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How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 16

by Westwood, Susan

  Only a few other roughly attired men occupied the bar. He didn’t want trouble, but he wanted to talk to Chance without interruption. Colton put some cash in front of the men.

  “Go find another bar.”

  The men grabbed the cash and left. Chance stayed where he was. A bartender who looked as if he’d been standing there when they built the bar, studied Colton with rheumy eyes. The billionaire put some cash down in front of him. “I need some privacy. Lock the front door.”

  The bartender eyed the cash, shrugged, then walked to the front door. He locked it, then disappeared into the back.

  Chance still hadn’t stirred. Colton grabbed his collar and shook him. The man smelled of beer and maybe even urine.


  “Wake up, Chance. I want to talk to you.”

  “What the fuck do you want? You here to take something else from me?”

  “I haven’t’ taken anything from you. You’ve lost it all on your own.”

  “Where’s that bartender. I’m thirsty.”

  Colton sat two stools away from the man. It was as close as he could get without gagging. “You don’t need anything else to drink. You should be cleaning yourself up, if you want your son back.”

  “What the hell do you know? You aren’t a father.”

  “No, but I’ve been a better one in the short time I’ve been with Ellyn and Derek. I’m at least present.”

  “That ain’t fair. I was in jail.”

  “Because you committed a crime.”

  Chance frowned, but remained silent.

  “I’m going to give you some advice.”


  “Because for reasons I cannot fathom, Ellyn wants you in Derek’s life. I don’t want you in my life, but you are an unintended consequence of being with Ellyn. If you are going to be in my life, I want you sober and respectable. I can find you a job. I can find you a place to live. With a job, you can contribute to Derek’s support. With a place to live you’ll have a place to see him.”

  Chance looked at him as if he spoke in another language. He eyes were half-closed, his head cocked. “Support? That’s a white man’s idea. Black girls know they ain’t going to get child support from a baby daddy. That’s what welfare's for.”

  These people were why Colton paid into that welfare. Nice. He was going to get nowhere with Chance. He pulled out a business card. “When you are ready to make something of yourself, something that Derek can be proud of, call me. I can get you started.”

  Chance didn’t take the card from him so Colton put it on the bar. “Think about it, Chance.” He stood, brushed off his suit then unlocked the front door.

  “You’re tapping that, aren’t you?” Chance said.

  Colton glanced over his shoulder. “What I am tapping or not tapping is none of your business. Do I care about Ellyn and Derek? Yes.”

  Chance laughed, a high, hyena laugh. “You in love with her and she’s probably just gold digging you. What an ass, man.”

  Colton’s back stiffened. Chance had such a low opinion of Ellyn. She’d done everything not to depend on Colton that Chance’s accusation was laughable. He was the ass.

  “Think whatever you want, but you’ll have a better chance of seeing Derek on a regular basis if you clean up your act,” Colton said.

  When he looked back, Chance had put his head back down on the bar. He could hear snores emanating from him. Colton shook his head as he left the bar, glad to be out in the sunshine again.

  The suit would go to the cleaners. The shoes into the garbage. He couldn’t wait to shower off the bar and his experience with Chance. He already knew the man would never call him.

  He wasn’t interested in bettering himself. He was only hell-bent on destruction. It was up to Colton to make sure Ellyn and Derek were not collateral damage in his downfall.


  Ellyn entered the law office of Doug, Colton’s friend. The place reminded her of Colton’s business, but this one had more activity going on. Phones rang. Printers made noises. Copiers hummed.

  Even with the carpeting that muffled her steps, she could still hear all of those office machines. Imagine how loud it would be with bare floors.

  “May I help you?”

  A young man with a head set on looked at her expectantly. He was slim and tan. Must be a tan in a can, but he’d done a good job.

  “I’m Ellyn Johnson. I have an appointment with Doug Lavallette.”

  “He’s waiting for you in his office. I’ll buzz him and he’ll be right out. Do you need any coffee?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  She stood and waited, then saw Doug come out of a door beside the reception desk. He had a smile on his face.

  “Hello, Ellyn. Come on back to my office.”

  She followed him to a plush, corner office that rivaled Colton’s. This furniture was sleek and black. Colton’s had more traditional wood items. She sat in a chair that could not have been less comfortable.

  “Would you like some coffee?”

  Did they all have stock in a coffee company? “I’m fine. Do you have any news for me?”

  Doug opened a file folder. “I have some bad news, actually. Not completely bad, just news that make my job a little harder.”


  What could he have to say? Chance was an ex-convict. Single. No job. How bad could Ellyn look to the court?

  “It seems that Chance married a woman while he was in jail. He’s living with her in a single family home with a yard. I’ve seen the pictures. Not big, but okay to raise a boy in.”

  Ellyn blinked. Chance married? “Is there more?”

  “She has a good, stable job.”

  “Why’d she marry Chance?”

  Doug laughed as Ellyn put a hand over her mouth. That was catty and tangential to the situation.

  “She probably has self-esteem issues. That’s the common thread of why women marry men in jail. She’s hired the lawyer for him. We’ve been assigned a judge.”

  “Is that good news?”

  “Well, the case will move forward in a few weeks. The judge hasn’t decided on any temporary custody arrangements, so at this point nothing will change.”

  “I’m sensing that there’s more.”

  She shifted in the seat. The news wasn’t making her any happier. In fact, things were beginning to look bleak. Was she going to lose Derek?

  “This judge prefers a married couple. Chance is, and that’s in his favor.”

  “Will they investigate to see if it is a real marriage?”

  “You don’t think it is?”

  “How could it be? He was in jail,” she said.

  Her heart hammered in her chest. She couldn’t lose Derek. He was her life. He was the reason she was modeling. He was her reason for making a better life. Without him, she would be lost.

  “No, they won’t. He’s apparently been married for more than a year. If the nuptials were recent, the court would suspect something, but since that’s not the case, the court probably won’t question it.”

  “So what are my options?”

  “I’m guessing, getting married is not an option? Look, we aren’t defeated. I just have to work harder at this. You have a good job. You don’t need to travel for it. You have a good place to live, though your own place and in the suburbs would be better. We can do this. I can make this happen.”

  She bit her lip. She could marry Colton. A marriage of convenience. Would he be willing? She didn’t know. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m good at what I do, Ellyn. I can make this happen. It just won’t be smooth sailing. There will be officers of the court sent to your home to investigate. They’ll be sent to where Chance is living also. You will both be under the same scrutiny.”

  “But he’s been in jail.”

  “And was released for good behavior. That’s a mark in his favor.”

  “Shouldn’t it be a mark in my favor that I was never in jail?”

  “Yes, it will be
. The court will interview Derek.”

  Not what she wanted. “No way around that?”

  “No, sorry. Are you worried what he might say?”

  “No, I would just like to shield him from these proceedings,” she said. “He’s a little kid.”

  “I know, but the court will have someone trained in dealing with kids. It won’t be traumatic, I promise,” Doug said.

  She sighed. Why couldn’t Chance have stayed in jail? There, she thought it. “When’s my court date?”

  “The first date is just a hearing and it is in a week. I’ll have my secretary give you a copy of that paperwork before you leave.”

  She nodded. “Anything else?”

  “Just be prepared that this might get dirty. We don’t know what Chance has told his lawyer about you.”

  “Well, I don’t even have a speeding ticket so there’s nothing he can say.”

  “He can bring up abuse.”

  “But there isn’t any.”

  “It’ll taint the waters, but I think we can win this,” Doug said. “Think and prepare yourself, Ellyn. These things are never pretty.”


  Colton arrived home before Ellyn. He wondered if he should pick up Derek. He texted her, but she answered that she had him already and was on her way home. Could she pick something up for dinner?

  Colton told her that he would cook. He took off his tie, hung it in his closet then changed into more casual clothing. Opening the refrigerator, he wondered about what to make.

  Something chicken. Chicken nuggets? Kids always liked that. When Ellyn walked through the door with Derek, Colton had most of the meal done.

  “Hi, Mr. Hamilton. What’s for dinner?”

  “Homemade chicken nuggets,” Colton said as he tousled the boy’s hair. “Go wash your hands. Dinner is in a few minutes.”

  Derek bounced out of the kitchen almost knocking over Ellyn, who looked harried.

  “Rough day?”

  He handed her a glass of wine he’d poured a few minutes ago. She sat down on a chair with her wine in hand. “I talked to Doug.”


  “Well, it seems Chance is married. Has been for a year. He has a place to live and she has a great job.”

  “What does that all mean?”

  He flipped the nuggets. The salad was made and the green beans would be done the same time as the nuggets. Time management was his forte, no matter what room he was in. Or what building.

  “It means that his situation looks better than mine. I’m not married. I don’t own a house.”

  He glanced at her and saw how defeated she looked. His heart went out to her. “But Doug is still optimistic?”

  “He is. I’m not.”

  “He’s done more cases like this than you have.”

  “But none are important to me, but this one.”

  He went to her and lifted her out of the chair, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m sorry this is going to be tough.”

  She returned his hug, putting her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head. “I have a solution for you.”

  She looked up at him, putting her chin on his chest. “Is it what I think it is?”

  He nodded. “I can marry you. We can buy a house in the suburbs if needed. I’ll do whatever you need to do to keep Derek.”

  “You would marry me for that?”

  “I would.”

  “It would be in name only.”

  “Whatever you need it to be Ellyn. I’ll respect your boundaries.”

  “I think that is our only solution.”

  “Then plan a wedding.”

  “I don’t think we should go nuts. A small ceremony at the courthouse.”

  “Your choice. You have a blank check. Buy a wedding dress. We can go on a honeymoon. Whatever you want.”

  “No, I can’t ask you to do that. You are already doing so much for Derek and I. You’ve opened your home.”

  He put the nuggets on a platter. He’d do whatever he could to win Ellyn’s heart. “I like you being here. It was getting lonely, so you’re saving me.”

  If she married him, she’d stay. She stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking lost. Was she unsure about his offer?

  “Why are you being so kind?”

  Colton shrugged. He knew the reason, but wasn’t sure that Ellyn was ready to hear it. “I like you, Ellyn. And that little boy of yours has wrapped himself around my heart. I want to help. I have the resources to help. I can’t spend all of this money myself.”

  She blinked. “Okay.” Glancing over her shoulder she said, “Derek must have gotten distracted.”

  “Before you call for him, tell me that you’ll marry me,” Colton said.

  She sighed. “I’ll marry you. I want a prenup so that you’re assets are covered.”

  “I’m not worried about my assets.”

  “Well, I am. I want this all to be laid out. And that you can get a divorce from me when I get full custody of Derek.”

  He hoped she’d be in love with him by then so it would be unnecessary. “Would that make you feel better?”

  “Yes, it would. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “You aren’t. I’m not some poor sap, Ellyn. I run a multi-billion-dollar company. I know how the world works.”

  She eyed him for a moment. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He smiled at her. “Now, go get Derek. It’s time for dinner.”

  She left and Colton watched her go. He was pretty sure he could get her to fall in love with him. Now she would still be here when he arrived home. Derek would be part of his life.

  Colton considered this a small victory, but one just the same. He could convince her to make this a real marriage once the papers were signed. He did a little victory dance before Ellyn and Derek returned.

  The day was ending better than it had started. He had a family and he would do everything in his power to keep them right here. Where they belonged. In his place and in his heart.


  Ellyn trudged out of the elevator a few days later, her shoot having finished on time, but she was exhausted. This had been a more physical shoot even though it had been for lipstick. Her face hurt from smiling and pouting.

  She wanted a bath before she had to pick up Derek. She deserved it. Colton, well, he might not be home. He’d been scheduling meetings later in the day and not been home for dinner.

  She’d wanted to discuss wedding plans with him, but they’d never found the time. The date at the courthouse was fast approaching. She wanted a dress, but something simple. What was he going to wear?

  Probably one of his thousand tailored suits. He’d look handsome no matter what. Which would probably make her wish that it was a real wedding. She cared for Colton, but she knew he’d move on from her eventually. She was just another model to him.


  Ellyn unlocked the door and immediately heard Derek’s voice. What was he doing home? Then she heard Colton’s voice. What was wrong?

  Dropping her purse, she rushed into the living room. Derek was snuggled up against Colton, wrapped in a blanket. The television was on to one of Derek’s favorite shows. From what she could tell, Derek was explaining the concept to him.

  Her heart wanted to burst with love. For both of them. She stood quietly taking in the scene. Like a real family. Like a real father, Colton was so patient with Derek, asking him questions.

  She must have made a noise because both of them turned to look at her.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  His voice was not full of its usual exuberance. He did look ashy. “Hi. What’s wrong? Why isn’t Derek at school?”

  “The school called me. He had a fever. They couldn’t seem to get a hold of you.”

  She pulled out her phone. It was dead. No battery. “I forgot to charge it. I’ve never done that.”

  That’s what happens when you think that someone else can help you. That you have a partner. You give up too much sometimes. No
t that she’d ever had a partner before, but wouldn’t it be nice to lighten the load a little?

  Part of her chafed at the idea.

  She took a deep breath, plopping herself on another chair in the room.

  “No worries,” Colton said. “I had a few meetings and I moved them. Nothing earth-shattering.”

  “Well, I’m here. You can go back to work,” she said.

  “No reason. I brought some work home that I can do later. Besides, Derek is telling me all about Spongebob.”

  “I see.”

  As if she weren’t needed. It had always been her that snuggled with her son when he was sick. Now he was up against Colton as if he were his father. Ellyn had to admit she was a little jealous.

  “Does anyone need anything to eat?”

  Maybe she could cook something and feel useful.

  “Derek had lunch. We had soup that I had in the freezer,” Colton said.

  He smiled at her, clearly proud of himself. She should be happy that Colton was her back-up. She should be, but she was jealous of his relationship with her son. She’d had the boy all to herself for five years.

  It’d been tough. She’d wanted to give up after many nights of no sleep. Instead of being jealous, she should be happy that Derek had a stable, normal, loving, male adult in his life. But it chafed at her.

  Her heart warred with her mind on this one.

  “Did you give Derek some medicine?”

  “Yes. His fever is gone. He slept a little when he got home,” Colton said.

  So they didn’t need her. She could take advantage of this. “I’m going to take a bath.”

  The big tub in her bathroom was calling her name. Colton smiled. “Go ahead. I think I can hold down the fort for a little while longer.”

  “Thank you.”

  She left them sitting there, having never left Derek’s side before. Was this what it was like to have a real partner? Not someone you saw once a month in jail? She could get used to this. But should she? Would Colton really stick around?

  Or would he file for divorce as soon as he could? He didn’t give any indication, but she wasn’t always the best judge of character.

  She filled the bathtub and put bubbles in. When the water was where she wanted it, she eased her naked body into it. “Ah.”


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