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Legacy of the Valkyrie

Page 23

by Archibald Bradford

  Escrya nodded, wide eyed at the older woman’s candid words.

  “Stay open to the possibilities. And never be afraid to revel in a good thing. That is something I learned the hard way.”

  The young Amazon considered the unexpected advice for a few moments with a slight frown.

  “Thank you, Ophelia.”


  Jezebel arrived at the hut just after Miranda.

  “Enjoy your meal?” Miranda teased, spreading her legs slightly, the towel she was wearing parted as her thigh slipped out.

  “Not yet, but I will!” The drunken frog exclaimed.

  Miranda gave a surprisingly girlish giggle as Jez hopped into her arms, taking them both down in a heap.

  They kissed deeply, Miranda’s tongue working over the slick surface of Jez’s.

  “Mmmm, my little froggy, you taste like booze. I hope the Amazon’s mead hasn’t messed with your libido.”

  “O-of course not!” The Gripau had a bit of trouble bringing her mistress’s face into focus as she sat up.

  Miranda smiled and casually teased at Jez’s nipple through the fabric of her bathing suit.

  “Yeah? You’re ready to put your tongue to work for me baby?” Her voice was breathy as her excitement mounted.

  She pulled her towel off entirely and spread her legs, but placed her hand over her sex, blocking the Gripau’s hungry gaze.

  “I am! I want it so bad!” Jez all but whimpered.

  Miranda took pity on her, removing her hands and leaning back on her elbows.

  “Then make me scream.” Her wet pussy was exposed now, her labia slightly parted from the position of her legs.

  Jez froze for a long moment, her body perfectly still as she simply stared at Miranda’s proffered sex.

  Miranda smiled at the frog’s drunken expression.

  “Tsk, maybe I should take care of this myself?”

  But before her legs could fully close Jez’s face shot between them and Miranda gasped as her pet began to furiously tongue at her clit, her narrow and muscular tongue slathering all over her sensitive flesh.

  “Oh! Good froggy!” Miranda gasped and then leaned back to enjoy the ride.

  Jezebel was no stranger to eating pussy, though drunk and horny as she was her technique suffered somewhat.

  Miranda hardly noticed.

  “Shove it in me, baby!”

  Jez was happy to oblige, the cherry-sized bulb on her tongue slipping into Miranda’s tight tunnel with ease. Her lubricated muscle began to pump in and out of her mistress at a brisk pace before her jaws widened and her tongue rapidly turned into a blur of motion as Miranda’s moans filled the room. With Jez’s mouth held wide open around her pussy the older woman could feel the little monster’s hot breath all over her sensitive flesh.

  “Wife! I have- oh! I see my sister has already found you!” Kala had burst into the hut and quickly took in the erotic scene before her.

  Miranda’s eyes were glazed as she caught sight of the beautiful Amazon.

  “Fuck her Kala! Make her scream into my pussy when I cum!”

  Kala paused for a moment, surprised at the urgent demand, then smiled.

  “I shall my love, I shall reward my beloved sister-wife for servicing you so!”

  Jez made a questioning noise but didn’t stop slurping at Miranda’s pussy. Kala placed her knees on either side of the frog’s cute little butt, then slipped her hands underneath the stretchy fabric to caress Jez’s green tushy.

  The Gripau moaned as Miranda writhed beneath her, gasping in pleasure.

  “Shhh, I want to see our wife cum.” The Amazon said.

  She took one hand and placed it on the back of Jez’s head, adding a gentle pressure and encouraging the frog to push her face even deeper into Miranda’s nether regions. Meanwhile her other hand slipped between the frog’s cheeks and she worked one long finger into the tiny girl’s wet slit.

  Jez made an odd squeaking noise as her tongue paused for a moment, her legs parted slightly as Kala began to drive her finger in and out of her tight folds.

  “Don’t stop! Please never stop!” Miranda cried out, desperately clasping at Jez’s head and Kala’s hand while grinding her hips into the Gripau’s face and pinching her own nipple with her free hand.

  Jez resumed her tongue work, her own hips beginning to buck against Kala’s working hand, she now had two fingers inside her and the smaller girl’s tight tunnel was pleasantly full as Kala began to finger her in earnest.

  The sight of the Amazon’s arm working behind Jez was enough to help Miranda to her peak, and the slippery tongue rapidly plunging in and out of her while Jez’s nose pressed against her clit was more than enough to send her over the edge.

  Miranda let out a gasping sob and bucked against Jez’s face, her hand still clawing at Kala’s as the Amazon worked over the Gripau’s privates with vigor. The older woman bucked again and couldn’t hold back her scream of ecstasy as Jez’s tongue plunged as deep as she could take it over and over.

  At last Miranda slumped back, her pleasure mostly over, though the frog still plumbed her depths even as her own pussy muscles contracted spasmodically around the invading fingers.

  “Cum for me dear Jezebel.” Kala ordered as she slipped her hand off the back of the Gripau’s head and began to massage her narrow shoulders.

  Jez’s own screams of pleasure were muffled by Miranda’s privates as the Aegis operative squirmed under the continued assault on her now overly sensitive privates.

  Jez had barely finished crying out her release when Jan plowed into the hut.

  “Did I miss all the fun?” She spoke eagerly.

  Kala pulled her sopping fingers out of Jez’s tight pussy and licked the girl’s juices off.

  “Hardly, I still need to punish you.”

  Jan smiled wolfishly.

  Over by the fire the Amazons had heard Miranda and Jez achieve orgasm and shared knowing looks, the party quickly broke apart in twos and threes as lovers sought the privacy of their own huts to enjoy the rest of their night.

  Escrya remained by the fire though, considering Ophelia’s words for a long time.

  Chapter 16:

  Desert Nights

  Milly and Kala pulled the wagon through the woods together, even burdened as it was with water and supplies it proved no match for their strength, though more than once they had to enlist Nina’s help to pull it through a stubborn bush or outright lift it over a babbling creek as there were few trails and no roads this deep in the wilds.

  Even after everything he had seen her do, the casual displays of her enormous strength still made Nameless wonder.

  They traveled for several days from the Saenga village without seeing another living soul. The terrain changed dramatically in that time; the mighty cedars tapering off in the first few days, and they found themselves crossing great fields of waving wild grass.

  Nameless didn’t even realize how much he missed the open space until they left the last of the trees behind. Milly certainly appreciated the change as she didn’t need to eat much for the next several days, simply pulling up the long bladed fodder and munching happily while they walked.

  But the fields of wild grass soon became patchy and water became scarce as they found themselves winding around foothills with sparse vegetation and the temperature rose.

  Within a few days of leaving the trees behind the arid foothills dropped away as well and the group found themselves looking out into endless shifting dunes of sand, the sun-blasted landscape completely devoid of life. Erica whistled and even Kala looked intimidated.

  “I didn’t know that there was this much sand in the whole world.” Nameless breathed in awe.

  “The Sansee Wastes.” Nina declared; “Five hundred miles across and twice as many north to south.”

  “You’ve been here before?” Erica asked.

  The heat of the day had matted her hair to her head and caused her black-furred ears to droop.

  “I cro
ssed it years ago, with Marcus. My home was on the other side.”


  Nina glanced up at Ophelia’s questioning tone, and noticed that the Flutterby’s wings were drooping just like Erica’s ears. While the last few days had been hot, even at their hottest they weren’t this bad and it was still only morning.

  “My home is wherever the little guy is, and wherever my sisters are.” She spoke without sarcasm or irony.

  “Truly a warrior’s journey! We shall brave this wasteland together and prove our merit!” Kala spoke with determination, recovering from the awesome sight.

  “Didn’t you prove it yesterday?” Jan muttered.

  “And the day before that?” Erica added with an impatient huff, she glared out at the shifting sand with a frown.

  Kala smiled, unperturbed by their cranky words.

  “The way of the warrior is one of endless challenges to overcome, brave sisters.”

  “Some are better avoided.” Nina’s voice was serious; “Honestly Master, I’d hoped we would have found her before getting this far. Are you sure she is out there?”

  Nameless closed his eyes and shifted his focus to the beacon that was Volka’s mind.

  “I’m sure. East, she’s still to the east.”

  “I am fine with the heat, but Marcus nearly died crossing this place.” Nina spoke with concern.

  “Is she at least closer now? We’ve already come so far.” Jezebel ventured.

  The poor frog girl was suffering the most, her skin already dry and flaking.

  Nameless’s eyes were still closed.

  “Yes, I can’t say how far, it’s hard to explain but her light is much brighter then it was even just a few days ago.”

  “Can she speak to you yet? Maybe we can get her to meet us halfway.” Miranda remarked sarcastically through chapped lips.

  Nameless shook his head with a pained expression.

  “Right, we’ll rest here until nightfall, our best bet is to travel at night and sleep during the day. Also, no more sex.” Nina crossed her arms and gave them each a stern look.

  Miranda nodded, though the others looked surprised at her words.

  “Sex wastes energy, not to mention fluids. And no drinking from Milly either, I don’t know much about Minotaurs, but taking any kind of fluid from someone in the desert just isn’t a good idea.”

  Erica pouted at Nina’s words but nodded, unwilling to risk harming her sister just to get at her favorite meal.

  “We’ll follow your lead Nina.” Milly promised.

  “The Amazons geared us up well enough. I honestly thought that all these jugs of water were a bit much, but given how thirsty I am already…” Jan trailed off.

  “Yeah, speaking of which, everyone take one of these.” Miranda doled out small capsules from a metal container in her bag.

  “What are they?” Nameless asked.

  “Salt tablets. I just hope I brought enough.”

  Nina looked at her curiously.

  Miranda shrugged.

  “I wasn’t crazy enough to cross the whole damn thing, but I have been to Karmest before.”

  Nameless knowledge of geography was just as lacking as his knowledge on everything else, but Miranda’s daily tutoring had been going on for over a month by this point so he had made some progress and knew that Karmest was a city far to the south, on the edge of the wastes.

  “We should make some shade and rest up. Tonight, when the temperature drops we’ll head out.” Nina said while staring at the shifting sand.

  Given that she was the only one any of them knew who had crossed the wastes before, they deferred to Nina’s judgments and set up the canvass of their tents to give themselves some respite from the scorching sun.

  It was a miserable day.

  Even just the day before they remembered there at least being the occasional cool breeze in the foothills, but here on the edge of the wastes the air was hot and heavy, unmoving. They all tried to catch some sleep in the meager shade, but the heat was ever present.

  Nameless couldn’t imagine moving out from under the canvas for any reason. Everything they did, even talking, seemed to sap them of energy, so words were infrequent.

  At last night fell and the temperature dropped considerably. They were all tired, even Milly and Kala looked ready to lie down but they gathered their gear to set out.

  Nameless watched with some interest as Nina stood on her hammer and lifted the wagon up while Miranda and Kala removed the wheels, they had tried pulling it into the desert but the narrow wheels had immediately sunk into the loose sand.

  Miranda broke the silence as they took their first few steps into the dunes.

  “We have two dozen pitchers of water left, once we crack open the tenth, we turn back. I want a bit extra just in case.”

  Nina merely grunted in agreement, no one else responded.

  Soon enough the temperature could be called downright chilly and everyone found themselves putting on extra layers from their bags.

  “How could it get this cold?” Erica demanded as she pulled on another shirt.

  “No moisture in the air to hold the heat. Just be glad it isn’t winter, or it would be below freezing.” Miranda said quietly.

  They made little progress their first night, the group was simply too tired from the heat of the day and from trying to travel when they normally slept. Despite his exhaustion the sense of Volka’s nearness spurred Nameless on well past his own breaking point but he was near to collapse when they finally stopped again.

  The temperature began to rise just before dawn and they set up their tents again. The second day was worse than the first for heat, but they were all so exhausted it didn’t matter. Only Nina remained unaffected by the high temperature and their grueling journey.

  She kept glancing at the others while they rested, hiding the concern on her face. Her memory turned to Marcus and how she had to drag him through the sand towards the end of their crossing.

  She knew she couldn’t drag them all.

  The second night was a bit better, they were more rested and with the lower temperature there was some muted conversation as they traveled. At one point Ophelia looked over at Miranda as they crested yet another dune.

  “What were you doing in Karmest?”

  “Aegis business.” She grunted, her attention more focused on staying upright on the shifting sand.

  “We were there to bust a smuggling ring, Harpy eggs.” Jan said with aplomb.

  Miranda spared a moment to give her mate an exasperated look.

  “Oh come on! It was ten years ago!” Jan said defensively.

  The operative’s frown deepened.

  “What’s the point of having kickass adventures if you can’t brag about them later?” Jan pouted.

  The ensuing spat was enough to still conversation for the next several hours.

  By the third night they had adapted somewhat to travel in the desert, though they still tired easily and had to be careful not to overexert themselves.

  As they walked Nameless wondered at the starry sky. The air was so clear in the desert that the stars were incredibly vibrant at night. As he marveled at the beauty above, one of the beauties below hugged him around the waist.

  He looked into Erica’s face.

  “I miss touching you.” She whispered as she gave his cheek a rasping lick.

  The lack of sex over the last few days and nights was upsetting to the ardent cat.

  “I know, but we have our whole lives for that.”

  Erica took a deep breath, her nose now pressed against his neck.

  “Maybe, but I miss your scent on me all the same.”

  He smiled as she nuzzled against him some more.

  “Soon enough kitty, we’ll save Volka and then we can go home again.”

  “After we go to Garland.” She pulled back from him with one eyebrow raised.

  He sighed.

  “I suppose I can’t really refuse an invitation from the Aegis can

  She pursed her lips in thought for a moment, and then smiled.

  “Well if we are guests of the Aegis they’ll have a nice big bed like we shared with Milly that first day.”

  He blushed a bit, that first day had ended with a vigorous handjob from Erica and some cum swapping between both girls.

  “We are going to need a bigger bed in the cottage, especially if Volka is as tall as Milly.” She continued.

  “I haven’t really thought about it to be honest.”

  “Hmmm, there’s a lot of things you haven’t done yet.” She purred.

  “Oh, like what?”

  “You still need to give me a good spanking.”

  His eyes nearly bugged out of his head as his jaw dropped.

  “Oh don’t look at me like that!” She couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face in the moonlight.

  His shock passed soon enough and he gave a rueful laugh of his own.

  “Is that something you really want?”

  She nodded then gave him a lustful look before pressing her cheek to his and whispering in his ear.

  “When I’m a good kitty, I like to be scratched behind the ears. But when I’m a bad kitty, I need to be spanked.”

  He cupped the back of her head and massaged at her scalp, drawing another purr from her.

  “Erica my love, you’ve always been a good kitty to me.”

  She leaned back and nodded with mock seriousness.

  “I guess I’ll have to work on that.”

  They were silent after that as Kala called out to them, they had fallen behind the others.

  Traveling in the desert, though exhausting, was also monotonous.

  Until it wasn’t.

  If it weren’t for Nina, several mornings later their journey would have ended.

  A massive wall of golden sand engulfed the horizon and raced towards them with terrifying speed, the wind coming up from seemingly nowhere.

  Nameless clung to Milly and Ophelia in shock at the impossibility of the wall of death descending on them.

  Nina merely reacted; she unloaded the containers of water from the wagon carefully before tipping the whole thing on its side, scattering the non-essentials as the brutal sandstorm bore down on them.


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