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Legacy of the Valkyrie

Page 7

by Archibald Bradford

  In response Milly simply opened her mouth wide, and stuck her tongue out slightly. Nameless watched, and Ophelia, seeing his attention elsewhere, let his flaccid cock fall out of her mouth and turned in curiosity.

  Erica leaned down and released his load from her lips and onto Milly’s waiting tongue, one hand lightly holding the Minotaur’s dimpled chin to keep her head still to receive her treat.

  Ophelia and Nameless shared a breath of desire as Milly and Erica shared his load, swirling their tongues together before eventually swallowing the mess of salty cum. But as enjoyable as the sight was, Nameless was exhausted, and after a little bit more sucking and licking to clean up, they all settled down to sleep.

  Nameless reclined against Milly’s side, his head nestled on her shoulder and hugging one ample breast to his face while Milly wrapped her arm around him. He felt Erica against his back, licking at his hair a few times with a mesmerizing purr as she nestled against him for the night while Ophelia settled onto Milly’s other side.

  Without ever saying a word, they were all lulled to sleep by the gentle patter of rain on canvass.

  All the while Nina restlessly stirred in her own bedroll, thoughts in turmoil.


  The next day passed much the same as the previous, Kar once again joining them on the road and telling them of the many adventures that she and her sisters had shared over the years.

  Her easy and outgoing attitude was ingratiating, and her bawdy stories and jokes frequently had Nina and Erica laughing to the point of tears, even Ophelia couldn’t help but giggle at the Amazon’s low-brow humour.

  By the time they were setting up camp in the evening it was like she was an old friend they had known for years. At one point Nameless clearly overheard Erica and Ophelia taking about how attractive Kar was.

  He certainly agreed with them, but was wise enough not to say anything about it. He knew that he wasn’t likely to be so easily forgiven for lusting after yet another girl.

  “Last night, that was really special wasn’t it?” Nameless remarked with a bashful glance at Milly as he handed Ophelia a tent pole.

  Milly’s smile was radiant as her hands went to her cheeks, a pink blush spreading prettily over her skin.

  “It was one of the best nights of my life, with you and my sisters.” She agreed shyly.

  Erica and Ophelia both smiled, working together to raise the canvass of the tent over the skeletal frame of poles.

  “Milly, are you… are you happy?”

  She looked at him in surprise.

  “Of course! I didn’t even know that someone could be this happy!”

  “It’s just, I wonder, about the future.”

  “What do you mean dear?” Ophelia cocked her head questioningly.

  “I mean, the last few weeks have been incredible, and chaotic. But… I’m not sure how to ask this…”

  “You can put it in my butt anytime lover.” Erica grinned cheekily and reached over to pinch his ass as they finished smoothing out the taut fabric.

  He yelped at her sharp clawed grip, much to her amusement.

  “I have been known to enjoy a bit of anal play…” Ophelia commented coyly.

  “That’s not- that’s not what I meant!”

  “Well, don’t keep us in suspense. What did you mean?” Nina asked drily.

  She sat on her hammer with her chin resting in her palms, too short to be much help with setting up the large tent.

  “I mean, what do you want out of life? And I don’t just mean sex!” He spoke in earnest.

  Erica looked at him in thought, realizing that he wanted a real answer as they all ducked into their shelter and began to unroll their bedding.

  “I don’t know. I… I never dreamed of anything beyond what I have now: Milly safe and a good man to sex up whenever I want. Not to mention the added bonus of a kinky Flutterby and a surprisingly shy Gigas…” She openly ogled Nina’s ass and Ophelia’s cleavage as the pair crawled around on the floor of the tent, readying themselves for sleep.

  Ophelia smiled, her cheeks flushed slightly. Nina frowned and focused on rolling out her bedroll, once again in the corner.

  “I’m the same, Master, I never wanted anything more than Erica healthy and to have someone I love to give my milk to.” Milly ran one hand through his hair while he stripped his shirt off.

  “What about you, Ophelia? Nina?” He asked, leaning into Milly’s caress.

  Nina answered before Ophelia, surprising them all a bit.

  “Not long ago I would have had an answer, I wanted my own smithy, to work in silver and gold. Right now though, all I want is to find Volka and pay her back for saving me.” Her eyes flicked to his for a fraction of a second before going back to her bedding; “Also the sex stuff, I want that.” She said the last part almost accusingly.

  There was a chorus of giggles from her bond-sisters, and more than a few speculative looks. The awkwardness was still there, but so was the love. After the spate of mirth died down, Ophelia heaved a sigh.

  “I don’t know dear, I spent so long pretending to be something I wasn’t, that is, pretending that we weren’t bonded. My only dream was to be with you.”

  “What about the orphanage?”

  She tilted her head to one side and gave him a long look.

  “Why are you asking this now dear? What brought this on?”

  He helped Milly out of her shirt and then pulled her to his side with one arm around her waist, her hand drifted around his shoulders to return the hug with a gentle low at his attention.

  “I guess, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future. Rory suggested I get a trade, but I’m an Empath too, I want to help girls, like Erica and Nina and Volka. Other than that I just wanted to know what you all wanted out of life. I want to help you get everything you ever dreamed of.”

  The sincerity in his voice made more than one of his bond-mates weak in the knees as he continued.

  “I never dared to have dreams, not really. I did so badly in school that I honestly thought that I would be chopping and stacking firewood until I was old and grey. But now… we have the cottage, we have money, and suddenly I have the opportunity to do something with my life. Please, if you want something, tell me, okay?”

  There was a chorus of affirmatives from the girls.

  Milly licked his neck and face several times, then leaned in and whispered in his ear.

  “I already have everything I ever dreamed of, but I promise that I will think about it. But I also want the sex stuff. Put it in my mouth again later?” She gave one last lewd lick.

  He shivered as her breathy words tickled his ear and hardened his cock.

  Erica snorted a laugh, her acute hearing picking up on Milly’s heated request as she and Ophelia stripped together.

  Ophelia raised one eyebrow questioningly at the Katje, who merely smiled before leaning in for several sucking kisses on the Flutterby’s lips.

  “Milly’s being naughty.” She murmured into her mouth.

  Nina flopped down and wrapped her blanket around herself, in turmoil once more. Sensitive to this, the others opted to call it a night with minimal shenanigans.


  It was late at night, the camp slumbered save for the Amazons standing watch around their perimeter.

  “Milly, are you still awake?” Erica murmured from her place between the Minotaur’s breasts.

  The Katje was draped across the cow girl’s body, using Milly’s large bust as pillows with their thighs intertwined. To her right Nameless slept in Ophelia’s arms, while Nina still slept in her corner.

  Milly was dozing, but gave her head a shake at Erica’s voice, her ears flopping slightly from the movement.

  “Wah… Erica? Still hungry?”

  Half-awake she moved to free her nipples for her sister’s use, but Erica put her hands over Milly’s to stop her.

  “No baby, I’m actually full for once.” She sighed as she settled back on to Milly’s breasts.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah… well actually, I dunno.”

  “What’s wrong?” Milly blue eyes shimmered in the dim light as her brow furrowed in concern.

  “I’ve been thinking about what Master was saying earlier, and I’m… I’m scared Milly.”

  Milly gave a gentle low and wrapped Erica in her arms, holding her tight to her chest. The Katje fought to hold back a sniffle.

  “Why?” Milly asked after a long pause.

  “You ever feel like we’re in over our head?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, Ophelia is more mature than all of us, and she knows how to play house and stuff. And Nina is crazy strong, stronger than you even…” She trailed off.

  Milly waited. Her eyes wide now as she noticed that Erica’s ears were flat to her head with agitation. Erica drew in a shuddering breath before speaking again.

  “We’re going on this big adventure, and I don’t know the first thing about… about anything!”

  “Neither do I.” Milly whispered.

  “And our man, he is so important! Do you see the way the Amazon’s treat him? The way Kar wants him?” Milly merely nodded; “And here is this Katje whor- this Katje, who doesn’t know how to do anything other than suck cock.”

  “That isn’t true!”

  “Yeah it is, and don’t get me wrong! Cuz’ I could spend the rest of my life with Master’s dick in my mouth! But… how does that help him once we get into the wilds?”

  Milly struggled to respond, not finding any answers forthcoming.

  “I don’t know how to help him Milly, and that scares the hell out of me.” Erica’s voice broke at the end as tears began to trail down her cheeks.

  Milly mooed softly, attempting to comfort her troubled sister. She held her while she whimpered. After a couple minutes she pulled her face out of her breasts and looked deep into her emerald eyes.


  Erica sniffled and nodded.

  “Good, because you are a big dummy.”

  Erica meowed plaintively at her sister’s words. They were actually pretty harsh for the gentle Minotaur.

  “You are strong and clever, way more clever than I am.”


  Milly used the back of two fingers to pinch Erica’s lips closed, awkwardly distending them as she gave another muffled meow.

  “Hush, you are faster than any of us, and you understand humans better than anybody I know. I’ve seen you haggle and argue and deal with men who I was afraid to even talk to!”

  She released Erica’s lips and ran her fingers over them in a soothing gesture.

  “Before I met you I was so scared all the time, all anyone seemed to want from me was my milk or my muscles, I couldn’t give them either but was too afraid to say so. Then I met you and you’ve never been afraid to speak your mind! You showed me how to stand up for myself, to look them in the eye and just say no. You are my best friend and my precious bond-sister. I love you Erica, and whatever comes, we will face it together. We will protect our bond-mates together.”

  Her fingers shifted from Erica’s lips and hooked under her chin to pull the cat’s mouth to hers. She kissed her with everything she had, her tongue wrestling with the surprised girl’s.

  Erica began to purr, her eyes fluttered closed as she brought her hand up to Milly’s cheek. She suckled at Milly’s tongue, and ran her own over her teeth, her lips mashed together as quiet noises of suction accompanied their kisses.

  Milly slid one arm down Erica’s naked back, delighting in the feel of the soft skin under her palm. Her hand stroked over Erica’s tail, pulling just hard enough to make the Katje squirm in pleasure, her hips arching upwards involuntarily. After a few moments of torment she palmed one globe of Erica’s ass and gave it a healthy squeeze.

  Erica let out a moaning purr, her tail flicking back and forth as she worked one hand under herself to fondle Milly’s chest. At the same time, she parted her thighs and ground her moist sex against the Minotaur’s hip.

  Milly mooed when Erica drew her other thigh between her legs, pressing her soft tanned flesh tight to the cow’s pussy and grinding against it. Their kiss broke as Erica ran her soft tongue from Milly’s chin to her hairline, then even further, lavishing one horn with a long lick.

  “So beautiful, Milly, my sister.” She whispered before running her tongue into Milly’s ear.

  Milly hugged her tight as she leaned her head back and lowed into the air of the tent. Erica began to grind against her faster as she nuzzled into the creamy skin of her exposed neck.

  “Hold on a sec lover, I want to try something.”

  Erica sat up, while Milly gave a disappointed huff. Erica couldn’t help but giggle at the cow’s mournful expression.

  “Spread your legs for me.” She spoke firmly, but still quietly.

  Neither wanted to wake the others, this night was for them.

  Milly complied, her breath coming in shallow pants as Erica sat up and deftly positioned herself. One of Milly’s legs was cast over Erica’s shoulder while her own leg was bent at the knee and resting across Milly’s stomach.

  Their pussies were mashed tightly against one another.

  Both of Erica’s arms hugged the velvet hide of Milly’s thigh between her breasts, she gave her sister a long look below her. Milly’s eyes were wide, her expression innocent.

  Erica thrust her hips forwards, grinding her moist pussy into Milly’s. The Minotaur gasped, and then lowed again in pleasure.

  Erica smiled, her eyes locked on Milly’s face.

  She thrust again.

  Her hips gyrating in a slight circular motion, their labia parted as their juices flowed. Milly bucked against her, nearly throwing her off, but the agile Katje held on. She began to rock back and forth over the Minotaur, the tempo of her thrusting hips increasing as the sound of wet flesh slipping against wet flesh filled the heavy silence of the tent.

  Milly reached one hand up in invitation and Erica released her thigh with one arm to entwine their fingers together.

  The Minotaur whispered one word.


  Erica paused, and held Milly’s gaze while she ran her rough tongue up her calf to her ankle, licking at the velvet of her hide and ending with a sucking kiss to the side of her hoof.

  She obliged.

  Erica rutted against her, she began to purr in earnest as she leaned forwards to bring their clits together.

  Milly used her free hand to lift one heavy breast to her lips, licking over her own nipple in a lewd display meant to excite her partner.

  It worked.

  Erica’s hips gyrated even harder, and Milly’s free breast wobbled unsteadily from the Katje’s thrusting while Erica’s own breasts rubbed against the Minotaur’s thigh.

  Milly began to low over and over as she felt ecstasy wash over her, her grip on Erica’s hand tightened almost painfully as she thrashed and bucked beneath her.

  “Cum for me lover, cum for your sister.” Erica’s voice came out in a husky breath as the cat continued her thrusting.

  Milly came.

  Her breath caught and she froze, her only movement a slight jerking of her hips to stimulate her clit against Erica’s. The Katje kept thrusting, her own orgasm rapidly approaching as she watched Milly’s face flush with pleasure.

  Milly let out her breath in a long deep low, her desire not to wake the others lost in the face of the intense pleasure. She jerked and shuddered as Erica began to thrash on top of her.

  “Me, baby! I’m gunna- me too-” Erica’s words were lost as she began to yowl and thrash, her pussy convulsing around nothing as she ground it against Milly’s.

  Milly’s orgasm over now, she lay back and watched as Erica took her own pleasure, her eyes hooded and a warm smile on her face as she watched her beloved kitty orgasm against her. She cooed encouraging words and held her tight as Erica collapsed on top of her, gasping and yowling in sheer bliss.

Erica drew in a long shuddering breath once the worst, or best, of the stimulation was over.

  “Well, that was new.” The cat panted against Milly’s breasts, once more using them as pillows.

  Milly giggled and scratched at the happy cat’s ears.

  Nina groaned from her corner of the tent.


  The two lovers took a few moments to savour their bliss before Erica responded to Nina’s complaint.

  “Shhh Nina, some of us are trying to sleep.”

  Nameless and Ophelia, pretending to be asleep themselves, shared a smile.


  The following morning Milly and Erica approached Kar while she and the other Amazons were eating breakfast. They spoke with her for long enough to make Nameless curious and so he wandered over.

  “-If you are certain this is what you want, though I should warn you if we are to do this I will not hold back.” Kar was saying to the pair.

  “It is. It’s what we need.” Erica’s face was determined.

  “What’s going on?” Nameless asked.

  “It would seem your wives want to learn how to fight. And I would be honoured to teach them. We won’t be leaving for a little while, so we shall begin after breakfast.”

  Several other Amazons had been drawn to the conversation and promised to help, a couple offered to help spar with him but he quickly, and politely, refused their heated offers. Instead he spent that morning watching two of his loves get the crap beaten out of them by enthusiastic Amazons.

  Erica was the first to hit the dirt, her eyes wide as she tried to catch her breath.

  “You are fast, but you are all instinct youngling, admittedly this is how your people fight.” Kar said as she squatted down beside the poor cat’s head; “But if one has fought with Katje before, as I have, then it is all too easy to see what you will do next.”

  “How come none of you ever wear any underwear?” Erica managed to gasp out.

  Kar smiled and winked down at the Katje in the dirt.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? Now, what you need is to learn new instincts, and learn to be unpredictable. Your speed is an asset only as long as your opponent doesn’t know what you intend to do with it. Now take a moment to recover, and watch how your sister fares.”


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