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Adams, Cara - The Hawk, the Wolf, and the Dom [Shape-Shifter Clinic 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  As a wolf, she’d be more sensitive to the need to keep a low profile than a human would, but there was no way he could begin a relationship with her, then say, “Oh, by the way, I need to move location every few months in case someone wants to find out about me. I have no identity papers, no social security, I don’t exist.”

  Toby grinned sardonically. He was an illegal alien in a land where he could trace his ancestry back hundreds of years. But without a birth certificate he was no one.

  * * * *

  Dom Augustus checked the bookings for the evening. Three men. Excellent. He’d told the receptionist he was only taking male clients at the moment and no one had made any comments, so it looked as though his plan would work. In about a week he’d contact Karen, maybe even invite her out on a genuine date. But first, he needed to think more about that. No need to rush. He’d plan out every step so that the evening would be perfect for them both. Meanwhile, it was time to go to work.

  His first two clients were men who’d visited him before. Their needs were obvious, and he enjoyed punishing them in ways that removed all the stress from their bodies and sent them away refreshed and recharged, ready to face their lives with a clear mind and restored spirit once more. The third man was someone he didn’t know. Toby Hawk. Likely it was a pseudonym. He was certain he’d never dealt with a Toby before.

  Gus walked across to the bar and the barman pointed his next client out to him. A slender man just under six feet tall, with unusual hair in a variety of shades of brown. Gus shrugged. The man had likely paid a fortune for the beautician to do that to his hair, but it did look good. Gus flipped through the worksheet and quickly memorized Toby’s requests. Nothing unusual there. It was all good. He had no objection to customers who wanted very kinky sessions in the dungeon, but if he needed to use special equipment he had to prepare it before the session. This man was a straight bound-and-whipped request, so no nonstandard extras would be needed.

  Gus walked up to him and said, “Mr. Hawk? I’m Dom Augustus.”

  A pair of piercing dark-brown eyes swiftly raked up and down his body, and Gus had the distinct feeling he was being weighed, measured, and judged, all at once. Well, that was fine. The man needed to be able to trust him or their session wouldn’t be as successful as it should be.

  “I’m ready.” The man spoke in a deep bass voice, surprising for a man of such average height and weight. Gus had always associated that kind of rich voice with huge opera singers with enormous lung power. Well, that killed another misconception. It didn’t matter what the man sounded like anyway. He was just a client. Likely they wouldn’t even meet ever again.

  Gus turned to lead the way to his dungeon, and found himself chest to chest with Karen. Where the fuck did she appear from?

  “Hey there, Toby, Dom Augustus. With your permission I’d like to join you both for this session. I think the three of us together will be very—rewarding.”

  Gus had to work hard to stop his extreme surprise from making him look like an idiot instead of a Dom in a BDSM club. He stepped back from Karen and asked, “Mr. Hawk?”

  That sharp, hyperalert brown gaze flicked over Karen, and then Toby looked at him and nodded.

  Instantly Gus’s dick stood up and begged. She doesn’t mean that, you fool. But his dick wasn’t listening.

  Silently he marched into the dungeon, knowing the other two were right behind him.

  How the fuck was he going to deal with this? A brand-new client who was a totally unknown quantity, and Karen, who looked like the cat who’d swallowed the canary. Except she was a wolf and he was beginning to think he was the canary.

  * * * *

  Karen had been racking her brain to think of ways to get Toby and Dom Augustus together in her bedroom. She’d had absolutely no success at all, not even the faintest glimmer of a workable idea, so had gone to the BDSM club just to watch. Maybe to see if Dom Augustus was doing a floor show in the next few nights or something. She wouldn’t mind being the model for the Dom in a public BDSM scene, but she knew her twin brother, Rowan, would snatch her away and lock her in her room if she ever attempted it, so that idea was a nonstarter. Karen loved Rowan intensely, but even though he was younger than her, he still seemed to think she needed protecting, and had nominated himself as her protector.

  Fortunately, now that he and Mike were partnered with Ellie, he was too busy to pay a lot of attention to her anymore, but she knew if she went on stage at the BDSM club someone would text him, and he’d arrive in plenty of time to spoil her fun.

  The bar staff at the club kept a very strict watch on clients’ alcohol consumption, so Karen was drinking her second diet Dr. Pepper of the evening. Karen fully understood and approved of their logic. In a dungeon scene, the sub needed to have a clear mind. She had to be able to concentrate on what was happening, to appreciate the effort and planning her Dom had spent organizing the scene, and to be able to experience every little mental and emotional challenge the Dom gave her. Alcohol didn’t help these thought processes. Besides, personally she liked the taste of diet Dr. Pepper, so it was all good.

  Karen saw Toby enter the club. At least she thought it was Toby. Yes, yes, it is. Wow. Fancy him being here, too. He looked just as enticing this time as when she’d first seen him, with long, lean limbs and what appeared to be a hard, muscular body. Oh, yum.

  She turned so she could keep him in sight as he walked to the bar. He spoke to the barman and then stood drinking a glass of water. Wow. Perhaps he was here to use the dungeon. I wonder whether he’s a Dom or a sub. She furrowed her brow, remembering what he’d said and how he’d acted at Quinn’s farm He’s a sub. I know it.

  The moment Dom Augustus arrived and moved to speak to Toby, Karen knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She left her drink sitting on the table and moved swiftly and silently to stand behind him. If she was right, this was going to be the best day of her life, bar none.

  “Hey there, Toby, Dom Augustus. With your permission I’d like to join you both for this session. I think the three of us together will be very—rewarding.”

  She watched them both, flicking her gaze from one to the other and knew they’d both agree. Score! Oh, she was going to get punished and then laid times two tonight. She’d make sure of it!

  Karen had to force herself not to run down the stairs to the dungeons. It was hard walking demurely behind the two men, but it was good discipline for her. After all, discipline was an important part of the whole BDSM scene, so she could do it. Besides, by walking behind them she got to stare at their asses. Dom Augustus’s butt was tightly outlined by his black leather pants. With every step he took she could watch the play of his ass tightening and stretching and the same with his thigh muscles. Damn it was hot. Those pants were hot. He was hot.

  Toby was wearing ordinary jeans, but even they clung to his lean muscles, giving her a hint of his body. Oh yeah. Another few minutes and she’d get to see him naked. She could hardly wait. And what about her? Would he think she looked nice? Would he regret that she wasn’t thinner or that her tits weren’t larger? Ah, too bad. She’d make sure the fucking was so good he wouldn’t notice anything else about her body.

  The only trick was going to be making sure Dom Augustus ordered the three of them to fuck. She’d have to stay alert and watch for her opportunities to make sure her wishes became what he instructed them to do.

  * * * *

  Toby was almost in a daze. He’d booked a session with the club Dom, and now he was about to spend it not just with the Dom but also with Karen. The little minx had manipulated the two of them, but even now Toby wasn’t quite sure how it’d happened. He’d found himself nodding, wanting to have her in the dungeon with him, but he was pretty sure his brain hadn’t been involved in the decision at all. How could it be? He knew he wouldn’t be staying here much longer. Sooner or later he’d need to do something that required ID papers he didn’t have and couldn’t get.

  And from the look on her face she intende
d things to be much, much more intimate than simply both of them sharing a dungeon. He knew she planned on them exchanging bodily fluids. Something he was suddenly desperate to do, however dangerous that might be for him personally.

  It would also be very interesting to see how she, a submissive, managed to get the Dom to do what she wanted. Or maybe it was what he’d planned to do anyway. Or wanted to do. Whatever, it was a nice little problem, and he’d enjoy seeing how everyone accomplished their aims here. Thankfully, all he was hoping for was a cathartic BDSM session. Getting to know Karen better would just be a bonus.

  Toby had a good look at the dungeon without moving his head too obviously. Against the wall with the door in it were hooks in the ceiling with chains hanging down from them and corresponding hooks in the concrete floor.

  The side wall had a St. Andrew’s cross against it, and there were two spanking benches on that side of the room.

  Against the wall opposite the door was a long counter with drawers underneath it, likely full of BDSM equipment. The center part of the floor was empty, with plenty of space for whatever scene the Dom chose to have enacted there. And there was a door in the side wall, presumably leading into the adjoining dungeon or into a bathroom or even a bedroom.

  So there were no surprises here and nothing too unusual. It was very similar to dungeons in a dozen other reputable BDSM clubs he’d visited over the years.

  Toby stood just to the left of the door, watching as Dom Augustus moved into the center of the room and stood still. Okay. Apparently he was supposed to know what to do. He flicked a glance at Karen. She was getting undressed, so he turned his back and stripped his clothes off, rolling his socks up and putting them in his shoes and leaving each item in a pile in the order it came off so it would be easier to put the clothes back on quickly. Huh. The habits of a lifetime. Always be prepared to make a fast exit. It wasn’t like he could fly out of a dungeon, so he’d need to get dressed first, therefore having his clothing in the correct order could save him vital seconds.

  Karen stood in front of Dom Augustus, head lowered, her red-brown hair falling forward and hiding her face. Her hands were behind her back and her feet apart, so her body was well balanced. She was in a stance that likely she could maintain for as long as she needed to.

  Toby stood about three feet away from her and copied her posture. He wondered if the Dom would make them wait a long time before he started telling them what to do. Toby relaxed. He was used to waiting. He could sit in a tree and wait for hours if he needed to, his thoughts filling his head, entertaining him, but part of his brain still keeping a close watch on his environment. The dungeon was no different. He let his imagination flow free but kept his ears alert for the sound of the Dom moving around and his nostrils flared ready to pick up on scents that might clue him in to what would happen next.

  For such a large man, Dom Augustus moved very quietly. Toby tilted his eyes up into his hairline and watched the Dom’s feet move over to the bench. He couldn’t see what Dom Augustus was taking out of the drawers, but it didn’t matter. He knew what he needed to know. The Dom was readying them for the first scene.

  “On all fours. Foreheads on the ground.”

  Well that would cramp his style. He wouldn’t get any hints at all as to what was happening from that position. As he kneeled, Toby watched Karen. She moved very gracefully, her body lithe and her motions smooth and contained. I guess that’s the wolf in her. He could only hope he looked as good as she did, and not as clumsy as he felt.

  Toby strained his ears to pick up any sounds at all. He could just make out the Dom’s almost-silent footsteps and the faintest swish of his leather pant legs as he walked. He flared his nostrils but couldn’t smell anything. Wait. Yes. Now there is a scent. Faint but discernible.

  Toby took a deep breath into his lungs, trying to smell and taste the air for a hint of the new scent. Lube! For Karen or for me?

  His body remained outwardly immobile, but every sense was trying to draw clues from the environment, so Toby knew when the Dom touched Karen and soon guessed he was lubing her ass. Butt plug. Does that mean one of us will get to fuck her ass? Or is it just to tease her with a butt plug or vibrator. Damn he’s a good Dom. He has all my senses strung up tight trying to work out what’s happening.

  Toby estimated it was five minutes before Dom Augustus walked back over to the long counter. Now he wondered whether the Dom would collect something to use on him, or if he was just cranking up the tension some more. Karen had made only the softest of noises and not very many of them, but Toby could smell her arousal now and knew she was pleased with the insertion of the butt plug or vibrator.

  Again he waited and finally he sensed the Dom behind him. Toby deliberately relaxed his tense shoulder muscles and opened his senses wide to be ready for what would happen next. But the hands on his ass were those of Karen, not the much larger hands of the Dom. Oh, nice trick. I wasn’t expecting that.

  Painstakingly, the wolf lubed his ass, stretching his rear channel and widening his entry before inserting a butt plug. And a damn big butt plug at that. But Toby had to acknowledge she did it well. She massaged his tight ring of muscles and his channel, softening and loosening the tissues so that when the butt plug was inserted it slid in smoothly with no pain and only minimal discomfort.

  Well, that was interesting. What’s next?

  “Come over here now.”

  Toby stood, his knees a little stiff from having been folded under him for quite a while. He looked around to see where the Dom was standing, and walked over to the wall where the chains were. Time to be whipped, I guess.

  Toby watched while Dom Augustus quickly and efficiently chained Karen’s hands and feet and then his. He continued to watch as the Dom threaded a long piece of twine up through one of the loops in the ceiling then left both ends hanging down, did the same thing with a second piece of twine, and then walked back across to the counter.

  “Hold it,” he told each of them, handing them one end of the twine, while he attached a metal ball the size of a baseball to the other end of the twine. Toby still had no idea what would happen next. Dom Augustus took a clothespin out of the black armband on his sleeve, took the end of the twine from Karen, and tied it around the pin. Then he clipped the pin to her right nipple and made a small loop in the twine. “Keep this in your mouth. Don’t let go,” he instructed her, pushing the loop into her mouth.

  Now Toby understood. If Karen let the loop of twine go, the baseball would drop to the ground, ripping the clothespin off her nipple. Which would hurt. A nice little test indeed.

  But it was only when the twine was in his own mouth he understood how damn heavy the metal baseball was. It must have been filled with rock, because there was a real drag on his teeth, as if the ball was determined to fall.

  “Now we begin,” said Dom Augustus.

  I rather think we began half an hour ago, but I get your intention.

  Dom Augustus got out a flogger and laid some strokes over his back, shoulders, and upper thighs, interspersing the strokes with some on Karen. Toby emptied his mind and enjoyed the peace which settled on him as his skin warmed and began to throb. He was just getting into a good place of relaxation when the butt plug in his ass vibrated and began to make his cock demand some action. Shit! He’d almost forgotten about the fucking butt plug. So it is a vibrator after all. And a damn powerful one.

  The tugging on the twine reminded him to keep his mouth shut, and the twine held tightly in his teeth. The surprise had almost made him lose control of the twine. Tricky, tricky, Dom Augustus.

  Now the Dom began to whip them both in earnest with a thin, light whip which gave very narrow, sharp strokes on his skin. It was a definite contrast to the flogger, forcing him to completely change his mindset. This Dom was damn smart. Between the different types of strokes he was laying on their skin, the vibrator which he was turning on and off at random intervals, and the need to keep hold of the twine, this was becoming an extremely co
mplicated and demanding scene indeed. The man was a genius at constantly changing their expectations, moving the goal posts so there was no way a sub could relax.

  As a consequence Toby’s dick was huge, hard, and hot, and he was more aroused than he could have believed possible without a woman’s sensuous touch on his body.

  Dom Augustus moved away again and Toby wondered what he’d come back with this time. A paddle perhaps?

  He knew the Dom was standing behind him and to the side so that he was between him and Karen, but he had no idea what was about to happen. He wondered if it was going to be some kind of competition between the two of them, but that didn’t seem right as Dom Augustus had treated them identically thus far.

  The weight of the ball on the twine was making his jaw ache. He’d tried to move the twine around a bit in his mouth but hadn’t been game to do much in case it fell out of his mouth. With his hands cuffed and chained above his head, if he dropped the twine he had no way of getting it back.

  A barrage of ice cubes hit his skin, falling over his shoulders onto his chest and nipples, and sliding down his back. Simultaneously the butt plug began buzzing in his ass, tormenting his sensitive tissues, making his cock scream for action. More ice cubes fell onto his head and slid over his skin.

  Beside him Karen gasped then groaned louder. Without any conscious decision he turned his head and saw the clothespin fly off her nipple. Just as he was thinking it must have hurt her, boiling-hot wax landed on his back. He opened his mouth in shock, and his own clothespin was ripped off his nipple as the metal ball hit the floor. There was a burning fire in his nipple, matching the one on his back, and then ice water hit his back.

  Toby knew that would be the end of the scene. It had been very inventive and had given him an enormous appreciation for the quality of Dom Augustus. He’d aroused their senses in so many different ways with a cleverly unique scene. Now, if only he could fuck Karen everything would be perfect. Oh, and rub his aching nipple. Damn that hurt!


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