the bumping plane, and onto something much more pleasurable?”

  “Are you insinuating we become part of the mile high club?” Arching a brow, my heart stampeded through my chest. This woman was more than just smart, she was fucking brilliant.

  “I didn't want to put it in those words, that's too cliché, but yeah.” Her tongue rode the edge of her lip, her hand gliding to gently cup my cock.

  Blowing out a hot breath of air, I ran a palm over my forehead. “You better be careful, or I might just take you right here.”

  Giggling, Kinsley stood from her seat, dragging her hand across my shoulder. I watched her walk up the isle, eyeing me as she entered the small bathroom.

  Wow, holy shit. I'm about to get laid on a plane.

  Never in my life.... Taylor will never believe it.

  Glancing around the cabin, I watched to see if anyone was looking. Unbuckling my seat belt—Yes I insisted on wearing it the entire time— I walked to the back of the plane.

  The small sign signaled it was occupied, but I knew better. Tapping lightly on the door, my voice deepened a octave. “Is there a sexy lady in there waiting for me?”

  But her voice never came. The engines were roaring, buzzing through my ears. Figuring she couldn't hear me I knocked again, and repeated my question a little louder. Nervously, I watched the people around me over my shoulder.

  And still I got nothing.

  What the hell is she doing in there?

  Is she alright?

  I started to get nervous, thinking that maybe she had gotten sick again. My tender knock turned into a raging pound. “Kinsley? Kinsley, you alright?”

  The red occupied sign turned green, door popping open in one quick burst. “Young man, you need to wait your turn!”

  To my shock, an elderly woman stepped out, grimacing and angry. Holding my hands up, I stepped to the side to let her pass. “I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

  She didn't say another word, but the old woman had quite the jab for me. Her elbow shot into my ribs, knocking t
he air from my lungs, her feet shuffling against the carpet as she kept moving along to her seat.

  A firm hand grabbed the collar of my shirt, and yanked me into the stall right beside the one I was knocking on. Kinsley was laughing hysterically, her eyes tearing and watery as she closed the door and locked it.

  “That was priceless, Layne.” Her chuckle continued, hand holding her stomach.

  Squeezing around her, I clutched her hips. “Laugh it up, I just took an elbow to the chest for you.”

  “I'm sorry, I just thought you knew which one I was in. But that was great.” Her eyes flashed with a serene happiness and humor that I had never encountered before.

  Running my thumb over her jaw, her laughter subsided and her face drew in. Coiling her fingers over my hand, her head fell into my palm.

  I had never actually been in love before, so I had no idea if that was the feeling hitting my muscles. But if what I was feeling was love... I never wanted it to end.

  Kinsley's lips shimmered, the soft velvet flesh held open, calling me to kiss them. And right then in that moment, I had forgotten about the plane, I had forgotten about how we were miles above the earth.

  In that small space we carved for ourselves, it was just us.

  Arching her head up, she stood on her tippy toes, pressing her lips against mine. Curling my hand into her hair, our tongues collided, licking and wrapping. She tasted sweet, like fresh mint and desire.

  If that can even be imagined.

  But that's what I tasted. Her skin was hot, small beads of sweat began to emerge, tracing the curve on the back of her neck. Wrapping her fingers wildly into my hair, she pushed her lips against mine with a carnal need.

  We didn't speak, we didn't make noise, the only sounds were barely audible to my own ears. But those subtle gasps and deep inhales of air, were enough to make cock throb painfully against my jeans.

  Plucking my face off hers, her eyes were dark, needy, submersed in sexual prowess. Kinsley bit down on her lip, fingers tearing the button open on my pants. I felt the warmth of the cabin air flow down my cock as it jumped free.


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