Beta’s Challenge
Page 7
“Never mind that, you crazy bitches. What is that?” Tia said as she pointed at the wolf, which now sat on his haunches looking up at her with what could only be described as a ‘doggie smile’.
“Tia, meet Tomas’s alter ego,” Gabriel said pointing at the wolf.
By this time, Wolf Tomas was on hind legs at the kitchen island looking up at Tia with laughter in his eyes. To make matters worse, he was reaching for Tia with his front paws.
Tia dodged every swipe, relieved that the “dog” couldn’t actually reach her. That is until he jumped on the countertop with her. “Somebody get this damn thing,” Tia screamed as she jumped down on the side closest to the front door, and ran for the front door with speed she didn’t even realize she possessed.
She was just about to twist the doorknob when two strong arms wrapped around her waist and brought her body back against a strong solid mass of man flesh.
Slowly, oh so slowly, Tia turned in those strong arms to see who held her. When she looked up, she was staring into auburn eyes still bright with laughter. Upon further inspection, Tia soon realized those eyes were the only thing about that body that held laughter because the rest of it was seriously ‘hard’. Tia leaned back a little further into that hard body and luxuriated in the feel and smell.
Tomas obviously loved the feel of her warm, voluptuous body pressing against his. His dick was hard as steel. Tia, deciding she owed him for scaring the shit out of her, wiggled her ass on his rock hard dick a little for payback.
Tomas growled deep in his throat and said, “Keep that up woman and I’ll fuck you right here in Tara’s foyer in front of everyone.”
“Serves you right for scaring the shit out of me, however, that could be fun,” Tia teased, wiggling her ass again with a little more pressure this time just to hear Tomas suck in a deep breath.
Tomas, whose control was quickly ebbing, backed away from Tia and pushed her arm’s length away. “We have more important matters to deal with now and lusting after your juicy ass will have to wait for later.” He turned away from her and headed back into the living room where he’d left his clothes.
The sight of all that tawny-brown, silky skin over defined muscles and the size of his cock had Tia panting like a bitch in heat. His ass made her think of being blind artist who was using Tomas as her model. She was more than willing to rub, squeeze, and feel every line and curve to make sure she got everything perfect.
“Down girl. We have work to do here,” Tia barely heard Tara say as they settled down to begin discussing plans to take Mikal down and save the pack.
Tia rushed around the corner just as Tomas bent over to pick up his pants. The sight of his chiseled ass with legs spread just enough to get a glimpse of his sac and now flaccid member was almost enough to make Tia faint. Her knees gave out and she sat down heavily on the floor next to the couch.
Tomas looked over his shoulder and smiled a mischievous smile. He knew what he was doing and could smell that it was working. Tia was definitely interested.
Once Tomas was dressed, he joined the rest of the group. After picking Tia up off the floor, he settling her in his lap in the armchair and they all began planning how they were going to fix the mess with the pack.
Tara looked at Gabriel, who sat next to her on the couch with intensity in his eyes she prayed he never directed at her. “Isn’t there anyone you can talk to about this matter? You can’t just waltz in there and think to challenge Mikal with everyone there backing him.”
“That’s just it, Tara,” Tomas interrupted. “According to Sasha, the others are against Mikal but are too afraid to speak out or do anything to fix this.”
“I know law,” Tara said. “I know there is something we can do.”
Gabriel sighed and took both Tara’s hands in his. “No, baby. Pack law is different as I’ve already told you.” Gabriel began rubbing his thumbs over the back of Tara’s hands in soothing circles. “Besides, what are you going to do? Walk in the court and tell the judge there is a pack of shape-shifting wolves living not far away and they need legal counsel?”
With a defeated sigh of her own, Tara said, “I didn’t think of that. It just makes me so mad that Mikal is getting away with the things he is doing to the females of your pack.”
“My former pack,” Gabriel corrected.
“Whatever,” Tara quipped. “Semantics.”
“Gabriel, can’t you contact Marcus, the Alpha of the St. Ignatius pack, for advice?” Adrian asked.
“Yes, Gabriel. Don’t have a decent relationship with Marcus?” Tomas added, then looked at Tia still sitting on his lap and said, “Be still woman or I’ll drop you on that beautiful ass of yours.”
Tia gasped with indignation. “You wouldn’t dare!”
Tomas tilted his head, raised one eyebrow, spread his legs and pushed. Tia hit the floor and bounced.
“I can’t believe you did that. You are so going to pay for that, Fido,” Tia threatened, getting up and dusting off her ass.
“Woof, woof,” Tomas said.
“Enough, you two,” Tara said, frustrated that she couldn’t solve this puzzle. Gabriel took Tara’s hands in his again and continued rubbing them gently. “I’ll contact Marcus and ask him for assistance. The fact that he has committed such atrocious crimes against the females of the pack is reason enough by pack law to have him put down. If this goes badly, we may need backup. Marcus will agree with me on this one. He won’t like the fact that Mikal fails to treat the females with the respect they deserve and will be madder than hell,” Gabriel said, getting up from the couch and heading to the stairs to grab his cell from the bedside table in Tara’s bedroom.
Tara, Toya, and Tia went into the kitchen to cook while Gabriel, Adrian, and Tomas sat in the living room strategizing in conference with Marcus. As suspected, Marcus was livid once Gabriel informed him of the situation.
Tia sneaked a glance over her shoulder at Tomas. He caught her looking and winked. He knew it would annoy the hell out of her but did it anyway.
“You’ve been keeping me in the dark. Why didn’t you tell me?” Tia asked Tara and Toya as she took the toast out of the oven and placed it on plates.
“I just found out myself last night,” Toya stated as she cut up the vegetables, cheese and ham to make omelets for everyone. Cooking always calmed Toya’s and everyone needed to eat. Hell, it was going to be a long ass day and there was no sense being hungry as well as agitated.
“And I only found out two days ago but I didn’t believe it until like you, I was staring down at a full grown wolf in my living room. Speaking of which, how the hell did you get from in front of the couch to the top of my kitchen island and no one saw you move?” Tara asked.
“Don’t start, Tara,” Tia said, pissed that Tara had brought that up again.
They laughed and talked while continuing to prepare breakfast.
Sitting in Tara’s kitchen listening to the ladies debate about what their actual plan of attack should be, Gabriel didn’t feel it necessary to inform them the plan had already been decided by himself and Marcus over an hour ago. That would lead to another round of arguing with Tara and man, did his woman love to argue. After the arguing was over, though, she would make up with just as much fire as she’d used in the argument.
Gabriel he felt his dick start to harden at the thought of their make- up sex. He was so gone into his fantasy of sinking back into Tara’s hot, juicy pussy that the sudden vibrations in his jeans pocket damn near caused him to flip backwards off the stool he was currently perched on. Seeing the unfamiliar number on the display, he answered with a snarl, “What?”
It was only when he heard Sasha’s whispered response that he tempered his tone. “Sasha, where are you?” he demanded as he stalked from the kitchen, ignoring Tara’s questioning look as he passed her.
“I …I’m not sure, Gabriel. I finally got away from Mikal. I ran all night through streams so that he couldn’t track my scent. I’m so tired that nothing makes sense any
more,” Sasha said, sounding exhausted and scared.
“Okay calm down, Sasha. I want you to call this number: 773-3698. It’s the number for a cab company. Give them this address, 1328 New Briar Lane, and tell the cabbie I will pay the fare once you arrive. I’ll be waiting for you.” Disconnecting the call Gabriel felt a soul deep relief that Sasha had gotten away, but with her gone and Mikal no doubt hot on her trail, he knew that the time clock had just gotten shorter.
Gabriel returned to the kitchen, sat back on the stool, and relayed the conversation to the group. All they could do now was wait.
Tia, Toya, and Tara were cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Before any of the guys could move, Tara was wiping her hands on a dishtowel and opening the door.
On the other side was the most beautiful woman Tara had ever seen outside of a magazine or on TV. She was about a head taller than Tara with cocoa brown skin and naturally curly auburn hair. She had the same silver-gray eyes as Gabriel but hers had a tinge of sky blue around the edges. She was lithe and curvy and she was also sporting a black eye from hell, along with bruises and scratches that covered her arms and neck as if she had been choked repeatedly.
Dayum, somebody had really whooped her ass.
Gabriel, Tomas and Adrian rounded the corner just as Sasha swayed to the right and pitched forward, nose-diving to the ceramic tile floor. Tomas moved faster than the eye and was there to catch her before she hit the floor.
“Take her upstairs to the guest room and lay her down, Tomas. I’ll bring her something warm to eat and something to drink.” Tara said as she hurried back into the kitchen to get Sasha something to eat and drink.
She put everything on a serving tray and headed toward the stairs. Passing the living room, she noticed Gabriel back on the couch talking with Adrian. Tomas was not there. Not really paying it much attention, she walked up the stairs to the guest room and stopped short.
The door was cracked and she heard Tomas’ smooth voice coming from inside. “It’s going to be all right, Sasha. I will keep my promise to you. I will take care of you and your cubs and keep you from harm. I will never let anything or anyone else cause you pain. This I promise with my life.” After a brief pause, Tomas’ voice came again. “Come on in Tara. I know you are there.”
Tara walked into the room and set the tray down on the bedside table. She looked at Tomas holding Sasha’s hand and decided it really wasn’t any of her business. She turned back to the tray and began preparing the food for Sasha. “She is my sister, Tara,” came Tomas’ low almost silent confession. “I left my sister in the hands of a madman…”
Tomas couldn’t finish. The fury was blinding him and taking away the air in his lungs. Tara took the couple of steps separating them and wrapped her arms around Tomas’ neck. She laid her head atop his and rubbed soothing circles along his back.
“It will be okay, Tomas. She is safe now and we will take care of her,” Tara said trying to alleviate Tomas’ distress. “Go back down stairs and finish making plans with the guys. I will tend to Sasha.”
Tomas got up, hugged Tara, said his thanks, and then headed back downstairs. Tara watched him leave the room then looked back to Sasha. She was awake and staring at Tara. Tara took a deep breath and leaned down to help Sasha sit up, placing pillows at her back before sitting on the side of the bed and reached for the tray on the table.
Tara picked up the bowl of leftover homemade chicken soup she’d warmed for Sasha then turned back to see the shame in Sasha’s beautiful eyes. Sasha began to cry. Tara placed the bowl back on the tray then turned back to Sasha. She wrapped her arms around Sasha and held her close. Silently, Tara rubbed Sasha’s back and let her cry until there were no more tears. Once Sasha regained some semblance of composure, she leaned back against the pillows.
Looking Tara in the eyes, Sasha said, “I’m so sorry. I had no right coming into your home. I’m so scared and tired. All I want is to do was speak to Gabriel, see my brother, and know I was someplace safe. I won’t stay lon—”
Tara cut her off. “Stop it. You need us and we are here for you. Let me help you.” With that, Sasha gave a curt nod and Tara began feeding her.
Tara fed Sasha until all the soup was gone. Sasha drank the glass of ice tea Tara had brought then completely full, curled in the fetal position and slipped off into a peaceful sleep. Tara gathered the remains of the meal and headed back downstairs, closing the door behind her.
Chapter Eight
Once Tara had put the tray in the kitchen, she rejoined everyone in the living room. Gabriel was pacing, running his fingers through his hair agitatedly.
Tara walked up behind Gabriel and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Come sit down. Worrying yourself sick is not going to help Sasha. She’s here now and she’s safe. What we need to do now is figure out this mess with the pack and take care of the remaining females.”
Gabriel turned and kissed the top of Tara’s head but could not sit down. He continued to pace for what seemed like hours.
“Gabriel, sit down, honey. You’re wearing a path in my carpet,” Tara said from the couch.
He turned abruptly on Tara and growled.
Tara narrowed her eyes, raised her eyebrows, stood, and put her hands on her hips. “Look. I know you are upset, but you better remember who you are growling at and where you are. Now, sit your ass down so we can figure this out.”
That was all it took to bring Gabriel out of the rage-induced stupor he was in. He fell to his knees in front of Tara, wrapping his arms around her waist. The pain of what was happening to the family he left behind, what had happened to Sasha and what had become of his friend was more than any man should have to endure.
Tara ran her fingers through his hair soothingly. “It’s okay,” she cooed. “I know you’re hurting. I can see it in your eyes. We will figure this out.”
“I’m so sorry, Tara. I was so far gone, I fear if you had touched me…” Gabriel trailed off, not wanting to voice what his mind knew to be true.
“You wouldn’t have hurt me, Gabriel,” Tara said. “As mad as you are, you would never hurt me. I know that.”
“Thank you for having such trust and faith in me, my beautiful, beautiful Tara,” Gabriel said clinging to her like she was the only piece of sanity left in his twisted world.
Tara managed to get everyone settled long enough to fix lunch. Everyone was eating in companionable silence when Sasha came down the stairs. Tara jumped to her feet and ran to Sasha, forgetting what was left of her lunch.
“Sweetie, you shouldn’t be up.” Tara led Sasha to the couch, shooing everyone off of it the process, helped Sasha stretch out, and grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over her.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Sasha barely managed to whisper to Tara.
“Because you’re in pain, you’re scared, and you need someone to be there for you,” Tara told her.
They looked at each other, then Sasha glanced over Tara’s shoulder at Gabriel. “I think I like her, Gabriel. You made a good choice. She will keep you in line,” Sasha said with a wan smile.
Everyone got comfortable again in the living room, introductions were made all around, and then Sasha filled everyone in with more details on what happened since the men left the pack.
“Where the fuck is she?” Mikal roared. “She can’t have gotten that far. FIND HER NOW,” Mikal shouted as he paced his office.
He was livid. He had sent Vonn to get Sasha only to find out she was nowhere to be found. He knew she thought she hated him for forcing her to carry his young but he never dreamt she would actually go as far as to run away. Gabriel! The only person Sasha trusted enough to go to would be Gabriel. Now that he knew where to find him, he knew where to find Sasha.
“Vonn, wait!” Mikal said, coming to a halt in front of his desk. “I know where she is. Get a few of the men together. We are going on another trip. If Sasha thinks she can run to Gabriel and get away from me, she has another think coming,�
�� Mikal spoke to Vonn, but his mind was on the hurt Sasha caused by running from him.
He loved Sasha more than was humanly possible but he could never tell her. He knew she wouldn’t return that love anymore and that hurt more than anything else. Regardless of how she felt about him, he would not let her endanger their young.
“Does Mikal know you’re gone?” Gabriel asked Sasha after she finished relaying the story.
“By now, I’m sure he’s discovered I am missing,” Sasha replied.
“Okay, if he knows, the show down will take place here because I know if it were me, I would come after my Prima, especially since I know you are pregnant,” Gabriel said to Sasha. “We need to get ready. There are too many human eyes here so we’ll need to go somewhere where two wolves can fight and not draw too much attention.” Gabriel said to everyone in the room as he once again began pacing.
“I have a cabin about an hours’ drive from here. We could all go there,” Tara said to the crowd.
“You never told us anything about a cabin,” Toya said to Tara.
“There was never a need to mention it before,” Tara responded. “It was left to me by my grandparents. Since you know my ties with my family aren’t that strong, I don’t dwell on anything family related,” Tara continued.
“Where’s the cabin located, Tara?” Gabriel asked.
“About an hour from here,” Tara said. “It’s in the middle of nowhere. That’s why I never go there. I’m not sure what condition it’s in,” Tara continued, “but it should serve our purpose.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind, Tara. This could get very ugly,” Gabriel said, wrapping his arms around Tara.
Gabriel stared into Tara’s eyes, realizing he loved this woman so much his life would be null and void if she was ever not in his life. He tightened his arms around her and relished in the feel of her warm body wrapped in his arms.