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Beta’s Challenge

Page 8

by Mildred Trent

  Tara squeezed Gabriel back. She could feel the tension in his body and see the worry in his eyes. She knew what was coming and it scared the hell out of her. What if he didn’t win the fight? Could she go on without him? In such a short time, Tara had grown to love this man more than life itself. He had become her life. Gabriel, Adrian, Tomas and Sasha had become her family along with Tia and Toya. Tara couldn’t imagine any of them not being in her life.

  Squeezing Gabriel one last time, Tara said, “I would give you everything I have to help you defeat Mikal and protect your pack.”

  Tara looked every person in the room eye-to-eye. A nod of agreement met her from each person until she once again reached Gabriel’s eyes. He kissed her as if this may be his last chance. Again he squeezed her tight.

  Tara leaned into Gabriel, tiptoed up to his ear and whispered, “I love you, Gabriel. Do what you must, but come back to me.” She kissed his neck, unwrapped herself from him, turned to everyone else in the room and said, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Packed with everything they thought they would need for at least a week, they headed for the cabin, knowing this trip would change their lives.

  Tara, sitting in the passenger seat, stared out the window the entire drive. Gabriel knew Tara was scheming something but he could not allow her interfere.

  He glanced at Tara and said, “Promise me you’ll stay inside and out of the fight.”

  He released the steering wheel with his right hand and slid it over the seat to grab Tara’s left hand. Entwining their fingers, he continued. “I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on Mikal if I thought you could get harmed.” He squeezed Tara’s hand when he didn’t get a response.

  “I can’t make you that promise, Gabriel. I can’t just stand by and watch you get hurt or worse, killed, and do nothing,” Tara stated trying to pull her hand out of his.

  “You must. Promise me,” Gabriel implored Tara.

  “But, I…” Tara began.

  “Promise,” Gabriel said in a commanding, yet gentle voice.

  “Okay, dayum. You make it hard for a girl to say no. But if you get yourself killed, I will find a voodoo priestess to bring you back so I can kill you again myself,” Tara giggled, with no amusement in it, as she leaned up to kiss Gabriel softly on the lips.

  Finally reaching the cabin, Gabriel realized it was not far from pack land. He knew it wouldn’t take long for Mikal to scent them close by and that the fight would go down right here. He looked to Tomas and Adrian and saw the knowing readiness on their faces. He did his best to hide that fact from Tara but knew she could feel something was wrong.

  Tara, Toya, Tia, and Sasha, were readying the cabin for incoming when loud growls were heard coming from outside.

  Gabriel and Adrian, alerted to the packs presence before the growls began, came into the kitchen. Gabriel went to Tara and wrapped her in his arms and Adrian went to Toya to do the same.

  Gabriel stared into Tara’s eyes while holding her close to him. “Remember your promise. Do not come outside,” Gabriel squeezed Tara to within an inch of her life, kissed her hard and possessively, then turned to the living room and walked out the front door; Adrian and Tomas, quick on his heels.

  Sasha waited a few moments after the men walked out the door then turned to Tara. “You must keep your promise. We have no idea what Mikal is planning but we know he won’t play fair. Gabriel must be able to concentrate and the only way he can do that is to know you are safe. Do you understand?”

  Tara’s shoulders dropped but she said in a whisper so low, only Sasha and the wolves outside could hear, “Yes, I understand.”

  Sasha’s heart broke at the defeated look on Tara’s face. She walked over to Tara, and much to her and Tara’s surprise, wrapped her arms around Tara in a sisterly hug that the two knew was the start of something that would never, ever die.

  “I hate to break up this happy moment, but what are you going to be doing while all hell breaks loose outside?” Tia asked Sasha with her hands on her hips.

  Removing herself from Tara’s embrace, Sasha looked at Tia. “I’ll be outside fighting alongside Gabriel, Tomas, and Adrian. Why?”

  “Why do you get to go outside, Ms. Thang?” Tia quipped.

  Sasha sashayed over to Tia, leaned close to her ear, and said, “Because I am one of the big bad wolves, Little Red Riding Hood.”

  With that, Sasha turned toward the door, gave Tara and Toya a curt nod, then opened the door and stepped out. Tara looked back at Toya and Tia and said, “This is going to be bad; really, really bad.”

  “How dare you take my mate,” Mikal bellowed circling Gabriel.

  “I didn’t ‘take’ anything or anyone,” Gabriel said, also circling to get Mikal from his back.

  He knew there were more pack members than had come into the clearing. What he didn’t know was who was for Mikal and who was against him. He continued to speak to Mikal with a calm his spirit didn’t feel. “Sasha came to me after you raped her, repeatedly. And, the last time I checked, you didn’t believe in Primas or Primales. Those, in your words are “archaic notions,” remember? Therefore, Sasha can’t possibly be your mate.”

  “Fuck you, Gabriel. Oh! My bad. I’ve already done that haven’t I,” Mikal chided.

  “Yeah, yeah you did, Mikal. Too bad, as in the case of Sasha, you had to drug me to get it. It must really stroke your ego to know you have to forcibly take ass to get some,” Gabriel returned quip for quip.

  Mikal had heard enough. Changing in mid-air, Mikal and Gabriel came together in a clash of teeth and claws. Fighting with the force only two alphas could match, they clawed and bit, trying to inflict the most damage possible. Mikal’s men noticed Gabriel was about to get the upper hand and decided it was better to interfere in the fight for Mikal than face his wrath if they did not.

  Vonn was the first to change. Before he could take one step toward the foray, Adrian was on his back, teeth sunk skin deep in his neck, effectively pinning him to the ground. The rest of the men were mid-shift when they noticed Tomas and Sasha had already shifted and were ready. After careful consideration, Mikal’s remaining men decided to err on the side of caution. They watched helplessly as after what seemed forever, Gabriel pinned Mikal with teeth tightened around his throat. Gabriel’s jaw tightened, trying to force Mikal to yield.

  Mikal turned his focus on Sasha with a vengeance that was palpable in the clearing. With an adrenaline-laced burst of energy, Mikal managed to loosen Gabriel’s grip and slip out of his hold. He turned toward Sasha. His mind warring with his heart over what he was about to do to Sasha, Mikal didn’t see Gabriel until it was too late.

  Gabriel hit Mikal with twice the force a wolf his size should possess. In a matter of seconds, Gabriel had Mikal in a submissive position again, jaws tightened to the point of ripping suffocation, and then a shot sounded through the suddenly quiet night.

  Startled by the loud piercing sound, Gabriel released Mikal and backed up. Looking in the direction of the sound, he spotted Tara standing about twenty feet away, holding a double-barreled shotgun.

  Chapter Nine

  “Shift now,” Tara said calmly.

  All wolves shifted back to human form. Gabriel and Mikal’s bodies were covered with lacerations from sharp canines and claws. Although Mikal looked a helluva lot worse off than Gabriel, both were still snarling at each other, and Mikal was swaying on his feet.

  Gabriel’s arm shot out with a preternatural speed and knocked him unconscious. Staring down at the prone body of the wolf that was once closer than a brother but now, his most hated enemy, Gabriel threw his head back and howled out all the pain and anguish that was in his heart. He then turned his head to stare at the woman who was the other half of his soul.

  Tara, seeing the heartbreaking devastation in her man’s eyes, was brought to instant tears for the obvious pain he was in right now. Part of her wanted to run and wrap her arms around him, but she knew he needed her strength the most right now. She tightened
her grip on the shotgun because this shit was far from over.

  The entire trip she’d sat trying to figure a way around this fight. Tara knew she was not familiar with pack politics, but she also knew there had to be another way to solve this problem without someone getting hurt or killed.

  Just then, movement from the surrounding forest stopped Tara in her tracks. The entire Seeley Creek pack, in wolf form, began filing into the clearing. Shifting into human form, they began furiously shouting for justice. “Kill him. It’s pack law. Pack way. After what he did to you, our females, he deserves to die. Kill him! Kill him!” The wolves, now human, chanted to Gabriel.

  Another shot sounded. Every head turned toward Tara. “No one is going to die tonight. Anyone wish to argue?” Tara slowly turned the barrel of the gun in a circle, making sure every person standing knew she meant business. She also knew she would never be able to shoot any of them but she couldn’t show weakness for Gabriel’s sake. “And, since my cabin isn’t large enough to hold everyone, we’ll have to settle this out here.”

  “Dayum. Are there any ugly, un-sexy were—, ah, shifter wolves in the world?” Tia asked, standing in the doorway behind Tara.

  “Shut up, Tia.” Toya shook her head in Tia’s direction.

  “I’m just sayin.’ Look at all those fine asses, tight abs, and dicks…”

  “That’s enough, Tia,” Tara and Toya stated in unison.

  Gabriel and Adrian barely hid their amusement at Tia’s observation of the males of their pack. Tomas, on the other hand, looked peeved and obviously didn’t find the humor in her assessment.

  Tara continued, and ignoring any further comments from Tia, said “Mikal,” now conscious and sitting Indian style in the middle of the clearing, “you have been accused of abhorrent, inhumane crimes against your…people. How do you plead?”

  “I have only done…” Mikal started.

  “HOW DO YOU PLEAD?” Tara said in a no-nonsense voice. “It’s a simple, ‘guilty or not guilty’ question.”

  “Not guilty,” Mikal said, mustering up all the pride he had left.

  Another uproar began in the crowd. Suddenly, all the shifters were silent and on high alert. Movement from the bushes alerted Tara, Toya, and Tia they had more company. Shifting to human form as they appeared in the clearing, Marcus and his pack members joined the meeting.

  “What the fuck are YOU doing here?” Mikal growled, starting to get up and thought better of it at the last minute.

  Marcus lifted an eyebrow then smugly stated, “One ass whipping a night not enough for you, Mikal?”

  Snickers and muted laughter filled the clearing.

  “He’s here because Gabrielle and I both called him,” Tara stated matter-of-factly, aiming the barrel of the gun right between Mikal’s legs. “Now shut up or the next shot will guarantee you never rape anyone again,” Tara said before Mikal could speak another word.

  Marcus walked to Tara. “I do like you, Ms. Tara. You have spunk.” Marcus grinned at Tara then turned to Gabriel. “Gabriel, join your Prima.”

  Gabriel walked up to Tara.

  Tia, Toya, Adrian, and Tomas joined Gabriel and Tara, taking up positions slightly behind and to the left and right of them. Tara lowered the gun then held her hand out to Sasha. Stunned, Sasha bowed her head and headed to Tara’s side.

  “Seeley Creek pack, brothers and sisters, your alpha has demonstrated he is neither worthy nor capable of being the best leader of your pack. He has desecrated wolf law and values. Pack law demands he be killed in battle to be dethroned, but that is old pack law. We are moving forward starting today and adopting more ‘civilized’ laws to govern our people, thanks to Tara.” Marcus indicated Tara with a slight bow. “With that said, this will be put to a vote.” Marcus looked each and every man and woman in the eye, then said, “Seeley Creek brothers and sisters, do you wish to have Mikal removed as alpha of your pack?”

  He held up his hand to prevent the uproar he knew would follow his question. “By show of hands, please,” Marcus said with a slight smile.


  Mikal looked around at his pack. How could they agree to this? Even Vonn had his hand raised high. Mikal’s blood began to boil. How dare they betray him? They never understood him. He was only trying to make the pack stronger. Revenge was due. He would bide his time until he could exact it on the one he held responsible.

  “Mikal, do you submit to the mandates of your pack or do you wish to stay with tradition and fight Gabriel to the death?”

  “Fuck you,” Mikal said and spat at Marcus’s feet.

  “That, my friend, you will never do,” Marcus said with a smile on his face. “Now, what will it be?”

  Mikal moved faster than anyone would have imagined possible with his injuries. Hands transformed into paws, he grabbed Sasha around the neck claws, digging into flesh drawing blood.

  Backing away and pulling Sasha along, using her as a human shield, Mikal bellowed, “You weak pussies could never understand what I was trying to accomplish. All I wanted to do was make our pack stronger. I wanted our males to have an unbiased need to protect all females and young equally. I tried to ensure unconditional love and respect to each member of our pack through a togetherness that is yet unheard of. Why was that so hard for you to understand? Why did it have to come to this?” Mikal screamed, spittle flying from his lips.

  Mikal was so into his self-righteous speech, he didn’t notice the changes in Sasha until it was too late. Suddenly, Mikal felt a pain he would never forget. Sasha, blood boiling, furiously mad, had partially transformed her hands into paws and with all the force in her body, she curled her paw around Mikal’s dick and balls, nails digging in, and squeezed for dear life.

  White dots of pain clouded Mikal’s vision. The pain was so intense, he couldn’t even scream. He dropped to his knees, taking Sasha with him. His hold on her loosened and his hand fell away.

  “You self-righteous bastard,” Sasha began. “You spout all this bullshit about unconditional love, respect, and unity and yet tie me to your bed and kept me there until I conceived. You took me in ways no female should ever have to experience, then you threatened to kill me if I don’t agree to carry this bastard young of yours,” Sasha said, the venom thick in her voice. She tightened her grip and twisted. “You don’t deserve these and if I were in my right frame of mind, I would rip them off to make sure you never do to another female what you did to me.”

  Sasha was shaking so badly, she barely felt the soothing hand land on her shoulder. She spun so fast, her motion wrenched a groan of pain from Mikal.

  “Let go, Sasha,” Tara said in as soothing a voice as she could. “He isn’t worth it. You’re with family now and he’ll never hurt you again.” Tara rubbed her back, whispering words of comfort and love to her newfound sister-at-arms. “It’s going to be okay. I promise you. We will raise these young and care for you as family should. Look around you, Sasha. See the faces of your family, your pack. They are here for you and so am I.” All the while Tara was soothing Sasha with her words, her hands were frantically prying Sasha's claws from Mikal’s groin.

  Finally releasing her hold, Sasha fell into Tara’s arms and wept.

  “Let’s get you inside and clean those wounds,” Tara crooned as she helped Sasha up and led her back into the cabin.

  “Mikal, again I ask, do you yield? Nod your head for yes or shake it for no. I know you are having a difficult time finding your voice right now,” Marcus said to Mikal, barely holding back the laugh threatening to erupt from his throat.


  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Fuck me,” Marcus said, now tired of the routine. “I think it is safe to say you won’t be fucking anything or anyone for a while.” Marcus returned his attention to the members of the Seeley Creek pack. “Seeing that Mikal is unable to verbally yield and a unanimous vote has been noted, as the sheriff of the wolf clans in Montana, I decree Mikal Mitchell is no longer alpha of the Seeley Creek pack.”

  Marcus returned his attention to Mikal. “You will no longer be alpha of this or any other pack in Montana. You are now subject to wolf and human laws as punishment for your crimes. That brings me to my next order of business. There needs to be a new alpha. We are adopting the human form of justice so we may as well put this to a vote also.”

  “I nominate Gabriel. He should have been the alpha all along,” came a response from the pack.

  “I second,” came another reply from the pack members.

  “And I third,” came still another response from the pack.

  “Gabriel,” Marcus said, “your pack has nominated you as the new alpha. Do you accept the nomination?”

  “If I accept, will everyone be able to accept and respect my human Prima as alpha by my side?” Gabriel asked, looking out over the pack.

  “Yes!” came the unanimous response from the pack. “We will protect her as our true alpha, which she is.”

  “Will you all be willing to move forward toward a more civilized way of life?” Gabriel asked the pack.

  Again, the “yes” was unanimous.

  Gabriel nodded and continued. “Though I don’t agree with Mikal’s methods, I do agree that it should be a choice as to whether you take a Prima or Primale. That said, there will be no ridicule of those who choose to continue procreation by multitude. Do you agree?” Gabriel once again looked around the clearing at the faces of his pack.

  Silence greeted Gabriel this time. “I am not saying anyone will be forced to participate. It will be strictly voluntary,” he explained. “Also, if any female is ever harmed or forced against her will, I will turn the entire pack loose on the perpetrator and wolf law will prevail. THIS is NOT negotiable. All in agreement?” Gabriel asked and waited for the response from the pack.

  Unanimous agreement was sealed with the unified howl of the pack.

  “I totally agree with Gabriel in this matter,” Marcus said, looking out at the Seeley Creek and his pack members. “So said, are you all of one accord with your new alpha?”


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