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Pursuing The Madam 3

Page 11

by Charmanie Saquea

  “I love you more.” Deonte smiled as he wiped her tears away. “Cry baby.”


  Since Kaily’d had a lot of time on her hands, she’d had a lot of time to think. It had been over two months since Carlos had been gone and although she loved him, she could honestly say she loved Orlando also. Truth be told, she’d never stopped loving him. She was just mad and hurt about the situation that he had put himself in so she pushed him to the back of her mind.

  When he came back into the picture, it caused not only a shakeup in her life, but in her emotions also. Since day one, he had always been there for her, even when he didn't have to be. His allowing her to stay in his home meant a lot to her.

  She had been having thoughts about getting back with Orlando, but she didn't know if she was moving too fast. Plus, she wasn't sure of his feelings for her. She was sitting in the room in the dark thinking about how she wanted to bring this up to him without making herself look like a fool.

  “Kaily!” Orlando called out as he walked through the door. He didn't hear her or see her and he was beginning to worry. The whole house was dark with not one light on. “Where you at, baby girl?”

  He walked into his bedroom and turned on the light and there she was, just sitting on the bed, staring off into space. “What's wrong?”

  “Lando, do you love me?” she asked without looking at him.

  Orlando thought she was acting strange. The last time he had seen her act like that was when she was sixteen and had a pregnancy scare. “Of course I love you girl, you know that.”

  “No, I mean do you love me, love me, because I don't think I've ever stopped loving you. Lately, I have been feeling like I don't wanna be your friend anymore. I wanna be more than your friend. But I don't think you feel the same way.” Kaily felt like she was just rambling at the mouth because her thoughts were so jumbled. She was hoping that he would catch her drift.

  Orlando walked over to the bed and sat down, pulling Kaily on his lap so they were face to face. “Kaily Andrenise Parks, stop playing with me. You know I've loved you, no, more like been in love with you since the day I laid eyes on you. Even when I was on the run, all I could think about was you. When I came back, I didn't like the fact that you had a dude, but I respected it. I may have played with a few chicks but that's just because I couldn't have the one I wanted, until now.”

  Kaily smiled and blushed. “So what you saying? You want me?”

  “Yea, I want you,” Orlando laughed.

  Kaily felt his dick getting hard under her so she reached her hands in his basketball shorts. “You got a girlfriend?” she asked as she pulled his dick out.

  “Nah,” Orlando shook his head.

  Kaily lifted up a little to push her shorts and panties to the side. “Well you do now,” she chuckled. She eased down on his dick while hissing like a snake. Orlando had always been too much for her, but today she was going to take it like a champ.

  Orlando gripped her waist as she slowly bounced up and down on his dick. Even though he was her first and taught her everything she knew, he was anxious to see how she had mastered her skills.

  Kaily put her head in the crook of Orlando’s neck as she slowly rode him. She started to cry as her emotions were running over. She never would have thought that she would be back in her first love’s arms ever again after all these years. Although she was happy, she was saddened at the same time because she no longer had Carlos.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you more,” Orlando said.

  The two spent the next few hours making love to each other and making up for all the years they had missed out on each other.

  ~ ~ ~

  Cedric and Naomi sat outside of Sherae’s house, ready to put their plan in motion. Naomi had called Kaiah to let her know that it was game time and she informed her that she was on her way.

  “So I’ll go knock on the door, then once she opens it, you get out the car,” Naomi said to Cedric.

  “Cool, let’s do this,” he said as he rubbed his hands together like he couldn’t wait.

  Naomi got out of the car and walked up to Sherae’s door and rang the doorbell. Sherae rushed to the door, thinking that Deonte had finally came to see her, but she was greatly disappointed when she answered the door.

  “Can I help you?” she asked with an attitude.

  Naomi smiled. “Me? No, but one of my good friends would like to talk to you.”

  “Look bitch, I don’t have time to be playing with you so—“

  Her sentence was cut short when she noticed the gun Naomi pulled out, but her heart damn near beat out of her chest when she noticed Cedric getting out of the car. She tried to shut the door but Naomi shoved the gun in her stomach.

  “I wouldn’t try it if I were you.”

  Sherae backed into her house as Cedric and Naomi walked in. Cedric had a sinister grin on his face as he stared at Sherae.

  “Smile, baby. Don’t look so surprised to see me,” he said.

  “Ced...Cedric, what are you doing here?” Sherae asked nervously.

  “Don’t play. You know exactly why I’m here and what I came for. All I know is you better have my shit!” he yelled.

  “I, uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sherae stammered. She was so scared that she couldn’t even form a perfect sentence.

  There was a knock at the door and Naomi got giddy as she went to answer it. She opened the door and in walked Kaiah and Deonte. Kaiah had briefly filled Deonte in on the plan and what was going on. Even though he didn’t want Kaiah getting her hands dirty, he was happy to be getting rid of Sherae for good.

  Without saying a word, Kaiah walked over to Sherae and punched her dead in the face. “That’s for my baby, bitch,” she said as Sherae fell to the floor. She stomped her in her stomach since she was claiming that she was pregnant. “And since you like punching people in the stomach, that’s for me.”

  Cedric stood there in amazement. He didn’t know who Kaiah was or what Sherae had done to piss her off, but he liked her. He could tell she was for no games the way she walked in and got right down to business.

  Kaiah looked up and Cedric and reached out her hand. “I’m Kaiah. You must be Cedric?” she introduced herself.

  “That would be me. Nice to meet you, Kaiah. Nice to do business with you.”

  “Likewise.” Kaiah smiled as she looked down at Sherae like she was a piece of garbage.

  Sherae coughed up blood and looked up at Deonte with pleading eyes. “Really, Deonte? You’re going to let her do this to me while I’m carrying your child?”

  Deonte looked down at her with cold eyes like he didn’t give a fuck about her. “Now you know how she felt.” He shrugged.

  “Karma’s a bitch and that bitch just so happens to be me.” Kaiah smiled.

  Sherae looked at everyone in the room with tears in her eyes. She was really hurt by Deonte. Never in a million years did she think he would do this to her when all she had ever done was love him.

  “You might as well kill me because you will never get your money back,” she said to Cedric before turning to Kaiah. “And as long as I’m alive, I’ll make your life a living hell.”

  Kaiah snatched the gun from Naomi and aimed it at Sherae but Deonte snatched it away from her. She turned and looked at him with a crazed look on her face that he had only seen once before, and that was when he had first saw her have one of her breakdowns.

  “This ain’t you, you’re not a killer,” Deonte said as he gave the gun to Cedric.

  He grabbed her hand and led her out of the house and back to the car. The couple sat in the car in silence until they saw Naomi and Cedric walk out of the house. Naomi looked over at Kaiah and nodded her head, letting her know that she was gone.

  “Let’s go,” Kaiah said.

  Naomi pulled out her burner phone and called the police to leave an anonymous tip about a dead body. After placing the phone call, she threw the phone on the ground and stepped
on it. She made sure she had broken it before picking up the big piece and jumping in the car and sped away from what would turn into a crime scene any minute now.


  Angel kept looking out the window, anxiously waiting for the mailman to come. The results from the home DNA kit were supposed to be in the mail today and she couldn’t wait to see what the results were. In the week that baby Kartier had been with them, she had grown very fond of him and honestly didn’t want him to leave.

  She had even taken him by the salon to show him off and everyone that laid eyes on him had instantly fell in love with him. That was just the type of effect he had on people because he had definitely stolen her heart.

  “Angel, I wish you would sit down somewhere.” Kaison shook his head.

  He hated the fact that Angel had gotten attached to the baby because there was no doubt in his mind that he wasn’t the father. He was going to hate to see the look on her face once he read the results to her.

  “I can’t help it, I’m nervous,” she said as she bit her nails.

  “For what, though? I can tell you what the results say now before they even get here.”

  Angel slapped him in the back of the head and rolled her eyes at him. “You are such an asshole. He’s an innocent baby, Kaison.” Kaison opened his mouth to say something, but Angel put up her hand and halted him. “Just shut the fuck up.” Kaison sat there shocked. He knew he had to have pissed her off because that was the only time she cussed.

  Angel walked back over to the window just in time to see the mailman walking up. She wobbled over to the door quickly and collected the mail. She threw everything else on the table until she reached the piece of mail she was waiting for.

  She hurried and ripped it open as she read the results. She was a little heartbroken, but relived at the same time, when the results stated that Kaison couldn’t not possibly be the father. Kaison could tell by the way that she was pouting that he wasn’t the father, but of course, he wasn’t surprised. He had been telling her that since day one.

  “Well, I guess I better pack his bag.” Angel shrugged as she walked towards the stairs. Before she could even put a foot on a stair, she felt a gush of water come out of her. “Oh shoot, Kaison!” she panicked.

  Kaison jumped up to see what was wrong. Since he was there when Kalise’s water broke when she was pregnant with Keymani, he already knew what to expect, but Angel, on the other hand, was nervous.

  “Okay, calm down, baby. Ya man got everything under control,” he said as he grabbed her hand and led her to the living room.

  “I can't sit on the couch when I'm all wet,” she whined.

  “I'm about to run upstairs and grab you a change of clothes while I grab the car seat, bag and Kartier,” explained Kaison. He was trying to stay calm so Angel would remain calm and not panic.

  He ran up the stairs while dialing Kaiah's number. “What's up, twinny?” she answered.

  “It's time.”

  Kaiah got quiet for a minute before it finally hit her. “OH MY GOD! MY BABY IS HAVING A BABY?!” she yelled into the phone.

  Kaison pulled the phone away from his ear and laughed. She had the same reaction when Keymani was born. “Yea, her water just broke. I'm packing up everything now so we can head to the hospital. I gotta call Keymani’s granny and see if she can pick her up from school for me,” he explained.

  “No need, me and Tae will pick her up. I gotta call Kaily. Oooooh, I'm so excited!” she yelled.

  “I gotta go girl. See you at the hospital,” Kaison laughed.

  When he hung up after talking to his sister, he went into the nursery and put Kartier in his car seat while grabbing the other baby's car seat and both diaper bags. He made sure he had a change of clothes before rushing down the stairs.

  “Any contractions yet?” he asked as he helped her change.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Okay, good. Let's get you there before they start.”

  Angel grabbed the bag and empty car seat while Kaison grabbed Kartier and they were on their way to the hospital.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaiah was so excited that Angel was about to have her baby. She could remember when she first moved into the mansion at just sixteen years old. She was all shy and timid; but now here she was, starting her own family. To say that Kaiah was proud of Angel would be an understatement. When Kaison told her it was time, she hurried and jumped in the car with Deonte, Synai and Shauntez right behind her.

  Deonte looked over at Kaiah and smiled. “You know you're next, right?”

  “Whoa, I have a few more months left, let's not rush it,” Kaiah laughed. She looked in the back seat at Keymani, who was all smiles. She was so excited that she was about to be a big sister.

  All this baby talk was making Kaiah anxious about the arrival of her own little bundle of joy. She was slowly getting over the fear and she pushed all the bad thoughts out of her mind.

  “Denaiya,” Kaiah said.

  “Who's that?” both Deonte and Keymani asked.

  “My daughter, our daughter. Her name is Denaiya,” she said.

  “Denaiya, huh? Where did you get that name from?” Deonte asked.

  “It literally just came to me as I was sitting here. What do you think?” she asked.

  “I like it. I told you that you would think of something.”

  The rest of the ride to the hospital, Kaiah was lost deep in her thoughts. Lately, she had been feeling like she wanted to give up her job as a madam. Her heart just wasn't in it anymore. Now all she was worried about was making sure she and her family were straight.

  Deonte had enough money saved up and she definitely had enough put up so that she would never have to work again. For now, she was just going to stay home, finish planning Darrell’s birthday bash and worry about putting her marriage back together.

  “Yo, baby,” Deonte said, snatching her from her thoughts.

  “Huh?” she asked.

  “We’re here.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  They were the last ones to make it to Angel’s room. Everyone was already there, including Dolly and Senior. Looking around, Kaiah realized she hasn't spent time with or been around her family since Carlos’ funeral.

  “Why does it feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever?” she asked.

  “You've been busy, sister girl.” Kaily smiled.

  Kaiah was happy to see her sister smiling more. She knew it would take her some time to get over the fact that Carlos was gone and even more time to get over the fact that he had taken his life right in front of her. She wasn't worried about it too much though because she knew Orlando would help to keep a smile on her face.

  “Any pain yet, mamacita?” Kaiah asked Angel.

  “Yea, but they come every fifteen minutes, so I'm okay.” Angel smiled.

  Stacy walked in the room and everyone spoke, including Dolly. “So we need a few more chairs?” she asked herself as she examined the room. She walked over to the bed and hooked up a machine to monitor Angel’s contractions. “You good?”

  “For now, yes,” answered Angel.

  “Are you going natural or are you getting a epidural?” Stacy asked.

  “Oh no! The only thing I like natural is my hair and face. Give me the drugs.” Angel shook her head.

  Everyone in the room started laughing.

  “Well I can't give it to you, that's the anesthesiologist’s job, and she might say it's a little too early for it. But I will make note that you asked for it.”

  “Please and thank you,” Angel sighed.

  “No problem. I'm going to go grab some more chairs, and if you need anything else, you know what to do.” Stacy winked before leaving the room.

  Kaiah looked over at her brother and noticed he was cradling a baby in his arms. She was shocked and a little thrown off, so she walked over to him.

  “What's up, Duke?”

  Already knowing what his sister was talking about, he just shook his head. “Mesha’s baby.”r />
  Kaiah looked from him to Angel then back to him. “He's…I mean you…”

  Angel chuckled at Kaiah’s facial expression. “No, he's not,” she answered for Kaison. “But he's so handsome and he such a good baby that I don't want him to leave,” she pouted.

  Kaison wasn't going to admit it out loud, but he kind of didn't want Kartier to leave either. He didn't not want to be the daddy because he didn't want him, he didn't want to be the daddy because there was no way in hell he wanted any ties to Mesha whatsoever. If the results would have come back that Kartier actually was his, he would have stepped up to the plate to take care of him.


  It was six o'clock in the morning and still no baby, but the contractions were even worse. Angel was in an indescribable pain and the epidural she’d had last night had worn off. Kaison had sent everyone home and was feeling bad because there was nothing he could do to help Angel.

  “Why is this baby so stubborn?” Angel pouted. She looked over at Kaison with an evil eye, knowing that was one of his traits.

  Before Kaison could even respond, Angel’s midwife walked into the room.

  “Okay, mama, I know it's early but I wanna check your cervix and see if we can deliver a baby.” She smiled.

  “Please do,” Angel groaned.

  The midwife positioned Angel’s legs up on the bed and bent her knees. Angel felt a little pressure but it was nothing compared to the contractions.

  “Alright mama, you are fully dilated so I'm going to grab your obstetrician so we can get down to business.”

  “Oh, thank God!” Angel cried out.

  She wasn't complaining because she knew in the end, all this pain would be worth it. In the end, when she got to hold her precious baby.

  “You wouldn't mind if I left the room, would you?” Kaison asked.


  “I'm just joking, baby.”

  There was no way in hell Kaison would miss the birth of his child. He was in the room when Keymani was born, so he damn sure was going to be here for the birth of his second born. He walked over to the little couch Keymani was laying on and woke her up.


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