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How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 15

by Westwood, Susan

  “Where is he?”

  Doug glanced up and waved at the slide. “Over there.”

  Colton dropped the car seat on the bench, and then ran to where Doug had pointed. Derek wasn’t there. “Derek.”

  The little boy skipped up to him. “Hi, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Where were you?”

  “I had to go to the bathroom.” He pointed at Doug. “He said I could go.”

  “Okay. You’re back.”

  Colton’s heart finally slowed down to its normal beat. This kid stuff might be the death of him. “Let’s go get you some new toys, but promise you’ll stay with me.”

  The little boy turned his deep brown eyes to Colton and said, “Promise.”


  Ellyn wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to living in a place with a doorman. She could open her own doors, but this man, named Charlie, would always do it for her.

  “Thank you, Charlie. Do you know if Mr. Hamilton is home?”

  She really needed to talk to Colton about the living arrangements. She had to find her own place. Derek getting attached to him would be bad in the long run. Besides, she liked standing on her own two feet. Charity had never been a part of her game plan.

  “I don’t think so. He left here with a car seat about a half an hour ago.”

  A car seat? Why? Where was he taking Derek? She trusted him for the most part, so she guessed she shouldn’t worry. “Okay, Thanks.”

  Charlie touched the top of his hat then went back to his post at the door. Ellyn rode the elevator up to the top floor. That was another thing she didn’t think she’d get used to, either. Right now, she lived in a penthouse. It had its own washer and dryer and work-out room. Her whole apartment could fit into Colton’s living room.

  Her head spun from the whole situation. She entered the empty apartment and wondered for a moment what she would do with herself. The place had a cleaning service. Someone stocked the refrigerator so she didn’t need to go shopping.

  The most she could do was a load of laundry and she didn’t have enough for a full load. She wandered around. Most of her life outside of work was devoted to Derek. She didn’t have any hobbies.

  Colton had an extensive library, so she found a book and chair and made herself comfortable. A few chapters later, she heard the front door.

  Derek called out to her. “Mom?”

  She put the book down, then found him in the living room surrounded by more toys than he owned his whole little life. Her eyes went wide.

  Colton sat on the couch, looking exhausted. “I couldn’t resist. I’m sorry if you think it’s too much, but they all looked fun.”

  “Mr. Hamilton bought me a radio-controlled car and he said he’d take me out tomorrow night to use it in the park. He said I shouldn’t use it inside.”

  Ellyn wasn’t sure what to say first. Colton had clearly gone overboard. She appreciated his big heart, but Derek would get spoiled. She alone would have to deal with the consequences of that.

  “Can we talk in the library?” Ellyn said.

  Colton rose, but he looked like Derek did when he knew he was going to be punished.


  He closed the door behind them when they got to the library. “I know, Ellyn. I went crazy, but he had so little to bring here.”

  “Colton, he’s five. He doesn’t need that many toys. Where are we going to keep them?”

  “I have plenty of room. And I have a storage area in the basement that I never use.”

  “Why would we need that?”

  “I’d like to get him a bike and teach him how to ride it.”

  Ellyn bit her lip. Colton was making plans. She couldn’t let him do that. “Uh. We need to talk.”

  “We are talking.”

  “No, Derek and I can’t stay here. Or if we do, I need to pay rent.”

  Colton crossed his arms, his large figure looming over her. “I am not taking any money from you. No. And with Chance still out there, you need to stay safe.”

  “I’m sure I can find a safe place to live.”

  “Why? You don’t have to disrupt Derek if you stay here. I can guarantee your security here. You’re safe here.”

  Safe was a relative term. She and Derek were safe from Chance, but Ellyn wasn’t sure she was safe from Colton. Nor was her heart safe if she stayed here. “Chance can’t get Derek. He has no assets and he’s alone and hadn’t raised him.”

  “Well, Doug will get back to me on that later.”


  “I gave him a copy of the papers you were served. He’s a lawyer. He can help.”

  “Without asking me?”

  She hated that he took liberties.

  “Well, you need a lawyer. Doug is one.”

  “You didn’t think me capable of choosing my own?”

  He put up his hands. “It was not like that at all. I was just trying to help.”

  “Yeah. You do that. A lot.”

  “What’s wrong with a little help, Ellyn? You’ve done a lot of things by yourself. Let me help.”

  “At what price?”

  “I don’t need anything from you Ellyn. I’m insulted that you would insinuate that about me.”

  He was right, she knew, but at the moment, she was pissed and lashing out. “I take care of my own.”

  “So do I.”

  “But neither Derek nor I are yours.”

  He took a step back, his hand on his chest. “Ouch, Ellyn. I don’t deserve that. The invitation to stay still stands. I’ll try to stay out of your hair.”

  He spun on his heel and left. Ellyn felt like crap. This man had done nothing but try to be helpful and she just smacked him down. She was such a bitch.


  Marcia knocked on Colton’s door.

  “Come in.”

  Colton looked up from the contracts he’d been elbow deep in. In trying to keep out of Ellyn’s way, he had immersed himself in parts of his company that he hadn’t looked at in ages. Clearly he should not have neglected them. Sadly, there would be some firings so he could hire people who would actually get the jobs done.

  “There’s a problem.”

  “What now?”

  He looked up from his papers. If Marcia said there was a problem, then there was. He’d learned to trust her over the years.

  “Chance is in the lobby, demanding to see you.”

  “How do you know it’s Chance?”

  “He gave his name and that you would know who he was. Besides, I keep track of these things.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Did you do a background check on Ellyn?”

  Without blinking or averting her gaze, she said, “Yes.

  He wasn’t sure what to think of that. “Have you done that in the past?”


  “Why now?”

  “Because Ellyn is more important to you than anyone I’ve ever seen. I needed to know who was getting close to you.”

  “You know who Derek’s father is?”


  “You don’t seem to have any remorse.”

  “I don’t.”

  He sighed. “I don’t need protection, Marcia.”

  “Sometimes you do. From yourself, mostly.”

  He laughed. “I’ll let it slide.”

  “Don’t you want to know anything about Ellyn?”

  “I’ll hear it from her. It isn’t your story to tell,” he said. He stood. “Guess I’ll go confront Chance.”

  He took the elevator down and found Chance standing in the lobby. Not quietly. He was shouting at the guards that had gathered around him. He wanted to call the cops, but if he did that Chance would go back to jail. Ellyn had made it clear that she wanted Chance in Derek’s life, so he had to restrain his instincts.

  Including the one that wanted to punch the man in the face. That would get Colton nowhere with Chance or Ellyn. Sadly, this man would be a part of his life for the foreseeable future.

  The guards parted
when Colton stepped towards them. Chance stopped shouting and eyed him.

  “You wanted to speak with me?” Colton said.

  He pulled himself to his full six foot three inch height. He knew it could be intimidating. He’d been the guy in the bar the insecure short guy would pick a fight with. Not that he’d ever fought them. He had never needed to prove anything.

  Now was no exception. He would have Ellyn. Despite this man’s interference. He’d raise Derek. This man just had to accept that.

  “Yes, I heard from your lawyer and I’m not happy.”

  “I think that’s a matter for the lawyers and the courts to hash out.”

  “I want to hash it out with you.”

  “What are we going to do? Fight on the sidewalk?”

  “I bet you’ve never been in a fight. I bet you’ve never gotten your hands dirty.”

  He wasn’t going to debate his life with this weasel. “Leave it to the courts, Chance. You want Derek, but do you think he’d be proud of you right now?”

  “He’s proud of me. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  The State of New York that had detained him probably thought differently. “Be that as it may, you don’t want to get into this with me.”

  “Why? Because you have all the power?”

  That was precisely it, but Colton thought it crass to say it. Then he realized that this man had nothing to lose. Even if he went back to jail, he still didn’t have Derek. If Colton had anything to do with it, he would never have Derek. He might see him on odd weekends, but Colton would do everything in his power to make sure Derek stayed with Ellyn.

  And him, for that matter.

  “I’m done speaking with you, Chance. You have two choices. You can walk away and I don’t call the cops. Or, you can wait here until the cops arrive which might be a parole violation.”

  Chance wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Colton couldn’t tell if the man was high or not.

  “I have a wife, now. Ellyn is still a single mother. That gives me an advantage.”

  “If you are so sure you are going to win, why are you arguing with me? Go home, Chance and let the courts decide.”

  Colton spun on his heel, then left Chance standing there. He heard nothing else from the man as he waited for the elevator. When he arrived upstairs one of the security guards was on the phone.

  “He left, Mr. Hamilton.”“Okay. I have a feeling he’ll be back, but not anytime soon.”

  “We’ll keep an eye out for him and not bother you with this.”

  “Thank you.”

  Colton sat back in his office chair. He wished Ellyn would just marry him. Would make all of this simpler. He had the money to give Derek more than anyone Chance could have married.

  He rubbed his chin, wondering how he could convince Ellyn that this was the best for everyone. Chance wouldn’t have a leg to stand on and Derek would get a better role model than his own father.

  Eventually, a solution would come to him. Right now, Colton remained stumped.


  Ellyn knew her way around the set for the cosmetics company shoot now. Most of the people knew her name and she was able to chat with them like old friends.

  “How’s that little boy of yours?” Winnie, the makeup artist, asked.

  She applied foundation to Ellyn’s face. The model was getting used to this and didn’t feel she looked like a clown anymore.

  “He’s good. I have him in preschool now and he loves being around other kids.”

  “And that man?”

  Ellyn sighed. “He isn’t my man.”

  “Girl, he wants to be. I heard he negotiated harder than anyone when it came to your contract,” Winnie said.

  “I’m sure he’s tough for everyone.”

  “I don’t think so, but you keep telling yourself that.”

  “So what’s today’s shoot about?”


  “Okay. So eye shots,” Ellyn said.

  “Yep. Very close, but you’ll look amazing. No worries.”

  “I know. I trust you now,” Ellyn said.

  “Good. It’ll be odd, but fun. At least that’s what other models have said.”

  Ellyn took it all in then went onto the set. A table was set up for her to lean on with a stool by it. At least she wouldn’t be standing the whole time. Nor did she have to wear any special shoes. She often wondered how runway models do it.

  They wore those freakishly high heels and walked in them. For once, she was thankful for her black girl booty and curves.

  “Hi, Ellyn,” the photographer said.

  “Hey, Marty. Good to see you.”

  The camera was set up right by the table. She sat on the stool while the photographer took light readings. This would take a few minutes and she needed to sit there while he did it. He could have the makeup artist adjust her eye makeup if necessary.

  “Everything looks good. Today is mascara, so I’ll be focusing on your eyes.”

  She blinked, just thinking about that made her eyes water for a moment. She’d get past it. She’d had trouble the first time she’d worn fake eye lashes. Now she didn’t even notice them.

  “You ready?”

  “I’m good,” she said.

  “Don’t forget to blink. I’ll compensate for that.”


  She had a tendency to forget to blink, and then her eyes watered again. The photographer got into a groove snapping away. Ellyn did her best to change her position often enough. She followed every direction the photographer gave her.

  Then someone stormed onto the set.

  “No one is allowed in here,” the photographer said.

  Ellyn turned her head to see Chance staring at her. Damn. Her heart leapt into her throat. She didn’t want to come off as unprofessional, but she couldn’t pretend she didn’t know him.

  “I’m Chance.”

  His glazed eyes told her he was high. Where was he getting it? Didn’t he care that it was a parole violation? Did he want to go back to prison?

  The photographer turned to her. “Do you know him?”

  “Sadly, yes. I’ll take care of this. Sorry.”

  The photographer frowned. “Fine.”

  Ellyn approached Chance. “You can’t be here.”

  “I just wanted to see what you do.”

  “You could have asked, but you do not have permission to be here. Go home, Chance.”

  He reached out to her, but she flinched. She didn’t want him anywhere near her. What had she seen in this man? Or was it that knowing Colton, she now had better perspective on Chance?

  “I can’t touch you?”

  “You lost that privilege when you left me when I was pregnant.”

  “Come on, Ellyn. We have to think of Derek.”

  She gritted her teeth. “I’m not having this conversation with you now. The courts will decide. Go before they call security on you.”

  “This isn’t over.”

  “I get that and we aren’t going to solve this now. Go.”

  “I want to see Derek tonight.”

  “If you show up sober and not high, I’ll think about it.”

  “You can’t keep me from him.”

  “I can if you’re using,” she said.

  “I’m not using.”

  Did he think she was stupid? “You are high right now. Don’t bother denying it.”

  He smiled. That smiled had made her pants fall off. Now it just irritated her. She wished Derek’s father was just about anyone else. “Go, Chance. Go now.”

  She could hear the crew getting restless behind her. They wanted to start back and she wanted to get back and forget about Chance. She could never, but if she could have wished him out of her life she would have.

  She didn’t wish him dead, but gone. Somewhere else.

  He looked over her shoulder then at her. “I’ll go now, but I’ll be at the penthouse tonight.”

  Sadly, he did know where she was living. Thankfully
, the place had great security. She didn’t think he knew where Derek went to school and she hoped that if Derek spent time with his father, he wouldn’t tell him.

  First on her list when she left here, was to call the school and make sure they knew not to give Derek to Chance. He was not on the pickup list. He would never be on the pickup list. She didn’t trust him enough.

  Chance backed out of the studio. Ellyn took a minute to compose herself. Winnie came over to fix her makeup.

  “Wow. He’s the father of your child?”

  “I was young and vulnerable,” she said.


  A call came from the cosmetic company just after lunch. Colton glanced at his watch. The shoot must be done. He’d asked for an update after everyone was done.

  Not that he didn’t trust Ellyn. He wanted to make sure the client was getting what he wanted.

  And, if he admitted it, he wanted to know how Ellyn was doing.

  Colton took the call eager to know what was going on. Yes, he spent more time with Ellyn and her career, but no one was being neglected.

  “Mr. Hamilton?”


  “This is Jessica from Excel Cosmetics. We had an incident today.”

  He sat up in his chair. What had gone wrong? “Oh?”

  “We had an intruder at the shoot. Someone Ms. Johnson knew.”

  “Was it a man in his twenties?”

  “Yes. You know who it is?”

  “I can guess. Did the job get done?”

  “Yes. Ms. Johnson spoke to the man, he left and we resumed the shoot.”

  “I will take care of this person.”

  He hung up, glad he’d hired someone to follow Chance. He’d know exactly where the man was. He dialed his private detective who told him the name of the bar where he would find the man. Colton’s driver took him there. When he entered, the smell of the place had him pausing at the door. If there were awards for dive bars, this one would be a front-runner.

  The place was dimly lit, which Colton thought was a good idea. No one could see if there was blood on the floor. He might have to throw out these shoes. He’d only had them for a few months, but he suspected they would be contaminated with body fluids now.

  He didn’t stick to the floor as he walked, must to his surprise.

  He found Chance with his head on the bar, his eyes closed.


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