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Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampires of Tuscany)

Page 16

by Sharon Hamilton

  This offended Robert’s sense of dignity. He felt like he was the last one in on a dirty little joke. Maybe the joke was on him. “Wait a minute. What the hell is going on? I need to know this minute.” Robert thought that sounded pretty strong. Manly.

  Maya flew off the chair and landed on top of him, pinning him to the bed. She almost knocked the wind out of him. He was suddenly very afraid. She looked down at him with her dark eyes. A golden ring began to form in the middle. Robert squinted as her expression changed from docile kitten to ravenous beast.

  No wonder she liked the bites better than the sex.

  Bile rose in his stomach. Maya turned her head at an awkward angle and smiled at him. Her mouth looked like she was working hard to keep her lips covering her teeth. She sat still, her eyes closed, and sighed. All of a sudden, she was calm. None of the wolfish face remained. Robert was a little relieved.

  “Did she take a big suitcase or small one, dear?” The dear part was added a bit too late. Like she was masking something, feigning affection.

  “Big.” Robert didn’t care if she saw he was shaking. He had the urge to pee.

  “Thank you.” She traced his lips with her forefinger. “And where, Robert, does she keep her passport?”

  Robert couldn’t speak. He pointed to the dresser. In an instant she was off him, rummaging through the top drawer. Then through the next one, then the bottom drawer. She wasn’t putting things back. Anne would be pissed. He was thinking what he would say to her if she found out. Of course she would find out. He was the one leaving. She was staying.

  Robert sat up, making sure to cover his crotch. What did he know about this woman? Nothing! Nothing except she was wicked fast, wicked strong, could light candles faster than anyone he had ever seen, worked in an adult bookstore, and took men home to her red bedroom. And she liked to bite, in strange places, too. And . . . I bit her!

  His stomach gave up on him. He put his palm over his mouth, bolted for the bathroom, and almost made it. What he threw up on the floor didn’t make him happy. His bile was black, and it seemed to burn holes in his brand new linoleum. There was that burnt feathers smell again.

  Shit, what have you done, Robert?

  Maya stepped behind him as he was wiping up the mess. She didn’t look surprised at the damage to the floor. When she bent over to touch his back, he leapt up and pinned himself against the opposite wall, protecting his privates with both hands.

  “Don’t touch me.” He didn’t care he was sounding like a first-rate coward. He had gone along with everything, the biting, the blood stuff, but now he was poisoned as well. And this bitch was looking for his wife! His wife!

  As if she read his mind, Maya held up his cell phone. She extended it out in front of her while spearing him with that look in her eye. Robert flinched. He carefully took the phone, not wanting to touch her skin as he did so.

  “Call her.”

  “Who?” He sounded like a fifth grader. He swore to himself.

  “Call your wife. Ask her where she is.”

  Robert was going to say no, but one look at Maya’s face told him that would have dangerous consequences. Not lethal, but more than likely painful. Well, hell, it was just a phone call. Not like he was going to set a trap for Anne or something. He had to have time to consult Gary, who would know what to do about this situation. And then maybe they would go to the police, or visit his friend who was a security guard at Wal-Mart. At least his friend owned a gun and knew a lot about law enforcement, although Gary had flunked the police exam.

  Maya was still wearing Anne’s robe. She was not in a sexy mood. “I said call her, or I will make you call her. Do it now, before I get mad.” Maya walked up to him very close. He felt trapped, helpless. “You really don’t want to get me mad, Robert, do you?”

  Chapter 19

  Paolo stepped into the entryway and perused the bags by the front door. A cell phone chirped in the pocket of a jacket hanging on a hook by the door. The jacket didn’t look to be Laurel’s, so he took it to be one belonging to his brother’s woman. He fished through the pocket, grabbed the phone, and looked at the phone and noticed the name “Robert” flashing on the screen. He put it back without answering it.

  Laurel joined him.

  “Are they upstairs?” He pointed to the ceiling.

  She nodded.

  A smile graced Paolo’s lips as he thought about his brother in love at last, after all this time. Perhaps there was hope for him, after all. He wondered if Marcus ever really loved Maya and guessed not.

  “What’s she like?”

  Laurel looked up for a minute before answering. “Anne is beautiful, but then, Marcus has never been interested in anyone but real beauties.”

  Paolo nodded. This was true.

  “She’s small, petite. They look nice together.” She stared off into the distance, through kitchen windows to the orchard. “I have never seen him bending over so much. He shows her things and almost kneels down to her eye level. It’s very sweet. He’s so tender with her.”

  Both he and his brother had a fondness for small women, made even more is distinctive by the fact that they were both so tall.


  “Yes, it is. Nice to have lovers in this house again. You notice how the air smells better, the flowers seem brighter?”

  “Yes, we are basking in the glow of their love.” Paolo hoped she didn’t pick up his sarcasm.

  “You will too, some day.”

  “I love my wife now.” He looked at his hands. “But it is different. Not like this.”

  Laurel hugged him, burying her head in his chest. “Promise me, brother, your next choice won’t cause you so much pain. You should choose from your own kind.”

  “I am not human, but I choose to live and love that way.”

  “At what cost?”

  “She is worth the price. Any price.”

  “Why not bring her here, let her meet the rest of the family?”

  “She’s ill now. Cannot travel. Maybe if she gets better I will, but I think this may be the end for her.” Paolo sighed and stroked Laurel’s hair. “Does he know I’m here?”

  “No. There wasn’t time.”

  Paolo smiled. “That anxious to get upstairs, hum?”

  “Afraid so.” Laurel broke their embrace and looked into his eyes. “We must be happy for him, Paolo. He mustn’t see our pain, our loneliness.”

  “Agreed.” He said this as he nodded.

  The cell phone in the jacket rang again.

  “Who’s Robert?” Paolo asked. “He seems to become calling Marcus’s woman.”

  “I don’t know. Marcus would. Should we bring it to them?”

  They looked in each other’s eyes and both shook their heads.

  The door to the master opened and Marcus descended the stairs with Anne in tow.

  “Paolo! What a surprise.” Marcus almost crashed into him as he gave his brother a big hug and slap on the back. They stood at the same height, eye to eye, regarding one another, looking for changes that would never occur on their faces.

  “This is Anne,” Marcus said, presenting her hand to Paolo’s bow.

  “Enchanted.” Paolo kissed the back of Anne’s knuckles and traced a lovely citrus and vanilla fragrance. He instantly wanted to bite her.

  Anne giggled.

  He dropped her little pink newly turned fingers and noticed her face flushing. She seemed bashful. Paolo could read the sigh of contentment in his brother’s demeanor.

  Marcus beamed, looking at Anne, obviously proud of his new love. And protective. Then Marcus became serious. “How long are you staying, Paolo?”

  “I leave tomorrow. Sorry, but this was just a quick trip. My wife is ill, in her final stages of cancer.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Where do you live, Paolo?” Anne seemed genuinely interested.

  He knew he and Marcus could pass for twins if it weren’t for his sandy brown hair compared to Marcus’s black locks. Did this fe
male find him attractive as well?

  “South of France.”

  “Beautiful countryside. I was there earlier this summer.” She dipped an arm around Marcus’s waist, adding a seductive look that Marcus returned along with a caress to her cheek, followed by a little kiss.

  How Paolo longed to have a female look at him like that. He was suddenly filled with longing. It was difficult to see the flesh of his human wife whither and gray before his eyes. And the pain of watching her age was probably more difficult for him to bear than it was for her. How would it feel to have someone love you who was so young, who would look budding and luscious forever?

  “You going to finish the tour, Marcus?” Anne’s eyes were bright as she looked up at her man. “Paolo, you want to come?”

  The flash in her eyes quickened his pulse. He hoped Marcus didn’t notice. This female was indeed intoxicating. He looked at Laurel, who was fanning herself and shaking her head.

  Yes, my sister. Some things never do change.

  “Actually, Marcus, let’s have Laurel give her the tour. I need to speak to you alone, if you don’t mind.”

  Before Marcus could reply, Laurel took Anne by the arm. The two women got into quick conversation, their heads bowing to each other as they walked through the hall to the kitchen and out the back door.

  Secrets. Women always had secrets, and whispers. Were they talking about him?

  “She’s lovely.” Paolo said as he watched the women.

  “And she’s mine.”

  “Of course.” Paolo smiled at the slight verbal slap on the cheek.

  The two brothers went into the study.

  “Something to drink, Paolo?”

  “Two fingers, please.”

  They retired to the leather chairs in the corner. Marcus handed Paolo the tumbler with the hundred-year-old whisky without ice. “So, what’s up?” Marcus asked.

  “I met the boy today. He’s a handsome one.”

  Marcus’s brow furrowed but he nodded his head and took a sip of the deep amber liquid.

  “Does Anne know?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “What are your plans?”

  “First I have to meet with the council, so we can marry. I will ask Maya for permission to adopt Lucius, if Anne will agree. I think she will. I hope she would grow to love him, as I do.”

  Paolo looked at his glass and nodded, a faint smile toying with his lips. “You’re probably right. You are sure, then?”

  “What, about the fating? I am sure about being fated to Anne. I have no explanation for the fathering of that child. But I sense he is mine, just as I feel I was meant to wed Anne and not Maya.”

  “How can you feel for the boy and not for the mother?”

  “I don’t know, but that’s the truth of it. I just hope the council sees it the same way.”

  “Marcus, I wanted to speak to you because I feel you must decide to raise this child as your own no matter what the council says. He shouldn’t be allowed to spend any time with Aurora and the rest of Maya’s family. You know they are long suspected of having part witch blood. I cannot think any of them would ever make a proper guardian. All those women are deadly to the boy. I even fear for his life.” He looked up at Marcus, feeling the weight of the difficulty of his position. “That boy needs a father. Deserves a father.”

  “First things first. Once Anne is approved and accepted, anything is possible. I think she will help me do this.”

  “Yes, I hope so too.” Paolo remembered the ringing phone. “By the way, who is Robert?”


  “Yes, Anne’s cell phone has gone off twice. I noticed someone named Robert was calling her. Does that name mean anything to you?”

  “He’s her husband.”

  “Excuse me?” Paolo wasn’t sure he heard correctly. Marcus has fated to a woman who is married to another?

  “They pledged their vows. That’s partly why I need council permission.”

  “Marcus, you’ve made a mess of things. For once, you’ve outdone me!”

  “Robert’s not worthy of Anne. And he’s mortal. She knew that before we became close.”

  “So, you are not bedding her?”

  “And risk separation forever? Hell, no.”

  “When do you see them?”

  “This afternoon. We have an appointment in one hour.” He stood up. “I think we should get ready. I need to prepare her for the inspection.”

  “She bleeds?”

  “She does indeed.” Marcus looked proud.

  They said their goodbyes.

  As Marcus walked out to the garden to get Anne, Paolo watched him. Was his brother man enough to do the unthinkable, be fated to two females at the same time? Was that even possible? And what would the council decide?

  Chapter 20

  On the way to the council meeting, Marcus took Anne’s hand and kissed it. “Your hands are freezing.”

  Anne had been looking at the countryside as they passed by. The gently sloping vineyard rows and red rocky soil looked familiar. She felt an odd connection to this strange land. The driver behind the clear partition of the big Mercedes limo paid no attention to them.

  Marcus always rode in style. She would have enjoyed it except for being so nervous. Who were these people on the council, and what power did they have over Marcus? Over her? Their entire future depended on what this panel of elders decided.

  She still bled, but there was hardly a trace. She was slightly concerned it had dried up completely.

  “Marcus, I have a bad feeling about this meeting.”

  “Don’t, my pet. You will see. They just need to learn who you are. We have to follow the rules so we can enjoy the benefits of our society.” By benefits, she took it to mean they could have sex. Unlimited sex. Nothing less than that would do. She’d never had to ask permission for this before.

  He nibbled on her fingers. She knew he was trying to get her attention, trying to seduce her again with those dark eyes. All she had to do was look at him, and she would do anything.

  God, she loved watching him take command of her body, and of everything else around him. He owned it all. She craved the maleness of him—the way he smelled, how his huge dark form enveloped her, devoured her. She wished they were just going wine tasting or on their way to the jet or going on a road trip. Something fun. Not something she dreaded.

  What would she do if she somehow didn’t pass muster? Was her life in danger? Was his?

  He gazed at her now with that look that said he needed her, that he needed her kiss, the reassurance she was up to the challenge of facing them. She leaned forward and made her lips as soft as she could, then pressed them against his lips, flesh on flesh. He went deeper with his tongue, as if he could not resist. His hands—his wonderful big hands—covered and squeezed her breasts. He was totally hers.

  If the council allows it.

  “May I, just a little taste?”

  She loved it when he begged. “I’m thinking, Marcus.”

  “About what?”

  He explored the valley between her aching tits. His tongue was hot and snaked under the black bra he had bought her for the occasion. The one with the matching panties that had the hole down the length of the crotch. She tingled with the thought of what his tongue would do as he nuzzled and found that opening. Make him beg a little more. She wanted to feel the fullness of his need.

  “Just a little of you on my tongue.”

  Yes. She nodded as he bit her breast in the dark fold underneath, so it wouldn’t show.

  His body shuddered as he supped her precious drop of blood. He and whispered, “My sweet, sweet Anne.”

  How glorious it would be when she could completely surrender to him. Maybe she could get Robert to give her that freedom tonight, if she and Marcus were successful with the council.

  A vision popped into her head, forcing a smile. She saw Marcus with her naked, his cock just at the folds of her sex, ready to enter and blast her to heaven and ba
ck, and her dialing Robert on the phone. The phone would ring, the anticipation fueling the passion. Just as Robert would be about to say he’d agree to release her, Marcus would thrust inside her. In just that second, she’d be free. No longer than a second. It couldn’t come soon enough.

  The panties were handy for Marcus’s fingers as well. He stroked her. Anne saw the driver’s gaze fastened to the road. He was discreet and never looked back at them. The possibility of someone was watching heightened the danger of it, though, made her even hotter. She would have let Marcus do more, but he withdrew his hand.

  “What were you thinking about just then, hmm?”

  “About how it will be, our first time together. Having sex.”

  He kissed her. “Me too, pet.”

  “Taste me again,” she whispered with barely a sound.

  But Marcus could hear. He watched the words form on her lips, leaned to her neck, and licked her pulsing vein. “Soon, very soon now.” His hot breath and one sharp fang slowly slid up her cool flesh, following the vein throbbing underneath.

  Their lips claimed each other again, and she nicked her tongue on his elongated canine. He inhaled when her blood dropped onto his tongue, then rubbed the blood all over the insides of their lips. He pulled away and held her gaze without blinking.

  “I have not told you something you need to know. They are going to have to inspect you. Inspect your bleeding. Just like at a doctor’s office.”


  “Someone other than I will need to witness, as well.”

  “Like one of the directors?”


  “Perverts.” She was not looking forward to this at all.

  “You’re unbelievable. Wicked and strong. I like this in you.” He gave her that smile, all white teeth, just showing the tips of his fangs. Just the look of his fangs could get her wet now. How her life had changed in such a short time.

  She offered her wrist to him for another taste.

  He took a small nip then said, “Thank you.” He licked the wound, blew on it, and rubbed it with his forefinger, accelerating the healing process.

  “You should take more. I could live with wounds of your love all over my body.”


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