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Legacy of the Valkyrie

Page 6

by Archibald Bradford

  The experienced operative had taken one look at the gathering clouds and pronounced that it would rain in a few hours.

  “Aye Valkyrja, save your strength. My warriors and I will see to the physical needs of your journey, at least as far as we are able.” Yana agreed.

  Nameless wanted to object but he was pretty tired from the long walk.

  “Yeah, we’d be happy to see to your physical needs.” Another Amazon chimed in while deftly setting up a simple lean-to, her words gained a laugh from the others.

  “Tread carefully Tiana! You may anger both a Minotaur and a Gigas if you do not!” Kar threw back with another laugh.

  The easy camaraderie between the Amazons was quite charming to the orphan and he felt a bit wistful, the problem with Nina still hung over him and his girls. And so after they had set up their own big tent Nameless took Miranda’s advice and tried talking with her again.

  “Um… Nina?”

  “What?” She said flatly.

  Not a great start.

  “I-I just wondered if we could talk a bit.”

  The other girls had frozen in the midst of setting up their bedding at the start of the conversation, not daring to interrupt.

  “You gunna say you’re sorry again?” She flopped down onto her bedroll in the corner, her hammer hitting the ground with a heavy thud beside her.

  “Do you want me to?” He kept his tone as level as he could.

  She sat up and considered him for several seconds before shaking her head.

  “No, I don’t. But would it be okay if…” She trailed off and took a breath.

  He waited, and after a few more seconds she let out a gust of air and continued.

  “Would it be okay if I apologized to you? To all of you?”

  There was a beat.

  “Oh Nina, dearheart…” Ophelia fussed; “You have nothing to apologize for!”

  Milly nodded and Erica spoke quickly.

  “Yeah! Look, I should have been more patient with you!”

  Nina huffed again.

  “You fuckers need to learn how to accept an apology. I mean, do you know how many times in my life I’ve offered one? I was being an ass-hat.”

  The all shared a nervous laugh at her candid words.

  “Nina, I promise, we’ll figure this out. Together.” Nameless swore, meaning every word.

  But she was shaking her head again.

  “No, we need to focus on finding Volka, though if you lot want to bone I’m okay with it. In fact, I’d be mad if you didn’t.”

  More nervous laughter.

  “That sounds lovely dear, but first we have things to take care of. It is way past time for us to properly milk Milly, and I imagine she would appreciate it.”

  Milly raised both hands in front of her to protest but a nodding Erica was already tugging on her shirt.

  “Come on hot stuff! Show us the goods!”

  A few minutes later and Ophelia and Erica were both suckling at Milly’s breasts. Being unable to realistically milk her while they traveled, they had decided to simply drink their fill from her whenever they had a few moments but that first day they simply hadn’t had a chance.

  She mooed in satisfaction; feeling definitely spoiled as she sat on her thighs and fed her sisters while her master stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

  “How are your feet?”

  Nameless spoke softly, not wanting to ruin the relaxed atmosphere that had abruptly settled over them.

  “They’re fine. These shoes are great…” She sighed, utterly blissed out at the feeling of Erica purring against her nipple.

  Of the two girls Erica was definitely the more active suckler, while Ophelia certainly enjoyed Milly’s milk she was much more polite about getting at it. Nina had made a hasty exit, saying that she needed to talk with the Amazons about something while Erica was still wrestling Milly’s shirt off.

  “And the other thing?” He was trying to be delicate, so it was no surprise that she missed his cue.


  “It’s just, you were so upset when I bonded with Nina and we really haven’t had a chance to talk much about it.”

  “Oh! Master, it really is okay now!”

  “Are you sure? It went from the two of us to the six of us in just a few days, and after last night…”

  She leaned back into him as he worked his fingers into her neck muscles, Erica and Ophelia both watched from her breasts.

  “I never told you about the arena did I?” She asked.

  Her eyes were distant while her fingers absently played with Erica’s ears and Ophelia’s hair.

  “No, you never did, though I saw some of it in Nina’s mind.”

  He didn’t want to pry into her painful past but if she wanted to talk about it then he would certainly listen. She thought for a few moments and then began to speak again.

  “The worst part was seeing how it upset Erica, and knowing that Brant only did it to hurt her. There was an entry fee you see, and he knew since I didn’t want to hurt anyone that he was just throwing the money away. But he was willing to do it to keep my sister in line…”

  Tears formed in Erica’s eyes and she made to pull away from Milly’s pink nipple, but the Minotaur held her in place.

  “Kitty isn’t done her meal yet.” She scolded quietly.

  Erica tried to protest but Milly shook her head.

  “It’s okay Erica, I am not scared anymore and he needs to know what Nina did for us.” She smiled down at her beloved sister.

  Erica met her eyes for a long moment, then nodded and continued to drink her fill. Ophelia was finished though and gently wiped at her lips with a wet cloth.

  “I would like to know as well dearheart.” She said quietly and ran the soft fabric in a circle around the cow’s moist nipple.

  Milly lowed again, eyes closing briefly with pleasure, and then continued her tale.

  “It was a horrible feeling, knowing that he was paying money to hurt us. And it went on for months, and then one day I was put in the ring again… and this little girl shows up! I was pretty mad that they wanted me to hurt someone so small, and I thought it was a horribly cruel joke… right up until she hit me.”

  Oddly, she smiled at the memory.

  Milly caught Ophelia’s furrowed brow and explained.

  “Every time I was in the ring, I was always terrified of what the other girl would do to me, because I knew that the more I was hurt, the more Erica would be hurt. But from that day onwards, whenever the little red girl was in the arena with me, I knew that I had gotten lucky. The spectators wanted a fight but neither of us gave them one, not really. She would hit me, because she had to. But after the first time it was never even hard enough to leave a bruise, she was just pushing me over. She was the only one who I could count on to let me lose without hurting me.”

  Milly suddenly spoke louder.

  “I was always so grateful, and wished I could thank her in some way. Come back inside please Nina, join us?”

  There was a rustle from outside, and Nina walked into the tent. They all looked up, even Erica, with her acute hearing, had missed her presence outside the tent.

  “I told you, it wasn’t like I was doing you a favour or anything. It just wasn’t right to fight someone who didn’t even want to be there.” Nina studiously avoided looking at Milly’s bared breasts.

  “Maybe not, but you still did it.” Ophelia said warmly as she fluttered over to the diminutive girl.

  She took the Gigas by the shoulder and led her to stand with the others.

  Erica had finally drunk her fill, and after a few quick licks to Milly’s nipple she turned to Nina.

  “Yeah, you did, and we’ll always love you for it. Now our sister wants to thank you, and I think I know exactly how.” She grinned; “So I hope you’re hungry!”

  “What?! No, I’m fine thanks!” Nina tried to back pedal but Ophelia hugged her from behind and whispered something in her ear.

  Nameless di
dn’t catch it but Erica did.

  “You did promise, lover.” Her smile was smug.

  “That was-! I said I would lick her pussy, not suck on her tits!”

  Milly pouted, and Nina suddenly looked guilty.

  Erica rolled her eyes.

  “Same thing! Milly has too much milk right now so we all need to pitch in, and that includes you, now drink up!”

  Nina opened her mouth to say something else but Milly’s pout was working its way through her defenses. That and her eyes kept flicking back to Milly’s naked breasts, a curious hunger in her belly.

  She had drunk her milk before; there was no way she couldn’t have in the time they had already spent together. Though drinking a glass from the icebox was a teensy bit different…

  She vacillated some more, so Nameless shifted down in front of Milly in a bid to take the pressure off the Gigas.

  “I actually wouldn’t mind a drink myself.” Calmly he hefted her breast to his lips and licked her nipple into his mouth.

  Milly managed to hold back on letting out another moo at her master’s attention, instead keeping her gaze fixed on Nina, pleading with her eyes.

  Mighty warrior or not, Nina was no match for Milly’s loving stare and soon stood next to her kneeling master, both hands hefting Milly’s massive breast to her lips.

  “It’s okay Nina, I need this. Will you please help me out again?”

  Nina groaned at Milly’s words and stamped a petulant foot, causing the tent walls to shake from the impact.

  “This is just so weird!”

  Ophelia rested one hand on Milly’s shoulders and shook her head down at the Gigas.

  “It really isn’t dearheart. It’s the most natural thing in the world, and the best thing I have ever tasted.” She gave Milly’s shoulder a firm rub.

  The Minotaur smiled in response, biting her lip at the memory of Ophelia’s face between her thighs...

  Nina would have hesitated some more, but Erica snuck up behind her and whispered in her ear.

  “Time for talking is done sweet-cheeks, now it’s time for some tit-sucking action. Or are you too scared?”

  That did it.

  “I’m not afraid of anything you dumb cat!”

  The determined Nina abruptly engulfed Milly’s nipple and sucked forcefully.

  Milly yelped at the almost violent suction but quickly recovered as her cream flooded the red-skinned girl’s mouth. Nameless once again marveled at the rich flavour; he doubted anything in the world could be as satisfying. Soon enough Nina felt the same way.

  “We’re family now Nina, you can trust us. We’ll never hurt you, or let you deal with this shit alone.”

  Erica surprised everyone with her heartfelt words as she stroked Nina’s hair behind her ears with her fingers. The Gigas continued to suck on Milly’s nipple, studiously ignoring the Katje.

  Ophelia let out a breath and gave Erica a worried look, the cat girl stretched out her hand and they entwined their fingers.

  “We’ll figure it out. She’ll come around.” Ophelia murmured, low enough that only Erica could catch it.

  Erica squeezed her sister’s hand in response.

  Nameless and Nina continued to feed, and as they did he hesitantly outstretched his arm and put it around her narrow shoulders, giving her a hug. He felt her tense up in his arm, but didn’t release her.

  Milly leaned her head down and began to groom the pair of them with her tongue, but that quickly proved to be too much for the Gigas. She released the cow’s nipple with a wet pop and stammered out a thank you before fleeing to her corner of the tent and flopping onto her bedroll on her side facing away from them.

  The Minotaur’s shoulders slumped, and Nameless hugged her around the middle. He was also done with his meal so he nestled his face between her soft breasts and breathed her scent deeply as she returned his embrace.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Ophelia said again, louder this time.

  Chapter 4:

  Dreams Come True

  Rain pattered against the canvass of the tent, the staccato beat against the taut fabric echoing within. A heavy silence hung over the inhabitants, Nina was dozing in her corner, still struggling against her new family’s intimacy.

  Nameless lay on his back, he could hear the boisterous voices of the Amazons outside, either in their own tents or on guard duty. Milly was astride him, riding him slowly to keep the noise down. Ophelia and Erica flanked him on either side, Erica licking at his cheek lovingly while Ophelia suckled on his earlobe.

  The Minotaur’s breath came in slow shaky draws as she worked to pleasure herself on her master’s cock, her breasts swaying in the dim light as her hips rose and fell with agonizing slowness. He had asked her to do what felt good for her and she was happy to oblige. Her sisters each held one of her hands to help her balance herself, their fingers entwined.

  All the while Nameless worked his hands over her body, the velvety hide of her thighs, her sensitive sides, and her massive chest. He worked her breasts gently, enough to greatly enhance her pleasure without drawing out her milk.

  He had long since learned that a woman’s breasts needed a gentle caress more often than a firm grope.

  After several minutes of lovemaking she paused with his cock deep inside her and hunched over to kiss him with the same agonizing slowness, though he had to tilt his head upwards for her to be able to reach his lips. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, slowly working it in gentle circles around his, he took the opportunity to seal his lips around her wriggling muscle and suckle the pink flesh.

  She let out a barely audible low of pleasure as her sisters added their lips to his, kissing and licking at either side of her cheeks. Ophelia shifted to her floppy ear, running her tongue over the velvety skin within. Their kiss broke, and Milly shifted her lips to her Katje sister and Erica was happy to match her passion.

  Nameless rested his head back again, greatly enjoying the view of her and Erica making out over him. After a few minutes of this, his cock was throbbing within the tight wet sheath of her pussy. He began to shift his hips as much as her weight would allow, absently trying to increase the pleasurable sensation. He continued to work her mounds between them in a circular motion, massaging at her chest while she made out with their kitty.

  After a few minutes Milly broke off her sucking kiss with Erica, who gave one last lewd lick over her face. The cow then turned to Ophelia, who slipped her tongue out of her ear and met Milly’s lips for the same treatment, swirling their tongues together, the gentle wet smacking of their kiss barely audible over the patter of the rain.

  Milly’s lips parted from her sister’s, a string of saliva broke between them as she leaned back again. She gave her master a long look and slowly raised her hips again, withdrawing his cock out of her warmth at a measured pace. She paused with just his sensitive head inside her, gazed deep into his eyes for a breath, then dropped down and rapidly took him to the hilt again. She repeated this process several times, her breathing increased in tempo as she rode him faster, wet slapping noises could be heard where his cock penetrated her folds.

  She bit her lip in an attempt to quiet herself, her dewy blue eyes glistening in the moonlight filtering in through the canvass of the tent.

  Ophelia and Erica moved to help the couple stay silent. Ophelia sat up and put her mouth back over Milly’s; hugging her body to the Minotaur’s side she straddled her thigh, grinding her own naked folds against the velvety hide. The cow’s gentle lows were trapped by her sister’s lips as their tongues dueled. Erica likewise kissed Nameless again, his eager grunts muffled by her open mouth.

  No words were spoken, the group was wrapped up in the moment, and all knew that their climax was imminent.

  A pair of red eyes watched from the darkness as a tiny figure in the corner squirmed in desperate desire.

  Milly’s eyes went wide as she mooed her pleasure into her sister mouth, giving several jerky hops on her mate’s erection as her inner muscles clam
ped down on his length while she orgasmed.

  Nameless was in heaven, pinned by his loves he could only kiss Erica with all of his passion as he erupted into Milly’s pussy without warning. Spurt after spurt of his cum painted her inner folds, and she gave several more messy hops on his cock as she continued to low deeply at his warmth spreading within her.

  She leaned over again, breaking away from Ophelia’s kiss to once again kiss her man. Their mutual climax seemed to last forever as his cock continued to unload into her greedy pussy. They ran their lips over each other’s with loving care, devotion written on every movement as their hips continued to move. Finally she took him deep and they were still.

  After that the pair took several moments to catch their breath, then Milly hugged Nameless tight to her breasts and rolled him over on top of her, with Erica shifting to give them room.

  He lay with his head sandwiched between her breasts for several moments, neither of them quite willing to uncouple their privates just yet.

  Her chest rose and fell, raising him up and down, up and down while they recovered from their bliss.

  At last he shifted back on his haunches and pulled his cock out of her warmth, his rapidly softening member chilly in the air for all of three seconds before Ophelia popped it into her mouth and sucked him clean. He let out a gasp of pleasure at her attention, a single tiny spurt of cum shooting across her tongue.

  He then shifted back some more as Erica placed her head right next to the Flutterby’s, though her target was Milly’s wet pussy.

  She nestled her mouth over Milly’s slit and licked her deep, savouring the mixed taste of her master’s cum and her sister’s pleasure as the cow worked her inner muscles to push his load into the cat’s mouth.

  All the while Ophelia licked and sucked her sister’s juices off of his cock.

  Erica managed to draw a great deal of his wad out of Milly’s pussy; her cheeks billowed out slightly with the amount. She shifted up the Minotaur’s body, with her every move tracked by Milly’s blue eyes. Erica raised one eyebrow questioningly as she hovered over Milly’s face, her arms bracing her weight on either side of the Minotaur’s head.


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