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Third Date

Page 17

by Leah Holt

  Coiling my fingers into her roots, I twisted her around and pushed her over the small sink. My elbows bumped the walls, back touching the door. The space was limited, but it was enough for me to make her cum, it was enough to claim her in the sky.

  The fucking world could come crashing down around us, and that still wouldn't be enough to stop me from fucking her right then.

  I was about to take her in heaven, just like I had taken her on earth. And that thought sent a rush of adrenaline through my veins. I felt powerful, a sense of owning her in more ways than one flooded my muscles.

  Maybe I sound conceded when I say this... But I felt like a god.

  Kinsley's hand shifted behind her back, wrapping around my swelling shaft. Pumping her hand up and down, she rocked her ass against my waist. Sliding my hand up her thigh, I felt her shiver, the small tremble rode her muscles, forcing her back to arch.

  Lifting the edge of her dress up over her ass, she was pantieless, bare and exposed.

  Hmm, she had this planned all along...

  What a good girl.

  Curling my hand into the crease of her thighs, her skin was on fire. The need and frustration was building inside her, and I could read it all over her body. Pushing my hand between the diamond shaped space, her wet lips slicked my fingers.

  Kinsley moaned, snapping her face over her shoulder, and glaring at me under hooded lids. Her lips twitched and turned as I found her folds, feeling her gently at first with one finger.

  “Stop teasing, and fuck me already.” Her words were air-filled and coy, leading me into her demand. Her hand thrust up and down over my cock, twisting around my dick.

  I hadn't even slid inside her and already my balls were pulling tight, the pure arousal of the entire situation dangled me on the cliff of blowing my load and I hadn't expected it.

  We were so close, so pressed together in the confined box, that I barely had room to move. Spreading her legs from wall to wall, Kinsley slid my engorged head over her drenched slit, sending an electric spark through my nerves.

  Digging my nails into her hips, I curled my body over hers, and whispered into her ear. “You are so fucking bad, and I love it.” Grabbing the condom from my wallet, I peeled it open and slid it over the thick muscle. In one quick thrust, I was deep inside her.

  Her fingers gripped the silver sink, face falling forward with an unmissable moan. The moan I had gone from dreaming about, to hearing, to wanting, to needing more than the oxygen around me.

  Fucking her hard and fast, I could feel her legs trembling beneath her as my cock rode her walls. Goosebumps broke like wild fire across her flesh, driving me to go deeper. Kinsley's body was a drug, the way she fit perfectly around my cock, the scent of her juice as it coated my dick, everything drove me to the brink of insanity.

  I had never experienced so much pleasure from one woman, one body, one mind.

  Kinsley's nails scraped and curled around the sink, her muscles going limp as the orgasm coated her body and the perfect coo hit her lips. Throwing my cock into her tight pussy, tingles sparked from my lower belly, the cum flowing out as my cock beat to the rhythm of my heart.

  Dropping my head to her shoulder, I laid tender kisses over the side of her neck. “You just fucked me in a plane, how do you feel now?” she asked, rolling her nose over the side of my cheek.

  “Are we even in the air still?” Chuckling, I pulled myself up, and reached for some tissues to clean up. “Think I can flush this?” I asked, holding the balled up condom.

  Attempting to turn, we bumped together like goldfish in a small tank. “I don't think so.” We couldn't stand exactly side by side, Kinsley was more tucked under my arm, and behind me. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

  Rubbing her upper arm, I furrowed my brows. “No, there's now way, the plane is too loud.” Tossing the rubber into the trash, I straightened my shirt.

  Agreeing, Kinsley eyed the door handle. “You can open it, just in case. Let the plane cops tackle you first.” Giggling, she smiled.

  Taking in a deep breath of air, I gripped the handle and slowly pulled it open. Glancing around, everything seemed to be the same as it was when we went in. Turning over my shoulder, I said, “Clear,” and stepped into the aisle.

  But then it happened.

  Not one set of eyes, not two sets of eyes... Every single set of eyes, except for the few children on board, all quietly fell over us. Kinsley emerged behind me, her eyes falling to the floor immediately as she grabbed my hand.

  No one said a word, no one made a face, they all just stared.

  I wasn't typically someone who felt nervous, or anxious, but the amount of eyes that peered our way was unsettling.

  But I did what I do best.

  My back snapped straight, head pushed high, and I guided us back to our seats.

  Screw those people.

  Like they wouldn't do it if they had the chance...

  The pilot's voice crackled through the speaker, announcing our decent. My rapidly pulsing heart started to slow, calming and relaxing knowing we'd be on the ground in a few minutes.

  And that we would soon be away from the uncomfortable stares.

  Then the real excitement could begin. Finding out about my parents, meeting my sister, learning about where I came from, and who I was. It was crazy to think that I could have my answers, that all the wondering and curiosity would be able to rest.

  I was going to finally meet the family I always dreamed about.

  Walking down the air bridge, I stepped into the terminal. Scanning the faces that stood waiting, I didn't recognize anyone.

  A sliver of disappointment raked my spine. “I don't see her,” I said to Kinsley, eyes darting around looking for my sister.

  I had this unrealistic gut instinct that I would recognize her immediately. I mean how do you not spot your own blood?

  “You don't even know what she looks like, how could you ever pick her out in a crowd.”

  Shrugging, I tugged the strap on my small bag up my shoulder. “I don't know, I thought we'd look alike I guess.”

  “Layne, genetics can be funny. Trust me, you never know what someone will look like. I always thought Fay would look like a perfect mix of Max and myself, turned out she looks a lot more like him.”

  Throwing an arm over her shoulder, I kissed her cheek. “She has a lot of you in her too, looks and more.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but I just see him.”

  “You see him because that's all you want to see. Look at Fay again, but look closer. You'll see more of you than you realize.”

  I knew that it was hard for Kinsley to lose her husband. The thought of me losing her, now that I have her, made my heart cringe, so I couldn't even imagine the pain she went through. She spent so long looking for him that she can't see anything else in her daughter.

  Max was her first love, but he wouldn't be her last. Her heart would always have a spot made for him, but the rest was mine.

  I planned on being the only other love for the rest of her life. And no matter what she thinks, her heart has room for both of us.

  Glancing around, I ran my eyes over every single person. I was positive that my sister was here, she had promised to meet me at the airport. It was just a matter of finding her in a sea of faces.

  Then it happened. I spotted a woman leaning against a pillar. She looked older than I expected, closer to my age. Her eyes were huge and red like she had been crying, the base of her lids were puffed up, dark circles enhanced the skin's color from a soft beige to light purple.

  But when she turned toward us, my chest lurched forward. I felt my pulse start to go off in a sprint, pumping hot blood through my veins.

  She looked so much like me I almost threw up. It hurt to swallow, the large lump had embedded itself in the back of my throat, making it hard to breathe. I was frozen, but still moving. The world around me was suspended, but people glided smoothly between us.

  “Anna?” I asked, briskly walking towards her. “Anna,
Anna Galloway?”

  Kinsely tried to match my pace, but I took three steps to her one. Holding the edge of my shirt, she asked, “Is that her? Are you sure that's her?”

  My heart was pounding in my ears, the loud thumping masked every noise around me. “It has to be her, it has to be.” Looking over my shoulder, I spoke so fast I wasn't sure if Kinsley could even make out my words.

  “Layne, slow down, what if it's not? Don't startle the girl.” Her hand curled around my bicep, trying to hold me back. “You can't just run at someone, slow down.”

  Taking a deep, labored breath, the woman's eyes landed on mine. Her huge brown gaze swelled in tears, hands pressing into her lips. “Layne?”

  It was her, and I had been completely right. She looked just like me, only a carbon copy girl version. Her hair was the same deep shade of black, her eyes were thin and round in shape just like mine, and the color looked like it was poured from the same vile of ink.

  There was no mistaking, that was my sister.

  Anna was my sister.

  I stopped a foot from her, arms dangling by my side. I wanted to reach out and touch her, feel her, make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

  “Wow, you look just like me. I can't believe this, I just can't believe this.” Bringing a hand to my jaw, I dragged it across my chin. “This is crazy, I don't even know what to say.”

  Anna didn't speak, she threw her body into mine, coiling her arms around my neck. The tears spilled down her face, trailing over her cheeks as she just stared at me.

  “You're my sister.”

  Shaking her head yes, she hugged me again, her head dipping into my chest. “And you're my brother.”

  I could feel my eyes welling up, the sheer intensity of emotions were grabbing hold on my body. My chest hurt, my heart was racing, every nerve was on edge ready to explode in tears of joy.

  Choking back the tears, I stepped away from Anna and rubbed my eyes. I wasn't used to being on the verge of crying, it was too much to take in. I was overwhelmed, completely and utterly so blown away by the entire situation.

  To have your dream standing before you in flesh and bone, right there at the end of your fingertips... I had no words.

  “Who's this?” Anna asked, wiping her eyes, and looking over at Kinsley.

  “Hi, I'm Kinsley. It's nice to meet you.” Kinsley held her hand out, her watery eyes holding onto anything to keep from spilling over.

  She looked like she was ready to pop, the droplets sat on her lids, teetering on the edge. It was an emotional moment, even for her.

  But Anna didn't shake her hand, she didn't move. Her fingers tucked into the pockets of her jeans, elbows bowing out. “You too,” she said, smiling.

  “I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was bringing someone with me, it kinda sprung up last minute.”

  “I'm sure it's fine, really.” Anna looked annoyed. Her face scrunched up, thick lines made a stairway up her forehead. “I'll tell them later about your friend.”

  I didn't want to pry as to why she seemed so upset over Kinsley being there. Maybe she was surprised, maybe it was everything hitting her all at once. I had no clue, I didn't know her.

  How could I judge her reaction when we literally just met?

  Maybe this was just who she was, and how she acted on any other day. Except this wasn't any other day, and I had to remind myself of that too. There was a lot she was probably feeling right now. She had just met her brother for the first time, the brother she didn't know existed.

  “So do your parents know I'm here already?” I asked.

  “Yes, our parents know you're here. You're going to meet them tomorrow, Mom's a bit anxious, so she decided today wouldn't be good.”

  “That's alright, I understand, it's a lot to take in. This must be so strange for them too.”

  “Yeah, it is. I called a cab for you, it'll take you to the hotel. I don't have a car right now, so I'll have to catch up with you later. I wish I could stay longer, but I told Mom I'd come home right after you landed.”

  What? Why?

  Doesn't she want to talk, get to know me?

  “Um, alright. You don't want to get together later for dinner, or something?”

  Anna's eyes shot to the floor, her voice strained and distant. “I'd like to, but I can't. I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to, it's... It's just... I'm sorry, I promised Mom I'd come home.”

  I could feel Kinsley reading both of us, her gaze burning into my brain as she glanced between us. “We could get together in the morning for breakfast. Could you do that, Anna?”

  “I don't know, maybe. I'll have to call you later.” There was something unsettling in her voice, a certain hardness that sharpened her tone.

  Anna grabbed her phone from her pocket, looking at the screen. “Alright, my taxi is here, yours should be here in a few minutes. I gave them your number so they could reach you when they arrive. I'll call you later, okay?”

  “Okay, that'll be fine.” Placing a hand on Anna's shoulder, I said, “Anna, I know this whole thing is a lot for both of us. I don't want you to think I'm going to press you for information or try to throw myself into the family, okay?”

  Anna smiled through thin lips, eyeing Kinsley. “I know, Layne, I know.”

  And with that she was gone. Her thick, black hair swayed over her shoulders as she walked off and disappeared into the crowded airport.

  I had this sinking feeling penetrate my gut, twisting like a thorn. I had spent years looking for my family, and when I finally got to meet one relative, it didn't go how I expected.

  She looked happy, she cried with what I thought were tears of joy, but then her demeanor changed in a snap.

  It's nothing. It's just overwhelming for her.

  You knew you had family out there, she didn't.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Riding beside Layne in the taxi, his eyes were fixed out the window. He hadn't said a word since we got in, and barely moved his head except to tell the driver the name of our hotel.

  He looks lost. Or unsure.

  Rubbing his elbow, I laid my head on his shoulder. “You alright?” Kissing his ear, I snuggled into the crease between his neck and jaw.

  “I don't know...” Pausing, Layne spun a finger over the back of my hand. “I'm confused I guess.” Speaking into the glass, the window fogged for a brief second under his breath, vanishing as he inhaled the air around him.

  “Why are you confused?” Slipping my arm over his ribs, I pinned myself against his back.

  “I don't know, I guess it's all hitting me. Seeing my sister, realizing that I finally have the opportunity to meet my parents, it's just a lot.” Layne's chin scrapped against my cheek, the short stubble felt rough against my face.

  “Yeah, it is. But this is what you wanted, isn't it?” Placing my hand under his chin, I pulled his face towards mine. “Isn't it?”

  His lips puckered and laid a tight kiss on my nose. “Yes.” Then his eyes went stiff, growing distant as he lost himself in another thought. “But what if it's what I used to want?”

  My brows crinkled, face pulling back. “What do you mean?”

  Shaking his head, Layne put on a forced smile. “Never mind, just forget it.” Reaching for his wallet, he tugged out a few bills. “We're here.”


  Letting the strap of my bag fall from my arm, the heavy weight landed with a thump on the floor. “This place is nice.” Stepping to the window, I yanked open the curtains.

  We were on the tenth floor, and our room faced the coast, set in the Athens of the South; New Bern. Inside I was secretly wishing that this was a longer stay, the city seemed beautiful.

  Small shops lined the streets as we drove up, a marina was located on the oceanfront of the hotel, and watching all the tall ships, sailboats, yachts...

  I was envious to explore what this place had to offer.

  But Layne still held a solemn face. His arms looked dead, hanging by his side as he stepped
up to look out the grand floor-to-ceiling window. “Yeah, it's a nice hotel.”

  Turning towards the bed, he slumped over sitting down and slipping off his sneakers, kicking them into the corner. Sighing, he let his body fall back, the mattress squeaking in place of his voice.

  “What's going on with you?” I asked, letting my hand fall to my hip.

  And I didn't care that his eyes shot to my waist, a small smirk peeking off one side. He had to come out of this funk. We were here, he had met his sister—though it was brief—but he met her, and tomorrow he was meeting his parents.

  What's going on?

  He was so excited to do this, and now he looks like he's regretting his decision.


  I couldn't understand it. Not two days ago Layne was jumping up and down like a damn child, wriggling his fingers and laughing in pure boyhood excitement.

  Now he just looks beaten and battered. The life in his eyes had been dulled, small circles framed under his lids, and he just looked like he couldn't stop thinking. But there wasn't any reason for this that I could understand.

  How do you spend your entire life wondering about something so great, so important, and when you finally have it you look quizzical, and uncertain.

  “God, the whole hand-hip thing is so fucking cute.”

  “Stop messing around. What's up with you?” Walking to the bed, I sat up near his shoulders. “You were so excited, now you just looked bummed. I don't get it.”

  “I just thought Anna would've wanted to see me for more than just ten damn minutes. I flew all the way here for this, and I feel like I'm being cheated out of it.”

  “Layne, you need to put yourself in her shoes. You've been looking for your family for years, she just found out you existed. That's got to be one hell of a rush, surreal if anything.” Gripping his bicep, he flexed it, his muscle rolling up and turning into a bolder under his flesh.

  “I know, I keep telling myself that. It's just hard, that's all.” His eyes fluttered over my face, skimming over my nose, and settling on my lips. “Maybe I need a massage... Or something. Maybe a little release will do me some good.” Winking, his tongue dragged over his bright white teeth.


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