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Pursuing The Madam 3

Page 12

by Charmanie Saquea

  “Wake up, baby girl. The baby is coming,” he said just as the doctor and nurses walked into the room. Hearing those words, Keymani jumped up like she was never asleep and clapped her hands excitedly.

  “I heard it was time to deliver a baby,” Dr. Cramer said as he got prepared to deliver Angel’s baby. After scrubbing in, he walked over to the bed and pulled the stool with him. “Alright, give me one big push for ten seconds.”

  Angel pushed with all her might and used up all the energy she had. So she wouldn't get tired, he had her push in little spurts and gave her time to rest.

  “It's crowning, give me one more!”

  “Ahhhhhh!” Angel yelled after he second push. She felt her pussy ripping and wanted to cry out in agony, but instead she cried tears of joy when she heard her baby’s cries.

  “It's a boy!” the doctor informed her. “Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, dad?” he asked Kaison.

  Proud to do the honors, Kaison cut the umbilical cord as he stole a glance at his new mini me. He walked over to Angel as they cleaned up the baby. She looked tired and her eyes were low. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

  “You did it, baby.”

  “No, we did it,” she said weakly.

  After fourteen hours of labor, lots of pushing, eight and a half months of pregnancy and three stitches, Angel was finally holding her baby boy. “Are we naming him Kaison the third?” she asked.

  “Nah, I was thinking Kaileb.”

  “Kaileb.” Angel smiled. “I like that.”

  Angel passed the baby to Keymani because she knew that she was anxious to hold her baby brother. Besides, she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Kaison watched his two children with pride. He was not only blessed to have them, but he was blessed to have their mothers in his life also.

  Even though Kalise was no longer with him in body, he knew that she was with him in spirit and he greatly appreciated her. He glanced over at Angel who was sleeping peacefully and his heart fluttered. His family was complete now and he was even thinking about making her his wife. In his mind, she already was, but he knew women liked to have it put on paper.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaiah was sitting in her room finishing up the final plans for Darrell’s party and she was impressed with her work. When she first decided to become an event planner, she was stepping out on faith to see if she was cut out for it. Now she was really feeling it and could see herself doing this long term.

  “Get ya face out the computer.” She looked up and smiled when she saw Kaily walking into the room.

  “What you doing here, big head?” Kaiah asked.

  “I came to talk to my worrisome little sister,” Kaily sighed as she plopped down on the bed.

  “What's wrong?”

  “I'm in love and I need a job. Can you help me out?” asked Kaily.

  “I don't even have to ask who you’re in love with, but I think I might have a job for you,” said Kaiah.

  “What?” Kaily asked skeptically.

  “Well, I've been thinking about giving up being a madam or whatever people want to call it. But I know that lifestyle is basically all my girls know, so I didn't want to just say I'm done and leave them jobless and stranded,” explained Kaiah.

  “Wait, so you're passing me the torch?”

  “Only if you want it. They all know you and look at you like a sister anyways, so if you want it, it's yours. I'm bowing out.”

  “I'm down, so what, I gotta sign some papers or something?” Kaily asked.

  “No papers, but we need to go to the mansion and explain to them that you're taking over and I can show you all the clients and files.”

  “Cool, enough about me though. What's been going on in the Smith household? You shining, ain't you?” asked Kaily as she examined Kaiah’s new ring.

  “Girl, nothing, working on my marriage and anticipating the arrival of my daughter.”

  “That's good. I'm happy you and D-boy worked everything out. I really haven't spoken to him since before…” Kaily’s voice trailed off, but Kaiah knew what she was about to say.

  “Maybe you two should talk,” Kaiah suggested.

  Kaily shook her head. “I don't know about that Kay Kay. I feel like he blames me for what happened to Carlos.”

  “What?” asked Kaiah. “I highly doubt that. In fact, I can tell you right now that's not true.”

  “I just—“

  “TAE!” Kaiah yelled, cutting Kaily off.

  “Kaiah, what are you doing?” asked Kaily.

  “Putting an end to this shit,” Kaiah answered. “Deonte Smith! Bring ya ass here!”

  Deonte walked into the room looking crazy. “What, girl?”

  “Don't what me.” Kaiah rolled her eyes. “Anyways, my sister over here seems to think that you blame her for what happened to Carlos and that you have a problem with her.”

  Deonte stepped back like he was offended or something. “Say what now?”

  “I told her she was tripping.” Kaiah shook her head.

  “Yo, Kaily, I don't blame you for shit. I know how much you loved Carlos and I know how much he loved you, so I have no reason to blame you for shit. Nobody knows what was going through my boy’s head when he did what he did but him. He was battling some demons and in the end, they won,” explained Deonte.

  “See, I told you! Now hug and love each other,” Kaiah laughed.

  “Kaily know I love her,” Deonte said as he put her in a head lock.

  Kaiah laughed at the two. “I so love you guys.”


  Kaiah and Kaily were at Kaison’s house visiting their new nephew. Even though he hadn’t really formed his looks yet, he looked just like Kaison.

  Angel walked into the den with a freshly made bottle for Kaileb. “Now that I have Kaily and Kaison in the same room together again, I think I should be a hundred and fifty dollars richer.” Angel said as she held her hand out.

  “What you talking about girl?” Kaison asked, taking the bottle from her.

  “If I do recall, I won two bets. I told y’all I was going to have a son, so please put your money where my hand is,” she laughed.

  “Ain’t that a bitch?” Kaison shook his head as he dug in his pocket.

  “Wow, just wow,” Kaily sighed as they both placed the money in her hands.

  “Anyways, Kay Kay, I heard you were the mastermind behind Darrell’s birthday bash tonight. I heard that shit is supposed to be hot,” Kaison said.

  “I heard that too. If I wasn’t pregnant, I would definitely be in there tonight.”

  “Word,” Kaison agreed.

  “Okay, so y’all know how Orlando found his little sister, right?” Kaily asked out of nowhere.

  “Yea,” everyone answered.

  “Well, his sister and her family always have these big get-togethers like we do and she invited us all to one next week so we could meet each other, and I just wanted to know what you guys think...”

  “I don’t see why not. We always have Orlando’s back, so we should go show our support.” Kaiah shrugged as she took Kaileb from his daddy.

  “I’m with my twin, I don’t see the problem. We can make this a big family function,” Kaison agreed.

  Kaily was quiet for a few minutes before she spoke up again. “Do you guys think I’m moving too fast, and be honest?” she asked as she bit her lip.

  “Honestly, no,” Kaiah answered. “You and Lando have years’ worth of history and he was your first, so it’s not like your jumping head first into a relationship with a nigga you just met. I’m pretty sure Carlos would want you to be happy.”

  “You’re right, but I don’t want it to seem like I’m saying fuck Carlos by moving on so suddenly.”

  “Yo, did you love Los?” asked Kaison.

  “Of course,” answered Kaily.

  “Did he love you?” he retorted.

  “I have no doubts about it.”

  “Okay then! Fuck what people think and how they feel. You know how y’all two f
elt about each other and what’s understood don’t have to be explained to no damn body. Do whatever the hell your heart tells you to do and muthafuck the world.”

  Everyone nodded their heads to agree with him. Leave it up to Kaison to give it to you straight up, no chaser. He’d always been the type to not give a fuck what anybody had to say about him. People talked down on him when they found out he was with Angel, telling him he would never be able to turn a hoe into a housewife. He told them all to kiss his ass and go to hell, he proved to them that saying wasn’t always true.

  ~ ~ ~

  When Kaiah pulled up to her house, she was met by Katrina who was pulling up at the same time as her. Kaiah loved the fact that Deonte had given his mother another chance. She knew from experience that it wasn’t easy, but it would be worth it in the long run.

  “Hey, Ms. Lady.” Kaiah greeted her with a hug.

  “Hey, how are you?” Katrina smiled as she rubbed Kaiah’s belly.

  “I’m good, just feeling fat and hungry.”

  “Girl, stop it. I was way bigger than this when I was carrying all my kids. Especially that big head husband of yours,” Katrina laughed.

  “From the ultrasound, I could tell that she’s going to have one just like him.” Kaiah shook her head as she unlocked the front door.

  Deonte was sitting on the couch when Kaiah and Katrina walked in. He eyed them suspiciously as they walked in smiling and laughing. “Aye, aye, cut all that out. What y’all talking about?” he asked.

  “Mind your business.” Kaiah waved him off.

  “We were talking about you,” Katrina said.

  “I believe that. My name stay on the tip of somebody’s tongue,” Deonte laughed as he followed them to the kitchen.

  Kaiah stopped and looked at him. “I got something you can put the tip of your tongue on.” She winked at him.

  “Holla at me tonight, I might be able to take care of that for you,” he said as he slapped her on her ass.

  “Don't start something you can't finish, Deonte Smith,” Kaiah laughed.

  “You can trust and believe that I have plans to finish once I start,” Deonte mumbled as he watched Kaiah. She was never hurting in the ass department, but being pregnant had definitely enhanced her assets a lot. Just the thought alone made his dick jump. It had been too long since he had been inside his wife and he didn't know how much longer he could go.

  “Tae, what is wrong with you?” asked Kaiah, snatching him out of his trance.

  “Huh, what?”

  Kaiah just shook her head. “Your mother was talking to you and you sitting over looking crazy.”

  “Shit, my bad. That booty had me in a trance,” he laughed even though he was serious.

  “You are so mannish,” said Kaiah as she threw a grape at him.

  “Whatever, but what you say, Ma?” Deonte asked Katrina.

  “You two are adorable, but I was saying you should meet your dad.”

  "Aww come on,” he groaned. “Baby steps, Ma, baby steps.”

  Katrina was about to say something else until the TV in the kitchen caught her eyes. Kaiah grabbed the remote just as a breaking news story came on.

  The Miami police department is still seeking for help and answers to solve a murder. A few weeks ago, a woman was found shot to death in her home after someone called in an anonymous tip.

  That was is being identified as Sherae Carter. The police currently have no leads or suspects but are asking that if you have any information to please let them know.

  Kaiah sat there not having any feelings about Sherae being killed. Since the day that she walked into that house, Kaiah could see the malicious intent in her eyes. She felt like she and Deonte both had let Sherae get away with too much and enough was enough.

  She looked over at Deonte who wore an expression that she couldn't read. Putting her thoughts at ease, he winked and blew a kiss at her. She smiled as she dug in her purse for her ringing phone.

  “Talk to me,” she answered.

  “Kaiah!” both Angel and Kaily yelled into the phone.

  “Dang, yes?” she laughed.

  “Okay, I know you seen what I just did, so all I need is a simple yes or no to the question in my head,” Kaily said.

  “Yes,” Kaiah sighed.

  “I knew it! That had sneaky written all over it!” Angel exclaimed.

  “So what are you two trying to insinuate?” asked Kaiah.

  “That you're crazy as hell and when, because you didn't tell us. Like, what the fuck?” Kaily said.

  “That's not something you really tell anybody, plus I didn't necessarily make the play myself because I had a little interference,” said Kaiah as she cut her eyes at Deonte.

  “Wow, we need to meet up and talk about this because I'm so like…I don't even know what to say,” Angel said.

  “Deal. We can meet up, talk about whatever and have a girls’ day. Just the three of us.”

  “Deal,” Kaily and Angel agreed.

  Kaiah just smiled and shook her head as she hung up the phone. She should have known her phone would be ringing as soon as the news went off.

  “Do you have any plans on having a baby shower?” Katrina asked.

  “She don't need one, especially since she forced me to buy everything,” Deonte huffed.

  Kaiah looked at him sideways. “You complaining?” she asked.

  “Nah, baby, not at all.” He shook his head.

  “He's right though, I don't need anything, so I don't feel the need for a baby shower. I wouldn't feel right accepting gifts from people knowing I have everything I need and more. I'm just ready to meet her.” Kaiah smiled.

  “I second that!” Synai said excitedly as she walked in the kitchen.

  “What's up little girl, how was school?” Deonte asked.

  “Ehh, it was just that. School.” She shrugged.

  Everyone just chuckled and shook their heads at Synai. Katrina was getting teary eyed just looking at her daughter. She was so mad at herself for missing out on her life as well as Shauntez and Deonte’s.

  “Uhn uhn, Ma, why you crying?” Synai asked.

  Both Kaiah and Deonte turned their heads and looked over at Katrina with worry in their eyes. Katrina wiped the tears away that she didn't even realize had fallen.

  “I'm just a bottle of mixed emotions right now.”

  “What's wrong?” Deonte asked.

  Katrina waved him off with her hand while shaking her head. “I don't want to go there. I don't have anyone to blame for the way I'm feeling but myself.”

  “Come on now, just spit it out. We’re better than that,” Synai said.

  “I'm ashamed and proud at the same time. Ashamed because I chose drugs over my kids and messed out on their lives but proud because Deonte stepped in and took on the responsibility that he never should have had to. I'm proud because I can tell he raised you and Shauntez right so I know for a fact that he’ll be a great father.”

  “Aww, Mama Bear.” Deonte playfully pouted as he pulled his mother into his arms. “Stop dwelling on the past. You’re here now and that's all that matters. Better late than never.”

  Kaiah sat there with tears in her eyes. She was so happy for Deonte. He had come a long way from when Katrina first popped up on their doorstep. She didn't even know he had contacted her until the day that Sherae had come over starting trouble. She was happy that he had found it in his heart to forgive her because that was a very big step.


  Kaison had been doing a lot of thinking lately. He was ready to make his family official. He had a wonderful woman, a beautiful and smart daughter, and a handsome, healthy son. He walked into Kaileb’s nursery and shut the door behind him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the box that held the ring that he had purchased earlier in the day.

  He knew this was exactly what he wanted, without a doubt. Angel had come in his life and shook shit up in a good way. He never thought that the little girl that he rescued that night would turn out to be his
world, the love of his life, his everything.

  He knew he had a winner when she stepped in and took care of Keymani when Kalise died. Even if Kalise would have never requested it, he knew she would have done it anyway. Losing Kalise was a hard pill to swallow for him because she was more than the mother of his child, she was his best friend, but Angel was right there for him every step of the way.

  He knew he loved her, his family knew and she knew, but he wanted the whole world to know so he was going to profess his love while standing before God in church. He took the ring out and put it on a chain. He took the chain and put it around Kaileb’s neck. His son looked at him and gave him a toothless smile that was filled with nothing but gums, like he knew exactly what his daddy was doing.

  “Okay, lil man, I need you to be daddy’s little helper today. Hopefully mommy says yes,” he said.

  After making sure that everything was in place, he left the nursery and went to find his future wife. He walked into the bedroom where Angel was glued to the TV watching Love & Hip Hop ATL while being hooked up to her breast pump.

  “I'll be happy when that milk goes away because I don't wanna suck on my melons and have milk squirting in my mouth and shit.” Kaison smiled devilishly.

  “Sorry, but the only person that's allowed to suck on these melons is Kaileb Andre Parks. You nasty pervert,” she joked.

  “If memory serves me right, me being nasty is what got him in the first place. I think we should work on our third one now. Keymani and Kaileb need a little sister.”

  “You must have fell and bumped that big head of yours. He's barely a month old. There will be no babies coming out of me anytime soon,” Angel said with her face scrunched up.

  “Okay, we’ll see. But I came to tell you that your son did the uh oh and he would rather you change him.” Kaison smiled slyly.

  “Really, Kaison? You can't change him?”

  “Nah.” He shook his head, knowing she would get the shock of his life when she went in there.

  Angel mumbled obscenities as she removed the breast pump from her breast. She mushed Kaison in his head as she walked out of the room. He stood there with his arms folded as he counted down in his head. Three, two, one.


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