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A Devil of a Date

Page 13

by Long, Andie M.

  This was all happening so fast. I didn’t know what to do. One minute I’d been enjoying a date with Jett, the next I was involved in some kind of spat between the packs and now Darius was done with me? What did I do?

  As Darius also turned and walked out of the restaurant, I felt my legs moving. I needed to go after him. But as I stood I heard a bloodcurdling scream from the back of the restaurant.

  Chapter Twenty


  Shelley, Theo and I raced to the rear of the restaurant where Satan had Frankie held by his shirt collar, a red sizzling knife at his throat.

  “Please?” Lucy was almost falling to her knees, her eyes feverish and her plea coming out in a shaking voice.

  “Oh, Lucy, my darling. Don’t worry. You see, you can save your loved one. All you have to do is agree to come back to Hell with me. Simples.”

  “I warned you.” Shelley glared at him.

  “Oh yes, you did, but other than that bit of blue web type stuff, you can’t actually do a great deal against me, can you? Like you said, you have power over me in Withernsea, but in Hell, not a jot, and that’s where I’m taking Lucy. So why don’t you mind your own business, bitch.”

  Theo launched toward Satan but as his knife sparked and sizzled further, he found himself pulled back by his wife by blue threads.

  “P-please. Let him go. Haven’t you done enough against Frankie?” Lucy begged again.

  “It’s okay. There’s no way you are going back to Hell. He can do what he wants to me. Can I just say how much I prayed that your dates would all go wrong. You see, I love you, Lucy. I’m prepared to die for you.”

  Lucy’s eyes appeared wet. “You do? Oh my God, Frankie. I love you too.”

  I watched as Lucy felt at her scalp and the other horn came away in her hand. “It’s gone. I’m human again.” She exclaimed.

  “Nooooooooooo.” Satan turned into his original form, his forked tongue striking out towards Lucy.

  It was then I realised something. Something incredible. “She said God. Lucy said God.” I yelled, “and none of us set on fire or anything. I bet that’s why Satan has turned into his original form.”

  “The card!” Shelley’s eyes widened, and she felt in her pocket. “Theo! I need that card.”

  Through trembling fingers, she pulled out the envelope and extracted the card. I watched as a large white feather appeared and fluttered across it, words appearing.

  “It’s an incantation of some kind, but we need some ingredients. A glass of water, a wedding ring and some cat fur.”

  “There’s water on their table.” I pointed at it.

  “I’ll put my wedding ring in.” Said Theo, throwing it in the jar of water with expert accuracy.

  Satan roared with laughter. “Yes, you get a lot of cats in restaurants. I’m just going to watch your pathetic attempts for one more minute and then Lucy, I shall be giving you your ultimatum once and for all. It’s either your horns back or you lose the man you love. Your choice, hun. Sorry to spoil your fun and all but I really can’t be doing with all this love and happiness crap that’s going on.” He shuffled around. “It gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

  Shelley’s shoulders slumped. “I could hold him in my thread, but any sudden movement and Frankie’s dead.”

  “Lucy!” A man walked up to the table with a group of small men behind him. Pixies. “Is everything okay?”

  “Henry. Will you look after Red’s for me? Make sure the staff are okay? It looks like I’ve got to leave Withernsea.” Her chin trembled, and she wiped under her nose with a napkin.

  Then her gaze centred on one of the pixies and she launched out of her position like a lovesick crazed stalker of Harry Styles, front row at a One Direction concert.

  “Oh no. Not her, help me. Help me!” Yelled a Pixie with dark blonde hair. He looked petrified bless him.

  “Drop your trousers, right now.” She screeched.

  Everyone in the restaurant stilled and turned towards the screaming banshee who had wrestled a Pixie to the ground and who currently had her hands in his pubic region.

  Even Satan looked dumbfounded and Frankie’s face was one of unease crossed with devastation.

  Then there was a ripping sound, followed by a sharp scream of pain from the pixie. Lucy held a wad of dark hair aloft before running to the water jug.

  “I don’t have time to explain, say the sodding rhyme,” she yelled.

  Shelley shook herself and read.

  “With the purity of water,

  the fur of one so smart,

  May love bind you together,

  And you never be far apart.”

  A glowing tendril of white smoke rose from the bowl wrapping itself around Frankie, another around Lucy and then the tendrils entwined together into a heart shape before disappearing.

  “I’m going to hurl,” said Satan and with that he slit the knife straight across Frankie’s throat.

  But it did nothing. As it pressed against his flesh the fiery blade fizzled out.

  Then Sophia appeared.

  Satan rolled his eyes.

  “Oh what are you doing here? Always the party pooper with all your lovey dovey stuff. I mean, a heart at the end. Talk about overkill.”

  His eyes fixed on the box in her hand and his own widened. “What’s that?” He looked to escape, renting a rip in the air, his escape portal, but Sophia put a hand up and froze it, Shelley adding her blue strands which knitted it back together.

  “We’ve been having meetings, urgent meetings. You see, you’ve not been keeping to our agreement about the balance between good and evil. For that, you have outgrown your position. It’s time for your renewal.”

  “You can’t do this.” Satan yelled.

  “It is not our doing. If you have kept to the agreement of balance, nothing shall happen when I open this box. In the end we are all accountable for our decisions, even you.”

  She opened the box and a small white arrow floated out. As it approached Satan it turned black as night before it punctured his neck.


  In front of us Satan crumpled to the floor, flames enveloping him in a way that surely he couldn’t survive.

  But of course this was Satan, so we waited with baited breath.

  The flames died away and the man who remained was someone entirely different.

  “Fuck me. Has he regenerated like Doctor Who?” I shouted before I realised I’d just cussed in an angel’s presence.

  “Angel Sophia. My apologies for my language.” I bowed.

  She smiled beatifically. “No apologies necessary, my child. It is just a human thing. It’s when your words cause harm, I take offence.”

  Satan sat up and rubbed his head. Then he looked at Sophia.

  “Where am I? Why am I on earth?”

  Sophia walked closer to the table and whispered something in Lucy’s ear before walking over to Satan. “Come, there have been changes. We need to go to the Angel realm and discuss.” With a blinding light they were gone.

  Theo looked around, and we finally took notice of the mass hysteria overtaking the restaurant. “Group hypno session coming up. I’m going to be one tired vampire tonight.”

  Was it me or did his wife actually look pleased about that fact as she magicked his wedding ring out of the bowl and back onto his finger?

  Once the restaurant patrons had been dealt with, we took a seat back down at the table to enjoy a well earned drink. I ordered a red wine; Shelley, a coke because she was erring on the side of caution; and Theo ordered a red wine himself which he tipped into my glass as soon as I’d downed my first, before extracting a small bottle of blood from his pocket and pouring it into his glass.

  “What a night.” Shelley said for about the thirtieth time before picking up her glass and taking a swig. She licked her lips. “I was ready for a drink.”

  “Err, Shelley.” I said pointing to her.

  “What? Oh there’s not another drama is there? I need a rest.
I’m feeling wiped.”

  “You just drank my O-neg, darling. I think the tiredness might be that you’re having my baby.” Theo said, looking into her eyes with such tender love.

  Shelley’s phone rang and as I saw the ID, I picked it up first.

  “Yeah, yeah, Ebony. We know already.”

  “The baby will bring great joy to Withernsea. If only the same could be said for you.”

  I hung up. This night was now for celebrating, not for worrying about werewolves.

  Lucy and Frankie approached our table hand-in-hand.

  “We’re leaving now.” She said, her eyes glittering. The pair of them were bouncing on their toes such was their haste to get home. She turned to Shelley. “We just wanted to say thank you for everything, especially for smoothing things over with Tristan. You declaring him the hero of the hour meant that he wasn’t deposed of his Pixie position and I won’t now have to make reparation again although I have promised to comb Maisie for him the next time I see her.”

  Shelley smiled. “It was a little fur-raising, but all worked out in the end.”

  “Yeah, and now you can go be all loved-up.” I said. “Congratulations you two.”

  “Oh about that. Our agreement means you now have to date Darius.” Lucy smiled.

  I shot back in my seat. “I don’t think so.”

  Then I yelped as a strange heat radiated up my arm.

  “It was binding. You have no choice. Sorry.” Lucy exchanged a knowing look with Shelley. Then she and Frankie left.

  “Can I have the bill please?” I asked our waitress. I wanted my bed, and probably to thump my pillow a few times.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  Having a vampire boyfriend was so cool. No longer did I need to catch buses. He just whooshed me back to his, well, our, house.

  “Which room?” He said throatily in my ear.

  “Mine.” I whispered.

  With my door kicked off its hinges and an “Oops, oh fuck it,” from Frankie, he deposited me on the top of my duvet and I thanked God, yes, this was my thing now, that I’d kept my room tidy.

  Frankie nuzzled my neck. “You smell divine.”

  Oh I sure did.

  I kicked off my Louboutins with a whispered apology to them for my lack of attention, and then the rest of our clothes followed as we got ourselves naked. Skin to skin we lay together now under the duvet.

  “Well who’d have thought this was going to happen?” Frankie said.

  “Mmmmmm.” I snuggled. “Not me, but thinking back it makes perfect sense. We were two people searching to find our new selves and not only did we do that but we found each other too.”

  “Well thank goodness you got that cat hair. I can’t believe that was the real story of why there were pixies in my house.”

  “There’s more to our story though, Frankie.” He propped his chin up on the pillow at the side of me and gave me his full attention.

  “When Satan smote you. I was responsible. I’d brought Shelley to that house, had tricked her. She’d not realised that to release me and therefore her parents, she had to make a deal with the Devil. I brought her to Satan’s attention and that led to your death. That was me. Tonight, I saved you from him. It came full circle and now it’s over, we’re free.”

  “I love you, Lucy Fir, and sometime in the future, when we’ve dated a while, I think we need to change that name of yours. I think Lucy Love sounds much more suitable to the new you.”

  “Lucy Love.” I sighed. “Infinitely better.”

  Frankie laid me back on the bed and trailed kisses over every inch of my body. I felt his erect cock next to my thigh and shivered in anticipation of what was to come.

  When he eventually entered me, it felt like everything and more. I rocked against him until explosions overcame me like a tsunami wave.

  Frankie moved to my side and I laid back, enjoying the aftershocks of this amazing moment.

  “Lucy? Are you supposed to be floating?”

  I opened my eyes and found myself around five inches off the bed, the duvet having been thrown back during the throes of passion.

  “Oops.” I said coming back down.

  “Are you glowing a little or is it my eyes?”

  I patted his arm. “When Sophia came over to me she whispered that the balance had to be restored. I’ve spent years being evil and creating harm. With Andrew of no use as an earth angel, she made me one.”

  Frankie gasped. “What does that mean for us?”

  “It means that like my vampire boyfriend, I will no longer age.” I told him. “Angels aren’t supposed to be with vampires. For us, she made an exception. When she binded us together, it was for eternity. I hope you’re ready for that.” I bit my lip. “I’m not sure what it means in terms of children though. Can you cross an angel with a vampire?”

  “Ah, we have over a hundred years to think about and research that one.” He told me, then he leaned over and nibbled at my neck causing another flush of desire to run through my body.

  “And that research is continuing right now.” He said.


  Has Kim started a pack war? Can Lucy adjust to her new life as an earth angel?

  All will be revealed in Hate, Date, or Mate, releasing 11 April 2018. Pre-order here:

  Coming soon

  COMING 11 APRIL 2018


  The seer says I'm destined for a wolf shifter called Darius…

  Personally, I think Ebony has had too much vodka again. She says I've now started a Were war due to my date with a shifter from a different pack.

  Just as I admit to myself that I like Darius, I find my Red Riding Hood fantasies are going to have to wait—because he's not talking to me. Am I only interested because he's playing hard to get? Do I like the chase?

  To take my mind off things I start dating a cute human guy – and then there were three.

  Of Darius, Jett, and Seth. Who will I hate, date, or mate?

  Welcome to Withernsea and the Supernatural Dating Agency, for readers of Michelle Rowen, Gerry Bartlett and Michele Bardsley who like their humour to have them howling.

  Buy Hate, Date, or Mate to see if Kim succumbs to her fate, or has left it too late.

  Pre-order here:

  Also by Andie M. Long


  The Vampire Wants a Wife


  The Alphabet Game Amazon:

  The Alphabet Wedding: Amazon:

  The Calendar Game: Amazon:

  The Baby Game: Amazon:

  The Alpha Series Boxset: Amazon:

  The Alphabet Game: Play It Playbook:


  Balls (Book One): Amazon:

  Snow Balls (Book Two): Amazon:

  New Balls Please (Book Three): Amazon:

  Balls Fore (Book Four): Amazon:

  The Ball Games Bundle (One to Four): Amazon:

  Jingle Balls (Book Five): Amazon:

  Curve Balls (Book Six): Amazon:

  Birthing Balls (Book Seven): Amazon:




  SAVIOUR: Amazon:

  MInE: Amazon:

  THE BUNK UP (co-written with DH Sidebottom): Amazon:

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  About Andie

  Andie M. Long writes crazy comedy, romance, and sometimes dark suspense.

  She lives in Sheffield with her son and long suffering partner.

  When not being partner, mother, writer, or book editor, she can usually be found on Facebook or walking her whippet, Bella.

  Andie will be signing in Bristol, London and York 2018 and Sheffield 2019.


  Andie’s Reader Hangout: (not a street team, just a place to hang and have fun).

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  TWITTER: @andiemichelle


  INSTAGRAM: andiemlongwriter (meet Barbie Andie!)

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