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Adams, Cara - The Hawk, the Wolf, and the Dom [Shape-Shifter Clinic 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Cara Adams

  * * * *

  The scene had gone exactly the way he’d hoped. Gus didn’t know whether having the other sub in the room had enhanced each sequence for Karen and Toby, but he expected it had. Certainly they’d both seemed hyperalert and very aware of each other, and from the size of Toby’s erection, and the cream glistening on Karen’s inner thighs, they were both more than ready for the next step.

  Karen and Toby obviously knew each other. For a moment Gus had almost been jealous, but he’d reined in his feelings because it was obvious they weren’t sex partners. Besides, with the scarcity of female werewolf shape-shifters, and the prevalence of ménage relationships, he should have been aware he might have to share Karen. Gus didn’t like that idea at all. She was his! But he thought likely he could live with it as long as he was always in charge. The Dom. The one who made the decisions about what they did and how they managed their relationship. Mentally he shook his head at himself. Relationship. Huh. One sexual encounter did not a relationship make. But if he was reading the signs right, they were about to make that two sexual encounters, which was definitely getting closer to the idea of a relationship.

  Toby Hawk was a very interesting man indeed. Very self-contained, reserved, almost secretive. He’d responded excellently to everything Gus had thrown at him in their scene, had evidently appreciated it, yet had given away no clues as to his character and personality. Well, except that he was smart and obedient. Uh-huh. Gus decided he’d be more than happy to have the man back in his dungeon. Man. Hmm. Twice Gus had referred to him as a man, but was he really human? Or was he a shape-shifter? Another werewolf?

  Gus frowned, remembering everything Toby had done. He wasn’t as lithe and graceful as Karen, but then he was male not female. On balance, Gus thought he wasn’t a wolf. But there was something paranormal about him. A feeling of otherness. Or was it just his reserved nature?

  Hastily, Gus pushed away his thoughts for now. With BDSM scenes it was good to make the subs wait from time to time, to keep their anticipation high, and to make them use their imaginations as to what might be about to happen. Half the power of BDSM was what happened in the sub’s mind during the session. Gus had spent enough time thinking and so had they. Now it was time to move into the sex. He was almost positive both of them were eager for sex, but he had to check first. Being aroused by a vibrating butt plug was one thing. Actually fucking a stranger—or semi-stranger—was quite something else. Especially if, as he suspected was Karen’s plan and it was fast becoming his as well, they were to become a threesome in the dungeon and the bedroom.

  In fact, Gus wanted Karen so much they might become a threesome in everything if he had his way and if Karen agreed. Toby he didn’t know well enough to guess whether the man just wanted a few sessions together or if he wanted more. Well, there was no rush. The relationship could develop—or not. It was all in the lap of the gods.

  Chapter Three

  Karen wished Dom Augustus would do something, anything. He hadn’t even made the butt plug vibrate for a while now. She was a ball of tension and nerves, desperately wanting to be fucked by both him and Toby, yet still chained and manacled. It had been an absolutely amazing session though. The punishment was as fulfilling as it usually was, but the trick with the twine and the weight was absolutely evil. She’d been sure she could continue to hold the twine in her mouth for as long as she needed to, even though her teeth were starting to ache from the position and the weight. But when he’d put the hot wax on her back, she’d completely lost control and her fucking nipple was still sore from the peg being pulled off when she’d dropped the twine.

  Maybe whichever one of them fucked her would suck it and make it better. Or perhaps both of them would fuck her. That would be twice as good although she wasn’t quite sure how that’d work in here. Would they lie on the concrete floor? Or go upstairs to a bedroom? She’d never actually been in one of the BDSM club bedrooms, but she was more than ready to join these two deliciously arousing men there.

  She supposed the real question was, would Dom Augustus even allow them to fuck? Was that why he was making them wait so long now? Was he giving them time for their arousal to fade before he told them to leave? Well, she’d gotten her own way last time and he’d fucked her, so she’d sure as hell get her own way again and get fucked by one of them if not both. No, she wanted both of them and by hell she’d get them.

  Unless they didn’t want her. For a moment Karen’s confidence faded. She didn’t really know much at all about Toby. Could he possibly already have a woman tucked away at his home? Surely not. Surely he wouldn’t have looked at her as he’d done at Quinn’s farm if he was already in a relationship. But had she built something really small up into a castle in the air that was about to cash around her ears? Worse still, might he have preferred her not to join him in this dungeon session? Had she overreacted, assuming his consent when it was just that he was too polite to tell her to go away?

  Karen’s heart was beating so hard it was surprising Toby couldn’t hear it. Well, maybe he could hear it! But he wasn’t looking at her at all, so likely she was getting herself tied up in a knot over nothing. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to frown at her or shake his head instead of agreeing to let her join in tonight.

  Karen sucked in some air and forced her racing thoughts to slow down and be logical. Dom Augustus had agreed to the three of them being together in the dungeon. As the Dom, he wouldn’t have done that if Toby hadn’t wanted her there. So they both wanted her. They’d all participated in the scene together, and now they were all highly aroused sexually. Fucking was the logical conclusion. Or at least a couple blow jobs.

  Fortunately for her self-confidence it was right then that Dom Augustus unchained her and removed the vibrator. He rubbed her shoulders then said, “Go into the center of the dungeon and kneel on all fours.”

  Obediently, she did as he’d instructed her. He hadn’t said which way she was to face, so she faced toward the chains so she could watch him massage Toby’s shoulders. Toby’s cock was enormous. The wait hadn’t reduced his arousal by even a fraction of an inch. Good.

  When Toby was unchained and standing straight, Dom Augustus said, “Toby, you can choose. You can fuck her from behind, doggy style, or you can lie underneath her and suck her while she sucks you. Which would you prefer?”

  Toby’s deep voice was husky with lust. “Fuck her.”

  “Get into position, but don’t enter her yet.”

  Karen was having trouble remaining silent and still. So Toby would fuck her while she and Dom Augustus did a sixty-nine. That sounded pretty good to her. The thought of two mouths and four hands on her was enough to send her blood racing through her veins, and already she was trying to imagine how it’d feel to have one cock inside her while she was sucking the other one. All she could think was that it sounded excellent to her.

  Then Toby’s long, lean body was behind her. He was very careful not to touch her until Dom Augustus gave him permission. This was still the dungeon, and the Dom was in control, but she could feel Toby’s presence right behind her. There was the faintest scent of his sweat on the air, and she was already coming to recognize a scent that was him. It wasn’t anything obvious she could label, but it was an almost imperceptible fragrance which she already knew signified him.

  Karen wondered if she had a scent people would label as her. Did everyone have their own smell? Or was it shape-shifters? And did that mean Toby was a shape-shifter? She was certain he wasn’t a wolf. She’d had the strangest feeling about that huge hawk on the gate at Quinn’s farm, but surely that was just her imagination. Although Wynter was a great white shark, so a hawk wasn’t really all that unusual, she supposed. Nope. Not possible. He’s a human.

  Dom Augustus lay down on the floor and shimmied underneath her, his head level with her cunt, his cock in close proximity to her mouth, and his legs out beyond her head. Toby was on his hands and knees at the other end of her body, his legs on the outside of her hips, al
though at this point of time, everyone was resting on the cold concrete floor, not touching any body parts, waiting for Dom Augustus to say they could begin.

  “Are you ready, Karen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you, Toby?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Begin. No one is to climax until I give you permission.”

  As soon as Dom Augustus placed his hands on her pussy, holding her labia apart, Karen reached for his cock. It was a thick, heavy organ, with a long, straight shaft, and the head was broad and a little flat. It was also dull red right now, showing how very aroused the Dom was. She flicked her tongue into the tiny slit and tasted him. Yum. Salty with a hint of almonds. Very nice. He’d be a tasty snack for her indeed. Now, she’d see if she could get him so aroused he forgot about being the Dom and became a man, a man she was very interested in learning more about. A man she wanted in her bed. Next time, the three of them would meet in bed. She’d already decided on that.

  Karen wrapped her hand around his shaft and sucked the head into her mouth. She had to wiggle down a fraction to get him lined up where she wanted him, but she figured the two men would just have to rearrange themselves. She was the shortest one. They had longer arms and better reach, so it was fair enough for her to get into position first.

  Before she could do more than suck Dom Augustus’s cockhead into her mouth, Toby gripped her hips and inched his cock into her cunt. As he pushed inside he stretched her sensitive tissues wide to accommodate his girth. Damn, he felt good. Really, really good. He filled her completely, and her walls adjusted themselves around him, clenching to hold him tightly deep inside her.

  Toby’s hands were firm on her hips, and he rubbed his balls against her skin, reminding her he was there, right behind her. Not that she was likely to forget with the weight of him like a thick, hot blanket over her back.

  Carefully she released the Dom’s cock, gradually letting him out, scraping her teeth lightly over the head as she released him. She flattened her tongue and wet one side of his shaft, then very gently nibbled her way up it, pressing the pads of her fingers into the throbbing vein as she tasted every little bit of him. When she reached the top, she licked the other side and nibbled her way back down to his balls. That seemed like interesting territory for a wolf to play with, so she sucked first one ball, then the other into her mouth. The hair here was thicker and less soft, the skin a rougher texture, but he tasted the same as before, a flavor she decided she liked very much.

  Behind her, Toby’s fingers were digging into her hips, his body pumping steadily into her as he withdrew, then advanced, over and over again. His movements were very steady and measured, the regular slapping of his skin against hers almost hypnotic in its demanding of her response. He was swiveling his hips, dragging his cock over her sensitive walls, driving deep inside her, then turning to tease her walls again. The man was a master craftsman, driving her higher and higher with every stroke.

  Underneath her, the Dom was licking and sucking on her lips, teasing her clit, swiping his tongue along her slit. His hands were everywhere on her skin, stroking her belly, her arms, her breasts. It was becoming really hard for Karen to concentrate on what she was doing with the two of them driving her wild with the need for more.

  Deep in her belly a climax was building and it was going to be huge. She wasn’t at all sure she’d be able to hold it at bay for long.

  Determinedly, she redoubled her efforts on Augustus’s cock, sucking him deep into her mouth. In this position she couldn’t hope to take anything like all of him, but she made sure what she touched stayed extremely aroused.

  Toby was slamming into her, hitting all her most erotic places. Dom Augustus was driving her wild with the carnality of his touch on her body. Karen knew she couldn’t last much longer.

  “I need—I must—”

  “Not yet. You are not to come yet,” said Dom Augustus, his voice hoarse and husky.

  Ha! He needs to come, too. Karen immediately teased his cock and balls, using both hands and every skill she could drag out of her semidazed brain. If he needed to come so badly he’d have to allow her to climax, too.

  Karen lost all power of reasoning. The hands on her body seemed more like fourteen than four. They were arousing her, teasing her, touching her everywhere. She wouldn’t have been surprised to find out there were four or five cocks driving into her. It certainly seemed that way. Her own hands on Dom Augustus were moving by themselves. Her brain was completely disconnected, totally focused on not coming herself until he gave her permission.

  She’d just sucked him as deep as she could take him, when the orgasm in her belly became unstoppable, making her clench hard around Toby’s cock. She dragged a deep breath into her mouth and bit lightly on the Dom’s cock. She tasted more of his pre-cum and knew he was as ready to climax as she was.

  He pinched her nipple and said, “You may both come.”

  Toby must have been holding on tightly to his control because as soon as the Dom spoke, her pussy was filled with a blast of cum. Her own orgasm powered through her body, unleashed by the touch on her nipple, and then her mouth filled with the Dom’s cum. Quickly she released him until only his cockhead was inside her mouth, and swallowed several times. But mostly she just slumped over the Dom’s body as she came and came and came.

  She was too exhausted to even celebrate that this had been her very first ménage sex. But deep in her satiated brain she knew they’d do it again and again. And she’d get to know them properly as people, too. That was the next step. Right now, though, she was too worn out to move.

  * * * *

  Toby found himself in a true quandary. Even sitting high in a tree and resting his gaze on the endless horizon wasn’t helping him find a solution. He wanted Karen Fisher. He’d never craved a woman so much before. Oh, sure, there’d been times in his childhood when he’d wished for a father, or a brother, or a best friend. But that was in a child’s way, like wishing for a bike for Christmas. And even as a child he’d known the manner in which he and his mom had to live to survive made such things unlikely. But now he was an adult, thirty-five years old, and his life circumstances hadn’t changed. He’d been living at Quinn’s farm almost a year, and that was longer than he’d ever stayed in one place before, as far back as he could remember.

  Likely that’s what’s made me crave a relationship. Once I move on—no, moving on is not a solution. Karen is in my mind and in my heart. I might leave her, but she’ll still be embedded in my heart when I go.

  His mom had tried to send him to school a few times in his childhood, once in each of two different states, but even back then he’d needed papers to enroll, so it didn’t happen. As soon as they’d moved on to another town she’d bought a couple of kindergarten books and taught him to read, write, and count.

  Over the winters when he was elementary school age, he’d haunted thrift shops, searching their secondhand bookshelves for schoolbooks on subjects that interested him. While his mom had worked he’d stayed at home, often hiding under his blankets to stay warm, and taught himself about volcanoes and dinosaurs, trees and vegetables, football, and exotic overseas destinations where the sun always shone and children had two parents and vacationed on sunny, sandy beaches.

  From time to time when his mom hadn’t been able to find work, or was too tired from their unsettled lifestyle and needed a break, they’d squatted in people’s vacation homes during the off-season. Cabins by the beach or the lake in midwinter, hobby farms after harvest, anywhere that people were unlikely to visit. In many cases, such homes had bookshelves crammed with books and DVDs, where he could spend hours watching children’s movies and children’s documentaries.

  He didn’t consider himself to be ignorant, and he was far from illiterate, but he wasn’t exactly educated either. Which meant his chances of getting any “real” job were nonexistent. No ID papers, no school diploma.

  Restlessly, Toby launched himself into the air, flying high, s
earching for a downdraft to carry him along and let him clear his head and think some more.

  Really, he was going absolutely nowhere with his thoughts on how to get to know Karen. Or how to begin forming a relationship with anyone at all.

  He supposed he could talk to Dom Augustus, but what was he going to say. “Oh, by the way, I’m a hawk shape-shifter with no documentation, no job, and I’d like to steal Karen right out from under your nose?” Yeah, that’d work. Not!

  Toby spread his wings wide, catching an updraft, letting himself soar higher and higher until the world was spread out below him, with occasional houses so far below they looked like toys.

  Usually flying and gliding settled him, soothed his fears and concerns, but not today. Today it only made him realize even more powerfully the differences between himself and ordinary people. Ordinary people with a job, a home, a life, friends, family, purpose and meaning.

  Him—not so much any of the above. Although, to be fair, Quinn accepted him and so did Rainer and Wynter.

  Toby glided back to his favorite live oak tree and sat on a branch. Quinn he could call a friend. Likely his first real friend, and certainly the person he’d known for the longest period of time apart from his mother. It was strange to think he’d lived here almost a whole year, at first alone, then with Quinn, and now with Quinn, Rainer, and Wynter. They all knew he was a hawk and had accepted him unconditionally. Quinn even knew he had no ID papers, something no one else had ever been told.

  How could he get to know Karen without telling her his secrets? How could they form a ménage relationship of any sort out of the dungeon? He had no money. Not being able to open a bank account, he only ever had what he’d been paid cash in hand or from tips. Since he’d been living on the farm he’d paid for his food and lodging by his work, but he’d had to buy more clothes, which had pretty much drained his wallet dry. Oh sure, Quinn would give him money if he asked, but that wasn’t fair. He didn’t actually do a whole lot of work for Quinn. Cared for the animals mostly, while the other three were at work at the clinic. To ask for money as well as his food and accommodation seemed crass and ungrateful.


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