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Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampires of Tuscany)

Page 17

by Sharon Hamilton

  “In time, my pet.” His voice almost purred.

  She saw the euphoric effect her blood had on him. His red lips puffed up, full. She knew his manhood was equally swollen. She knew they would do this when they made love. He would become so engorged from drinking of her. And her lips would swell from the drinking of him. Her muscles contracted in waves as she thought about them enjoying each other all night long. Unspeakable pleasure.

  “You must feed now.”

  Anne knew he was right.

  He drew her to his chest. She peeled back his unbuttoned shirt and bit him just above his nipple. She resisted the urge to straddle him, her favorite position now when she was feeding, so she could rub him against her sex. That’s why they always had to feed in private. It was as intimate as making love.

  She pulled away.

  Marcus whispered, “Take more, love. You need your strength. I want them to see you fully sated on my blood. I want them to see the effects of our fating. I want them to smell the chemistry, the blood between us.”

  The car descended to the council compound. Anne noticed Marcus’s glow had faded. His eyes squinted, as if in alarm, and his body tensed. He grasped her head between both his hands, and while smoothing over her lips with his thumbs, looked deep into her eyes. “Just answer all their questions truthfully. We have nothing to hide, right? You can tell them about Robert. You can tell them we have not had sexual intercourse. You’ll want to tell them what it feels like to be vampire. They need to know these things.”

  She nodded. She knew there was something he wasn’t telling her. Was he worried they wouldn’t rule they were fated?

  But how could they deny this evidence? She decided perhaps Marcus was just overly cautious.

  “I will tell them how much I need you, crave you, Marcus. Surely they will recognize signs that I am fated to you.”

  He was silent, watching their fingers entwine on her lap. “Whatever you hear, know that I love you. Whatever they ask you to do, you must do it. Please do whatever they ask.”

  “But, Marcus, what if they ask something of me I cannot do?”

  He looked down. She could tell he was thinking about that.

  “My pet, I hope that you are able to do anything they ask you to do, please, for us. Then we can be together, forever.”

  “Yes. I will do it.”

  “Remember that I love you. I would do anything for you.”

  “Yes, I will remember. You can’t tell me anything more?”

  “What we are asking has never been done before.”

  They were ushered into the drawing room where they were instructed to wait on opposite sides, facing each other across the large spans. He was summoned. As he came over to give her another kiss, the messenger hissed at him and he was forced to follow, denied Anne’s touch. She did not like this one bit. Her bad feeling grew worse.

  And then she was summoned.

  The room was dark and had a smell she found disgusting. Vampire sweat. Old vampire sweat. All of the seven council members were ancient. Two of them were especially hunched over, looking barely alive, sitting in wheelchairs, which squeaked and echoed off the walls of the enormous hall lined in mirrors.

  How can these be immortal? They look like they are dying.

  She guessed this large room had been the scene of many great pageants and celebrations over the centuries, but now was covered in cobwebs. There was no music, no laughter. Just cold marble statues and dusty two-story high mirrors in heavy baroque gilt frames.

  The two sick council members had IVs of red liquid attached to their arms. All of them wore deep red robes. She could see Marcus nowhere.

  “Welcome, child.” All but the two infirmed stood as she approached the long raised table. The two who didn’t stand grunted and frowned. The vampire in the middle motioned for her to have a seat in the red leather chair in front of them.

  Anne’s first reaction to all the red and the smell was to be sick to her stomach. How could Marcus abandon her to this group? They appeared disinterested and dangerous.

  After she took her place, the leader began the questioning. “So, my dear. You are a conversion, is that correct?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You are not a naturally born vampire, right?”


  “And tell me about that experience.” His eyes turned to slits as he leaned forward to hear. “And you must speak up because several of us have hearing problems.”

  Anne thought one had already fallen asleep. Odd. Very odd. This vampire appeared to be mortal.“Well, I was bitten, by a woman. I was told later it was Maya.”

  “Who told you this?”


  Two of the members grunted in open disgust, nodding to each other.

  “Go on.”

  Anne wasn’t sure what to say next. “Well, she bit me, and then I woke up in a hospital room, or what I thought was a hospital room. I was released the next morning, and they said I was okay, free to leave, and that I hadn’t been harmed.”

  “Who are ‘they’?” the robe next to the leader shouted.

  “The nurse.” She decided to leave off the fact that it had been Laurel. No sense getting her into this mess, though she was probably already involved.

  It worked, as the heads bobbed while they conferred in whispers. When they looked back at her, she realized they were expecting her to continue the story.

  “I drove from Genoa, along the Mediterranean all the way to Spain, then went by boat to Majorca. I had my first urge to feed four days after the bite. So I did.”

  “And how was that?”

  Anne remembered what Marcus had told her. She decided to appeal to their maleness, if that was still present under their wrinkled skin and somber demeanor. She thought she would use a little helpless charm.

  “It went awful. I got blood absolutely everywhere.”

  Several of the road vampires chuckled.

  The sleeper woke up. “Is it over?” he blurted out.

  Someone reassured him he hadn’t missed anything. They stared back at her. She figured she’d continue talking until they asked her to stop. Her time to show what she was made of, perhaps. Maybe this was what Marcus had meant.

  “I ruined a perfectly good pair of jeans that cost me $140.”

  She got no reaction. Maybe they didn’t know about jeans.

  “I was embarrassed, ashamed at having caused so much of a mess. My intention was not to draw so much interest. And I felt sorry for the man I essentially murdered.” She kept her eyes lowered in a sorrowful demonstration. But it was an honest depiction of how she had felt that day.

  One of the leaned forward and opened his mouth, about to say something. The man next to him stopped him. “You have fed many times since then, right? No problems?”

  “Yes. Until recently, I preferred doing my feeding in the shower so I could wash up afterwards. I’m sorry, but I don’t like to walk around with blood all over me. Besides, buying new clothes is expensive.”

  She saw some faint nods again. Maybe this was working. “One thing I do not like.”

  “And that is?”

  “I really don’t like taking lives just to eat.”

  “But when you were human you sacrificed animals to eat, no doubt.”

  “But they were raised for food. I don’t see the human population as being raised for food. For us.”

  More nods. “Go on.”

  “I work at a home for battered women, as a volunteer. I have taken to feasting on some of the awful men I have heard about. I am careful. I try to choose people who have no redeeming qualities. People no one will miss. But do not mistake me, I still believe every life is sacred.”

  The room was silent, except for the vampire on the end who snored.

  “I want to ask you about Marcus,” One of the council asked her, leveling a bony finger in her direction. His voice was irritatingly shrill.

  “Yes. I love Marcus. He has told me about the fating that goes on
between golden vampires mates. I do feel we are meant for each other.”

  “But I understand you are still married.”

  “No, not legally. We had a wedding performed, but I am severing all my ties with him. He has never honored our bed. I cannot live a life where I have to worry about where he is, and with whom he is sleeping.”

  They were nodding again, so Anne added, “He does not honor me. Why should I continue to honor him?”

  “Do you want him eliminated? Have you asked Marcus to do this?”

  Anne’s stomach clenched up. She gripped the arms of her chair, indignant at the insinuation she could ask Marcus to kill off her no-good husband. And how could they think Marcus was capable of such cruelty?

  “What?” She squinted her eyes in anger. Had Marcus told them that? “As cruel as Roberts is to me, I would never wish my ex-husband harm. Never.” She was shaking. She hoped the fervor of her feelings didn’t interfere with their decision.

  “One more question, if you please.” A new visitor came into the room. Handsome, tall, though not as tall as Marcus. He appeared to be the younger vampire. The whole room deferred to him, seemed to center around him.

  “Praetor. We are honored with your presence.” Most of the council bowed in deference.

  With a swagger that told Anne he was used to bedding any woman he wanted and could get away with it, he looked her up and down, resting his eyes on her breasts, then lower to the place between her legs. He licked his lips and sighed. She instantly didn’t trust such a powerful, sexy man.

  I hope you can do whatever they ask of you. She remembered Marcus’s words. What if he asked for . . .?

  “I understand you bleed now.” His expression was serious.

  “Yes, I am bleeding now.”

  “When was the last time you bled before now?”

  “It was before my wedding day, about two months ago.”

  He smiled and nodded his head, turning to the council. He shrugged.

  “Fine.” The middle robe stood up. “I have no further questions. I am satisfied. Let’s get on with the inspection.”

  Oh, God, an inspection? With these creeps and this gorgeous male?

  Now the reason for her black lacey things with the slit up the middle made sense. Marcus had known. Damn the man!

  The leader rang a silver bell. Two young girls dressed in harem costumes came into the room to stand by Anne’s side. They eased her up from the chair, one on each arm. Anne saw Mr. Handsome peruse all three of them, hand under his chin, stroking his lips like he was studying something. She didn’t like being on display. The council members who could, stood up and watched as she was escorted out of the room.

  She was taken down a tiled corridor to an exam room. After undressing and putting on the familiar paper dress, she had to suffer through a gynecological exam performed by an elderly doctor as Praetor stood in the room, observing.

  Remember that I love you. Marcus had told her to do anything they asked her to do. God damn him. He didn’t tell her because he knew she would never agree to it.

  The doctor excused himself with the swab, now tinged red at the tip. She sat up and snarled at Praetor. “I find this whole process revolting, sickening. Barbaric, even.”

  He bowed slightly. Anne could see he perhaps agreed, but did not say anything.

  “So, what happens now?”

  “He is confirming it is menstrual blood. If that is verified, I’d say you and Marcus could have a little party.”

  There was something about how he said the last part that made her suddenly catch her breath. Could we be that close?

  “They’ve accepted me?”

  “They believed your story.”

  “That’s because it’s true. All of it.”

  The doctor returned. “It’s confirmed, and now Praetor, you have witnessed it. It is menstrual blood. I will go inform the council.” He was almost to the door when he turned. “She is not to be left alone. Bring her back to the chambers once she has dressed.”

  “Of course.”

  The physician left. Anne slid off the table, being careful with the placement of the paper wrap and skirt. She glared at Praetor, raising her chin in defiance, aware that although covered, she was naked from the waist down. He broke the silence.

  “I see what Marcus has found in you. I only wish I could have seen you first.”

  “You don’t believe in the fate, then?”

  He smiled. “It’s difficult to believe in something that hasn’t happened yet. I, like Marcus, have waited a long time. Let’s say I have faith, but I do not believe yet, no.” He abruptly turned around to let her finish dressing.

  Anne, donned her skirt, muttering to herself about the ridiculous panties. She straightened her hair, making a fuss, harrumphing and gasping, hoping she showed her indignation at the ordeal.

  “I have a question,” she said.

  “Ask me anything.”

  “What’s with the old council members? I thought all vampires are immortal.”

  “We are not immune to all disease, contrary to folklore. And sometimes there is an errant ancestor of questionable parentage. Some of us age, but age slowly.”

  “Will this happen to me? Because I started out human?”

  “No way to know, my dear. Not a question of your humanity. It’s a question of bloodline and breeding.”

  “The children . . .”

  “Can die of normal childhood diseases. Very sad. Very sad indeed.”

  She stopped. She understood why the children were so important. They were rare. And they were fragile. It was sad.

  Anne continued to dress, fiddling with the buttons at the back of her blouse so that she didn’t have to ask Praetor’s help. It was something she knew he would gladly assist her with.

  “Okay. I’m done.”

  He turned around and looked her up and down, drinking in every curve, every valley. Unashamed to let her see how tantalizing he found her.

  “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “That. That thing you are doing. I don’t belong to you.”

  “My dear, you don’t belong to Marcus, either. I don’t think you ever will.”

  He brought her back to the chamber room.

  A brief statement was read into the record, verifying all the facts. And then it was over. The directors filed out, including the two sick ones in their wheelchairs. All but Mr. Handsome. Praetor had an expression that was hard to read. She couldn’t mistake the tease in his eyes, the invitation to show him some affection if she chose.

  She wanted to set him on fire.

  He extended his elbow in her direction. “Come, Anne. There is someone dying to see you.”

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  He put his finger to his lips. “It’s a surprise.”

  He waited for her to put her arm through his. She didn’t want to do it, so he grabbed it and put it there himself. He patted her hand that rested on his forearm, leaving his hand in place over hers. “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.” He hesitated, then turned to face her. His large brown eyes were as beautiful as any woman’s eyes Anne had ever seen. And he clearly knew it. “I know my place here, my dear. But, if you ever tire of Marcus the Magnificent, I have some skills that would make your soul tremble. The door to my bedroom is always open to one such as you.”

  “I’ll have to ask Marcus if he thinks that would be such a good idea. He doesn’t seem to think I need much instruction. But if I did, Marcus is an excellent teacher.”

  He was surprised with her boldness, Anne could tell. But she was careful he didn’t take it as a slight. That would be a mistake.

  They walked through a door to an anteroom, an auxiliary soundproof chamber. Marcus instantly sprang up, hesitating to come over to her. Stress was written all over his face. And when his eyes fell over Praetor and Anne locked arm in arm, he frowned. She couldn’t remember when she had seen his hair so disheveled. The room was littered with chewing g
um wrappers and cans of Red Bull. He looked miserable.

  “Praetor. How nice to see you.” Marcus’s speech was measured.

  “Marcus, I’m afraid I have some news . . .” Praetor started.

  Suddenly Anne was overwhelmed. She disengaged from Praetor and ran to Marcus, burying her head in his chest.

  “I passed.”

  Marcus picked her up with ease, holding her sideways. He nodded to Praetor, then tore off down the hallway, headed to the outside. Anne clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck, looking over one broad shoulder at the handsome vampire who stood behind them, watching them leave.

  Praetor raised his hand up and waved with a couple of his fingers, as if to say, I’ll still be here if you change your mind.

  Chapter 21

  Robert picked himself up off the floor as soon as he came to. He was covered in blood. His cell phone was shattered. Little pieces of the blue plastic and silver parts littered the bottom of the tub where Maya had thrown it. God, that woman had a temper. For the first time in his life, perhaps he had misjudged a female. Maybe that wasn’t quite right. Maybe it was the first time a female scared him, like the bullies at school had scared him, like the gangbangers who walked past his job sites scared him.

  He’d passed out after she bit him, and, damn, yes, she’d actually drawn blood there. He looked at himself in the half-broken mirror. Sure enough, two puncture wounds stewed out on his neck, just like the ones on his dick two days before. No question about it. This one was an animal.

  And she was so interested in Anne. Why? Anne had never hurt a fly. All she ever did was work at the women’s shelter, helping those ladies get their lives back together. Everyone loved Anne. She was like a mother lion with her cubs. Hard to figure one of her clients would be this angry. No, it must be something else.

  He wondered how Anne could meet a woman like Maya. He doubted Anne had ever stepped foot inside the Double Eights. The whole thing just didn’t make sense.

  He placed the pieces of his phone in the trash and removed his clothing. His dick had healed. Thank God for small miracles. Well, now maybe Monika would take pity on him. He jumped into the shower. The wounds on his neck really hurt.


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